Twilight Blues

Epilogue: Happy Ending


After two days of vigorous sex that caused $20,000 in damages to the honeymoon suite, Mom had a very satisfied smile on her face when she and Dad returned to the plantation. She eased up on insanity and the restoration was actually finished ahead of schedule. Esme decided to wait until the following summer to redo all of the out buildings. By the time they'd gotten back, I'd finished my book and was helping out with the remodel. Anal-retentive control freak must run in the family because when Emmett accidentally broke one of the moldings, I threw a Mom style fit. Needless to say, she never let me live it down once she found out about it.

Twilight Blues: Journey's End had spent 87 weeks on both the London and New York Times best sellers lists. The fans were sad to see the series finished but were pleased when it was announced that Summit Entertainment had bought the movie rights to all the books. They cast some chick named Kristen Stewart to play the title role. So far, the first four books have been shot and released in theatres. They were actually pretty good but then I can usually separate myself from differences between a book and a movie to enjoy them both. I'd been asked to do the screenplays but turned the offer down for a more supervisory role. Surrounding a former crossroads demon with a bunch of people more than willing to sell their souls for fame and fortune was like taking a fat kid to an all-you-can-eat buffet; a disaster.

Once the work was done to the main house, Kate whisked me off to fulfill her end of our bargain; the benefits of which the entire family enjoyed because it opened up new areas to live in. My sisters cashed in their bargains eventually as well. Alice and Jasper are the proud parents of twin boys, Jackson Pickett Whitlock and Lee Longstreet Whitlock. The birth was so painful that she cut poor Jazz off from sex until the boys were two. Lilly-Belle McCarty was Rose and Emmett's bouncing baby girl. We just celebrated her fourth birthday this past weekend. Mom and Dad got in on the act and Maxwell Charles Cullen was born three months ago. Everyone wonders when my mate and I are going to pop out a little monster of our own. With my power, I could change either one of our genders to make it happen but we're in no rush to be parents.

Now that she doesn't have to worry about the sun, Kate has embraced her secret passion of history and the two of us have been traveling the world since the end of the book tour for Journey's End. I delayed the release of my next series to focus on doing historical novels set in the places my wife and I visit. That's right; we were married just before the last Twilight Blues book was published. Rachel has been pleased with all the new material and the fat residuals she got for being an executive producer on the movies. She and Paul were going to join us in India next week.

All in all, I have a great life and I'm looking forward to the next adventure it holds.

AN: One more story down, now I just need to decide which one is next.