A/N: Okay all I know that I don't own Inuyasha but I love the show. ^.^ This is the only time I will say this. I am working on this for now. I am starting it off with Inu's mother. You see will where I am going with it. Well, read and tell me if you like it. I am going to rewrite all of my chapters and fix my mistakes. Thank you to my new beta Michiko-Sakura.
CH 1 of The Priest Inuyasha.
The rain fell softly on the roof of the shiro. In one of the rooms sat a lady with long, soft black hair and orchid color eyes. Her eyes were different from usual eye color of her kind. It showed the power she held as a miko. She was a very powerful miko from a very renowned family. Her family sent her to a temple in the far-east when she was 4 years old to learn how to control her powers.
Living in a land of demons, her family worked hard to keep her powers hidden and taught her how to live a life of secrecy. No one but a few servants and close family know she was a miko.
The lady sat on this rainy night looking into her mirror, running a comb through her long hair. She closed her eyes as the rain fell harder and then taking a deep breath, she opened her eyes looked herself over. He would be here soon the man that she loved, the man who was to be the father of her child or should she say the Demon Lord who was to be the father of her child. He was the great Inu Demon the Lord of the west. Her family would have sent her away if they had known of her meeting and falling in love with the Demon Lord. Now, she was going to be the mother of his child and there was nothing they could do about it. She smiled at herself. She knew he would be happy to know that he would be a father once again. He did have his older son Sesshomaru who was full demon. She knew that he loved his son deeply and talked highly of him.
He was a good father to his older son and would be to his new child if her family let him. She let her smile leave her lips thinking about what her family would do if they found out before him but he would find out tonight and most likely would take her to his shiro. A smile crossed her lips as she opened her eyes looking out at the rain through the window. It seemed to be slowing down and would be stopping soon. She licked her lips and smiled looking back into the mirror as she closed her eyes, listening to the rain as it stopped. It was looking like it was going to be a lovely night.
She opened her eyes, looking into the mirror. She put her hair up into a bun and fixed her Kiseru, then moving to get up. She looked around the room as she walked to the door leading to the garden. She slid the door open looking out at the sky watching the moon come into view from behind a cloud. She took a deep breath as she walked out into the moonlight. She walked down the stone path looking around for her lover. He should be here by now. What was taking him so long? She hoped he was okay and would be here soon. She did miss him and was hoping to tell him about him becoming a father once more. She walked for some time and yet he did not come. Something must have come up. She nodded to herself. She started to walk back to her room when a hand wrapped around her arm. She looked back to see an Inu Demon she did not know. He had a dark look in his eyes. She felt fear grow in her. "Who?"
He gave her a dark smile. "Am I?" He let off a dark laugh.
"I am Shibo No Jigoku father of the Lord of the west."
He looked into her eyes and she knew her death was here in front of her, if not tonight then one day. She looked away for him closing her eyes. She could not look into his dark eyes much longer. "What do you want of me?"
"I want you to leave my son be or I will kill you." He placed his other hand around her neck.
"Why?" She grabbed his hand, opened her eyes looking into his face.
"Because you are a little weak dirty human who has no right to lay a hand on my son." He threw her onto the ground.
She knew he was way stronger than her and she had the unborn baby to worry about, so she did not use her powers on him. She just gave in. Only a fool would try. She got up putting her head high. She would not let him see her fear, not now with her child life in his hands. "I will not see him again, my Lord."
He walked out of her garden. Leaving her there not knowing about the life in her womb. She took a deep breath and walked back into her room, closing the door. She knew if she wanted to keep her baby alive she would have to leave her family's home and go to the temple were she learned how to use her powers. Her child would be safe and her love would not come looking for her there. She nodded to herself calling for her maid. When the young woman walked in she looked her in the eyes. "Yes my Lady."
She smiled at the young woman looking around her room for what she needed to bring with her. "Get my horse around. Please."
"My Lady?"
She looked at the young woman."I need to see a friend of mine. Now go!"
The girl jumped to hear her lady speak so hard to her. "Yes my lady."
The young woman started to walk out. "By the way tell no one that I am leaving." The young woman nodded to her lady as she walked out.
She watched the girl go then started to pack everything she would need from her room walking out. She ran to the kitchen packing food and water, then went to the armory to get her steel fans, Kaze and Tsuki, placing them in side of the sleeves of her Kiseru. She looked around and ran out of the palace to where her maid was with her horse. She said her goodbyes to her maid, climbing onto the horse's back and rode off into the night. She kept riding until she could not anymore. Stopping the horse, she climbed off and looked around to where she was at. The sun was setting in the west. She closed her eyes then opening them. She needed to rest making herself a small fire to keep warm by. Soon, her eyes fell into a deep sleep.
The Demon Lord walked into the garden of his human lover, looking around. She was not in her normal spot. He start to walk deeper in the garden. She was no were to be found, he looked into her room most of her things were gone. Where did she go and why? Why did she not tell him she would not be here? Something was wrong. He could smell a demon he had not smelled in a long time, a demon that should be dead, his father. His scent was strong on the air and so was hers. He hoped that his father did not hurt her. Was he why she was not here? Did he take her? He hoped she was alright. He took to the air looking for his father to find out what he did to her. He did not have to look far. He was with Sesshomaru. He landed fast and walked up to his father. "What have to done to her?"
"Her...who my son? Oh you are talking about the dirty little human. She is gone and you will never see her again and isn't that a good thing." He smiled darkly.
Sesshomaru took a step back as his father's eyes went blood red. "You Baka. She was Mine."
"That is too bad my son. I will be seeing you around."
The dark inu demon disappeared in a ball of light. The lord of the west looked over at his son and a tear came down his face. "What did he say to you my son?"
Sesshomaru looked at his father with cold eyes placing a hand on his father arm. "He was asking how I have been father and how has my skill grown."
He gave his son a weak smiled. "He said nothing about her has he?"
"No father."
He nodded at his son. "I see. I can only hope she is alive somewhere." He looked up at the moon as he started to cry the pain, the feeling of loss deep in his heart. A bigger loss than he knew.
She opened her eyes before the sun came up. Coming fast out of her sleep, she knew she was not alone. There was something demonic watching her. She looked around pulling her fans out of her sleeves as a boar demon came out of the woods right at her. She moved out of its way, running her fans over its back. It let out a cry of pain and rage turning to run at her again. A pink light formed around her fans. She jumped out of its way attacking it with her glowing fans. It turned to ash as it ran into a tree. She closed her eyes taking a deep breath putting her fans back into her sleeves. She opened her eyes looking around for her horse. It was a few yards away. The horse had been around her before when she had killed a demon. She walked over to the horse pulling a half a loaf of bread out of her pack and started to eat.
She looked around as she ate watching the sun come up. She smiled at the new day and hoped that she would not run into any more unfriendly demons. She took her last bite and walked over to where her fire was, making sure it was out. She climbed on her horse and started riding to the east. She looked up at the sky as it started to turn light blue before kicking the horse to a run.
She rode for two days until she came to a forest. She watched around her keeping her eyes open for anything that would put her and her unborn baby life in harm's way. She saw a flash of pale gold watching, as she stopped as the Inu fox demon ran and stopped in front of her. He had a soft smile on his lips. "My lady"
"Oh the gods Master Tyzion." She smiled at him.
He looked her over "Why are you here, my Lady?"
She climbed off of the horse, walking over to the Inu Fox and wrapped her arms around him, starting to cry. As he held her she told her of what had happened to her and about the baby that was growing in her womb. He nodded as she talked rubbing his hand up and down her back. He knew that she would not come if she only feared for herself. He gave her a soft smile and let her go before looking into her face. "Well lets get to the temple and get you some hot food."
She nodded wiping her eyes with her sleeve. Walking back to her horse, she climbed back on to it, just knowing that she would never leave this forest again. She would die here.
* six months later.*
She cried out as the pain took over her mind, her hand grabbing at the hand that was given to her as she started to cry. Today was the day she would see the little life that had been growing in her womb for the past six months. She took a deep breath as the pain lessened a bit.
"You are almost there." the older Miko said looking up at her face.
She nodded as the pain started to fire up again letting off a cry. "The head is starting to crown My Lady. Just start to push."
She took a deep breath, pushing with all of her strength a few minutes later she heard a high pitch cry of a new born baby. "It's a boy."
The little boy was placed into his mother's arms. She smiled down at him, running her hand over his soft white inu ears. He stopped crying at his mother's touch opening his big gold eyes looking up into his mothers loving eyes. "He is so sweet." She said placing the little half Inu to feed. "He will be called Inuyasha."
The Inu fox moved over to get a better look at the little half Inu demon. "He is so cute."
She nodded. This little life was her world. He would be all she would live for, her little Inuyasha, the world would love and hate him. She knew he would save them all one day and she would help him the best she could to be strong and kind.
A/N Thanks For reading let me know what you thanks. I will most likely redo this chappy again but I like it how it is now. Here the list of the Japanese word I use.
Inu- Dog
Kiseru- Dress
Shibo No Jigoku- Death of hell (Inuyasha grandfather.)
Miko -priestess
Kaze- Wind
Tsuki - Moon
Baka- Fool
Shiro - Castle