Part 37

The story has finally ended. Sorry it took so long to do. Hope you've enjoyed it.

The next morning Tony asked his dad to go for a walk with him. They walked up to the old castle and looked out over the lochan. "I can't believe this holiday has gone so quickly," Tony said.

"It's certainly been exciting at times. A bit too much. Next time we go on holiday can it be more restful."

Tony snorted. "Restful? You'd hate restful."

"Maybe but I could do without you being kidnapped. I never want to go through that again. Ever."

"Neither do I. It's lovely here," Tony said changing the subject.

"Yes it is. You can come back as often as you want," Gibbs said.

"I know. I never thought I'd get to like Michael. Strange isn't it?"

"He's your grandfather, and if you want to make him happy you could call him grandfather. I think he'd like that."

"Not Grandpops?" Tony asked smiling at Gibbs.

"Definitely not. I do not see him reacting well to that." Gibbs could see the mischievous look on Tony's face.

"Are you going to tell Vance that I'm your real son?" Tony asked.

"That's up to you. If you want to tell him, I'll back you but if you don't that's fine too."

"He'd have to split us up, wouldn't he?"

"Yes. He can get away with it just now because it's an adoption but I don't think he'd have a choice if he knew the truth."

"We can leave it as it is then. I want to work with you and Ziva and McGee."

Gibbs ruffled his hair. "When we're at this ceilidh tonight I want you to promise not to go off with any girls."

"What? You're joking!"

Nope. Look at the trouble you got into last time."

"What are the odds of me meeting another girl who wants to kidnap me?"

"Don't even go there. I could always handcuff you to the chair."

"I hope you're not going to be overprotective when we get home. I do have a very active social life, you know?"

"And every one of them will be fully checked out before you go on a date."

Tony stared open mouthed at Gibbs, "You wouldn't?"

Gibbs smiled, "Gotcha!"

"That is so not funny." Tony looked up at him. "You really wouldn't?" Tony wasn't sure whether to believe him or not. Gibbs had that look on his face when he got a really good idea. "Might as well join a monastery now," Tony grumbled.

The whole family had a brilliant time at the ceilidh. Tony was able to get up and dance and to have a few drinks when his dad and Ducky weren't looking. He even managed to get a few girls cell phone numbers without his dad knowing. At the end of the night when Michael was thanking everyone for coming Tony stood up to give a small speech of his own.

"I'd like to thank everyone who came tonight, we really appreciate everyone making us feel so welcome." There was a small cheer. "I'd also like to thank Michael for making me a part of this. Thank you." He smiled over at Michael and said in a soft voice," Thanks Grandpa." He saw the smile on Michael's face.

Tony fell into an easy sleep that night. He was having such a lovely dream. He was standing at the window looking down on a small boy running among the bushes, shouting to a young woman. The boy looked so familiar as did the woman. He opened his mouth to call out when the scene disappeared. He was in his bed. He snuggled in the covers. He felt fingers comb through his hair. Dad he thought but when he turned there was nothing there but the light smell of perfume that he recognised from when he was a child. "Have a good life, my son," a soft voice said. Tony bolted up in bed. Light was streaming in through the window and Gibbs was calling his name. A dream he thought but the funny thing was he could still smell the perfume.

His door opened and Finlay came in," You'd better hurry. Your dad wants you downstairs in 5, I believe he said." Tony looked round his room.

"I forgot to pack yesterday, help me." Tony scrambled out of bed and grabbed his empty suitcase. Finlay quickly helped Tony pack.

"I thought you'd be more organised," Finlay said laughing as Tony ran into the shower when he heard someone running up the stairs.

"Where is he?" Finlay pointed at the bathroom.

"How long does it take you to do your hair Tony? You've got breakfast to eat before we leave." He looked around the room and then at Finlay.

"I'll take his luggage downstairs," Finlay said as Tony came out of the shower.

"Got to look my best dad."

"You always look your best son. Now hurry up." Tony sighed. "We'll talk about you not being organised later. How many times did I ask you to pack your suitcase yesterday?"

"Would you accept I was too busy?" Gibbs aimed a swat at his backside," I'll take that as a no."

Soon they were at the airport in Inverness ready to board the plane to London. "See you soon," Tony said to Finlay and Michael.

"We should be over in a month," Finlay said. "Then you can show me all the good places to visit."

Gibbs groaned and looked at Michael,"What have let ourselves in for?"

The End