A First Family Get Together

Tony lay in bed thinking about all the things that had happened to him over the past week. He had become Tony Gibbs and he was so happy about that. He was back at work, thank God. Staying in the house was driving him mad, he just had to be active. He loved Gibbs but the man was not one for changing his mind. When the doctor said rest Gibbs made sure he did, no arguments. A part of him loved that but another part of him had to try and break the rules set down. He couldn't help himself.

Work wasn't all that exciting just now, they hadn't had any new cases and at the moment they were working on cold cases. The thing that had amused Tony most was the way Ziva and McGee were wary of saying or doing anything to him and at first he took advantage of that but then it got a bit boring. The only way to sort it was to let them see that Gibbs would not be treating him any different just because he adopted him. The head slap for the cheeky remark he had made was worth it. Now they were all back to normal, well as normal as they could get.

"Tony, time to get up," a voice shouted from down stairs.

He thought about staying there a bit longer but changed his mind. At work he got head slaps, at home he got slapped somewhere different and that he didn't want. "Coming," he shouted getting out of bed.

Breakfast was on the table. He tucked into his favourite breakfast cereal and then had his cup of coffee. "That was god," he said sitting back.

"I don't know how you can eat that muck," Gibbs said.

"I'm a growing boy," he said grinning.

Gibbs threw the car keys at him. "You drive," he said.


They had a quiet drive to work. Gibbs always smiled to himself when people asked how he could sit in a car with DiNozzo talking all the time. What they didn't realise was Tony wasn't like that. He loved sitting reading or watching Gibbs work on his boat.

Gibbs sat at his desk. He opened his e mails and opened one in particular. It was from Kit Phillips, the PI he had employed. He read it carefully and then sent a reply. "Going out," he said.

"Want company Boss?" Tony asked.

"I'm fine, DiNozzo. I'll bring back coffee and doughnuts." Tony looked puzzled. Gibbs offering to get coffee was unusual. Gibbs saw the look. It was difficult hiding things from Tony, he could read Gibbs very well and knew something was wrong. "I'm just meeting a contact, he wants to meet alone. I won't be long."

"Okay." Tony relaxed a bit. He still got a nervous feeling when his dad went off on his own. He'd just got his family, he wasn't about to have anything happen to it so soon.

Gibbs drove off down the street. He was meeting Phillips at their usual place. Phillips had already bought the coffee and Gibbs cup was sitting on the table. "Thanks. What have you got?"

"I've done some background checks on Sir Michael MacKay. I can't find anything dodgy about him. He's a well respected business man and everyone I've spoken to say they like him. He's very private. There are a few pictures taken of him and his family but not many." He handed them to Gibbs. He looked at the photo of a good looking man with a woman and two children. "That's him with his wife, Margaret, and his son and daughter."

"That's Tony's mother?"

"Yes, she was 15 there. A year later her brother was killed in a skiing accident. Her mother died the following year."

"She didn't have an easy life," Gibbs said.

"No. She went to America to study and ended up meeting DiNozzo at a party. Six months later she was married."

"Poor girl. Do you have a photo of her when she was grown up?"

"Yes, here." He passed a photo to Gibbs. Gibbs face went white. It couldn't be.

"Mr. Gibbs, are you alright?"

"Fine." He took a drink of coffee. He had to be wrong. It couldn't be her. It couldn't. "Did you find any staff that used to work at the estate?"

"I found an old woman who used to work for Mrs. DiNozzo. She was sacked after Mrs. DiNozzo found out she was pregnant. I've made an appointment for you to see her."

"Thanks." The man handed over a piece of paper to Gibbs, it had an address and time on it.

"Send me the bill for your time," Gibbs said getting up. "And thanks." He held out his hand.

Gibbs went for a walk through the park. He had a lot to think about and work out.

Over two hours later he came back into the office. Tony was out his seat in a shot. "Where on Earth have you been? I've been worried sick. You weren't answering your phone."

Gibbs looked down. "Sorry, it's turned to silent."

"Are you alright?" Tony asked.

Gibbs seemed to give himself a shake. "Yes, it was just a long meeting. Anything come in while I was away?"

"No. We're still working on cold cases. What happened to the coffee and doughnuts?"

"I forgot," Gibbs said. He took some money out and handed it to Tony,"Go get some for us all, please Tony. I'm going to see Ducky."

"You're sure you're okay?"

Gibbs smiled. "I'm okay. Go on son. You know how I need my coffee."

Tony took off, he knew there was something wrong but he would have to wait until he got home, when they were alone.

Gibbs went down to autopsy. Ducky was working on a body with Palmer. "Ducky, can I ask a favour of you?"

"Of course dear boy. What is it?" Gibbs looked at Palmer. "Mr. Palmer, would you be so kind as to take these to Abby." He handed him some vials. Palmer left. Right Jethro what is it?"

Tony went to their favourite coffee shop and bought coffee and doughnuts. He almost knocked a very pretty girl over as he left. The coffee cup fell out of her hand. "I'm so sorry," he said. "Let me buy you another cup."

"Thanks." He gave her a new cup and then bought a doughnut as well. She smiled up at him. "Want to sit here and drink it with me?" she asked.

Tony smiled. He knew Gibbs would shout at him if he knew and that made him all the more determined to do it. And she was very pretty.

They sat and talked while they drank. She worked in the library down the road. And amazingly she loved James Bond films. She asked Tony if he was going to the cinema to see the re runs of some of Sean Connery's films. "I'd love to go," he said. "I didn't know they were showing them."

"A group of James Bond fans have hired the cinema for the week and are showing them all. It's going to be a great night. You could come with me," she said shyly. "My friend was going to come but she had to pull out at the last minute."

"When is it?"

"Tonight. I know it's short notice but I just..."

"I'd love to go." They arranged where they were going to meet and Tony hurried off.

He came back to the office smiling. He set the cups down on the desk. "You're late," Ziva said.

"I met someone."


"No one you know Zeee....vvaa."

"Do I know them?" a voice said from behind him. Gibbs!

Tony turned," No. It's just someone I met at the coffee shop," he cringed waiting for the head slap. He wasn't disappointed. "Ow!" He rubbed the back of his head.

"Next time I send you for coffee, make sure it's hot when it gets here."

"Yes Boss."

They spent the rest of the day looking over case files. The elevator pinged and Ducky walked out. "Anthony, just the man I need to see."

"You do?" He couldn't think why Ducky was looking for him.

"I need to do a blood test."


"Just a follow up Brad asked me to do."

"Do I have to?" he whined.

"Tony!" Gibbs said in warning. Then he softened his voice. He knew Tony hated injections of any kind. "Go on, then we can go home."

Tony followed Ducky.