Needing Each Other As A Family


Here's the last chapter and I hope you guys like as I know you guys have enjoyed it so far but don't worry, I'll be writing more in a while and in this chapter the Doofensmirtz family are preparing to move to the suburbs.

Thanks ro those who've reviewed and I hope you enjoy.

Dawn broke over Danville as in Doofensmirtz Evil Inc, Doofensmirtz was already up watching the sunrise as there were moist tears in his eyes as he knew that this was the last sunrise he'd see here as he couldn't help feeling such emotion as he then felt somebody was there as it was Perry but he wipeed the tearws away before he saw but Perry understood as he hugged him knowing his friend needed him.

"It'll be okay Doof.

I know you can do this.

You'll get adjusted to the surburbs, I know it." he reassured him.

Doof didn't reply as he just stared at the sunrise as the turquise furred platypus understood as he left him for a while.

He knew that he would be okay as he went to make breakfast as he knew that all their stuff had been packed into boxes so they could take them to their new home and sighed making pancakes as he heard footsteps as he saw Miko enter holding his platypus bear.

"Morning Miko.

You sleep well?" he asked as he nodded.

"You wanna help make pancakes?" he asked as Miko nodded.

Perry smiled knowing that his young son liked helping either him or the other members of their family but heard whimpering from his and Kei's room as Perry saw Kyra enter the room as she smiled seeing Kei hold an egg in her paws.

"I can tell Perry's going to be happy.

Let's tell him." she said as Kei nodded.

She knew that both Perry and Miko would be excited hearing about the egg as they were planning on starting a family of their own as they entered the kitchen as Perry gasped seeing the egg.

"W-We're going to have a child?" Perry asked.

Kei smiled kissing her husband.

"Tes,Yes we are.

Miko will be thrilled about having a sibling." she answered.

He smiled seeing as Miko already knew how to deal with this as he'd already dealt with Rika and Joel entering his life as he saw his uncle enter but looked sad as he was eating but wasn't hungry.

Kyra saw Vanessa was the same as she understood she was nervous about moving as much as her father.

"Don't worry I'll talk to her." Perry said as he saw she was getting ready for school.

She was very quiet as she was packing her black bag for school.

"Vanessa are you okay?

You didn't eat breakfast and your mother was worried.

Are you scared of moving?" he asked.

She shook her head as she didn't want to talk about it but was relieved as the bus came as she got on it as Perry saw she was ervous as he knew they would be leaving DEI once Vanessa got home from school as Kyra watched as Miko was running around as she and Doofensmirtz smiled at their nephew's boundless energy as they decided to go to the beach for a while.

Miko got excited hearing that as he loved the beach as he grabbed his mini surf board as Perry smiled as Kyra was making a picnic lunch as she smiled seeing Doofensmirtz help but was very quiet as she knew he was nervous about moving but saw him smile as Perry was chasing Miko around as he was trying to put sun screen on him as he laughed at his nephew as he reminded him of Perry as Kei caught him.

"I know you don't like it but it's for your own good.

I don't want you burnt." she said as Miko relented.

She smiled as she hugged him.

He was wearing sun glasses.

She then saw Kyra put sun screen on Rika and Joel.

They were ready to head out.

Doofensmirtz smiled as he was swimming in the ocean as they were at the beach as he was at ease after learning to swim in the under water pool he had installed in DEI but Perry and Miko were surfing and catching big waves as Miko laughed as Perry was happy as secretly he was sad about moving but had to be strong for the family as he was splashing as they were having fun.

"Can Rika and Joel surf too?" he heard Miko ask.

Perry laughed at that as he knew that the two baby platypi were still very young and needed to learn how to swim before they could surf as Miko was sad but hoped that they'd learn how to.

He then heard Kei calling them for lunch as they got out of the water as Doof didn't hear as the current was getting stronger as the brown furred male was being pulled under as Perry was nervous as he saw Miko about to jump in but he stopped him.

"I'll do it." he said as he jumped in.

Miko watched as his father jumped in as he was scared but later saw him come out holding Doofensmirtz but his eyes were closed as Kyra was nervous as Perry performed CPR as the brown furred male woke up.

She hugged him as he coughed a little as they were relieved as he was alive.

He smiled seeing his family cared about him.

"I'm sorry I scared you." he said as Perry silenced him.

He then got him something to drink as he had drank sea water.

Later that afternoon after Vanessa came home from school.

They knew that it was time to go as they put the boxes into a moving trailer that was going with them to their new house as Doofensmirtz took a huge breath as he along with the others into the truck and fell asleep as the truck started off knowing that new adventures were waiting for the family but they could handle it together.......