Yeah, Yeah. I know. It has been a very long time, but you shall be happy to know that I am going to do a sequel and one shots. I have comepleted three one shots but I want to put up my story first. It isn't really a sequel but it will be the next gen Rose/Scorpius, Albus/OC and LucyW/OC. I had to get Lucy in there somewhere. Pictures are up on my profile, there will be the first chapter up within a week of when I put this look out if you want to read it. This is also a reasonably length-ed chapter...I hope.

Now, enough adverts, I do not own harry potter, it was on my christmas list, but Santa did not give me the rights to things already belonging to JK Rowling. Enjoy.

Beths POV.

Anders Household-23rd July. 1:30pm.

I ate the chicken sandwich that Noah made me while listening to Kerrang. This has possibly been the best year of school ever. However I think that next year will be better.

'Beth, What are you planning on doing after Hogwarts?' Noah said, eating his own sandwich topless across from me, his tattoos standing out on his tanned freckled skin.

'Healer, I need to get O's and E's on everything I am taking, so lots of work. But St Mungos are accepting people just after NEWTs, so about...June next year.'

'Good, so you'll know whether or not you get on the course by then.'

'Yeah.' I took a bite of the sandwich, this is a really nice sandwich.

'Whats James thinking of doing?' Noah likes James. Well, as much as a brother can like his little sisters boyfriend. He was over here the other day, we just hung out for a couple of hours. I went to his house two days after meeting his parents at the station. Apparently his mum forced him?

'He's going to be an Auror at the Ministry of Magic. But he might get offers from quidditch teams.'

'Erm...what is an auror?' He already knows what quidditch is... told him about it a few years ago, that was funny, as he fainted when I told him that we ride actually do ride broomsticks.

'A person who catches Dark wizards.'

'Ahh, so dangerous.' Thats one of the things I hate about the fact that he wants to be an auror. He will be fantastic at it, but he has to go away for training and its extremely dangerous.

'Yeah, but it's want hes wanted to do for years, like me being a healer. It's something he knows he was born to do. And as for quidditch, he loves it but, if he gets on a team he will only stay on for a couple of years, and then do auror training as you can go into auror training at ay time, as long as you have the qualifications from hogwarts.' I smiled as I was talking.

'I know sweetie, You two'll be fine. In fact, you'll be fucking fantastic.' I laughed at that, People wonder how someone as quiet as me swears in easy context. I don't swear a lot, but it does come naturally. Because of my exceedingly foul mouthed older brother. 'Come on, we've gotta go shopping, you know seeing as mum is probably at a hotel with god knows what.' Mum was a good mum, when it mattered, but when I went off to Hogwarts and Noah was old enough to take of of himself, she let us do our own thing.

'Yeah, lets.' He pulled on a shirt while I was locking the house, which means he went outside without a shirt, its boiling. I am wearing denim shorts and a plain navy blue tank top, It is boiling. I mean This is England (86 LOL Sorry, if you live in England and watched channel four, you must have seen one of the adverts A/N) it shouldn't be this warm, I like the cold, with all the snow and crisp breezes. Last summer it was a perfect temperature. Sunny, but with a breeze. Mother nature, keep it neutral will ya.

We walked around Morrisons, picking up things which we needed for the week. I needed some more toothpatse so I ran and got some, it is very exciting going shopping with me and my brother. Especially picking out yogurts. We both hate them with bits in, he also hates it when it has like jam or fruit coolee stuff in it whereas I don't mind. So here we are arguing in the fridge section, and I am getting quite cold. And I am 5'7, standing a good 6 inches shorter than my brothers 6'1 frame. People staring at the polar opposites arguing over yogurt. Lovely.

James' POV.

The Burrow. 4th August. 10:15 am.

Beth is arriving soon. What if she gets lost. Hmmm. Well, can't exactly miss this place can you. You know, if your a wizard/witch you can't. I have missed her so much. I have written to her every day, but haven't seen her since last week. I love her so much, it hurts when I am not with her, but when I'm with her, it is as easy as breathing. She has a bad past with her mum, but my parents count her practically as family anyways. this is because my mum loves that I love her. My dad loves the fact that I am in love. Albus and Lily are just happy that I am happy, actually happy, not the fake smiles I had to put on for the cameras or people at Hogwarts. My parents are estactic at my recent behaviour, you know with the better work, hardly any letters home about recent pranks. And the fact that I'm talking to them more. Not just talking to Fred.

'James. Beths Here.' I practically fell down the stairs. I smiled as soon as I saw her. She was biting her lip and she turned her head and grinned.

'Hey.' I whispered walking towards her, holding her hand when I got close enough.

'Hi. Missed you.'

'Missed you too. So much.' Then, I didn't care that my entire family could see and was watching. Me. James Sirius Potter in a serious relationship. Hah I make my self laugh sometimes.

I kissed her. One on my hands holding her waist, pulling her as close to me as possible and the other in her hair. Both her hands were playing with the hair at the nape of my neck. She pulled away, her gorgeous blush spreading across her face.

'You say me and Katy are bad.' Fred laughed. If possible her blush became darker.

'Shut up.' She whispered hitting Freds shoulder.

'Speaking of Katy.' I said to him, as I saw her blonde head walking down the path. He yanked open the door, and made out with her. Yes, They are definatly worse with PDA than we are. I lead her to the couch and we sat there talking for about an hour and a half until Grandma said it was Lunch time. I really love Sunday lunches here. It is Beths face, she looks shocked at how much food is here but she starts talking to Rose and Lucy. I am still holding her hand under the table. Until...

'So Beth, Hows our James doing in the...'

'Don't you dare finish that question Fred.' She whispered deadly.

'Bedroom department.' Her eyes went wide as he said that. She ripped her hand from mine and hit him over the head. My mum looked shocked, not at Beth hitting Fred, that was a natural occurence, But at the mention of Bedroom department.

'James, You guys haven't, you know...That have you?' My mum said. My dad and Uncles looked proud. I have a strange family.

'NO nono no. Not that I don't want to, but we haven't. Really we haven't but, Sorry Katy, but Fred has. With Katy.' Katy turned into Fred, his arm immediatly going over her shoulders, hiding her face.


'Come on, don't tell me all of you hadn't figured out that me and Beth knew.' I said reminising about the first time me and Beth found out about them. Good, terrifying times.

'Don't bring me into this.' She said smiling at me.

'I will if I want to.' I leant down and kissed her light pink lips. We haven't, you know, because I am waiting until Beth is completly sure she is ready. She says she is, but I can't it see in her eyes. Plus, I don't want to hurt her. Ever.

'How did you guys know?' Katy said pulled out of our reverie as her blushing face was removed from Freds shoulder.

'Katy, You told me. And we saw you in a broom closet, getting pretty cosy.'

'We didn't in the broom closet.'

'I know, you were in the room of requirement in a bed, and I try to forget everything else you told me.' Beth said, quietly, I think so only the people fully involved in the conversation could hear.

'Lets end this conversation now, Shall we?' My mum said and Me, Beth, Katy and Fred all bobbed our heads up and down eagerly.

All in all, This is the best thing that has ever happened in my life. I hope that wasn't a jinx.

Oh this is the end of tutoring, but...I will have another story which will have snippets of James/Beth.