Sorry for the long update people! I had alot of things going on and my computer broke down so I lost everything for chapter 16 and had to redo it but, since you had to wait I made this chapter nice and long with lots of seduction in it!

Warning:Story includes seduction on a high level, this may cause nose bleeds,sqealing uncontrollably,giggling and mind-boogo-ling thoughts that should not be mention in this label. I suggest you keep tissues around you and a stuffie to squeeze when reading, if you do not want to read Blood try to seduce Alice then, please wait till next chapter.


An hour has passed and Alice hasn't woken up from her sudden shock of biting the wrong person.

Bickering and arguing, of whom Alice was going to stay with and Blood won by an "un-fair" advantage, by Elliot, who blurted out "Blood can't be seen with some bite marks, people may start asking questions and start rumors!" But, of course Ace and Peter couldn't bear the thought of Alice, being in a helpless state when, there's a womanizer in that hell house, the mafia call a 'home'.

"So, that only means, that Blood would get more then, a bad reputation."Gowland smirked, loving the idea of crushing Blood with something like, that.

"Shut up, Mary."

"Die, Dupre!"

"Ladies first, Mary!"

"Hey, come on guys cut it out, Alice would be mad if she saw you two fighting like, this."Peirce cut in, a bit afraid of what was going to happen next.

Peter sighed and said, "Well, if Alice is going to stay there then, at least….Take the idiot Knight with you." Peter said, his voice was stern and cold but, everyone could tell that there was pain hidden beneath, his deathly look and cold voice.

Peter didn't want Alice to be with the mafia but, he knew that they wouldn't leave her alone unless, she did something and he knew that Alice wouldn't let anyone help her so…Why not get this crap over with so, he could be with Alice?

"What?"In disbelief, Elliot was confused Peter's notion on voting for Ace to go with Alice, it was obvious that the white haired, stalker rabbit loved Alice very much but, why pick some air-headed, naïve Knave of hearts.

"I'm sure, Alice would want to deal with Ace when she wakes up and besides, she needs her "dog" to be next to her at all times. It's says it in this book I borrowed…"Peter says, flashing out a crimson red book with the word "Vampires" on it, in black.

"Can, I borrow that after you?"Ace asked, putting a finger on his chin.

"No, go on and get your own copy."Peter said, coldly.

"I don't think-""Accepted. The Knight will not be harmed, unless he does something stupid that, he'll regret." Blood cut Elliot off, as he applied a bandage to cover up the bite marks.

Ace just smiled, till Julius smacked him upside the head and said, "Get Alice, to the changing room, she should wake up by then."He pointed at the knocked out vampire, who was being fanned by Boris and Peirce, and checking her pulse was the twins with curious looks on their faces.

"Why me, I mean, why not Peter?"Ace whined, holding his head in pain.

"Yeah, why not me?"Peter pointed to himself.

"Because, Ace is her dog."Julius said, boldly and coldly.

Alice's POV


I groaned, from the pain that had struck my head and covered my eyes from the light that entered my pupils.

"Welcome back, angel!"Ace chimed, smiling down at me.

"Why are you carrying me?"I asked, I was pretty annoyed and I didn't have the energy to kick Ace's ass at the moment.

"Because, you fainted and you need to get changed into regular clothes…Although…"Ace looked down at my swimsuit.

"I'd prefer it, if you just wore that every day! Or nothing, in that matter."The Knight smirked, and I slapped him…Hard.

"Yet, your feistiness will always drive me crazy."Ace put me down, and rubbed his bright red cheek.

"Ace…."My voice was soft and sad, I don't know why it was but, it felt like that my voice was cracking.

"Hm?"My dog, just smiled at me he was an idiot but, still it was…Interesting to have someone like, him around me.

"On your knees…My Ace….."

Ace's eyes widened and his knees began to buckle, he was resisting my command but, within seconds he fell to his knees with a thump.

"Al-Alice…"He was shocked on what had just happened, being told what to do like, a dog was shocking to him?

I smirked, "I guess, we'll have to change that…"I thought to myself with a small chuckle.

"Ace, you are not telling me something important. It's not good to keep secrets from your master."I bent down and caressed his cheek, rubbing his brightly red mark then; I leaned down towards his neck and licked it, sending tremendous shivers down Ace's spine.

He gently grabbed hold of my wrist and nuzzled his lips into my hand, with a small smile.

"You're going to the Hatter Mansion."Ace looked at me, with an innocent smile.

Damn, I cursed, I really did hate it when, Ace shot me an innocent look like, there isn't anything wrong in the world.

Ace was expecting an answer like, "Oh Ace, please come with me, I'm lost without you and…I don't trust that perverted mafia." Or "Please don't leave me alone with that creep, just take me with you to the castle. On the matter of fact, why don't you just take me now…?" Something bold and maybe intimate for an answer that he was expecting but, instead he got this…

"You're kidding me right? I mean, I only bite the guy and now he wants me to live with him, God that man's horny."I said blankly in disgust, I mean really, is the man that worried about his complexion for "the ladies" that he wants me to fix his neck? Or does he just want to get with me and get his fantasies over with?

"Eh, no but, you're going to the Mansion for a night and maybe half the day, the mafia just wants you to fix his neck and you're going for your shopping spree too."Ace scratched the back of his head.

"Well that just-Wait…"Ace looked at me with confused eyes.

"Did you just say, shopping spree?"Ace nodded with a smile.

"I'm up for it so, let's go-ACE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"I gasped, as he pulled me close to him; he was putting his head up to my chest trying to hear my heart beat, which was going over 90 beats per second and when he pulled me in closer I swear, my heart was now skipping beats.

"Your heart beat is beating very fast Alice…"Ace sighed then continued, "I love your heart beat…It's so nice and calming."

"A-Ace, you're…You're to close…"I protested, no freedom at the moment and being harassed in my own personal space.

My heart slowed down a bit, I sighed and started to pet his head like, a dog. And at times I'd fiddle some strands between fingers.

"So soft…."I thought, as I sighed.

Ace, let go of my now warm body and looked up at me and said, "So, if you need help changing out of your bikini, I'm willing to help!"He smiled at me and I blushed.


"Point…Taken…" I left Ace on the ground, in a state that was just too funny to describe, besides having his butt in the air and in a pose of what looked like to me, he was praising someone but, any other details I might add I think, I might loose it…

"Hey, Boris what's that in your hand?"Dee asked, as Dum pointed at something white in Boris's hand.

"Do you really want to know?"Boris smirked evilly, as the twins looked at each other and shrugged.

"We don't see why, not?"Dum said confused on what he was hiding.

Boris smirked and unfolded the white item in his hand when, he did the twins eyes widened and asked,"Is that Nee-Chan's?"Boris nodded with a devious little smirk on his face.

"It's the mini shorts that Alice, wears under her skirt!"Boris snickered, "It's just a little prank for only getting a single photo instead, of a dozen…Maybe more…"Boris waved the shorts in the twin's faces.

"Isn't that…Revenge?"Dee asked, looking at his twin.

"I think it's stealing…But, that is so cool!"Dum said, with enthusiasm.

"Hey, keep it down, I don't want anyone to know so, keep this with you."Boris handed the shorts to Dee, and ran away while, waving good-bye.

"Well…"Dum looked, at Dee and Dee, looked at Dum.

"This is the best, souvenir ever!" The two said, in unison as they both glanced down at the white, mini shorts.

"Well, I'm off!"Ace waved, as he past the twins with a smile.

"Where do you think you're going?"Dee asked, stepping in front of Ace so he wouldn't go any further.

"Yeah, you're coming with us and Nee-chan!"Dum accused, pointing at Ace.

"No, I'm not."Ace said, innocently.

"And why's that?"Elliot asked, from behind Ace.

"Alice, told me not too."Ace sighed, depressed that he, isn't able to come with Alice and maybe, perhaps "accidentally" getting lost in the halls and would have to bunk with Alice.

"What, why?"The twins asked.

"She said something about, talking to Blood and it was private."Ace put a finger on his chin, Elliot sighed and the twins shrugged.

"So, am I free to go?"Ace asked, with an innocent smile.

"Why, not."Ace saluted at the twins, and began walking towards the wrong direction…As usual.

"Well, Alice should be coming out of the change room, any minute now…"Elliot checked, his watched and leaned against the wall.

"She's been in there for like, 15 minutes!"Complained Dee, now getting restless waiting for the fair-haired brunette, who was taking a long time to get dressed…Or not…

"Maybe, she's looking for something brother..."Dum whispered, into Dee's ear.

"Hey, you brats what are you whispering about?"Elliot exclaimed, curious and worried if they were planning to do something perverted to Alice.

"Nothing important, that you need to know!"The twins said, in unison.

"I'm glad that, Alice went along with the plan."Blood sighed, in relief rubbing his neck in memory of seeing Alice's long and very sharp fangs.

"Of course, Boss is happy that Nee-Chan is staying with us!"Dee blurted out, grinning.

"Yep, that's because, Boss got lucky and won the game and gets to go on a "date" with Nee-Chan…"Dum said, as the two twins snickered.

Blood gave the twins, a deadly, death stare that made them shiver under the malice glare.

Elliot blushed and yelled, "It is not a "date"!"

"Oh, yeah then, what is it?"The twins retorted, with grins.

"It's um…it's a…um…He's just buying her clothes, okay!"Elliot said, blushing from the thought of Alice buying…Lingerie in front of Blood. The thought almost gave, Elliot a bloody nose but, luckily he shook off the idea.

"Uh-huh, right…"


Elliot folded his arms and pouted while leaning against the wall, when he did the door to the woman's change room opened and Alice, who was hiding a blush with her bangs, stepped out of the room and mumbled quietly, a very small apology, for taking so long in the change room.

"Hey Alice, are you alright?"Elliot asked, with a worried look.

"Oh, I'm fine!"Alice quickly, quickly looked up at the long-eared man with a small smile.

"Okay then, let us go."Blood wrapped an arm around Alice's waist and the two began walking towards the mansion with Elliot of her left, and the twins in front of them.

30 minutes later…

The sun was setting; creating a mixture of purple, pink, orange, blue and yellow that painted the sky. It had been silent for 10 minutes until, the twins started a conversation that made Elliot angry and chased the two guards around the dirt path.

Since, then Alice and Blood were the ones who, were silent as for Elliot and the twins were the ones bickering about, the shopping spree tomorrow.

A small breeze fluttered Alice's white dress and shivered a bit from, being cold.

"Alice, are you cold?"Blood asked, with a small smirk.

"I'm fine but, thanks for the concern."Alice said, sweetly totally annoyed that she would have to spend another night with this guy, again.

"Are, you sure you're not cold, Alice?"Elliot spotted goose-bumps on Alice's arm then; she started to rub her arm to warm it up and that made the goose-bumps go away.

"I'm fine, really, don't worry about me."Alice assured, putting up her hands in defense.

Wind played with Alice's dress and made it flutter violently, this made the goose-bumps appear only more noticeable.

"Are you sure, you're not cold Alice."Elliot asked, as Blood pulled Alice close to his body.

"Can we please, change the subject?"Alice said, coldly slipping away from Bloods grasp.

The Mafioso and his assistant sighed and wondered "why are women so, damn complicated?"

"Well, at least it isn't that cold, today."Dee said, smiling at Alice and his brother copying the smile.

"Yeah well-"Alice gasped, as huge gust of wind flipped her dress upward.

"KYAAAAA~!"Alice wailed, as her pink, silk, flower laced, teddy-bear underwear flashed the boys.

"My teddies…." Alice murmured, with a bright pink blush painted across her cheeks, as she flops to the ground with her hands between her legs.

The boys stared down at Alice in total shock, their minds having small fantasies as; their eyes shot very awkward stares at the young woman.

"Please, stop staring, you're making me feel uncomfortable…"Alice said, innocently with a teary eyed look.

This snapped the boys back to reality and Blood ran over to Alice, Elliot started to gush out blood from his nose like, a fountain and the twins were complaining that they shouldn't have handed Boris their camera.

"Alice, are you alright?"Blood asked, kneeling down towards the Alice with a pink blush that he was trying to hold as much color back from filling his face.

"I'm…Cold…"Alice murmured, as she looked away from Blood who was about to have a nose bleed.

"So, So cute…"The mafia leader thought as he gulped, thinking what to do next.

It was awkward position Alice was in and it made her want to hit the first person who touched her.

Alice felt a hand touch her shoulder and she jumped, it was Blood who had put his jacket on her and carried her like, a princess.

"B-Blood…"Her blush became red, forgetting the feeling of tearing someone's head off.

"You said, you were cold and I'm betting you wouldn't want that incident to repeat itself, right?"Blood grinned; his blush was nowhere to be found on his face.

"..Right…"Alice snuggled, up to Blood for warmth as he smirks.

It was silent for some time and the twins and, Elliot replayed Alice's teddies over and over again in their heads as Blood carried Alice all the way to the mansion with the same smirk on his face.

Alice was deep in thought with her eyes closed, thinking she was asleep Blood lifted her upper body closer to his shoulder.

"Hey, Blood…"He froze.

"Was she really asleep or just faking it?"Blood wondered, since he was caught in the act.

"Yes, Alice?"He whispered, hugging her close to his body.

Alice was quiet for a moment then; she smirked and looked towards the mansion's gates.


"You're welcome, princess."He sighed, in Blood's mind he thought he had Alice in the palm of his hands but, it was the other way around.

She was ready for payback, of the little incident that occurred in the bath tub some time ago.

"Blood?"Alice shifted her gaze with her eyes half opened like, she was tired and she put on a sexy pout.

"Yes, princess?"

"Did, you see them?"Her seductive voice echoed in his ears and made it irresistible to withstand such power of seduction.

"S-s-see what, princess?"He couldn't control his voice from stammering, this made Alice smirk and it disappeared back into a pout.

"My teddies…"Alice leaned back, so that her body was limp in his arms making him think he had the upper hand.

"N-not unless you wanted me to but…"Blood moved his hand up her back and pulled her upper body close to him so, that they were eye to eye.

"The next time I see your panties, I'll make sure, I'll be the one taking them off…" Alice smirked and wrapped her arms around his neck, moving closer to his face and in the process press, her breast into his chest making him blush slightly.

"Hm, really, you would do that?"She teased, pressing her breast even further into his chest.

"My dear, Alice are you trying to seduce me?"Blood taunted, raising a brow.

"Why, do you want me too?"Alice chuckled, making Blood smirk.

"YES, HE DOES NEE-CHAN!"The twins yelled, in unison running ahead of the two and started walking backwards un-aware of breaking the 'mood'.

"Sh-shut up, you brats, she was just joking!"Elliot yelled, as he chased the pair towards the gate.

Alice sighed and said,"My, this was an eventful day…"Alice rested her head between Blood's neck, he rested his cheek on her head and engulfed her vanilla scent in a sigh.

"Yes, it has…So, what are you going to do with these bite marks."

"What about them?"

"You've sucked my blood and made your imprint into my neck, how am I going to explain this to everyone when they see this?"

"Just say, you got attack."

"By a vampire? They'll think I'm crazy."

"Who wouldn't?"Alice retorted, with a chuckle.

Blood pouted then, it went away.

"Well, that wasn't very nice especially, since you've insulted the very person who was nice enough to invite yo-""You didn't invite me and I can walk, so you can put me down now."Alice coldly stated, pushing Blood away from her head.

"Really, then I guess-""You can put me down gently, yes that would be very nice thank-you."Blood smirked, and continued,"I guess, we are going to have to finish our conversation later, for now you should get something to eat."

"I am not, hungry and don't change the subject and can you please, put me down gently?"Alice folded her arms over her chest.

*Gurgle* *Rumble* *Growl*

Alice blushed and looked away, she sighed and mumbled, "You win…"

"Don't I always?"Blood smirked, in victory.

The five of them had entered the mansion and ate dinner; Alice was requested to go to Blood's office at 9:00 so she took the liberty of changing into her night gown and take a nap till 9.

The thing was, she was supposed to set an alarm to wake her up at 9 but, she forgot too…

9:05 at Blood's office…

"Damn, where is she?"Blood thought, as he tapped his fingers on his desk.

"She's five minutes late, where could she be?"Blood was getting restless, he felt like he should go hunt the foreigner down like a mad man.

He took out a small pocket watch, out of his vest pocket and looked at the time.

"9:06…"Blood sighed and looked over at Elliot, who had fallen asleep on the couch with a book covering his face.


No answer.


Still no answer, from the sleeping Hare.


"WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN AND WHY!" Elliot shot up from the couch and stumbled on one of the coffee tables legs and fell to the floor.

"I think it's time for bed…"Blood sighed, as he walked around his desk and helped his friend up.

"Go on to bed, I'll see you in the morning, Elliot."Blood patted his back.

"But, Blood…"

"Go on, you need your rest from major lost of blood from you nose bleeds."Blood walked, Elliot to the door making sure he wouldn't fall again.

"R-right…Night Blood…"Elliot pat Blood's shoulder and walked into the dark hall, he turned to his right and he was gone.

Blood sighed then, the lights went out.

The mafia turned around and walked towards his desk, looking around if there was someone in the room, heading towards his cane un-aware that he was being watched...



Blood turned around quickly and there, leaning against the wall next to the door with her hand on it, was Alice with a small smile.

"I'm sorry, I "accidentally" took a nap and it went on longer then, it was supposed too…"She was using her seductive tone, she was wearing a white night gown that went up to her knees and her hair a bit messy so it was messy but, Blood liked it…He liked, it a lot!

She was teasing him and he liked it, his only choice was to sit back and get ready for what she had in store for him.

"So, now that we're alone…Shall we continue our conversation?"Blood watched her carefully, as she made her way towards his desk.

"Yes, we shall…"He walked towards the vampire, as she sits on the edge of his desk and crosses her legs making a gesture with her index finger to come closer.

"I didn't know you wanted to see privately…If I did I would have made sure, we would have to meet up in my room…"Blood smirked, he had trapped Alice in-between his arms so that she was in front of him.

She smirked and said, "Let's not get your hopes up, little boy; we've just begun our little game of cat and mouse."She seductively used that tone wisely; pulling Blood into the mouse trap and was getting ready to snap the trap shut.

"Really, then who's the mouse and who's the cat?"Alice pulled down his shirt collar and gently traced the mark on his neck.

"I guess we'll have to find out, wont we…"

Oh, how Blood enjoyed this side of Alice. Miss seductive, sexy and playful Alice, how he wanted to take her down right now but, he couldn't. One wrong move and she could beat the crap out of him. He had to take her down slowly or let her take him down.

"My, I bit too hard onto your neck didn't, I?"Alice's eyes glowed bright red as she leaned into his neck, lifting his chin with her index finger to get more access.

She kissed the mark and it disappeared, leaving a pink lipstick stain on his hot skin.

The kissed burned his neck and he shuddered under her light, angelic touch.

Alice began to get curious as her index finger slid down his chest, unbuttoning his vest and shirt that revealed his bare, muscular chest.

"Getting curious, Alice?"Blood teased, as he leaned into her neck and started nipping and kissing her cool skin.

"Blood, I think you're going a little over your head…"She whispered, Blood slipped his finger under her gowns strap and slowly pulled it down as he did, he kissed and sucked on her shoulder.

His kisses went back up to her neck and down her throat, going down her un-even chest till her gown got in his way.

"I don't think you need this, Miss Alice…Not what we're going to do…"He pulled it down half-way with his teeth, revealing black, flower laced designed bra.

Blood went back up to her neck and licked it slowly, leaving a trail of very hot saliva on Alice's neck.

She moaned and started to fall back, laying onto Blood desk letting him take control for this moment, before she blew his fantasy away.

Pinning Alice's hands to his desk, he leaned to kiss till…

"I'm officially making you my dog, Blood…"

It was like, getting punched in the face by, a sledge hammer.

"Your dog, please I am no one's dog."Blood leaned into her face, the tips of their noses touching each other.

"Well, not until now…"She smirked.

"I do not take orders from a woman of such class."He stated.

"I know, I'm in a higher class then, you are Blood."She retorted.

"Hmph, really, then what class are you in, Miss Alice?"

"Voted by you, number ones sexiest seducer in the universe…"She toyed, raising a brow at his slight blush.

"I thought that was me?"

"From, all I can remember you said, I "seduced" all the men in Wonderland, meaning;either you just wanted me all to yourself or just wanted to get laid."

Blood was silent with a scowl plastered across his face then, it dissapeared.

"Really, so it's true then?"

"No...Not yet, at least..."

Not liking that idea,Blood sighed and said, "You win this time Alice but, let me make this clear…Since, I'm your dog that must mean you belong to me, right?" He smirked, as Alice narrowed her eyes.

"I believe, it's the other way around."Blood leaned into her face again.

"That's even, better!" He kissed her,slipping his tongue into her mouth and explored once again…

"Hey, Bloo-ALICE, WHAT ARE YOU WEARING!"Elliot fell back onto his butt, shocked and flustered that Blood would be making a move on Alice, in something so revealing, not to mention her bra was showing so that made it even worse.

Elliot's nose began to bleed and Alice slipped out of Bloods grasp and went under his legs.

"Night boys, sweet dreams…"Alice winked at the men and vanished into thin air, once they blinked.

"B-B-B-Bloo-""Save it, Elliot it's time for bed and clean up your nose before, you bleed to death."Blood walked out of his office and headed towards his room leaving a very confused and bloody Hare behind.

"Sweet dreams, Miss Alice…"

Blood traced his lips and neck, her touch was still burning into his skin and he wanted more but, sadly he would have to wait till next time…Or later on….

5:00a.m in Blood's room in Blood's POV…


I snuggled up to the warmth and it snuggled up to me.

Tracing the outline of the warmth, it was more feminine then square, this was supposed to a body pillow then an outline of a person…Wasn't it?

I opened my eyes and I'm face to, face with a familiar black, laced bra.


"Alice?"I raised a brow.

"Just go to sleep, it's cold in my room and I wanted heat not, ice."I pulled her leg down and met up with Alice's tired look, her eye's half opened and her mouth slightly parted.

"And you picked my room?"I smirked, thinking I could get away with almost anything…

"Hm, not happy to see your master like, Ace always is? Would it be better, if I slept with Elliot then?"She teased as she slowly got out of the bed, I pulled her back into the bed and held onto her wrist, making an 'X' over her chest with her arms.

"No, I just thought that, you might want to be near Elliot since, he had all the nose bleeds."I joked, knowing that vampires craved the scent of blood I never thought Alice would pick me to be by, her side.

Alice raised a brow and said, "Now, now, let's not tease your friends my little dog."She was really teasing him now, snuggling up to Blood as if they were married.

"Just, get some sleep."Alice yawned and I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"I don't really plan too…"I moved my hands up and…

"Go any further and I'll make you sleep on the floor."

I liked it when she was strict, thinking that I could have a shot at Alice but, then again I could try again tomorrow, while she tries on clothes

I sighed and reached over to my bed-side drawer, taking out a pen and small notebook then, wrote: Friday, 12th: Black, laced bra with a hook in the front.

I smirked as I put it away in the drawer and go back to hugging Alice.

"Night, Alice…"

I was seriously either, the luckiest man on earth or someone's new bitch to boss around.

Either way, I knew that I would never get bored, with her around...

Lol, looks like Alice is in trouble now!Well, to bad for Blood he didn't go all the way but, he did get to see her