A/N: Hey people. Another long wait for me to post a chapter I know. I'm afraid to tell you guys that this is going to be the last chapter for Roadtrips and Babysitting. Just wanted to get this story done and over with so I can move on with another story. So, hope you all enjoy the last chapter.
Roadtrips and Babysitting
Interrogation and the Last Stand
The walk back to Raven's hospital room was anything but a quiet one. Most of the loud noise came from Melvin and Timmy bickering, which they seemed to do a lot of lately. It could almost compare to Cyborg and Beast Boy's usual morning meat vs. tofu debate, but when it came to physical violence, Cyborg and Beast Boy wouldn't stand a chance.
"If you don't like the food, then throw it away. You don't spit it back in someone's face then laugh until you fall out of your chair."
Timmy couldn't keep himself from holding back his laughter. "I know, but it was worth seeing the loowk on your face."
"Yeah, reeaaal mature." The little girl did nothing but roll her eyes at him.
Without warning, Robin stopped, almost making Beast Boy and Starfire bump into him.
"What's wrong?" Beast Boy asked, trying to take a peak over Robin's shoulder. The boy wonder didn't seem to acknowledge his green teammate as he continued to stare blankly down the hall. After a few moments of awkward silence, the changeling reached out and gently shook his leader's shoulder.
"Robin? What…is…IT?" Beast Boy asked again but with more annoyance in his voice.
"Something is wrong. I…I don't know how to explain this weird feeling. It's almost like something's about to go horribly wrong."
"Dude, you're starting to creep me out with this whole supernatural mind thing." Beast Boy grumbled but immediately shut up as soon as Robin shot him a dirty look.
"I'm serious Beast Boy." Robin growled. Suddenly, Robin's face turned a ghostly white.
"Raven." He didn't give the other's a chance to speak before he spun on his heels and accelerated down the hall all the while leaving a heap of wreckage from the various medical carts that he had bumped into. The others had no other choice but to follow after their friend.
Nearly busting down the door, Robin raced in but stopped quickly when he noticed that empathic teammate was nowhere to be seen.
"No, where could she be." Robin growled through clenched teeth. Just as his gaze fell back on the bed, he saw a small note lying flat against the pillow. Walking over, Robin picked up the piece of paper and read the message.
If you want to see your friend again, meet me at the old abandoned pier on the south side of town.
Robin was beyond furious. Crumpling up the paper and tossing it aside, he rushed back into the hallway only to meet face-to-face with his comrades.
"Is something the madder Robin?" Starfire asked innocently, "Is friend Raven ok?"
"No Starfire, I'm afraid that she was kidnapped." Everyone's eyes grew wide, clearly shocked at the turn of events.
"Waven's gone?" Timmy asked as his eyes began to water.
"Beast Boy, find Cyborg. We need to get to the docks."
Beast Boy nodded as he scampered off back into the elevator. Robin led the rest of the group down the stairwell and outside the hospital.
Everything seemed hazy. Raven couldn't remember anything since the incident at the gas station. Her eyes opened half way, as she didn't have enough strength yet to fully open her eyes. Almost instantly, bright lights lit up the room. Raven could barely make out a shadowy silhouette silently make its approach.
"Ah, you're awake. I was beginning to think that you were dead, or just a heavy sleeper." The voice chuckled.
Raven was still trying to adjust to the light but even without her sight she could tell just by the cocky voice that it was Cyborg's arch nemeses.
"What do you want Brother Blood?" Raven croaked out but her voice still managed to seep venom and hate.
"Why do you Titans always expect that a super villain like myself would want something out of a situation." Brother Blood pouted mockingly.
"Because you're nothing but a pathetic parasite that feeds off of everyone's misery." Raven spat back, "And a dirty liar."
"My my Raven, such harsh words. But I guess I would expect nothing less than for such words to come out of your mouth." As Raven's sight started to clear up, she could see the cybernetic man standing no less than about three feet away from her.
"What do you want with Cyborg this time?" She growled, shooting daggers at her captor.
The man couldn't help but chuckle, "Oh this has nothing to do with your metal friend, Rae Rae."
"Don't call me that." Raven hissed.
"Too bad, I thought that nickname suited you perfectly. It makes you seem less, intimidating. Anyways I am getting off task. You see, your little munchkins have caught my eye." Blood grinned mischievously, almost in a taunting way.
"Which one?" Raven smirked.
"I am afraid your method of trying to get under my skin remains futile." Brother Blood replied monotonously, "Your little friends, they have an amazing gift and I feel that their talent should not go to waste."
Raven's eyes widened only for her expression to change into a hateful glare. "Where. Are. They?"
"Oh, my cadged bird, I am afraid our guests haven't arrived yet but I shall inform you when they do so. Or maybe not." The man grinned back at Raven.
"If you hurt them I'll-"
"You'll do what?" Blood chuckled, "You're chained to the wall my dear and I have subdued all of your demonic power. Why there is nothing you could do other than to throw a pebble at me."
"Well there's an idea." Raven rolled her eyes.
"Hasn't your parents ever teach you any manners?" Brother Blood asked.
Looking him strait in the eyes, she only replied. "My mother is dead and my father is a demon from another dimension."
"I think I just heard my heart breaking." He said sarcastically, "Well, as much as I would love to stay and chat about your "family issues" I have to get ready to greet the guests."
Tugging at her chains, Raven could only watch the psycho maniac walk into the shadows and disappear put of plain sight.
"Man are you sure this is where she is?" Cyborg asked quizzically as he got out of the car.
"That's what the note said." Robin replied.
After all of the Titans climbed out of the car, they walked towards the entrance. It took a short amount of time to open the rigid doors but with Cyborg's and Starfire's combined strength, they opened the large wooden doors with ease.
"It's dark in there. I can't see anything." Melvin whispered nervously, intertwining her fingers between Bobby's claws. Timmy and Teether grasped Beast Boy's arms, hoping that their green friend would protect them from the eerie darkness.
"C'mon, this way." Robin whispered to the group while signaling Starfire to provide light from her star bolts.
When everyone had followed Robin inside the lights had suddenly flickered on. Everyone gave each other questioning looks before they were snapped out of their confused trance by a voice.
"Greeting Titans, how nice of you to stop by and pay your old friend a visit. And look, you brought the children with you." Robin looked around furiously, searching for the voice's owner.
"Slade?" Robin questioned, a little uncertain. His eyes finally drifted to a man leaning against the railing from the second floor.
"I am afraid not Robin, try again. But if I were you, I'd ask Cyborg if her knew." Instantly Cyborg's expressionless face changed to hate.
"Blood." The metallic teen growled his robotic eye flaring. "I thought I took you down."
"Aw yes, but you should of checked twice."
Melvin released her hand from Bobby's grip. The little girl slowly made her way to Robin's side.
"Who is that man?" Melvin asked before squinting her eyes to get a better look of the man who making Cyborg's blood boil. "And why does he look like Cyborg?"
"My child, you do not know who I am. Cyborg I am hurt. To think that you have at least mentioned my name to these children." His human eye landed on Melvin who was half hidden behind Robin.
"Little girl what is your name?"
Robin protectively slid Melvin behind him while drawing out his bow staff. "She doesn't have to answer to the likes of you."
Eyeing the bow staff, Blood raised his hands in surrender. "Now Robin, there is no need to be so rash about this. All I want is the children, I mean your friends no harm."
Robin growled anger starting to boil inside of him, "If you didn't want to hurt us then why did you kidnap Raven?"
The half-man half-robot started to make his way down the stairs, his gaze never leaving the group. "I knew you Titans wouldn't have brought the children willingly so I had to use her as bait to draw you out."
"Where is she." Robin's voice was exceptionally low and filled with disdain. The Boy Wonder kept watch as Brother Blood started to walk down the last set of stairs.
"I just can't tell you where she is-" Brother Blood paused enjoying the pleasure of getting on the masked leader's last nerves. "Because it would just ruin the purpose of me kidnapping her in the first place, but I am willing to make you a deal."
By now, Brother Blood was just a couple feet away, stopping in front of the Titan's leader with his arms behind his back.
"I don't make deals with psychos." Robin spat his bow staff ready for a quick assault.
"Oh but I think that this is a deal that you wouldn't want to refuse." Brother Blood grinned. "How about I trade you your precious little bird for these little ones."
Robin was about to protest but Brother Blood had beaten him to it. "Wait, here's the catch. If you agree, I will return your friend to you unharmed and take the children without a fight. If you choose to decline, she will meet her demise and I will take the kids by force. Either way I will get what I want but what happens to Raven will depend on your actions."
Everyone went silent, watching Robin and Brother Blood stare intently at the person standing before them. After a while they heard Robin retract his bow staff. Just when they thought that he had given in, he swung around landing a powerful kick to Blood's face and thus making him stumble back a couple spaces back.
"If you want them you'll have to kill me first." Robin hissed getting into his battle stance. "And trust me, I won't even give you the chance to lay a finger on her."
"Why you insolent FOOL." Brother Blood shouted.
"TITANS GO!" Robin hollered being the first to lunge at the enemy. Cyborg followed suit, charging at Blood with a fully ready sonic cannon.
"Star, stay here and make sure that they do not get out of your sight." Beast Boy commanded before morphing into a rhino and run off to provide the two boys some back up. Starfire felt something tug at her skirt so she turned around to see Teether looking back at her with fear etched all over his face.
"It is ok little ones. I, how do you say, have taken your back."
"I got your back Star, it's I got your back." Beast Boy hollered just as Brother Blood had taken him by surprise and blasted him clear across the room.
"Right what he had said." Starfire agreed. She grimaced when Beast Boy collided into the wall making a loud thud.
"Stawrfire?" Timmy spoke up. She turned around to face the small boy.
"Showdn't we start loowking for Waven?"
"I am displeased to say that we cannot. I have promised Beast Boy that I would not let you depart from my sight of vision." Starfire said solemnly. Just when she went to turn around she noticed that Melvin and Bobby were nowhere to be seen. She started to panic. "Friend Melvin? Friend Bobby? Please I do not wish to partake in a game of the hiding and seeking."
Starfire searched frantically around the room for them but failed to see them.
"Ok Bobby, here's the plan. You search over there and I'll search over here. If you find anything suspicious let me know." Melvin waited for Bobby to nod before running off behind a pile of boxes. It didn't take long before Bobby walked back behind Melvin. She crawled out from under a hole in the wall and glanced back at her furry friend.
"Did you find her already?" Melvin asked disbelieved. Bobby just shook his head.
"Then why are you over h-" She was cut off when Bobby threw his arms around her.
"Bobby l…let m…me g…go." Melvin demanded as she fought to break his embrace. In the midst of Melvin trying to break free she could faintly hear a low voice echo throughout the room.
"Shh! Bobby, listen" Bobby stopped, doing as he was told and listened. Again the same voice echoed but it was a little louder this time.
"It's Raven! I just know it!" Melvin shouted happily as she managed to untangle herself from the giant teddy bear's arms and shoot off in the direction that the voice was coming from. Bobby ran after her just to make sure that she didn't stumble into any danger.
The pigtailed girl stopped in front of a metal door. Leaning the side of her head against the cool texture of the door she listened for the sound. Bobby had finally managed to catch up to her, standing right beside her, looking at her with confusion. The furry monster grumbled something inaudible but was hushed by Melvin.
"She's behind this door but it's locked." She said in disappointment. Bobby looked down at her then back up at the door. Walking up to it, he examined the locks. With one swift movement, he swung his arms and knocked down the door.
"I guess we don't need to find the key." Melvin mumbled to herself, stepping over some of the debris that had fallen off of the wall.
"Melvin? Bobby?" A voice called out.
"Raven!" The little kid hollered racing towards Raven and enveloping her in a hug.
"Are you ok? How's your injuries?" Melvin asked after pulling away.
"I'm better, I managed to heal most of the concussion." Raven said in her monotonic voice. "But this rope is starting to dig into my arms."
"Don't worry Raven we'll have you out in no time." Melvin smiled motioning Bobby over. Grabbing a section of the rope with his claw he sliced it in half. Raven felt the rope loosen and fall into her lap.
"Thanks you two." She smiled as she picked herself up off the floor.
"Where are the rest of my team?"
"They're fighting a man called Brother Blood." Raven conjunctured up her magic to form a portal. She looked back at Melvin and Bobby before demanding. "Get in the portal, it's time to end this."
They did as she said and followed her inside. Melvin and Bobby watched as the dark room vanished from view.
The portal reopened as they walked out to see Robin soar over their heads and crash into a wooden crate.
"Robin." Raven called rushing over to help him out. Tugging at his arms she pulled him out, providing him support.
"Raven you're ok." She was about to respond but was cut off when his lips fell on hers. Raven found herself engrossed in the kiss, forgetting all about the fight and how Bobby and Melvin where standing right in front of them.
"I'm starting to think that they're not zombies." The little girl whispered to her friend. Bobby just nodded as he waited patiently for them to pull away.
"There you are!" Starfire exclaimed as she hurried over with Timmy and Teether in her arms. "I wish for you to not do that again. It is too dangerous to run off without my knowledge of your-"
The Tamaranian girl stopped, eyeing Robin and Raven.
"Am I perhaps interrupting?" Starfire asked.
Both teens pulled away with their faces flushed.
"I-uh, no Star we were just…um, you know what? We should really get back to the fight. Anyone have a plan?" Robin stumbled looking back and forth between Raven and Starfire.
"I think I got one but I think we're going to need some extra help." Raven implied looking at Melvin and smiling.
"Really? We get to help?" Raven nodded.
"Ok Raven what do you have in mind?" Everyone huddled together to listen in on Raven's plan.
"Yo! Get the hell off my back." Cyborg growled desperately trying to grab the man off of him.
"Don't worry Cy, I'll get him." The green changeling shouted, morphing into a gorilla and grabbing Brother Blood around the waist. Brother Blood let go only to turn around and knock Beast Boy off of his feet. When he hit the ground, Blood set his foot on top of Beast Boy's chest.
"Timmy! Teether! NOW!" Raven hollered.
"What the-" Blood stopped turning his head. Timmy and Teether jumped out. Teether started to spit rapidly at his target with Timmy following up with a powerful supersonic cry. The robotic man's eyes widened as he held his arms up to cover his face. The power of the two attacks combined was enough to knock Blood off of his feet and skid across the floor.
"Stafire! Bobby! Go!"
Bobby jumped high from his perch, throwing his fists up in the air with Starfire right behind him with her starbolts ready. Bobby thrusted his arms hard against the floor, making the board shoot up like a wave until Brother Blood was thrown up into the air. Starfire let out a battle cry, sending a very strong and large starbolt in Brother Blood's direction. The bolt had successfully made contact with his body, making him shoot across the room. Just before he hit the wall he turned his body so that he could use his feet to jump off of the planks.
"Beast Boy! Cyborg! Don't hold back!"
"Oh I won't" Cyborg growled as he started to charge up his cannon and aim at Blood. Beast Boy changed into a monkey and hopped onto his back, latching his hands in front of his face to cover his eyes.
"Why you undignified creature." Brother Blood shouted trying to pry the green monkey off.
"Beast Boy watch out!" Cyborg hollered. He obeyed, hoping off and scurrying away. Cyborg took the shot as the beam hit Brother Blood square in the chest. Blood tried to fight against it but he couldn't hold his ground against it.
"Raven! Robin! Go get 'em." Cyborg shouted.
Robin charged at Blood with his explosive disks ready. Tossing them at him he signaled Raven to put up her shield around Brother Blood.
"Oh sh-" Blood was cut off by the explosion. Raven let down her barrier and waited until the smoke cleared. When it did, they saw Brother Blood hunched over trying to hold himself up. They heard him start to weakly laugh.
"You Titans can not defeat me." He choked out glaring at them. "I am invincible. No one can beat me."
Just then he felt something hard had hit him in the back of his head. Brother Blood blacked out and plopped against the floor. The Teen Titans looked up and saw Melvin standing behind him with a wooden board that was at least twice her size gripped firmly in her hands.
"Maybe if you took a nap you wouldn't be so cranky." She whispered patting his head then setting the board on the ground next to his body.
"We did it!" Beast Boy cheered. He and Cyborg exchanged high fives while Raven walked over to where Melvin was standing.
"Nice work." Raven smiled down at her.
"Uh Raven?" Robin called.
"There's someone here that wants to talk to you." Raven turned around and saw a group of monks standing beside Robin.
"Yes may I help you?" Raven questioned with Melvin, Timmy, Teether, and Bobby right behind her.
"We're here to take the children with us." One of the older monks spoke out.
"We have discovered and underground establishment that would be safe against any kind of threat."
Raven looked back at them with a sad expression.
"So we have to leave?" Melvin asked eyes starting to tear up.
"I'm afraid so."
"But Raven we don't want to leave you." The girl threw her arms around Raven's waist letting her tears flow freely down her face.
"I know Melvin I don't want you guys to leave either but you'll be safer with them." Raven paused gently lifting up Melvin chin so that she was looking at her.
"I promise to visit you. I'll stop by every once and a while to see how you guys are doing."
"You promise?" Melvin asked.
"I promise." Raven smiled and soon she found herself enveloped in a group hug.
"I'll miss you guys." She whispered before reluctantly breaking the group hug. Raven watched as they followed behind the monks and before they were out the door, they waved one last goodbye. The empath felt a tear roll down her cheek as she waved back at them.
"Don't worry Raven." Robin spoke as he wrapped his arm around her waist and whipped the tear away. "Like you said, you'll see them again."
"Yeah." She whispered leaning into Robin's embrace.
"Hey I know what we can do to cheer you up." Beast Boy grinned. "PIZZA!"
"Yeah man I could go for some right about now." Cyborg agreed.
"What do you say Raven?" Robin asked looking back at Raven. "You can sit by me if you want."
Raven chuckled. "Yeah sure I guess."
"Yeah! C'mon I'll race ya there dude!" Beast Boy shouted running out the door.
"You're on grass stain." Cyborg laughed chasing after his friend.
And so the race was on. The Teen Titans set out to enjoy the delicacies of pizza. Melvin, Timmy, Teether, and Bobby were safe and Brother Blood was behind bars. All was good for the Titans, until the next day when Beast Boy almost flooded the tower.
A/N: So sorry for the really crappy last chapter and for all the possible spelling and grammar errors. Couldn't really think strait. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Finally wrote a long chapter so yay for me. Right now I am thinking over my next story. So until I come up with a good idea for the next story I must say my good-byes. R&R peeps.