Chapter 9


Hiccup climbed onto the dragons back and let him steer out the golden doors and into the rain. The winds beat against him harder, and he could see the ocean churning from where he sat.

"Where are you going boy?" It was Alvin, his arm so bloody that it looked like he had to fight his way out of the castle.

"They don't like failure to much. Your friend shouldn't have destroyed that box." Alvin smiled at Hiccup his smile growing larger.

" You should have seen her when she fell Hiccup. You'll be saddened to know that her last thoughts were of you and that cursed dragon…demanding that I not kill you or that dragon." Alvin walked toward Toothless his sword in the air.

"And you know something…I think I'll do just that." He laughed raising the sword higher bringing it down. His sword hit metal, his eyes turned to see the bloodied face of Rai.

"I said…don't touch them." She growled hearing a whoop from Hiccup.

"I knew you were alive!" He yelled in pure relief. Rai stumbled backwards.

"Toothless get him out of here!" Rais left side was covered in blood weither It was her blood or someone elses Hiccup didn't know. All he knew was the heavy winds, the freezing rain, and the whistle in his ears as Toothless ran toward a boat.


~A few Weeks Later~

Hiccups homecoming was exactly what was expected. His father was so happy that he hadn't died like they all thought he did. They even had a funeral and everything. Astrid actually cried, and wouldn't stop kissing him. Her wet cheeks were joined by Hiccups wet cheeks. His tears were for the losses, the relief, and being glad that he was finally in knowing arms.

Gobber had to sit Hiccup down and totally redo his prosthetic leg since his old one broke finally from all the strain. Which for some reason it was okay with Gobber and he allowed Hiccup to take a few personal days from work…but he was to come in and continue his work. Which was something Hiccup expected from Gobber. It actually made him smile. It was something he had missed while waiting for someone to save him in the bowels of that ship in those few times in between unconsciousness and awake.

After a few weeks Hiccup sat on the saddle and leaned forward on Toothless trying to reach out as far as he could using his mind, trying to find Rai.

'She's not there…I've tried' The voice in his head was something he had become used to. He wasn't much of a word or speech, it was more or less a feeling, and a bunch of pictures that he saw in his mind. He guessed it was how dragons spoke.

'I know buddy…I just…' He thought to him, and shrugged. "I was hoping." He said out loud.

Later on that night Hiccup lay awake in bed his eyes watching a small spider building a web such a slow process, but it was vital and from what he'd heard from people spiders did this slow process every day sometimes several times a day.

"Spiders must be the most patient things in creation." Hiccup whispered out loud and jumped when his window was forced open. Toothless jumped up out of his near sleep state.

"Actually I've known some spiders to be very impatient." Rai smiled at him sitting on the window sill.

Hiccup looked at the goddess as she sat there looking at him. His eyes filled with tears and he shook his head.

"No your dead what are you doing here!" He yelled. Rai smiled at him and then nodded toward Toothless.

"He said you were waiting for me." She said. Hiccup stumbled out of bed staying clear away from her. Vikings had a huge thing against ghosts.

"Your…alive? How did you escape?" Hiccup asked. Rai frowned at him and lifted her shirt. It was stitched over and bandaged up.

"I almost didn't. Not only that but he cut my hair." Rai said showing that half of her long black hair was only half there. "I like my hair." She said running her fingers through it.

"So what are you going to do now?" He asked her walking up closer to her.

"I'm your guardian Hiccup. What do you want to do?" Rai asked running her hand over the warm bed.

"Well first whats this guardian stuff? Secondly…where are you staying?" Hiccup asked Rai smiled at him and leaned in closer.

"I am your guardian…that's all you need to know, as for where I'm staying…here." She said with a smile. Hiccups eyes grew wide.

"But you're a girl!" Hiccup backed away.

"Oh come now Hiccup…I'm a goddess. If I wanted you I'd take you." Rai waved that little bit of information away.

"Take me!" He squeeked.

"From now on…I will be a guardian to you, and then your children. Your stuck with me Hiccup…deal with it. If we chose to break the bond we now have through Toothless…" She looked up at Toothless who rumbled a reply.

'She would die, and you would grow so weak you would probably die too. I'm afraid…we're both stuck with her.' Toothless thrummed and turned away. 'you may sleep in the corner…regardless of who you think you are to me…you'll be his second guardian and may have my scraps.' Toothless said blowing smoke rings from his nose.

" Kinda thick isn't he?" Rai asked.

"You have no idea."

Authors Notes: Yup the end...although I'm about to put out a second one though. So be prepared for that one :D

Also just a few facts. The bond between Toothless, Hiccup, and Rai is somewhat telepathic. Other then the speech and sensing feelings, and seeing imagery is pretty much the extent of the abilities so don't expect any summonings, moving objects and stuff like it.

As always read and review!