SM: That was an excellent battle! And, WHY? The "relationship" woulda' boosted ratingz!

Mel: Because I had reviewers asking me to get back to the T/D after the chapters were posted, and second, I don't get paired, I'm the Authoress, I pair other people. :P

SM: Damn. :P Anyways, First up is Gallade!

Mansex: Someone in my high school had a nightmare about YOU breastfeeding a baby.

Saix: Have sex with an old lady and videotape it and show it on youtube and make this come out in the news.

Kairi: Have sex with Tidus and Wakka

Sora: Have sex with Roxas in front of Kairi

Xigbar: Shoot an old lady in the face

Xaldin: Get drunk and make love with Kairi

Larxene: Have sex with Axel in front of Kairi

Roxas: Have sex with a hooker

Luxord: Play strip poker with Roxas

Riku: Shave roxas's hair and burn his house down and plus sell all his clothes on ebay

Mansex: …Wat?

Saix: NO.

Kairi: No.

Sora: NO!

Xigbar: *shoots random passerby person*

SM: Really?

Xigbar: Eh. *shrugs*

Xaldin: N. O.

Larxene: ARE YOU NUTS?

Roxas: NO!

Luxord: I only play Texas Hold'em. Wait a minute...*thinks for a moment* DON'T TWIST MY WORDS!

Melanie: *twisting them in her mind* Hehehehehe...

Riku: REVENGE! *starts chasing Roxas with garden clippers*

SM: And ShinigamiMaster said, "LET THERE BE A BRICK WALL!" *snaps fingers*

*brick wall appears in Riku's path, who smashes into it*

SM: And there was! LOL.

Melanie: Next from xXMrs. RikuXx

here r many dares:

Xemnas- gain author powers, kidnap Saix make him your sex slave.

Xigbar-run out of bullets pulls out atom bomb and kills everything.

Xaldin- put kairi in a box and shove lances through her.

Vexen- hav a mental break down.

Lexy-beat Dawn 2 a bloody little pulp and face her wrath.

Zexion-rape lexy.

Saix- spank everybody with your weapon/paddle.

Axel- run around naked for the WHOLE ch.

Demyx-full on make out with zexy.

Luxord-play strip poker with EVERYONE!

Marluxia-shave your head

SM: SUPER AUTHOR ABSORB! *absorbs author powas before they get to Mansex* We couldn't TAKE that kind of disaster!

Mansex: Crap.

Random: Thought you didn't LIKE Puppy that way?


SM: TELEPORT! *gets rid of Atom Bomb* YOU havs it! Heres more ammo, Xiggs.

Xigbar: Thanks

Xaldin: *does that*

SM: *snap fingers, Kairi appears unhurt*

Vexen: How?

Mel: *stabs him with an injector of Heroin*

Vexen: *running around room like a madman, literally bouncing off the walls* btyiydpvnifgiy!

Everyone: Whoa.

SM: Probably not the best idea, Mel.

Mel: What do you think we should do?

SM: *Thinks a moment*Aha! *grabs Sora, hits Vexen with Sora's crotch.

Mel: ...Why. -_-

SM: It was the first thing I thought of.

Random: Well, at least it works...

Lexaeus: Who?

Zexion: ...WHAT?

Melanie: DO EEETTT.

Random: NO! BAD FANGIRL! BAD! *gets out the spray bottle and uses it on Melanie*

Melanie: *hisses*

Saix/Axel/Demyx: NOOOO.

Luxord: I only play Texas Hold'em!

Random: Hehehehe...

Marluxia: *hair shaved off* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

SM: Deja'Vu.

Mel: Where? Oh!

Riku: *hugs Marly* I feel your pain*

Mansex: Me too.

Random: You ladies done? Anyways, the next up is Ability King KK!

Koichi: *sitting in chair reading manga* *rings bell*

*Clone Random comes into the room while wearing a somewhat revealing French maid outfit*

Kane: *sweatdrop* Okay. I'll bite. How?

KK: *sweatdrop* He found out it was a clone and had its brain waves modified.

Kane: Somehow, I'm not surprised.

Koichi: Ran-chan, be oh so kind and get me a bottle of saké please.

Clone Random: *smiles* Right away, sir. *walks away*

KK: -_- ...Anyway, it seems my Emotion Ray needs work.

Kane: What's this one? *holds up different ray gun*

KK: That would be my Logic Ray. It's supposed to make women think more logically instead of emotionally.

Kane: Does it work?

KK: Only one way to find out. Let's start the T&D!

Koichi: Before we start though *sends Kaman a photo of Clone Random in maid outfit* Don't you wish the real one would wear that? *grin*

KK: You're a perverted little thirteen-year-old. Now we start T&D.

Mansex - When you take Saix out for walks, do you ever have to clean up after him?

Xigbar/Braig - Why in the he-ll did you look like you wanted to rape Aqua in "Birth By Sleep"?

Xaldin - Are you Jamaican with all those dreadlocks? Can you play something on a steel drum?

Vexen/Even - What's one experiment you've always wanted to do?

Lexaeus - Who do you hate most in the Organization?

Zexion/Ienzo - How good of a parent was Vexen/Even?

Saix - *throws shiny red ball into nearby lake*

Axel/Lea - Do you remember Ventus?

Demyx - If I could get the Emotion Ray's effects to be permanent, would you go out with Larxene again?

Luxord - Did you steal all of Jack Sparrow's rum?

Marluxia - Do you wear ladies' undergarments?

Larxene - I dare you to destroy Marluxia's room.

Roxas - How does it feel to be Ventus' reincarnation?

Xion - *zaps with the Logic Ray* *Xion starts kissing a stunned Olette*

Kane: What the he-ll?

KK: Apparently by thinking more logically like a man, you actually think like a man. This includes wanting to make-out with chicks.

Kane: Dude, you invented a Yuri Ray! We can make millions! $_$

Koichi: I'll help with advertisement!

KK: Let's just continue.

Ventus - Why you gay for Terra?

Terra - Why you gay for Xehanort?

Aqua - How hard is it babysitting Ventus and Terra?

All the guys - Would you buy a Yuri Ray?

KK: That's it for now.

Kane: We need to mass produce this Yuri Ray.

Koichi: Indeed.

KK: ...I fear what you two would use it for.

Mansex: *emo corner*

Xigbar + Braig: WHAT? *think* Welllllll-

SM: *Gibbs Slaps them*IT'S CALLED BEING PERVERTED! And I am High Poobah Grandmaster of the Gibbs Slap!

Melanie: *Gibb-slaps Shin* LIES. I am the grand Empress! :P

Xaldin: No. And No.

Vexen + Even: Hmmmmmm….

Everyone: *Gets a good distance away*

Vexen + Even: ...Oh really!

Lexaeus: *No response*

Zexion + Ienzo: *holding sign saying 'No Comment'*

Saix: That won't work anymore. *High fives SM*

Axel + Lea: Not really.

Demyx: No answer until you're SURE it'll work! *still has bruises...*

Luxord: Actually- *Jack Sparrow comes out of nowhere, kicks his **, and takes bag full of bottles of Rum*

Jack: Thanks for the call, mate!

SM: Anytime, Captain Sparrow~!

Jack: *walks away singing 'A Pirate's Life for Me'

Marly: *Joins Mansex in emo corner*

Larxene: *yawns* Been there, done that, watch the movie on Youtube. :P

Roxas: I never really thought about it before...

SM: *hurriedly snaps fingers*

Xion: *Normality* Huh? What happened?

Melanie: KK, I find what you just said completely sexist. :P

SM: Oh, nothing.

Random: *redder than a Red Giant(star)*

Kaman: Koichi…..*low grumbling*

Mel: Oh no! NOT AGAIN!

SM: *Snickering*

Random: What do you find funny about this?

SM: *whispers in her ear*

Random: *eyes light up, runs out of room*

Mel: What is so funny?

SM: *holding a remote with a BIG button* BOOM BOOM, KOICHI-SAN! *presses button*

*nothing happens*

Mel: Well?

SM: *can barely control laughter* I put a self-destruct in the Random Clone! *does a ROFLCopter*

Kaman: *transformation stops, reverses* Really? I'd LOVE to see Koichi's face when that happens!

Random: (off screen) Kamaaaaaaaan.

Kaman: Eh? *looks* WHAAA!

Random: *in same outfit as clone* Hehehe. :)

Kaman: *...Fainted...*

SM: Next up is Sin of Dragons.

Zax: Hmmm...


Zax: For Giga's sake! Your only there as comedy relief!

Reno: ...That's hurtful.

Zax: Deal with it.

Reno: My turn!

Everyone: Go battle against a Enforcer X, of course, unless you know how to kill it you won't be able to win!

Zax: What...that's it? No clues? I wonder how many will be massicured.

Reno: Who knows?

Zax: Well, Sato knows how to kill it...Reno, go kidnap him.


Everyone: …..A who?

*Enforcer X appears*

SM: Duh. *Throws Sora at it, crotch first*

Enforcer X: *tries to swipe Sora away, but hits crotch and vaporizes*

Sora: ...Why...*says in high voice*

Shun: Here's some from puppylove98162!


Ok, I have some:

Sora,Kairi,Roxas,and Naminé: Switch dates and join a circus!

Organization XIII: Go diving! If you die, you die. Fall from 345 feet. Demyx cannot use his power.

Riku: You are the villain to me! EVIL!

Terra & Aqua: I know you like each other. I read you diary/journal entries. Admit it!

That's it for now. Hope you like these and put them in!

Sora,Kairi, Roxas, Namine: Uhh...what?

Orgy XIII: NO-

*magically appear on a cliff and are pushed off*

*All come back, though each of them has died*

Orgy XIII: *muttering under breath curses*

Riku: Wow, you're the first person I think that's ever said that to me. :P

Terra/Aqua: NEVA!

Melanie: Aaannnddd...these are from a new reviewer I believe, Renee Springer~!

Ah, wonderful. The only ToD fics you find these days are Super Smash Bros.

Leon/Squall: About your first chapter, don't be too depressed about your FF name, Squall means a small storm, right? It sounds cool!

Xemnas: Huh, I really do pity you. Xenahort is a much cooler name than the anagram of Mansex.

Lexaeus: ... Why do I find you incredibly sexy? And folks, don't let me catch you making assumtions that Lexaeus is an idiot, or that Vexen's an old perv, or that Xaldin's ugly. In fact, I find him rather attractive. Maybe the eyes?

Leon: *still in emo corner*

Xemnas: ...*emo corner*

Lexaeus: Why...thank you. *shocked*

Melanie: I KNOW! I love Lex! D:

Lexeaeus: *shocked*

Mel: Well, as a character, he rocks~!

Lex: That's nice to know, Melanie. *calm smile*

(*also, if you believe that these stereotypes are stupid, check out Fill The Moon and One Great Circle series from Damned Lolita. It's really good in my humble opinion, if you're fine with yoai and some mature themes. XD)

PS: Sorry Renee Springer, you're other reviews will be included in the commercial part of the next chapters. Pfft...I feel Pretty...

Random: *back in regular clothes with Kaman's head in her lap* These are from organization13girl!

Gracias everyone!More dares!

Xemnas:Well that sucks..oh I at least help kill Heartless for you guys?

Xigbar:Hanging upside down is fun!That's why when I go to Bush Gardens, I ride Kumba like 50 times!I dare ya to it's fun.

Xaldin:Don't be offended,I just really have no interest for you.

Vexen:My friend Jenna and I respect you and she wants to say hi.

Lexaeus:Silent...I dare you to SILENTLY hurt someone.

Zexion:Cool and ya cuz your the you have other interests besides reading/writing?

Saix:Yup.I resect overjoyed. burn stuff...

Demyx:Dem do you want some munny for music?

Luxord:Yup.I'll PWN you at Poker any day.

Marluxia:Sora's demise!WHOO!Oh crap Jenna's not to pleased with me...kill him anyways!


Sora:Jenna is in love with you,but I like do ya think about that?

*Summons Keyblade*Well,I'm off to kill some Heartless and then play some Black ya!

Xemnas: *smeels an unpaid intern* Of course you may~

Xigbar: YER ON! *does just that*

*50 times later*

Xaldin: I'm surprised his brain hasn't fallen out yet...

Xigbar: *gets off* that was AWESOME DUDE! :D

Xaldin: Does it look like I care.

Vexen: *smug* Glad to know SOME DECENT PEOPLE appreciate me.

Lexeaus: ...*has the slight feelingt hat he is being mocked, but kicks Sora again in the crotch...SILENTLY! ...Well, except for Sora's scream...*

Zexion: Of course, trapping people in illusions that cause never ending nightmares of despair and darkness. *smirks*

Everyone: ...*takes three steps away from him*

Saix: Yay...

Axel: AMEN!

Demyx: Sure! :D

Luxord: I am unconvinced with that exclamation.

*Pirate translator*

*Means, "no way in hell"*

Marluxia: *still crying about hair*

Larxene: *filing nails*

Kairi: Sora can't answer that at the moment since he's still... on the ground...

Everyone: *waves*

Shin: Next are from XxGoodGirlGoneTobixX


I am lovin this~

Lol, call me Xilia BD

Sora: Go into a pout contest with Zack Fair! See who wins!

Roxas: Kay, I fu- er, flippin love you! Can I have a hug? Lol and I DARE YOU TO SING A WHOLE JESSE MCCARTNEY SONG D

Kairi: How do you feel being left out most of the game, and knowing th fact that Riku and Sora totally have this bromance thing going on? XD

Riku: Why are you so sexy?

Cloud: .You.3 Can I have a hug to? (*totally has a thing for emo blonds*)Umm,umm, umm don't know if the beeee-utiful author is keen on Yaoi but. Please go like. Make out with Leon and make this Cleon fangirl happy? If not just give him a very manly hug 8D OH OH. AND Smile please! like a nice lovleh smile :3

Leon: Umm, the Cloud make out thing would be nice 8D Lol who did you like better for your voice acting? Dough Erholtz of David Boreanes? (i'm pretty sure that just broke some 4th wall. . )

Melanie(and everybody else): I dare you to go read Kingdom Hearts: The Short and Honest Version if you havent already, it's hilarious!

Yuffie: Give up. All of your Materia. D

Saix: Bark.

Xemnas: I don't like you. I really don't. Just sayin'

Zexion: Your to cool man, what's your favorite book?

Demyx: What's your favorite band/song? 8D Oh and bw, you were like the hardest boss in KH2 so like, be proud XD


Marluxia: Dude, I respect your hair. SO GO GET IT DIED BLACK D


Xigbar: Actually your guns look more like Haseo's xth form in .Hack


Lol, that's It :P T&D's DUNZO~


*THE GAME HAS BEGUNETH! *Holy crap Microsoft word put that as an actual word! Sweeettt.*

Sora/Zack: ...





Girls: *have squeed and fainted at adorableness*

Melanie: WAIT! ...THERE IS ANOTHER! *hold Ienzo up with his pout*

Sora/Zack: ...We can't beat that...

Roxas: *hug* Thanks. BUT PLEASE NO SONG!

Xigbar: Yeah, we already taped it once. *snickering*

Roxas: ...YOU TAPED IT?

SM: Done.

Kairi: Hmm….well, it keeps the fangirls happy, I just wish they wouldn't flame me about it...:/

Sora/Riku: WHAT?

Random: Don't deny it, idiots. You're as bad as Rox and Axel. :P

Riku: It just comes naturally. *hair flip*

Cloud: *blush* Uhh...thanks. But NO.

Leon: I can't really choose...

Mel/SM: We will when we get the chance.

Yuffie: Never!

Saix: *human imitation* Woof. Happy now?

Mansex: I had a feeling of that from a lot of people *Deat Glare at name*

SM: The Fame of being the villan. Loved to be hated.

Zexion: My Lexicon.

Demyx: I like it all! But I wasn't the hardest boss. Sephiroth was.

Sephiroth: I refuse to- *Chuck Norris appears, roundhouse kicks Sephy in the crotch, then crushes head between his thighs, and dissapears*

SM: There. He's dead.

Marluxia: WHAT?

Axel: *dumps black paint on Marly's hair*


Xigbar: More like what now?

Mel: Hmm, I'll need a song that everyone can sing to. Like at the b-day party from my Pokemon T/D (R.I.P.)

Everyone else: AHHHHHHHHH!

SM: HOLD IT! Instead of torturing you guys, Shun and I will sing one song.

Shun: Wait! 1) I didn't agree to anything. And 2) What song?

SM: A. You don't have to agree. And B. *whispers in ear*

Shun: *looks pleased* Let's DO IT!

Mel: Go ahead. Make us laugh.

SM: Wait for it.

*All goes dark. Spotlight on SM and Shun, who look like gangstas. John Cena's Theme begins to play.*

SM/Shun: Your time is up, my time is now

You can't see me, my time is now

It's the franchise, boy I'm shinin' now

You can't see me, my time is now!

SM: In case you forgot or fell off I'm still hot - knock your shell off

My money stack fat plus I can't turn the swell off

The franchise, doin' big bid'ness, I live this

It's automatic I win this - oh you hear those horns, you finished

A soldier, and I stay under you fightin'

Plus I'm stormin' on you chumps like I'm thunder and lightning

Ain't no way you breakin' me kid, I'm harder than nails

Plus I keep it on lock, like I'm part of the jail

I'm slaughtering stale, competition, I got the whole block wishing

they could run with my division but they gone fishing -

- with no bait, kid your boy hold weight

I got my soul straight, I brush your mouth like Colgate

In any weather I'm never better your boy's so hot

you'll never catch me in the next man's sweater

If they hate, let 'em hate, I drop ya whole clan

Lay yo' ** DOWN for the three second tap

Sm/Shun: Your time is up, my time is now

You can't see me, my time is now

It's the franchise, boy I'm shinin' now

You can't see me, my time is now!

Shun: Yeah, uhh

It's gon' be what it's gon' be

Five pounds of courage buddy, bass tint pants with a gold T

Uhh - it's a war dance and victory step

A raw stance is a gift, when you insist it's my rep

John Cena, Chain Gang, y'all are so-so

And talk about the bread you make but don't know the recipe for dough though

Aimin' guns in all your photos, that's a no-no

When this pop, you'll liplock, your big talk's a blatant no-show

See what happens when the ice age melt

You see monetary status is not what matters, but it helps

I rock a timepiece by Benny if any

The same reason y'all could love me is the same reason y'all condemn me

A man's measured by the way that he thinks

Not clothing lines, ice links, leather and minks

I spent 20 plus years seekin' knowledge of self

So for now SM and Shun are livin' live for wealth

SM/Shun: Your time is up, my time is now

You can't see me, my time is now

It's the franchise, boy I'm shinin' now

You can't see me, my time is now!

Your time is up, my time is now

You can't see me, my time is now

It's the franchise, boy I'm shinin' now

You can't see me, my time is now!

SM/Shun: Finish with the [You can't see me].

Everyone: 8O *nobody is laughing*

SM/Shun: Well?

Everyone: WHOOOHOOO! *cheers, clapping*

SM/Shun: *take the bow*

Mel: Nice one. Sure John Cena would be proud.

SM: We'll find out. The next 6 episodes, we're going to have a special premiering on WWE.

Mel: Yup~ Everyone we'll decide the matches.

SM: We'll be on Monday Night RAW, Tuesday Night WWE NXT, then a special episode called Wednesday Night WWE KH. Then Thursday Night WWE Superstars, Friday Night Smackdown!, and finally, THE ROYAL RUMBLE!

Random: I take it you cleared this with Chairman Vince McMahon?

SM: …CRAAAAAAAAAPP! *snaps fingers*

*Mr. McMahon appears*

Everyone: OMFG, WWE Chairman Mr. McMahon!

McMahon: That's right. I take it YOU are the young man who contacted me. Mr. XXXXX XXXXXXXXX?

SM: That's me, but here I go by my pen name, ShinigamiMaster, Shini, SM, or Shin.

McMahon: Fine with me. What did you have to propose to me?

SM: Vince-can I call you Vince?

Vince: Sure.

SM: Okay. Vince, I have something that'll boost ratings of the ENTIREITY of the WWE.

Vince: Go on.

SM: I propose that the Kingdom Hearts Characters and assorted OCs here- *gestures around* brings the T/D show here on RAW, NXT, a special show on Wednesday, WWE Superstars, Smackdown!, and The Royal Rumble. Whatdya say?

Vince: Tempting….. XXXXX, I mean, SM, you've got yourself a deal!

Everyone: BOOYAA!

Vince: See you all on RAW. Um, can I get put back where I was now?

SM: Oh, sure. *snaps fingers, Vince disappears*

Mel: This is gonna be AWESOME!

SM: You know it. *thinks for a moment* Oops.

Random: What?

SM: I neglected to mention that each show, the reviewers will be choosing the matches, and match types. Besides the Rumble itself. So here's the Roster List for Monday Night RAW! And remember one thing. You need to look up the match types yourself.

SM: That's all. By the way, Go to MY profile and give some T/Ds to my Bleach T/D ! Thnxs

Poster shat :P

The Miz(WWE Champion)
Daniel Bryan(United States Champion)
Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov(WWE Tag Team Champions)
Natalya(Diva's Champion)
Other Superstars:
CM Punk
Darren Young(Former Nexus)
David Otunga(Nexus)
Evan Bourne
Heath Slater(Nexus)
Husky Harris(Nexus)
Jerry "The King" Lawler (WWE Hall of Famer and RAW Announcer)
Jey Uso
Jimmy Uso
John Cena
John Morrison
Justin Gabriel(Nexus)
Mark Henry
Michael McGillicutty(Nexus)
Michael Tarver(Nexus)


Randy Orton
Sheamus(2010 King of the Ring)
Skip Sheffield(Nexus)
Ted Dibiase
The Great Khali
Triple H (temporary recall)
Wade Barrett(Nexus, Leader)
William Regal
Other Divas:
Alicia Fox
Brie Bella


Gail Kim


Nikki Bella