Yes! I'm updating...I feel like such a lazy bum lately about updating all my stuff...senior year is really taking a toll on my time :S
I hate to say this but this story is coming to a close. This is the last chapter! I'm sorry and so thankful to all my lovely reviewers and faithful readers! I love you all! Check out my other stories and hopefully upcoming writings!
Disclaim: I don't own the characters I'm writing about :C
Wanda POV:
"What do you need Wanda? Do you feel alright now?" Doc inquired. I worked hard to hide the blush that creeped up my face as I nodded to Sunny, who hopped over to the projector at once.
"No, I'm fine, thank you. But we're playing home movies and happened to find one of you while getting everyone else's. I'm sorry I forgot to tell you till now! But I wanted to see if you would like to watch it with us." I explained hastily. Doc grinned.
"Sure, sounds like fun" He replied as we all went to settle in front of our homemade screen.
"" Jared murmured. I saw Melanie elbow him.
"Geez Mel, quit hitting me!" He complained, rubbing the spot she hit.
"Then stop griping!" Mel pointed out, cuddling into his side. I watched as Jared sighed, but wrapped his arm around her none the lest.
Ian pulled my back up against his chest and I felt his warm breath in my ear. "What did Doc mean when he said do you feel alright now?" He asked, placing his large warms hands on my shoulders.
"Oh! It's..uh, nothing. I just had a headache earlier...that's all!" I turned slightly and could tell Ian wasn't convinced, but he seemed to let it go for now. His hands just lightly squeezed and rubbed my shoulders instead. It felt good.
"Okay! It's ready!" Sunny squealed, plopping into Kyle's lap. He kissed her neck and she smiled.
I grinned at them and snuggled back into my Ian's chest as the clip started.
The screen lit up and the back of a 10, maybe 12 year old Doc could be seen. The camera zoomed in on Doc and I could tell that he was working on...something. But I couldn't see what.
The camera then took a side step, and two steps forward so we we're able to see what he was working on. Then Kyle, Jared, Jeb and Ian began laughing.
He was kissing a blonde, blue eyed,
Barbie Doll.
I shifted slightly so I could see Doc and his eyes were wide, while his face was tomato red. I turned my gaze back to the screen when young Doc began speaking and the laughing got harder.
"Oh Eustace! You're sooo handsome! Kiss me again!" Young Doc said in a fake girly voice.
He then cleared his throat and looked the barbie deep in her painted on eyes.
"Lucy, you're too much. But of course I will!"
He then puckered his lips once more and practically ate the whole barbie's face off with his sloppy kiss.
Ian was laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes, while his brother was gasping for air from his guffaws. I even found myself giggling. Poor Doc had his face buried in his hands by the time the screen went dark.
After a few moments of unadulterated laughter, we calmed. Ian and Jared both wiped their eyes while Jeb cleared his throat.
"I fun and thankful as I am for that Wanda, I really must be going." Doc said, his face still pink. "I really do need to catch up on some paperwork. So I will see you later." He then stood and walked toward the exit.
"Yeah, don't want to keep Lucy waiting." Kyle mumbled. I think Doc heard him though because his shoulders slumped more and his pace quickened quite a bit. Maybe we shouldn't have showed that...
I felt Ian sigh and I tilted my head up to look at him. He was smiling down at me.
"What a birthday." He sighed, pressing his lips to my forehead.
"You can say that again! Before the world ended all your birthday parties were lame and boring." Kyle added, causing Ian to glare at him.
"Is that it? Are we finished?" Jared asked for probably the tenth time tonight. I grinned at him.
"Yeah..that's it" I said, standing.
Ian and I said goodnight to everyone as they left and we all decided to finish cleaning up tomorrow morning. As Sunny and Kyle passed by, Sunny winked at me. I half smiled in thank you.
Ian streched and then tugged on my hand. I pulled against him and he gave me a look of confusion.
"What is it love?" He asked. "Is something wrong?"
I shook my head and motioned for him to stay put while I waltzed over to the projector and hit play. I then flitted back to Ian and wrapped my arms around his middle while looking up at the screen. Ian watched carefully.
Suddenly the screen showed my face now, smiling into the small video camera Sunny had bought on a raid about a week ago.
"Ian, I'm gonna show this to you on your birthday. And hopefully this a gift you'll be happy about. Sunny and Doc said it would be." My screen self said. I watched Ian's expression as a black and gray video came on screen.
A small gray blob was moving around inside a black sack like thing and at the center of the blob was a small thumping white circle.
I saw Ian's expression change from confusion, to unbelief, to laughing, to a look of sheer joy. His sapphire blue eyes locked with mine and a large smile was present on his handsome face.
"Really?" He asked, his voice laced with happiness. I grinned huge and took his hand from my waist and set it right above my naval. I then looked back up at him.
Okay! That's it readers! Review and i send lots of virtual cookies too u! :DDDD