I've put a spell on my heart for ya

Wishin on alittle star for ya

Kinda magic in everything we do

I'd live and I'd die for ya

Get alittle bit High for ya

Forever couldn't come to soon

Runnin' Circles Round the Moon

-Geri Halliwell *Circles Round the Moon*

Hermione got out of the Hosptial wing around 8:00 that night, Harry, Ron and Lavender were waiting for her outside the door. She smiled at them.

"Well, I'm out." She said, walking up to Harry and kissing him on the cheek.

"Yes you are! Thank Merlin!" Lavender said, rushing up to her and hugging her. "We were so scared! Don't ever do that to us again!" Lavender exclaimed. Hermione laughed.

"I promise, Lav." She said. Lavender nodded, and walked back over to Ron. Hermione glared at him.

"What?" he asked. Hermione walked up to him, and playfully punched him in the chest.

"I told you not to fight that ball! Did you listen! Oh No! Mister Macho here does what he wants!" Hermione playfully teased. Ron's face went about the same color as his hair. Harry laughed, and pulled Hermione back by her waist.

"Come on. Leave him alone." He said, Hermione nodded.

"Well, we'll see you guys later." Lavender said, pulling Ron away and down the corridor. Harry turned to Hermione.

"Come on." He said, pulling her towards the Astronomy Tower.

When the got there, Harry took Hermione into his warm embrace. Hermione, seriously, thought that they would never hug like that again.

"Harry…I'm so confused." She said, Harry broke from the hug.

"About what?" he asked.

"About that crystal." She said. Harry smiled at her.

"I talked to Dumbledore about that." He said. Hermione raised her eyebrow.

"You did? What did he say." She asked. Harry lead her towards the window ledge, and they sat down.

"He said, that you got the crystal, because YOUR It's protector." Hermione gaped at him.

"ME? Why ME?" She asked, pointing to herself. Harry shrugged.

"That's just what fate choose, I guess. But, we know for one thing, that it's very powerful, and, if It does get into the wrong hands, it could mean some bad shit will happen. But, he siad, 'As long as she keeps that locket close to her at all times, the world will be safe.'" Harry said.

"And, what excately do we call this crystal?" Hermione asked.

"Dumbledore said it was called the 'Cristal De Rose D'Éternité'" Harry said in a french voice.

"The Eternity Rose Crystal? That sounds vegaly familiar. I must have read it somewhere. But, Oh bloody hell! Why'd I get stuck with this." She said. Harry wrapped a arm around her.

"Don't worry, Mione…I can call you that now, right?" He asked, Hermione giggled.

"Yes you can." She said, poking a finger in his stomach. Harry smiled.

"Okay…Don't worry, Mione. With Me, Ron, Lavender, the others, AND Dumbledore, nothing is going to happen." Harry said, then he began to chuckle.

"What?" Hermione asked.

"I remember you telling me this once…about Voldmort. Strange how things work out, eh?" he said, getting up from the ledge, and giving Hermione a hand.

"Yeah." She said, getting up. Hermione then looked up at Harry.

"Why did you bring me up here, anyways?" She asked. Harry smiled, and pointed out 2 big white dvets, and a couple of pillows. Hermione looked back up to him.

"Don't worry…That's not what I brought you here for." He said, laughing. "I brought you here, because, I heard there is going to be an excellent metor shower…And we'll have a great view from here." He said. Hermione smiled, and stood on her toes, and kissed him. He then lead her over to the spot, he laid one dvet on the ground, and placed some pillows up against the wall. He then sat down, and Hermione sat down in between his legs, and leaned against his chest. Harry then picked up the other devet and tossed it over them both. Harry then wrapped his arms around Hermione. That night they watched an amzaing show.

"Will you love me, Harry…till the day I die?" Hermione asked, starting to fall asleep.

"Much longer then that, Hermione…" he said, as he kissed her temple, then too, fell asleep.

Well…That's all! I hope you liked it! Again, thanks for all the reviews. Also, did you know that Geri Halliwell (ex-ginger spice) wrote 'Circles Round the Moon' because she became obessed with the Harry Potter books? I thought that was pretty cool. It's a very beautiful song, and I suggest you check it out. I wonder if it's supposed to be about Harry and Hermione? Hmm…makes ya think, eh? Anyways, I just saw "We Were Soldiers" and it was REALLY good. VERY sad though…especially when "someone" dies :*( But that's besides the point. Again, thanks to everyone who reviewed, I love you all! Till Next Time, LATER BABES!!*

PS. As a going away wish, please go read and review Soul Scepter, and Endings and Beginnings. Both are wonderful stories!