Theresa head was now hanging, she had blacked out from the overwhelming pain. The bandit that had carried her 7 miles in wood put her down forcing her body to rest on the trees branch and trnck. Her mother was limp as she was thrown to the ground. "Dear, dear scarlet" the demoic man stood above her. "Shame you don't have any fight left." She looked up at him with jade eyes "... You took my husband's life and my child's sight." Scarlet's face was then pushed on to the ground. The precky grass was digging into her soft bruised cheek. "Wouldn't matter anyways." Jack admitted with a gentlemen voice. The sharpen heel of the boot dug deep into scarlet's cheek bone, she had wanted to whimper but refused too give him the pleasure.

"It's funny ever since that fight with those beast in the forest you haven't been the same." He sounded slightly annoyed at that simple fact. "Maybe you could have fought me and my men, saved your husband," His metal boots shined in the white moon light as Jack strolled to the blacked out girl whose face was covered in dry blood. He stroked the child's hair in a mocking of love manner. "...maybe your child would still have her sight, could have seen the whole world." He then started rubbing the girls cheek, the dried blood chipped off with the flick of his hand.

"Stop touching her!" Scarlet hollered. She was desppretly try to get up. She wanted to save her child. The brown hair beauty was confident that her son was ok, he had always knew what to do in a pinch. "Why should I?" Jack tilted his head to the side. His dark honey eyes were piercing the tormented willow's soul. "Please ...Leave her alone..." Scarlet put her face back to the ground and tears were forming in her eyes.

Jack simply laughed at this.

"Take Scarlet Robe with us." He said to the strongest bandit leader, Alfred. Alfred was notable considering his red hair, which is hard to find in this world. Jack turned to the frail blind doll. On of her pig tails have gotten lose put one still stood up. "She truly is beautiful isn't she Scarlet, just like you." Everyone could sense his perverted grin. His fingers reached out to the knocked out girl to touch her cotton hair. "Stop it please...leave her alone..." Scarlet begged for the last time now coughing. Her gashes on the widows body were wide and bleeding non stop, just like her fight with the balvirens.

"Fine then you get what you wish for, Scarlet." Jack walked with a light pace, his hands folded behind his back. "Lets continue men." He charmed. The men fallowed him behind, non of them looking back at the blind Theresa.

- 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 -

She could have sworn she was dreaming. She could feel the throbbing in her black pits. Theresa took a step forward with cut bleeding hands. Her eyes still closed, her eyelashes dried in blood. Cool air had brushed upon her skin, an errie shiver along her spine. The feelings were odd but calming.

"I want my brother and mother..." She tried to cry but the tears could not be produced. Only water droplets from above. The ticked their way slowly upon her, almost relaxing her sore body. Theresa wiggled her toes in the pillowed mud, she dug her heels into the squishy liquid. A small smile spread across her lips. This was fun but felt scary. She didn't know why either. She tried takeing step forward, sadly a pain of shock went into her knee cap. She fell into the soft mud, keeping her chin raised to avoid mud on her cheeks.

"Child." A voice called out to her. Theresa looked up with a frown on her face. "Wh-who's there?" Her voice was shaking. Theresa's pink palms sunk in the mud. "You will change, Child. You're path is still long and needs your foot steps." The voice sounded cold and hunting yet the same time wise. "What do you mean?" Theresa asked innocently. "Open your eyes child." At first the young girl in pink hesitated but slowly opened her eyes. To her surprise everything was mildly clear, if you were to ignore the light film of blue. The droplets of water froze in mid air, some were seen clashing in the ground.

"I don't understand..." Theresa stared at the young girl who stood in front of her. She wore an elegant robe with teal and gold elaborate designs. Sacred chains hung on the hood which covered the girls eyes. "You see other things around you, your world will expand." The voice was calm and sounded more childish then Theresa. The mysterious hooded girl lifted up her hands slightly to show what looked like a paper with ancient scribbles on it. "You hold your future." The girls purple clothed fingers worked in harmony on the paper. Lights were beaming from the creases, almost making everything unseeable again.

"What's going on?" Theresa sheild her eyes. "Make the choices." The hidden girl said when everything fizzled into a pale blue.

- 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 -

When the young girl awoke she felt the ground around her. Soft wet grass and her tangled hair in her face. She sat up on her knees then winced in laid her palms on the ground to take pressure of her knee cap, she did not know what happened. Her finger tips found a old hard root of an ancient tree. She guided her hands against the root on to the tree trunk. Her eyes were still closed, she had a slight admiration of the organic designs.

"Hello is any" She called out into the embracing night. She slumped on the tree's base and rested her head on her own shoulder. Genetly rubbing her bruised knee cap she recalled her dream of the girl. Theresa sighed. "Mother.." she murmured to her self. She was awfully tired and needed her rejuvenation. She folded her hands on her lap and scooted her knees to her side.