Thanks for giving this one a chance. It's been quite a while since I've written anything, but I think this will be my best fic to date. Senior year Lit and Composition has done me a world of good. DISCLAIMER: The characters or themes mentioned here do not belong to me and, yes, this is slash. Please comment. Thank you!

This is how the Sectumsempra incident would have transpire if I had my way. Which I did and here it is :)



As the blood spurted from the other boy's face and chest, nothing seemed real to Harry but his own terror. He ran towards Draco. To help. To do something, but he knew of nothing and his horror left Harry paralyzed to do anything but gape as he knelt over the ghostly white boy twitching beneath him, blood was now pooling on the floor and soaking Harry's knees.

"No!" Harry gasped. "I didn't... no, I"

He hadn't known. He couldn't have known. Harry's ears wrung as he watched Snape shove him aside and he saw the black-haired professor's lips moving rapidly and his wand following the gashes in Draco's body. As Snape continued the incantation, Draco's wounds began to heal. When they were fully closed, he stood the trembling boy up. Harry barely understood the orders Snape spat at him as he walked Draco he regained control of his senses, Harry fought with the reality of what he had done. He felt as if he couldn't have been responsible for what had occurred but the image of a terrified Draco, blood pouring from his face was etched in his mind and Harry could do nothing but accept that yes, he had caused this. Curling into himself, Harry wept at what might have happened had Snape not intervened. Harry did not know how much time passed before Snape returned.

"Get up, Potter."

Harry rose slowly to his feet.

"What you did to Malfoy is not something you picked up in a classroom. Where did you learn such a dark curse?"

"I didn't know what it did. I never would have," stammered Harry.

"Answer me, Potter."

Harry was unsure of how to explain.

"I don't know. Can I talk to Dumbledore?"

"Potter, I doubt that even Professor Dumbledore will take up for you after this, but I'm sure he'll want a word, all the same. Besides, as it were, i can barely stand the sight of you. Up to his office, immediately." Snape turned on his heels and strode quickly off.

It seemed to take ages to get to Dumbledore's office. Surely he was quite a sight, soaked in blood and water, but the gaping stares people gave him made Harry sure they knew about the horrible thing he'd done. The trek was agony.

Dumbledore called him in before he could raise a fist to knock on the door.

"Tell me," he said calmly.

Before he could stop himself, Harry launched into the story of finding the mysterious book and taking its tips and bits of advice. He told Dumbledore about following Malfoy to the Room of Requirement and his suspicions about Katie. He gushed about the even that had just transpired in the bathroom and how he hadn't meant for anything of the sort to happen.

Dumbledore peered into Harry's eyes over his half-moon spectacles. He mulled over what Harry had said before speaking.

"Certainly, testing out an unknown curse was unwise and very dangerous. Of course, I am positive you did not intend for what happened. As for Mr. Malfoy, Madam Pomfrey will see to it that he is restored to tip top condition. I will look into the things you have told me, but for now, surely you will want to change into clean, dry clothes. You are excused from your afternoon classes. Stay in your dormitory. Take the time to calm yourself, and to rest."

"But, professor, can't I go visit Malfoy in the hospital wing?" asked Harry. He seemed almost surprised at the words that had come from his mouth.

Dumbledore gave him a curious look.

"Harry, your desire to set things right is admirable, but you and Draco are not on amiable terms at the best of times. Perhaps it would be best if you put off seeing him."

"Yes, sir," said Harry before he turned and left the office.

Harry had been sitting in the same spot for three and a half hours before Ron and Hermione returned to the common room from their afternoon classes. They swept in, scooped him up by either arm, and dragged him up to his and Ron's dormitory.

"What happened?" they asked in unison as they dropped him on the bed.

Harry was quite reluctant to recount the entire episode again, but Ron and Hermione deserved to know, outside of the fact that they would hear a distorted version of what happened later if he did not tell them the truth now.

He finished his account to horrified silence. Harry sighed. He felt better now that he had told them, but he knew it wasn't over yet.


"Hermione," Ron said soothingly, trying to stop her yelling, "Harry's learned his lesson. He feels bad enough. Let's go downstairs and work on that mountain of Transfiguration homework McGonagall assigned. We'll leave you to rest, Harry. Of course you didn't mean this to happen so try no to beat yourself up too much. Besides, Malfoy's not worth any loss of sleep."

Harry watched as his friends left the room. It had been a very traumatic day, and right then rest sounded like a terrific idea. Harry crawled into bed without even bothering to change into his pajamas. He slept fitfully. His dreams were plagued by images of Draco Malfoy's frightened face. A face filled with a fear that Harry had caused. When he awoke, Harry resolved to sneak into the hospital wing and apologize to Malfoy. To explain himself. Harry climbed out of bed to find all four of his roommates asleep. The deep rhythm of their snores assured him he was clear to sneak out. Harry grabbed his Invisibility cloaked and the Marauder's Map just before ducking down the stairs.

As he went out through the portrait hole, Harry's stomach rumbled. He realized he hadn't eaten since the morning. He decided to go steal some food from the kitchens before going to the hospital wing. Twenty minutes and a close brush with Mrs. Norris later, Harry crept through the doors of the infirmary holding a basket of sandwiches and cartons of pumpkin juice, packed neatly by Dobby the house elf, in one hand.