Disclaimer: All CoN Characters/Locations are copy written to C. S. Lewis. I do not take credit for his work/characters. This is just a fan fiction based around the characters he has created.

All other characters/locations, (those that are not found within any of his books), are created entirely by me and it is to those that I take credit for. I'll always make note of what new characters/locations that I've created are.

Author's Note: This has been something that I've had brewing inside of my head, for awhile now. I finally put it down to paper and thought that I'd share it with all of you.

I don't have a summary written for this story, as of yet, since it's quite new and still being written. It's based, of course, around Caspian and Susan. The other Pevensie's make an appearance, at some point, as well as many other of our favorite characters. There will also be some original characters that I've created added in, too.

I hope you enjoy what I've written. Feedback/reviews/thoughts/critiques are always welcome.

The story is told from Caspian's point of view.

Rated T, for now. May change to M, later on.

To those of you that have left me reviews, thank you so much. They're very much appreciated and are inspiring.