Here's my new story. Basically its about 6 teens being stuck in detention. The same thing I said in the summary. BUTT, this story is a lot better than my summary. :P
I own nothing.
"The following people come to my office immediately, Takuya Kanbara, Izumi & Takeru Orimoto,Takato Matsuki, Jeri Katou and lastly Kari Kamiya." Said Mrs Tsumura, the principal from the intercom.
Zoe looked at her brother Takeru. Why would the principle ask for them..? Maybe something went wrong when transferring here? Although it was just a few days they'd move here..
"Lets just go," he said. She agreed and they headed to the office.
Zoe is your normal average girl. She isn't popular or even tries to be. She prefers to call herself Zoe instead of Izumi. Only her family can call her that. She's new to the school along with
her brother T.K. She was considered a loser since day one. She doesn't care though.~
Takeru, err, T.K as he calls him self. He's the other "loser" or newbie whatever you call him, he doesn't have any friends so far. He's laid back and isn't shy to speak up for himself.~
Takato is the Jock. He plays football and is considered a player. His rep is for sleeping with girls every day and breaking up with them the next. He calls it the "Meet&Fuck. He's never been inlove.~
Jeri is the supposedly the 'nerd'. She doesn't wear glasses. But she's very smart, she has no friends, she can't stand up for herself. She's another loser.~
Takuya, he's the other player. He's no jock. He's just popular. The past few days not so much.. he's being accused for a druggie so that's his new label. He changed his look to more goth looking. He
isn't goth though AND, he's never been in love either.~
Kari is the slut. She's popular and a huge bitch. She doesn't care for anyone other then her friends. She has no current boyfriend, heck she doesn't even keep one for more then 5 days.~
When they got to the office they saw 3 other students sitting down. How strange.
Suddenly the principal came out with a student following. Kari Kamiya to be exact.
"You." Mrs Tsumura pointed at Zoe. "Come with me." She gestured the door and walked inside. Zoe gulped. She hoped she wasn't in trouble. She walked in with out hesitating.
"You wanted to see Miss?" Zoe said sitting down.
"Yes, Miss Orimoto. Where were you between 7-8 am this morning?"
"LIAR!" She shouted.
Zoe blinked twice. "Huh? I didn't even say something!"
"Go outside and call in your brother. Hope he doesn't lie to me either." She hissed.
Zoe looked at her weirdly. "Suree.." She went outside and called her brother.
T.K came in. He was about to sit down when she stopped him.
"No need. Tell me. Where were you between 7-8 am this morning?"
"I was-"
"LIAR! you and your sister!" She exclaimed. T.K just stared.
"I didn't even say anything!"
"Get out!" She pointed to the door. He did so with her following.
She looked at all the students. "Since you can't admit to what happen, I'm sending you all to the Detention room for the whole day until one of you confesses." She pointed to the room making everyone go in. She looked the door so they wouldn't get out.
"Confess to what?" T.K said, frustrated.
"Who knows." Said Zoe. They all sat down in a desk.
"Aiight, well see ya," Takuya stood up. They all looked at him.
"What are you going to do?" Takato, his best friend asked.
"OBVIOUSLY, I'm not gonna stay here with a bunch of lame's except for you. so I'm leaving."
"Good luck with that." Takato said sarcastically. "You'll get caught!"
Takuya walked to the window. He opened it. Then he jumped out.
"Let's see how long it will take him to get back here." Takato chuckled.
"How can you stand him?" Zoe asked.
Takato shrugged. "He's my best friend."
"Gross. Isn't he like a druggie or somethin'?"
Takato rolled his eyes. "So you heard.. Wow. people believe anything these days."
Jeri looked at Zoe. "Don't mind him, Izumi."
"Call me Zoe." She smiled
"Kay, Zoe."
"Let me guess, you're the newbies right." Takato asked.
"Yeah.." T.K nodded.
"Ah. then you must have heard about me."
"Yeah. you're the obnoxious jock," Zoe said.
"I'm not obnoxious."
"Course not.." Zoe rolled her eyes.
"Quiet! I hear something." Jeri said. The door opened. it was Takuya with the principle.
"You thought you could escape?" She laughed. "Nice try." She pushed him into the class. "NOW, don't you dare try to leave it will be double detention!" Ms Tsumura left,locking the class again.
"That dumb bitch." Takuya muttered
"Told ya," his best friend laughed.
"Fuck you." Takuya sat down.
"Why are you here anyway?" Zoe asked him
"None of ya."
"Don't speak to my sister that way." T.K said
"Does it look like I give a shit?"
"Stop it you guys!" Zoe exclaimed making them shut up. "Thank you. Now, if were gonna be stuck here the whole day we should at least try to get along."
"Impossible." Takuya and T.K said. "I'm not talking to him!" they pointed to each other.
Takato rolled his eyes. "God you guys are so immature. The only one who isn't speaking is.. Kari.." They all turned to her.
"Stop staring at me you losers!" Kari shouted.
"Sure thing sweetheart," Takuya winked. Kari looked grossed out.
"Ew. I'd never date a druggie/wannabe goth!"
"OKAY! Just cause I wear black and have chains doesn't mean I'm goth." Takuya got annoyed.
"This is gonna be a longgg day." Said Zoe.
"You said it." Her brother agreed.
Yeah that was a bit boring wasn't it? D: I'm sorry.! Usually my stories start bad O.o its a disease. Anywhoo, whatcha think?
should I continue or stop? :}
And whats up with the principle? sheesh she scared me xD she has anger problems. ^_^