Love the machine

Chapter I: Hidden Machine Emotions

(Day I)

R: "Oh, hello Noah!" Rex greeted the sleepyv eyed blonde at his bedroom door.

"Oh, good morning Rex." Noah replied, groggily dragging his feet across his kitchen floor.

Secretly chastising himself, Rex toned down his voice a bit. But, he thought to himself, how could he not be happy around the boy he secretly loved. Ever since they had met, for Rex, all he could think about was Noah and Evo's.

N: "Why are you so happy today?" Noah asked, suddenly playful.

"It's not everyday Providence gives me a week off!" Rex shouted, mentioning the secret organization he kinda worked for.

Sighing, Noah turned back to his breakfast. His mind however, was on overdrive. A week with Rex all to himself, no Evo's, no talking monkey, and especially no creepie Agent Six following them. It's a dream come true!, Noah shouted mentally, physically trying to make drinking coffee attractive.

ITSA: The only problem here, neither one of them is sure the other one's into them like that! And they only have 7 days!

R: "So, what's todays plan?" Rex asked, leaning close into his friend, nearly tipping over his friend's coffee.

"Well, it's either the muesum or the beach. Which do you prefer?" Noah said.

"Duh. I wanna go to the beach!" Rex answered, already wearing his swim trunks.

ITSA: Today's going to be a good day, isn' , rant-Dragon Knight?

TDK:(Running Away) WHERE'S MY FLUFF?!!!!!!!