Torchwood University: Prologue.
Rating: M for later chapters
Summary: The Torchwood team in University. Loosely follows the plot lines of the seasons, but with a few twists. The characters generally respond how University students would. Not their usual "well-adjusted" selves.
A/N: So this is what I've been working on instead of my other stories if you've been reading those. Hopefully I'll get back to them soon...
Ianto Jones looked up hopefully at the sound of an approaching vehicle, but ended up groaning in dismay when he spotted his older sister Rhiannon climbing out of a battered tan sedan instead of the conspicuous black SUV he was waiting for. As she turned back to give a quick kiss to the car's occupant, Ianto futilely attempted to hide behind the luggage that surrounded him, but the curb he was sitting on offered little protection. She headed straight for him calling cheerily, "Is Jack not here yet?"
Ianto fixed her with a withering glare, "Obviously not."
She lowered herself to the curb next to him and after a long pause she said carefully, "You've been seen."
"What?" Ianto's head shot around to her in surprise.
Rhiannon shrugged and said, "Susan on the corner it was her anniversary so they went to that posh French place in town by the memorial and there was you. There was you…having dinner with a man… in a restaurant."
"She said he was gorgeous… like a film star…like an escort."
"It was just Jack," Ianto rolled his eyes.
"Susan said it was intimate. I said well he's had girlfriends, and she said, well no girl was getting her feet around that table. No chance!"
"You know how Jack is Rhiannon.'
"He's nice though. Isn't he? You could do worse, I mean if you have gone bender."
Ianto scoffed and looked down at the pitted gravel of the road. After a while he asked, "What are you doing?"
"I'm trying to talk to you Ianto," She sighed exasperatedly. "You never tell me anything these days. Dad died and that was it. You were off to University without a word – you couldn't wait, like I did something wrong. I didn't. Did I?"
"It's not that," Ianto looked off at the trees across the road with a frown and finally told her quietly, "There hasn't been anyone since Lisa."
Rhiannon wrapped her arm around him, "It's been two years since the accident."
A black SUV pulled up the curb and Ianto immediately bolted to his feet and out of Rhiannon's loose embrace. Jack swung out of the driver's side, wearing a RAF greatcoat that swished dramatically around his ankles, calling loudly: "Ianto Jones!"
"What's with the coat?" Ianto asked, raising an eyebrow at his appearance.
Jack pressed a quick kiss to Ianto's lips and grabbed one of his bags, "It was Rose's grandfather's coat from when he was in World War 2. Found it cleaning out her attic a few weeks ago."
"She's all moved in then?" Ianto asked, helping Jack load the rest of his belongings into the back of the SUV.
"Yes. It's been a long time coming: The Doctor and Rose," Jack slammed the boot shut and swept over to Rhiannon and gave her a kiss as well, "Almost didn't see you there gorgeous. When are you going to leave Johnny for me?"
Rhiannon blushed, "Such a charmer Jack. One day I might hold you to that."
Jack gave her a wink and climbed back into the car. Ianto gave Rhiannon a kiss on the cheek and said, "Take care Rhiannon. I'll see you at Christmas."
Ianto went and climbed in the passenger side of the car. Rhiannon called after them, "Jack Harkness, you better take care of my baby brother!"
Toshiko Sato blinked at her laptop screen and adjusted her glasses slightly. She then looked doubtfully at the uncooked chicken that sat in front of her on the counter. A cough sounded from the doorway and her head darted up, "Owen – I was just…"
Owen Harper leant casually against the doorway and scratched the line of hair below his bellybutton absentmindedly, "Just?"
She gestured at the vast array of ingredients that were stacked around her, "Jack and Ianto are coming back today so I thought I would cook us all dinner."
His laugh sounded loudly, echoing off the tiles, "You can't cook Tosh. Besides if Tea-boy is getting home today then he can cook."
Tosh blinked at him, "He's not your butler. "
"Might as well be," Owen shrugged, "He is the only one who bothers to clean up this godforsaken shithole."
Tosh carefully measured some flour and admonished, "Don't call the Hub a shithole."
Owen groaned, "Not you too. It's just a shitty flat. It doesn't need a name, let alone one that Jones came up with."
"I like it," Tosh said, "It suits us."
An eyebrow rose at that statement, "What part of Hub stands for four-people-who-ended-up-together-because-there-wasn't-any-housing-available-on-campus -haven't-managed-to-be-rid-of-each-other-since?"
"Could you pass me that knife?" Tosh said, not looking him in the eye.
Owen rolled his eyes and un-bended from the doorway so he could pass her the knife, "Have we found someone to take Suzie's room yet?"
Tosh shook her head and began to chop carrots, "I put up fliers around campus yesterday. I wish she had given us a bit more warning about her transfer."
"That's Suzie for you. She didn't even tell me and I was fucking her," Owen stole a carrot and escaped the room as Tosh made a sound of displeasure.
Gwen Cooper had been having a terrible day. She pushed her sodden wet bangs out of her eyes so she could better view the bulletin board in the Student Union Building. She had arrived at Torchwood University that afternoon to discover that her housing application had been misplaced and there was no space for her in the dormitories.
She frowned at the housing offers:
"Roommate wanted: Must love cats (because I have six of them). One Room available in a two bedroom flat: Shared bathroom. Meow."
"Male seeking Attractive Female roommate. One Shared bedroom. One Shared Bathroom. Utilities Included."
"Cheap rent! Roommate wanted: Three bedrooms, four occupants in each room."
Gwen sighed and had almost resigned herself to sleeping in her car for the rest of the semester. She collapsed in a nearby chair and groaned at the squelch of her trousers on the plastic seat. She pulled out her slightly damp mobile from her pocket and dialed her boyfriend Rhys Williams, "Hey."
His voice was chipper and surprised and just a bit tipsy, "Well if it isn't Gwen Cooper! How are things at that posh new school of yours?"
"Miserable," She could feel her eyes tearing up slightly as she took a deep breath, "They messed up my housing so I have nowhere to live and I don't know anyone and I don't know what to do."
"I told you not to transfer," Rhys said reproachfully, "There's nothing wrong with public school."
"Not now Rhys," Gwen sighed, "I just need you to tell me that everything is going to work out…"
"Okay Gwen. There's bound to be a few people in need of roommates. So write down the addresses and go check out the places: If they look normal then call up the residents. Everything is going to be fine. Just stay calm. Call me if you need anything."
"Okay…Will do."
"Love you."
"Love you too," Gwen replied as she tore a flier that looked normal off the bulletin board.