She has always been there, my darling.
She is, in fact, exquisite.
Fireworks in the dull middle of February
and as real as a cast-iron pot.
Let's face it, I have been momentary.
A luxury. A bright red sloop in the harbour.
My hair rising like smoke from the car window.
Littleneck clams out of season.
She is more than that. She is your have to have,
has grown you your practical, your tropical growth.
This is not an experiment. She is all harmony.
She sees to oars and oarlocks for the dinghy.
I give you back your heart.
I give you permission -
She is so naked and singular.
She is the sum of yourself and your dream.
Climb her like a monument, step after step.
She is solid.
As for me, I am a watercolor.
I wash off.
-Anne Sexton, "For My Lover, Returning To His Wife"
She let him go - no hard feelings, no secrets spilled. She was not right for him; he had a superlative wife that shadowed her without a doubt. Rose had always outshone her in everything - looks, smarts, personality. Rose got everything that she ever wanted, including Scorpius.
Lucy had felt a moment of pure victory when the affair began. She knew it was wrong but, for once, Rose did not completely win. Lucy had been able to seduce that blond Malfoy boy who had stolen her heart at first glance. When it all had started, she'd thought that she would be married to the him soon enough. He'd told her that they'd be able to be official but he just had to find the right way to break it off with her cousin. So Lucy waited and waited, trying to stay content with their secret get-togethers at her apartment. She grew weary as the years passed, and just recently, it had dawned on her that he was never going to be hers. She was just a side-project, some meaningless experiment, a toy - his heart truly belonged to Rose.
So yesterday, she'd told him to go, to leave. Lucy handed back the small portion of his heart that she had held on tightly to over the years. She let him know that she didn't blame him, that she wasn't mad. He did not return her heart, though, but she didn't ask for it back.
How silly of her to even think that Scorpius would choose her over Rose. Rose was beautiful, intelligent, and fun to be around - or perfection, in other words. She was a masterpiece to which a mediocre painting like Lucy could never compare. Lucy was a watercolor that would fade away; she was made to be temporary while her cousin was a sculpture cast in bronze, made to last forever. Lucy was quite the fool to even believe that Malfoy would want something as volatile as her.
This was done for Schermionie's poetry prompt challenge. Thanks Schermionie for the review and corrections! I really appreciate your reviews.
Please review!
Thank you Mew! I think Scorpius could steal all of our hearts! I mean, he is Draco's son!