He put his hand to his chest. Nothing. Always nothing. No rhythm of Badum Badum Badum beating. Even though it had been this way since his very existence, he had a weird feeling in his soul, you could say,that told him that this was wrong. That something was wrong with him. That there was suppose to be something there. Maybe just a faint rhythm that told him he was alive. He didn't dare say he was alive now, no, more like just existing in a world full of living organism who had hearts.
So with a huge sigh, he got up off his bed. There was no point in getting up, just going on another mission. But he knew that if he didn't do anything, his existence would soon seice to be. Not being was better than dying. If you could die without ever living.
The black coat was tossed carelessly on a chair. The only color in the room. The only thing besides the boring white walls and beds and floor and everything. And why white, he did not know. Why not gray? It would fit them much better, hovering between light and dark, which both rejected them.
Before walking out of his room, he touched his palm to his chest again. If he did this in public, in front of everyone, he would be looked down upon even more. Though it was everyone's goal, get a heart, to show your real 'longing' for one was frowned upon. And Roxas wanted one more than anything.
He stepped out of his room, fully clothed in the Organization XIII coat, and made his way to Saix. He halted when he heared a group of the members saying something along the lines of, "The Oblivion team was wiped out. Everyone's gone."
Roxas felt something funny in his chest. It felt like he was being squeezed. So without really thinking about it, he ghosted his finger over where his heart should be. For a moment, there was nothing. Then a small thump, almost not noticeable, but made his chest hurt. One of the men asked if he was okay, and then Roxas realized he might have imagined it all.
But the dull aching in his 'heart' told him other wise.
Riku looked down at Sora . His friend's hand had shot up to his heart.
"What's wrong?" Sora shook his head.
"I don't know... It feels... weird. Right here." He patted his chest. Riku's brows crinkled together in confusion.
"Hmmm..." He looked out to the ocean. Destiny Islands was peaceful, finally.
"Just forget it, I'm fine now." Riku just nodded and continued to look out at the vast sea. Several minutes passed and Riku just cought a few words that Sora had started to mumble.
"... It's so nice to have a heart."
"Sora?" He tapped his shoulder. His younger friend looked up and his eyes widened.
"Oh, I must've spaced out." Riku gave him a look that said, 'Are you really okay'. Sora just nodded and looked around at the view around the paopu tree. It had been two weeks since he had gotten back from The World That Never Was. Ever since he had met Roxas, his thoughts had been fuzzy and his chest had felt weird. But Sora had payed no mind to that, he had been stressed for the pass years. It would be weird not to have any sort of effect from his journeys.
So with a sigh, he slipped off his place on the tree. For a second, he brushed his fingers over his heart and smiled at it's steady rhythm. Roxas now knew what it was like to have a heart.
The End
Eh, it's not very good. I just thought of this and BOOM! I wrote it :3 So, yeah, I hope you like it :D ~BrokenKeyBlade