Soul Searchers
Category: Crossover – Harry Potter and Twilight
Disclaimer: I own nothing to do with Harry Potter or Twilight or any affiliates. Etc.
Rating: M
Pairings: Edward/ OC
Summary: Two worlds collide with each other, causing friction between two characters who discover they are searching for the same thing.
A/N: May Potter is my own character. I am writing a fic about her at the moment. I had this idea and thought I would write it. It has nothing to do with the May fic. Sorry it won't follow the Twilight saga as we know it but Bella will be making an appearance but you will have to wait and see what happens.
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Chapter One – Beginnings
Cold, pain, tired and scared. May lay on the hard ground next to her muggle car. A stupid day to leave her wand in the car. Her body ached in pain from the beatings, rapes and wounds. She could feel the blood leaving her wounds at a fast rate. "Sirius..." She whispered as she reached up to her car door, pulling at the handle and using her energy to open the door.
With it being late at night, there was no one around in the multi-story car park. May, somehow, managed to open the door but had no strength to pull herself inside. Her hands rested on the floor of the passenger's side of the small car. Her wand was nearby. Her hands grasped at air for a while until she secured her hand around the piece of wood, that was her power.
"Help... Help..." She whispered as soon as she heard footsteps nearby but her voice was weak as she slowly began to lose consciousness. Before she completely lost consciousness, she felt cold hands lifting her up and she had a blurred vision of a familiar blonde man lifting her away from her car. Darkness took her.
Carlisle could work at the hospital 24/7 if he wanted to and if Esme would let him but he had to keep up the façade of being human. At a human pace, he walked to his car but the strong scent of blood hit his senses, along with the sound of the ragged breathing of a woman. In a second he found the woman halfway into her car. Carlisle recognised her as one of the receptionists on the ward he worked on. May Potter, he remembered her name. He bent down and lifted her up, slowly turning her over.
In her right hand she gripped tightly onto an elegant piece of wood. She was a wand holder, in other words a witch. He had a feeling she was different but didn't know how she was.
She was dying and fast. Quickly he carried her to his car, lay her on the back seat. When he was finally in the driver's seat, he drove to his English home he lived in with his family as they visited England for a few months. May's life was draining from her fast and if there was no chance to save her, he needed to change her soon. It was the only way to save her life.
As soon as he reached his home, Carlisle was out of his car and lifting May out of the car in half a second. "Esme! Edward!" Calling out to two members of his family. They were with him in a second. He carried May through the house and to his office. "I found her in the parking lot. I don't think she will survive."
Edward stood opposite Carlisle as the rest of their family stood around him. Edward had noticed the wand gripped tightly in May's hand. "Carlisle! You cannot! She is a witch!" Cautiously, he took the wand from her hand and laying it on a nearby table.
"She is dying Edward! I cannot leave her to die. It is against who I am." Carlisle spoke as he removed May's clothes and looked at her wounds. "I can try to stop the bleeding but she has lost too much as it is." Cleaning her wounds quickly to stop the risk of infection.
Edward stared at his father for two seconds, judging his thoughts. "Fine." He grumbled as he helped his father.
"Esme, Rosalie or Alice. Could one of you examine her?" Carlisle said softly, not looking up at any of them. "I fear that she has been raped."
Esme stepped forward and cautiously lifted May's skirt. "She has been. No need for an examination." Stepping away.
"Thank you love." Carlisle nodded to Esme, who left the room as did the others. The only people to stay were Carlisle and Edward. "Thank you." He muttered as he continued to clean her wounds and try and stop the bleeding. "There is nothing I can do."
"I know." Edward nodded. "Just do it but we will have to hide her from the Volturi."
Carlisle nodded as he pushed May's hair away from her neck. "We can protect her."
Edward watched his father bite the new woman. Her thoughts were dim but they soon became screams. The venom was spreading through her body. "It's working." He spoke softly to his father.
"Just have to wait." Carlisle sat on a chair and sighed heavily. "Looks like we are staying here a bit longer than we wanted to." Chuckling softly as he looked up at his son. "The Volturi will never know. When she wakes, we will let her decide what to do."
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May had been lying in the burning darkness for three days, she thought it was three days. Her whole body was on fire but the darkness held her down. On the third day, the burning began to slowly disappear and the darkness slowly became lighter. Her mind tried to focus on her life, her family and the people she loved but they were becoming invisible to her but they were there.
She heard voices around her. Were they speaking to her? What was happening? Throughout the burning and the darkness, she begged to die. Did she beg out loud? She needed to die. The pain and burning was too much.
No.... No... It was stopping. Just at the fingers. It was slowly stopping but it was stopping.
"Carlisle..." A male voice spoke next to her.
Carlisle? Why did she recognise that name? Carlisle? She thought to herself as the pain seem to drain from her fingers as she felt herself becoming stronger.
"She recognises your name." The male voice spoke. "It is nearly over."
What was over? What was happening to her? A million questions ran around in her mind as a new found strength began to complete her body's recovery.
"May? May?" A familiar voice spoke from her right side. "May, it's Doctor Cullen. Can you hear me?" His hand wrapped around her own one. "It's nearly over." Carlisle spoke as he let go of May's hand and watched her. "I wonder what she will be like."
"Magnificent." Edward spoke without hesitation, shocking himself when he spoke the word. "She has magical abilities and now to mix them with vampires, she must become amazing. Two abilities mixed into one. It will be incredible to see." Smiling a little.
"Yes it would." Carlisle chuckled. "That is if she wishes to stay with us."
"She is panicking at the moment. Afraid of what is happening." Edward spoke, looking at her face as he stepped closer. "May..." He whispered softly.
May felt her strength return to her completely. Her eyes shot open and she saw the world in a whole different way. She could see so clearly. Everything was well formed in her eyes. She could even see the dust floating in the room.
"May..." A gentle voice spoke next to her.
In defence she acted in a second because her mind and body were telling her to. They were telling her to move away from the threat. Moving in half a second to the furthest side of the room and stared at the others waiting there.
"Who... What...?" She spoke, surprising herself at the sound of her own voice. Bells? Bells for a voice. "What has happened to me?" Speaking to the two males in the room. "Wait..." Looking at the blonde eldest male. "Doctor Cullen?"
"Yes May." He nodded at her. "I have a lot of explaining to do for you but I need you to try and remember the last thing you remember before all this."
She cocked her head to the side as she stared at him. She was fascinated by the sound of his voice. It sounded different to what it had before. "Before this..." May spoke slowly as she flickered her gaze between Carlisle and the stranger in the room. "My car..." Frowning heavily as she tried to remember the time before but all the images were blurred and unclear. "I remember a man. No more than one man." She let out a gasp of horror as she remembered. "They attacked me. Cursed me. They were Death Eaters."
"Death Eaters? What are Death Eaters?" The stranger spoke to May. "Oh I am sorry. I am Edward Cullen."
"Edward?" May questioned him as she straightened up from her crouch, which she realised she had not been doing. "I don't know." Shaking her head, feeling her long hair rub gently against her shoulders as it moved when she shook her head. Her hand went straight to her hair and she admired how she could see every strand clearly.
"May..." Carlisle chuckled softly as they watched her. "We need to tell you what has happened to you."
Her eyes were wide with fear. "What? What has happened?"
"I found you at the car lot. It looked like you had been attacked, which you had been." Carlisle bowed his head slightly. "You were dying."
"Oh." She gasped as she saw the flashback of the attack in her mind. "No!" She gasped in fright.
Edward watched her, he could see the attack clearly in her mind and it angered him. How could someone do that to her? To someone so beautiful? "It will be all right May. You are safe now."
"Where am I? What am I?" She gasped as she looked at her hands, which seemed so different.
"It may come as a shock to you but you are a vampire." Carlisle spoke gently.
May gasped softly. "A vampire? Seriously?" Laughing nervously. "Really?"
"We will tell you everything but you need to hunt." Carlisle stepped forward.
"Hunt?" May frowned at them. "I'm going to kill people? I can't do that! I'm a vegetarian!" Glaring at them. "It is wrong!"
Carlisle gave her a warm smile. "Don't worry. We don't hunt humans. We call ourselves vegetarians too but we hunt animals. We live off their blood."
"Animal blood?" May scoffed nervously but the prospect of blood was sounding more and more appetising. She licked her lips as she thought of the blood and it cooling the thirsty feeling.
"We will have to go now but do you mind if myself, Edward and three other members of my family joining us? I need to know if you will be safe."
"Safe? Why would I need to be safe?" Her gaze flickering between Carlisle and Edward. I thought vampires were more dangerous than anything in the world."
"We are but you are a newborn and you will be very wild for over a year. You will thirst for human blood for a long time. If we encounter any humans on your first hunt, we will probably need to restrain you." Carlisle spoke in a calm voice as he slowly stepped towards May. "Will you be all right with that?"
"I think so." May nodded slowly as she fixed her gaze on Edward, who stood firmly behind Carlisle. "When do we leave?"
"Now would be best." Carlisle spoke softly as he stood a few feet away from May, his eyes fixed on her. He held out his hand to her and cautiously she took it. "Come."
Edward and Carlisle led May out of Carlisle's office and into the main part of the house. She gasped at the sight of the house. It was obviously large like her family home but had a family atmosphere. She tried to remember her old home but everything was becoming a blur as she continued to try and think of it. Before she realised, May found herself in what looked like the sitting room and facing 5 other people and each one of them insanely beautiful.
"Everyone, this is May." Carlisle spoke softly. "May, this is all my family. This is my wife, Esme." He pointed to the nearest female and then gestured to each person as he said their names. "Rosalie, Emmett, Alice and Jasper."
May saw that every person in the family was extremely beautiful and she felt insanely jealous but the jealousy seemed to disappear and she felt calm and happy but the thirst burnt her throat as she remembered she needed to quench the thirst.
"Carlisle..." Jasper spoke as he slowly moved towards May. "She needs to hunt." His eyes stared at May as he felt her emotions which were mainly of confusion and fear.
"Yes." The doctor nodded as he stepped next to May. "Are you ready May?"
"I think so." She nodded as she looked at the whole family.
"Jasper, Emmett, Alice, Edward and myself should be the ones to go with her." He spoke softly. "Enough people if we need to stop you. Are you all right with that May?"
May looked at Alice with a slight frown. "But she's so small." Giggling softly when Alice gave her a broad smile.
Edward stepped beside May and looked at Alice. "Alice has subjective visions. She will be able to see if you will make a decision to change your path or will be attacking any stray humans."
"Oh. I see." She nodded and took a deep breath instinctively but it felt strange, unreal.
"Are you ready?" Carlisle placed a hand on her shoulder but May felt her instincts kick in and she pushed him away and crouched with her teeth bared and a growl slipped through her teeth. "May... May, it's okay. That is good." Holding his hand up to Jasper, who was ready to restrain her.
May stayed in her position for a second and straightened up. "Oh Merlin, I'm so sorry."
"Merlin?" Edward frowned as he stood in front of her.
"Oh it's a saying." May chuckled as she looked up at him. "Like saying, 'Oh God'. I say Oh Merlin." Laughing softly and looked away from him in bashfulness.
"Right. I think it best that we go now." Carlisle chuckled softly.
The hunt went well for them. They encountered no humans on the hunt and May took to the hunt very well. Nervous at first but she let her instincts take over her and she took out 4 wild deer in the moors of the countryside. Now they were sitting at the dining room table and the Cullens were telling her about the aspects of the vampires.
"Sparkle?" May chuckled as they explained why they did not go out into the sunlight. "You don't explode then?"
"Myth." Edward chuckled. The conversation had basically only been between Edward and May, who seemed to be getting along very well.
"Coffins? Crosses? All the usual things." May couldn't help but chuckle at Edward's amused expression.
"All untrue. We don't sleep at all." Edward chuckled as he noticed that Emmett and Rosalie left the table.
"Well, I guess everything I learnt is a lie then?" Laughing softly.
"Learnt? You were taught about vampires?" Jasper asked curiously.
"My wand!" She gasped in horror. "Where is it? I must have left it in the car." Standing up quickly and looking around in panic.
"Here." Carlisle held it out. He had fetched it when they returned from the hunt. "I am sorry. We had to take it out of your hand when you changed, you would have the strength to break it."
"Oh right." Reaching forward and gently taking the piece of wood. "Thank you." Smiling down at the very familiar object. She rested it on the table in front of her and let her fingers glide over it. "I'm a witch. I have been since the day I was born." Looking up at the ones remaining at the table. "I learnt about vampires when I was in school but they were the typical vampires you get in the stories. The Dracula type stories." Chuckling softly as did the rest of the vampires sat at the table. "My Potions professor claims to have a vampire as an acquaintance but I never ever believed him."
"Potions?" Edward spoke, his frown obvious and the others mirrored his frown.
"Oh! Um... Chemistry. Sort of but for magic." Smiling softly at him. "A bit more complicated really." Laughing softly as she dipped her head in embarrassment of being put on the spot.
"Don't worry about it." Edward chuckle. "We'll stop with questions." May looked at him in shock. "Oh! Sorry." He chuckled softly. "I can read minds whether I like to or not."
May laughed nervously as she looked around at the others. "Can you all read minds and see the future?"
Edward chuckled. "No. Just Alice can see the future and I can read minds but Jasper can control emotional environments around him."
"Oh!" She said in surprise as she turned to the blonde male who was still surveying her carefully. She didn't want to ask why he constantly watched her as she was still unsure how to be in front of these unfamiliar people.
"Right!" Alice announced as she stood up. "Enough with the questions but I need to dress her! Hospital clothing does not suit her."
May looked at the small person in shock and then looked down at her blood stained clothing. "Oh right." Speaking slowly as she nodded and looked up at Alice. "I will have to agree with you." Standing up as Alice flitted to her side.
"Come on. While you were changing, Rose and I ordered your new wardrobe." Alice smiled at her as she took May's hand. "Oh Jazz. She will be fine. Stop worrying." Looking at her husband but he stared at her. "Fine but you have to stay outside the room." Alice pulled May upstairs to Alice and Jasper's bedroom. "Sorry about Jasper."
"Why? Why is he liked that?" May asked curiously as Alice sat her in a chair that faced a mirror.
"You are a newborn and unpredictable so he is being protective of us and you." Alice smiled softly as she walked into her wardrobe. "Don't worry about it. You will have a few slip ups in the first year." She came out with a a load of clothes in her arms. "Right this is only a few outfits but as soon as we sort your room for you."
"My room?" May frowned as Alice pulled her up into a standing position.
"Well, that is if you stay with us." Alice smiled and then giggled. "Oh yay! Welcome to the family."
"What? I didn't even say yes yet." May laughed.
"I know you have already." Laughing with May. "Right." She held out a dress to May. "Try this on. I think it will be perfect for your hair."
May took the green dress from Alice and dressed into it. "Oh Alice. Thank you." Running her hands down her sides as she examined the texture of the dress. Walking back to Alice and looking at herself in the mirror. "Oh it is beautiful." She looked at herself in the mirror. "Oh Merlin!" Staring at her eyes. "My eyes! They are red!"
"Oh do not worry. You will be like that for a while." Alice chuckled as she twirled her fingers in May's hair. "Your hair is beautiful."
"Thank you. You should see James'. His hair is awful." Laughing softly. "He would laugh if he knew about me. If he saw me now." Alice's face fell. "What? What did I say?"
"I am afraid you will not be able to see your family for some time." Alice stood in front of her and placed her hands on May's shoulders. "Listen. We have to keep our lives a secret."
"From whom? I know how to keep a secret. I have lived in secret all my life." Stepping away from Alice and frowning at her. "Why do I have to keep this life a secret from my family too?" Her anger building up which caused Jasper and Edward to burst into the room. "I want to see them! I want to see my family!"
Jasper stepped forward. "May, it will take some time before you can see your family. It will take some time for you to be used to being around humans."
"I want to see my brother!" She said calmly. "Please!" She stared at Jasper. "Please..."
"Give it some time May." Placing a hand on her shoulder. "You will see him soon."
"Can someone write to him and tell him that I will be unable to go to his own wedding?" Breaking out of her calm and storming out of the room and to the only room that she had been in and was in Carlisle's office. She sat on the floor with her back against the door.
"May! May! It's Edward. Can you open up?" His calm voice spoke from behind the wooden door. "It is only me. You know it is."
May listened and could hear that it was only Edward standing outside the door. "Okay." She stood up and opened the door slowly.
The bronze haired young man cautiously walked into the room. "Are you all right?" Speaking gently.
"You read my mind and then you will know." She was standing in front of the window and looking out at the scenery but there was a thick fog in front of them. "When will I get used to all this?"
Edward stood behind her. "Oh, it will take time to get use to." Staring out of the window and put his hand on her shoulder. "We will all help you."
"Thank you." She whispered softly. "I feel like I will have to lie to him." Sighing heavily as she subconsciously leaned into his side. "I love James. It has always been me and him growing up and then in school we both had friends but we were always there for each other. Through the ups and downs." Chuckling softly. "We were there for each other when our parents died."
"I am sorry." Rubbing her arm gently. "I lost my parents before Carlisle changed me."
"I am sorry." Leaning her head against his shoulder. "A pair of orphans." She chuckled softly. The pair stood in Carlisle's office for some time, only staring out at the fog. "Will it get easier? The animal blood?" Shuddering slightly but also licked her lips at the thought of the lovely tasting blood.
"Focus May." Edward chuckled. "It does get easier. I promise you. Like I said we will all be there for you."
A/N: I hope you all like it. I'm not too sure but I do know where the story is going. Don't worry it will not be plain sailing for them all. It is set in 1979 just to let you know.
Read and Review please! :D