Thanks for sticking with me in the long run. Read. Review. Message. Stay Tuned.

Chapter 4: The End.

Someday I'll appreciate in value, get off my ass and call you...
but in the meantime I'll sport my
brand new fashion of waking up with pants off at four in the afternoon.

You need him. I could be him...
I Could be an accident but I'm still trying.
And That's more than I can say for him.

"Oh God, he's waiting in the parking lot." Kurt said, turning away. Standing with a recorder and note pad at the ready was Jacob, waiting for their arrival.

Puck stopped him, holding him, "Hey if you don't want to talk about it with anyone, you don't have to."

"No, I don't want rumors to start about this. I just want everyone to know the truth. It was what it was, but it's over now." Kurt looked at Jacob, "But I can't do it. Noah, you have to."

Puck looked at Kurt, "How? What am I supposed to say?"

"You know what happened. Confirm what's true, tell them what's not. And if you don't know, say you can neither confirm nor deny." Kurt looked at him pleadingly, "Please? For me?"

"Yea, anything for you." Puck sighed. Kurt thanked him with a kiss on the cheek. He put sunglasses over his eyes and took Puck's arm. They turned to walk passed Jacob, but they were stopped immediately.

"Kurt, question." Jacob said.

Puck looked at him, "Mr. Hummel can't speak to… you right now, but as his…rep, I can try to answer some of the questions you may have."

Jacob sighed, "I guess a source is better than no source. Is it true that Travis was arrested for charges of rape and battery?"

"This is true." Puck nodded, still shielding Kurt from Jacob.

Jacob thrust the recorder closer, "Is it true that Kurt was the one who pressed these charges against Travis?"

Puck looked back at Kurt. His sunglasses covered his eyes and only his mouth twitched, leaving no room to interpret. "Yes. Kurt did press the charges."

"Could you give us an idea of his sentencing?" Jacob asked, scrawling something on his notepad.

Puck sighed, "He got fourteen years without bail or parole. Are we almost done?"

"Last question." Jacob pushed his glasses further up his nose, "Are you and Kurt an item?"

Puck looked at Kurt again. Again, there was no change in his expression. Puck sighed, "I can neither confirm nor deny. No more questions."

"Wait, just one more." Jacob started to ask.

Puck scowled, "I said no more questions. Now go inform your little following. Go on, go!"

Jacob slid the notepad into his backpack and pulled his phone from his pocket. He typed rapidly as Puck turned to Kurt, "Come on, let's go."

They walked in relative peace to the front of the school. They opened the door of the hallway. All of a sudden, ringtones and vibrating rang out in the hall. Kurt took a deep breath as everyone checked their phones. There were selective gasps and shocked whispers. Kurt pulled Puck's arm to go forward. They passed through the hall silently as the rest of the student body read their phones then looked sympathetically at Kurt. When the first period bell finally rang, it pierced through the silent sorrow in the halls. They were in first period when the outpouring came.

First, it was Santana, with Brittney trailing behind. She waved her phone as she spoke, "Um…we heard about what happened and we're both really sorry. If you ever need help or something…I don't know, I don't normally do this…"

"It's okay Santana, I think I got it." Kurt smiled forgivingly at them, "Thanks for trying."

The rest of the day was filled with people saying they were 'sorry to hear what was going on' and 'if you ever need anything' they would be there for Kurt. Puck knew that most of these people were only saying this because they didn't know what else to say. But Kurt accepted all graciously, listening to what everyone wanted to say to him. This made the day seem extremely long, even down to glee practice. Puck felt like the second hand on the clock was moving backwards just to bother him. Finally, Mr. Schuester let them out because he thought they needed a break.

As they walked to Puck's car, Kurt sighed, "You know what I've been thinking about all day?"

"What?" Puck asked.

"I was just wondering," Kurt looked at his feet, "This morning, when Jacob asked about us…you said you couldn't confirm or deny. Why?"

Puck nodded, "Well what would you have said?"

Kurt thought about it, "Good point."

"Yea," Puck said, "I just want what you want. If you're not ready, I totally understand. If you want me to wait, I'll wait for you. If you don't want me to wait…I don't know. If you want me to just leave you alone, I guess I will. Whatever you need to be happy, that's what I'll do for you."

Kurt looked at his fingers. He traced a small cut over one of his fingers. "I don't know what I want Noah."

"And that's okay with me." Puck nodded.

Kurt traced the creases in his fingers. "Is it horrible that…I sort of miss him?"

Puck grimaced. Maybe it wasn't his position, but he couldn't understand why Kurt would miss such a terrible excuse for a human being. The thought of him made Puck sick. But he nodded, "I guess it's natural for you to…"

"God I hate him so much!" Kurt cried out, "But…he was my first everything. My first boyfriend, my first kiss, my first…and my stupid heart…my stupid heart doesn't know how to just let go!"

Puck didn't respond, didn't move, he didn't know how to react. Kurt grimaced, "And it's like…the way I feel when I'm around you, I can still remember when I felt that way about him. And part of me…when I hear everyone saying his name it's like I still feel that initial l-love I had for him. Damn it."

Puck sighed, "It's okay. It'll go away…eventually."

"Will it?" Kurt looked at him sadly.

Puck hugged him close, "We'll get you help. We'll make it okay again, okay? We can do it…we can make it alright."

Kurt didn't respond, just let more tears fall in Puck's shoulders, closed his eyes and hoped to God Puck was right.

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National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline (US) | 1-866-331-9474 | 1-866-331-8453 TTY