Told you updates would be back again. Enjoy!

Katie and Oliver awoke the next morning to a tapping at the window.

"Ugh!" She pulled the covers over her head. Neither she nor Oliver had practice that morning, and she didn't want to miss these precious hours of sleep.

"Katie..." Oliver moaned, nudging her. "Get it!"

"I don't want to..." she mumbled, but nonetheless she got up and opened the window. It was their copy of the Daily Prophet and Quidditch Weekly. She looked at the magazine first, and was pleased that neither she nor Oliver was on the cover. As she climbed back into bed, she set the magazine aside and propped up her pillows before opening the paper. The main article was about Kingsley Shaklebolt winning the most recent election for Ministry of Magic, to nobody's surprise.

"Um...Katie? Have you read this?"

"Read what?" She turned to see Oliver leaning on his elbow and looking at the open Quidditch Weekly. She groaned. "Don't tell me, it's Babygate?"

"Basically, yes." He held the magazine open to show an article with a picture of Katie's hand pushing up against the camera, her ring prominently placed in the photo. The title read: Bell and Wood's Shotgun Wedding: Is a Baby on the Way? The article asserted that, as Katie and Oliver were being so secretive, rushing into the marriage so fast, and refusing to comment, there was obviously a scandal underfoot. Neither Gwenog nor Williams had agreed to speak to the reporter, but apparently that only proved that Katie was pregnant and hiding it.

"Well," she said, smirking, "At least the ring looks good in the picture."

Oliver let out a dry laugh. "At least it wasn't on the front page."

"Exactly," Katie said, smiling. "See? It's not so bad after all." She leaned in and kissed him. "Now, let's get up and have breakfast before training, alright?"

"Sure," he said with a smile, getting out of bed as well and following her into the kitchen. He wrapped his arms around her as she pulled cereal out of the cupboard. "Hey, wait a minute, cereal? Where's the bacon?"

"We're out," she said, rolling her eyes. "You know, if I wasn't the only one who ever went to the store we might have bacon more often."

"But, we agreed that buying and preparing food was your job and that cleaning up and taking out trash was my job."

"Well then, I don't complain about how you clean the house or take out the trash do I?"


"Then you don't complain about what food I serve. Deal?"

"Ugh, fine," he grumbled, taking his bowl and plopping down in a chair at the table.

Katie rolled her eyes at his dramatics and sat down beside him.

When Katie arrived at the Harpies' training pitch that afternoon, she was unsurprised when Gwenog pulled her aside on her way into the changing rooms.


"I know, I know," Katie interrupted. "I saw the article. Thank you for not commenting. This'll all blow over soon enough when I don't start blowing up like a balloon anyway. I really am sorry. I know I bring a lot of unwanted publicity..."

"Hold it right there, Bell," Gwenog said. "I'm not here to talk about that rubbish. It's not your or Woods' fault and I honestly couldn't care less what drab they publish about you as long as it's provably not true, which this clearly is. Honestly, seeing as you both get through matches in a drama-free manor now, I don't really see it as a problem. What I wanted to ask you about is your jersey. Will you be needing a new one?"

"Why would I need a new jersey?" Katie asked. She had been taken aback by Gwenog's understanding about the pregnancy scandal, and now was confused as to the sudden change in topic.

"Are you changing your name? We'd need to print Wood on the back of the jersey then."

"Oh," Katie said, nonplussed. It hadn't occurred to her that she would change her name, but she didn't feel like she could answer without talking to Oliver first. "I'm not sure yet. I'll let you know. Soon."

"It'd better be soon," Gwenog said. "Now hurry up and get your things on. Everyone else," she called to the waiting teammates, "Get flying!"

"I'm home!" Oliver called as he apparated into the flat's living room. He could smell Katie's steak and kidney pie and smiled.

"Hello!" Katie called from the kitchen. "Perfect timing. Dinner's nearly ready."

"Smells delicious," Oliver said as he entered the kitchen. He went over to the cabinets and pulled out plates, cups, silverware, and napkins for them, setting out everything on the small kitchen table. As Oliver poured butterbeers Katie put pie and a scoop of peas on each of their plates.

"How was practice?" Oliver asked as they sat down.

"Good," Katie said. "Actually, Gwenog was asking me about my jersey for next year." Oliver raised an eyebrow. "I thought it was something we should talk about."

"Thought what was something we should talk about?"

"Well, my name," Katie said. "And whether or not I'll be, you know, changing it."

"Of course you will be, won't you?" Oliver said. It hadn't occurred to him that she wouldn't be changing her name.

"Will I?" Katie asked, a little affronted. "I mean, my name is Katie Bell, I'm not sure I want to renounce it. Plus, I'm known professionally as Katie Bell. I don't know that I want to change."

"But, that's what's supposed to happen," Oliver said, truly nonplussed.

"Says who?" Katie flared.

"Says everyone! I don't know any woman who hasn't changed her name when she got married!"

"Well clearly they exist cause otherwise Gwenog wouldn't have asked me!"

"But why wouldn't you want my name? Isn't that part of being married? Being part of one family? Isn't that what you want?"

Neither of them was eating anymore. They stared at each other from across the small kitchen table, and the distance suddenly felt like several miles rather than a few feet.

"Of course I want that," Katie said quietly.

"Then it's settled. It's just a name."

"Then why don't you change yours?" Katie demanded, standing up. "If it's 'just a name,' then why don't you change yours? Hm?"

"Because-Well, because-" Oliver sputtered.

"Exactly! It isn't just a name! And I'm not changing mine!" Katie shouted.

"A minute ago, you said you wanted to talk about it, and suddenly instead of thinking rationally now you're just being stubborn!"

"No, I'm being rational. If you aren't willing to give up part of your identity, why should I? Because I'm the girl? I don't have to put up with this. I'm going to bed." And with that Katie stormed out of the room.

Oliver sat at the table eating his steak and kidney pie for a few minutes, hoping it would give her time to cool off. She just wasn't thinking rationally. Obviously, she would end up changing her name and be happy to take his. That was being married, after all, sharing a name. It made you part of the same family. He loved the idea of her being Katie Wood. It made their union real to him. She was just being stubborn. She'd come around.

Once he was done eating, he put Katie's food and the other remaining leftovers in the fridge and washed all of the dishes He did all of this without magic so as to give Katie more time to cool off. He then walked through the living room to the bedroom, only to find the door to the room shut. He turned the handle only to find it unyielding.

"Katie? Katie, please let me in!" Silence. "I'm sorry." More silence. He sighed. "Can we please talk about this?"

The lock clicked. He turned the handle tentatively. Katie was curled up on their bed in one of his old jerseys, hugging her knees to her chest.

"Katie?" he asked tentatively. "Do you mind if I come in?"

"I unlocked the door, didn't I?" she retorted, not looking at him.

He walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge, leaving about a foot between himself and Katie, who stayed put in the middle of the mattress. "I'm sorry," he began. "I didn't realize that this was going to be a problem for you. I didn't realize that you wanted to keep your name so badly."

"It's not that," she said. "It's that you just assumed that I would change it and when I said I wasn't sure you tried to decide for me. I know I said I wanted to discuss it but it's still my name and therefore my decision."

"I know," he said softly. "I just-It hadn't really occurred to me that you would keep your name. You know how traditional my family is. I should't have assumed. Maybe I just really like the idea of you being Katie Wood. It makes us a team, you know?"

"We are a team," she answered, releasing her knees and sitting cross-legged. "Whether I change my name or no. To be honest, I really wasn't sure what I wanted until that argument. Now I know that I do want to keep the name though. And notjust to be stubborn. It's part of who I am. It's not just about being professionally known as Katie Bell, it's about the entire Bell clan. It's about my brothers and sister and cousins and aunts and uncles. I'm part of such a huge family and I don't ever want to leave them behind, and keeping the name is a part of that. Do you understand?"

"Yes," he answered. "I do."

He reached for her hand cautiously, a gesture at which she rolled her eyes and said, "Oh, come here," before pulling him over to her and kissing him.

"But," he said, pulling away, "There is one thing I hope I won't have to give up..."

"Yes?" she asked skeptically.

"Please tell me we'll be having baby Woods, not baby Wood-Bells or Bell-Woods or whatever..."

"No baby Bell-Woods," Katie agreed. "Baby Bells will be fine," she added with a smirk.

Oliver rolled his eyes. "You're impossible."

"Katie? Oliver?" Bang. Bang. Bang. "Open up! We know you're in there!"

"Ugh!" Katie groaned, rolling over in bed. "Oliver, will you get it?"

"They're your brothers," Oliver moaned back from under his pillow. "You get it!"

"Please?" she begged, pulling the blankets up over her face.

"Fine," he grumbled. "Only because I love you."

He stumbled out of bed and into the living room, closing the door behind him. He didn't even care that he was just wearing his boxers and an undershirt. At this point Katie's brothers could just deal.

"You people do know that it's 7 AM on a Sunday, right? The only day we don't have training?" Oliver said indignantly as he opened the door. He regretted his comment, not to mention his choice in attire, immediately after opening the door and seeing the three men that stood on the other side. Ian, the largest and the most intimidating by far, stood in the middle, a hulking mass towering over their doorstep. Paul and Patrick flanked him, looking equally threatening. Oliver was taken aback by their appearance, and actually took a full step back. In the last year and several months, Oliver had gotten to know Katie's brothers, and even considered them his friends. They had been more than happy at Oliver and Katie's engagement the month before and had been over to the house to talk about the wedding with Katie two or three times since then. Why they had suddenly appeared there looking so threatening Oliver could not imagine.

"Um...Come in," Oliver said, stepping aside. All three filed in, first Paul, then Patrick, and finally Ian. The three of them squeezed themselves onto Oliver and Katie's couch, leaving Oliver standing awkwardly in front of them, suddenly very aware of his boxers and undershirt. "If you guys could wait a second, I'll just wake Katie up and get dressed and we'll get some breakfast."

"No," Ian said. "That won't be necessary just yet. We know how Katie likes her sleep. We hoped if we came early we could talk to you."

"Oh?" Oliver asked.

"Sit," Patrick said. Oliver, though he disliked being told to sit down in his own living room, obeyed without argument.

"So, to what do I owe the-"

"We're just going to ask you flat out," Ian interrupted. "Is it true?"

"Is what true?" Oliver asked, truly nonplussed.

Paul held up that weeks edition of Quidditch Weekly. It had been folded open to the page bearing the large photo of Katie's ring hand and the headline Bell and Wood's Shotgun Wedding: Is a Baby on the Way?.

"Come off it," Oliver said. "It's Rita Skeeter writing here! Honestly! Did you three really come all the way over here at 7 in the morning on a Sunday just to confirm some trash written by Rita Skeeter?"

"You didn't answer," Paul said.

"Of course it's not true!" Oliver said. "It's just-"

"Good." Ian cut him off again. "Because, if we find out that you're only marrying our baby sister because you've knocked her up, you'll-"

"Excuse me?" Oliver interrupted, too affronted to care that he had cut Ian off mid-sentence. Ian, stunned by Oliver's nerve, did not stop Oliver from continuing. Patrick and Paul, similarly stunned, also remained silent. Though Oliver was always friendly with them, joking and teasing them as they did each other and him, he had never interrupted them during a serious talk before. He, like their sisters' other boyfriends, had always been too intimidated. Now, however, that reservation seemed to have abandoned him. "How, after all of these months, can you possibly think so little of me? After over a year of being with Katie, after she's become a part of my family and I've become a part of hers, or at least I thought I had, could you think I would do something like that? And how could you think that Katie would put up with it? Don't you have any respect for either of us at all? How can you possibly-"

"You don't understand," Patrick said. "After Mary Ann-"

"No," Oliver continued, bulldozing on. "That's not a good enough reason anymore. I know that what happened to Marry Ann was horrible and I know you had to see for yourselves about me at first, but we aren't where we were a year and a half ago and Katie isn't Marry Ann. You've come to our house, eaten at our table, invited us to your homes! You've seen us together, you've seen me. You know what kind of person I am. Why can't you trust me to continue being that person? You want to know why Katie and I are getting married so soon and planning to have the wedding so quickly? Because we're in love. I asked her to marry me last month because I love her. And because I know that I'm never going to love another woman the way I love her because there'll never be another woman who gets me the way Katie does. Believe me, I know that Katie is one-of-a-kind. I know what an unbelievable woman she is. And I know that I'm damn lucky that I found her and I'm damn lucky that I earned her love. But I earned it. I treat her right every single day and I plan to keep treating her right from now until one of us dies. I plan on loving every part of her, the good and the bad, and I plan on building a life with her that will make us happy. All I want is for you guys to be a part of that. Is that possible? Will it ever be possible for you to fully trust me with her? Katie's not a little girl, she doesn't need taking care of, but if she ever did, please trust me to always take care of her the way that she takes care of me. Please trust me to treasure her and take care of her every single day that I'm alive because that's what I plan on doing."

Ian, Patrick, and Paul all gaped at Oliver's outburst. Oliver, who had somehow ended up standing, was breathing heavily. He'd forgotten what he was wearing, forgotten who he was speaking to, forgotten just about everything in the heat of the moment. Now, as realization of what he'd said and to whom hit him, he felt the desire to look away from the three men, but did not.

Slowly, Ian stood up and extended his hand to Oliver. "I'm sorry," he said. "We haven't been fair."

Oliver took his hand. "I know it comes from a good place. I know how much you three care about her. Just believe that I care about her as much. Alright?"

"Alright," Ian nodded. Patrick and Paul stood up as well to shake Oliver's hand.

"Now, finally, can we be friends? Real friends?" Oliver asked.

Ian nodded. "Equal friends. I don't know about Paul and Patrick, but I trust you with our Katie-Kate."

Patrick and Paul nodded in agreement.

"Now," Oliver said. "I'm going to get dressed, if that's fine by you."

"You're not planning on feeding us?" Paul asked, pretending to be indignant.

Oliver rolled his eyes as he said, "Have we ever not fed you? Give me a sec to get dressed and get Katie up and we'll find something."

"Fair enough," Patrick said, sitting down again. "I can't believe she slept through that though. That was quite a stirring declaration."

Oliver turned away so that they wouldn't see him blush and said, "I'm fairly certain she could sleep through that. Katie could sleep through an explosion in the front room, let alone some loud talking."

"Fair point," Paul conceded, also sitting down.

Oliver retreated into the bedroom, where, sure enough, Katie was still fast asleep, her head under a pillow. Oliver smiled at her and was careful to remain quiet while dressing. Once dressed in a t-shirt and some jeans, he leaned over her and kissed her forehead gently. "Katie? Katie, come on, you've got to get up. Guess who's here..."

Katie rolled over and sat up slowly. "Who?"

"Get dressed and come out and see."

"Fine," Katie sighed, rolling out of bed and muttering, "It's too damn early for anyone to be here. I don't care if it's the minister of magic."

Oliver laughed.

A few minutes later Katie and Oliver both emerged from the bedroom fully clothed. When Katie caught sight of her brothers she said, "What on Earth are you lot doing here? I thought I dreamed it was you banging on the door, cause I assumed you knew better than to wake me at 7 on a Sunday!"

"Well," Ian began, looking bashful.

"They were just here for breakfast," Oliver broke in. "The gits," he added as an afterthought. As Katie rolled her eyes and moved into the kitchen a knowing look passed between Ian and Oliver. None of the men present ever told Katie about what had happened that morning, and from the outside, the brothers' attitude towards Oliver didn't seem to change. They joked around in the same way, but underneath the snark was a foundation of understanding and equality that had not been there before. And though none of the men ever spoke about it again, that conversation remained in their memory as the day that Oliver earned the trust of brothers whose trust was not forthcoming and never would be. But he had their trust now, and never lost it.

Hey guys! I know this chapter was sort of all over the place, but I hope you enjoyed it. Review please!


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