Hey I'm back. I know I'm being a terrible person by not updating, but the reviews actually do help. I got less reviews and was less willing to write. I still need a beta so if you want that job send me a PM. I did like some people's idea so if you see yours remind me and I will give you credit next chapter. So I'm sure you want to get to the story. So here it is.

Chapter 15

Max's Pov

I couldn't help myself it was instinct! Really! You try growing up in a cage and not having violent reactions when you wake up with people really close to you. So I did what any mutant would do. I head butted them. It's not my fault, at least as far as they know.

Murtagh and Eragon jumped back holding their head and nose respectively.

"What did you do that for?!" Murtagh whined. He rubbed his forehead trying to ease the pain from my head-butt.

"Why the heck were you leaning over me and in my personal space! Besides it wasn't my fault, I naturally react violently, I just can't help it." I quickly move away from them to the head of the bed.

I finally had a chance to look around the room I was in. It had tall cathedral ceiling, tall enough that Starr was standing comfortably by my bed.

Starr are you ok? Did they hurt you? Do I need to hurt someone.

Little bird don't worry about me it would take a lot more than these punny dragons to hurt me. I am not fighting back because I don't want you to get hurt in the process. They have learned how to control a dragon is through their riders.

Don't stay here because of me. I can take care of myself, you know that. We will escape soon anyway.

"No, I don't think that you will." My head snapped over to door to see Galbatorix walking through the door and into the room. "You will be watched day and night and will have no chance of escaping. You didn't think that I would let something as valuable as a female rider and dragon go so easily. You are the first female rider I have ever heard of and I'm not about to let you go so easily. I hope you like your fellow riders' company, because you will be getting to know them very well in the coming months."

It took everything in me not to spit at him or try to hit him. He will be learning very soon that if you try to keep me captive and take away my freedom, I will stop at nothing to get free. Since I couldn't hurt him, I settled on glaring at him. Leveling him with my death glare I crossed my arms and set back into the bed, not speaking.

"Don't worry you will get used to it in time. You may even come to like it here. Eragon, Murtagh make sure she doesn't leave this room!" With that order Galbatorix swept out of the room.

I don't think I will ever come to like that man. He is extremely arrogant and reminds me too much of the School, thinking that he is infallible and much better than me. I just huffed and threw a pillow at the door as he was walking out.

"He is so arrogant! Who does he think he is ordering me around like that!" I angrily huffed out.

"He's the king and right now the most powerful rider. He has both mine and Eragon's true names, meaning that he can order us around as he pleases," Murtagh sarcastically replied. I jumped not expecting anyone to answer. I had forgotten that Eragon and Murtagh were in the room.

"That was a rhetorical question. Meaning, I didn't want an answer!" I could hear Eragon snickering at me as I glared at Murtagh. Murtagh just smirked at me.

"Fine! Since im stuck around here until I can escape, what is there to do?" I raised my eyebrow questioningly at the two boys.

"What?" Both looked confused at my question.

"What do you do for fun around here? You can't tell me that all you do is train and stare in awe of Galbatorix." Both of the guys looked embarrsed, showing me that was all they really did do. I head slapped to show then my frustration.

"In my defense I have only been here for like two days and the whole time we have trying to capture, heal, and tame you. You really can't blame me for that. Murtagh has been here for a couple years, he should know what they do for fun." Eragon defended himself. Murtagh glared at him for throwing him under the bus.

"Um, they used to have dragon races around the castle, but we can't have those. Glabaroix is worried that you would escape with Starr if we allowed you to you fly." Murtagh accusingly looked at me. I just shrugged, it was true. If they let me get anywhere near the bowndaries of the castle, with Starr, I would be gone before they could blink.

"So, if we can't have races because Max would run away, what else is there to do. I don't want to train the whole time I have had enough training to last me a life time." Eragon complained.

"And I still beat you, your training was obviously not the best. Come to think of it. You need to get together with Galbatorix so he can teach you some of the basic forbidden arts." Eragon looked horrified by the very thought of having to train with Galbatorix, let alone having to learn the forbidden arts from him. I just snickered at him misfortune.

"Don't get to happy, as soon as Galbaorix is sure that you wont use his teachings against him you will be put through the same steps that Eragon and I both will and have been put through."

"That's if I don't escape first. You will soon learn that I don't like being coped up and I will fly away as soon and as fast as I can. Don't expect to have me around for very long. "

Hey guys im sorry for being such a terrible author! To be honest until I recently got some reviews and alerts I had forgotten about this story. I will try and be better, but there are no promises. I hope you like this chapter and it isn't too bad. If anyone would like be my beta please tell me, I probably really need one!

Please Review.
