Forgive me, readers! Falcy's been a bad, bad writer; forgetting to update in so long! At first I thought I'd wait until Igot the DVDs of Dragon and Doctor Who for Christmas, to help me write a little better, but then it kind of slipped my mind, and I kept putting it off, telling myself that I'd do it tomorrow...

But still, at least I was able to get this up before New Years Day was out, eh? And I've got my bearing on where this stories going again, so I'm going to TRY and get off my backside and finish it. I'm not making any promises, but I'll try to update again as soon as I can.

And with that, on with the show.

Hiccup led Amy and the Doctor through the woods towards the village.

"So," Said Amy, quickening her pace until she was right beside him. "Dragons."

"Yeah," Hiccup replied. "It's a little wierd at first, but unless you've got a problem with hieghts, I'm sure you'll be fine."

"No, it's not that. It's... actual dragons!" Her eyes were bright with wonder.

Hiccup looked up at her. "Haven't you ever seen one before? Aren't there any back on your own world?"

She shook her head. "They're just stories, you know. But... Can they really breathe fire?"

"Well sure," Hiccup shrugged, but then looked up at her, curious. "What's your world like?"

"Well..." Amy looked thoughtful. "Almost just like this."

"That would be the terraforming," The Doctor piped up.

"But there's no dragons. I mean, we have legends, but they're just fairytales, really." Behind her, the Doctor looked up sharply.

"Oh." Hiccup sounded disappointed. "Is that the only difference?"

"Oh, no!" The Doctor said before Amy could answer. "There are all sorts of differences. Horseless carriages for one. Nothing pulls them, they just go whatever way you steer them." He grinned at a wide-eyed Hiccup. "And the buildings! Huge, some of them. Of course, others would say it's just a boring Level Five planet, but it has some brillaint things- especailly the clothes-"

"Doctor, for the last time: Bow. Ties. Are. Not. Cool."

"Yeah they are."

"No, they really-"

"We're here." Hiccup interrupted.

The two stopped their argument and peered through the trees. A few feet away, the vegetation thinned out into a path, which in turn led up to a cluster of houses on the hill.

"Wait here." Hiccup said. "I'll be back in a few minutes."

He pushed past the ferns, and made his way up to the village, Tothless close behind.

"It's kind of sad, isn't it?" Amy said quietly, watching him go.

"His leg, I mean. He's just a kid."

"Some things in life aren't fair, Amy." The Doctor sighed. "Of course, on the plus side, he's going to be seen as a hero for the rest of his life. And he's going to do a lot of great things. I know; I was there at a few of them. Though don't tell him that, you know why."


The Doctor nodded. "Anyway we can chat about that later; right now there's more important things to do."

Amy leant against a tree. "How exactly are we going to stop several hundred killer dragons from hatching?"

"Oh well, we can't stop them hatching, that's impossible, but we need to find a good way of dealing with them before anyone loses any more limbs, and speaking of dragons, what did you say about dragons on Earth?"

Amy blinked. "I said there isn't any."

"Apart from stories?"

"Yeah, but they're just, you know... stories."

The Doctor didn't reply. He bent his head, deep in thought for a second, but then straightened up, a smile on his face.

"Dragons." He said.

Amy held in a squeal of excitement. "Actual dragons."

"That we're going to ride!"

"I know!"

"Really!" The Doctor's face was lit up, his green eyes sparkling. "Amy Pond, you are gonna love-!"

He broke off suddenly. Most people tend to stop what they're saying when an axe flies through the air and embeds itself in tree bark just above their heads.

Hiccup made his way through the village, trying not to look shifty. His mind went through excuses, trying to find a believable one in case someone asked him what he was doing.

"Just... taking one out for some excercise," He muttered to himself. Toothless nudged him reasurringly.

He was heading to a house much bigger than any of the others that made up the village, though it resembled a barn much more than a house- the dragon stables.

Of course, many of the Vikings who now posessed dragons often kept them around the house, where they were mose than happy to sleep outside, or on the roof, or help heat up whatever room they were allowed in. However, a great deal of dragons had no owner in paticular, yet had still chosen to hang around Berk after the war. For those who were sick, raising young, or just weren't needed at the moment, the stables had become their home.

Much to Hiccup's relief, no one stopped him. He was being paranoid, true, but one slip of the tounge and the whole village would be off hunting for the Dalek, or even worse, Amy and the Doctor. He sighed inwardly. Just when he'd thought he was done keeping secrets...

Toothless scampered on ahead to the stable entrance, placing one black-scaled ear to the door. After a few moments, he turned back to Hiccup, growling a warning- someone was inside.

"Thanks, bud." Hiccup stroked him on the head, as the dragon settled himself. "I'll be right back."

He opened the door, walking inside. It was dim compared to the brightness outside; with only flickering torches and the large, dragon-sized windows giving any light. And Toothless was right- Snotlout, Fishlegs, Ruffnut and Tuffnut were tending to some of the dragons. His heart sank a little- taking one dragon out would be fine, but taking two would just be suspicious.

"Hey, Hiccup." Snotlout said, turning away from the Gronkle he'd been feeding. "What's up?"

"Eh, nothing," Hiccup looked around. "Have any of you guys seen Astrid?"

"Haven't seen her since this morning," Shrugged Fishlegs. "Why? Do you need to find her?"

Unease stirred in Hiccup's stomach, but he pushed it aside. "No, just came up here to take a dragon out for some exercise and wondered if she was here."

He cast his gaze around the stable, trying to think of a solution. Toothless and Astrid's Nadder had been able to carry two, so maybe- but no, he realised. At this time of day, the stable was mostly empty; the only dragons here were those unable to go out at the moment and juveniles, old enough to fly but too young to carry two full-grown humans on their backs.

Trying to act as if he was simply taking his time and definetely not panicking, Hiccup made a pretense of inspecting the saddles that hung on the wall. There had to be some way of getting hold of a dragon...

Something nudged him from behind- one hopeful reptile probably hoping for a piece of fish. Only half paying attention, Hiccup gently pushed it away, but the dragon wasn't put off. It nudged his back again, then his arm, and when that got no response, it gave him a sharp nip, somehow getting both arms at once, and causing Hiccup to turn around.

"Hey-!" He began, then stopped scolding it. How could he have missed such an obvious answer? It was now staring him right in the face!

Hiccup hurried down the path, back into the forest. Toothless went on ahead, while the other dragon, now fed, followed him obediently, its reigns in his hand. With the mini-crisis averted, Hiccup was actually feeling pretty good. In fact, he was almost looking forward to hunting for the Dalek. He had no doubt his mind would be changed about that later, but for now, the sun was shining, and an adventure was looming up ahead, and dispite his nature, Hiccup was still a Viking, and Vikings were practically bred for questing.

But as he re-entered the trees, something on the ground caught his eye: Dragon tracks. He wasn't sure what species, but they were definetely not a Night Fury's. They were in the same direction he was going, too. Hiccup's heart skipped a beat. Supposing a wild dragon had caught the pair's scent?

Toothless seemed to share the same fear as he met Hiccup's eyes. He bolted on ahead, Hiccup running behind him, the dragon squeaking in surprise, then following.

Toothless got there first, skidding to a halt. Terrified of what he was going to find, Hiccup picked up speed, until finally he brushed the branches away to see-

He stopped abruptly, the dragon behind almost knocking him over. He blinked, both surprise and relieved at once. Amy and the Doctor were unharmed, though there was a dragon there, a Nadder, and as his heart slowed down and he began to breathe again and the Zippleback stretched its two heads over each of his shoulders, he realised he was in for a little more trouble.

"You," Said Astrid, leaning on her axe, "have got some explaining to do."

*Insert dramatic music of your choice here.*

Sooo, Hiccup's been busted by Astrid yet again. How will this shocking and unexpected turn of events affect their plan? (Yeah right, like you didn't figure it out before the end of the chapter.)

Soo, just want to thank you for reading, friend, and.. you know how you sometimes want to comment on someone's story more than once, but you don't want to make them think you're stalking them? I have no such problem with that *Hint hint, nudge nudge*

Until next time!

Also, flying Christmas sharks FTW.