The Last Fight part 2
Hale's POV
I got up, using the reactor to help me. The beast came forward with a smirk of victory. I got my LAARK and shot a rocket in its face. It got smacked in the face with it again. It stumbled to the edge of the area, clutching its face like before. I stumbled over to its tail, Link's sword drawn. I approached its tail and using all the strength I could muster, I chopped its tail off. It spun around and I braced for impact. It instead fell to my feet, using its weapons to hold itself up. I became stricken with an image that could've come from Link's memory.
There was a dark sky with barren ground strewn with rubble. The beast was in front of Link. He was covered in a green garb and had blue eyes. There was a woman nearby in pink robes, probably royalty. Link's sword glowed blue, which didn't look the same as his sword now.
I then realized that I was in almost the same position now. I then buried the sword into the beast's mouth. It then got up and tried to strike me, but shot it with my last rocket, backing it up to the edge of the arena. I then got out my Wraith and unloaded my last two drums into the beast, making it fall over the edge, screaming a scream so indescribable I'll never forget it.
I looked over to Daedalus and saw it looming over two people, one hunched over the other. I ran over, picking up my knife in the process, and saw the unknown woman hunched over the body of Link. I approached, taking note of Daedalus, and noticed that Link's body was almost beyond repair.
I said, "Come on, Link, pull through."
He shook his head and said, "Now I can see Navi again. I will die the same death she did."
The lady said, "I thought you were a hero. Heroes never lose."
Link looked at her in slight regret, "Zelda, I went on this quest not as a hero, but as an adventurer looking for someone. That someone is waiting for me in the next world." He turned to me and said, "Your determination alone makes you worthy for this award. Take the Triforce of Courage and the Ocarina of Time." I took the relics. When I touched the golden triangle, I felt the virus inside me nearly go away. I felt my soul brighten and I got the will to fight. He gave me a bluish-purple potato flute; his 'ocarina' and I got stricken with serenity. He said, "Please, Nathan, heal my soul."
I said, "I don't know how."
He started to hum a tune, the same tune that he played back on ship. I duplicated it perfectly, even though I never seen, let alone played, an ocarina. I got done mimicking his tune and his body started glowing.
He said, "My soul is healed, use my face and liberate the human race." I looked at him weird and he just disappeared. What were left were his bag and a mask that looked like he did the day I met him, with blond hair and blue eyes. I grabbed his bag and saw everything in it. I grabbed the mask and put it on. I felt my body rearranging as the mask grew and covered my entire head. There was a flash of light and I looked exactly like Link. I stared at Daedalus; it had a look of surprise on what was left of its face.
"Your life ends now." I grabbed the sword I used to kill that beast. I charged at it and it impaled me. It raised me to its face and it said in my mind what happened to the bearer of courage? He just disappeared. Now Ganondorf's plans are for naught.
I got the sword, my sword now, and said, "Link moved on to the next life." I then buried the sword in its face. It writhed around and threw me. I landed near the woman, Zelda, her name is Zelda, and stared at her face. It had sorrow written all over it. I got up and stared at Daedalus. It was trying to get my sword out of its face. I finally noticed lightning arcing from the reactor to nodes around the area. Daedalus threw the sword at Zelda and I grabbed by the handle before it even touched her. I guess this was one of Link's skills. I noticed Daedalus standing between the reactor and a node. I threw my sword at the node, making the electricity arc to it. Daedalus got in the way and it got fried. I heard screeches and I covered my ears, Zelda did the same. It writhed around and then slumped to the ground. I went over to it and it didn't move. I took off the Link face and used my radio. I said, "Hale to Capelli, over."
Capelli said, "Capelli here, over."
"Daedalus is dead. Ganondorf is gone."
There was silence on the line. "Wait, what?" I repeated what I said, articulating each syllable. He then said, "Good job. Listen, I saw one of the black dots change hands. I think Ganondorf is dead."
"He might be; he fell off the side of the reactor. Listen, Link is dead, Daedalus killed him. Over."
There was more silence and I heard, "Did you arm the bomb?"
I was about to say something when I heard, "Even though it's dead, it can still be used." I turned to the dead body of Daedalus and saw something that could be taken from religion.
There was a head. No body, just a head, made of golden and black flames. It was in the shape of Ganondorf's head. It was about the size of a person. "Now I will gain supreme control of the Chimeran Army." He then floated to Daedalus and entered its body. The body then mutated to look like Ganondorf. I thought can this person be killed? The tentacles moved downwards to function more like legs and the rest of the brain-like mass of Daedalus morphed to look like Ganondorf's head. Arms ending in eagle talons sprouted from its 'head'. When the transformation was done, it said with his deep voice, "When this pitiful world is conquered, I will move on to Terminia and Hyrule. Then nothing will stop me!" It then scurried to me, using its claws to grab me. I struggled to get out, but it was futile. I dropped Link's face to the ground about 30 feet below me. It said, "You must be the new bearer of the Triforce of Courage."
I spit in its face. "FUCK YOU!" I wretched my arm out and tried to get myself out again.
It then projected a command. All chimera report to the reactor, our plans will unfold. I wretched myself out of its grip and ran over to Zelda. I looked to the bridge and saw an army of chimera marching over. Zelda and I got to the bomb and started arming it.
While we were arming it, Capelli said, "hey guys, are you sure Ganondorf is alive?"
I got the radio and said, "Yes, he used some magic and possessed Daedalus. He is alive and we're arming the bomb."
"Good," Capelli said, "get over to the docks when it's armed."
We almost got the bomb armed when I said, "there is a huge group of chimera coming right for us. They could disarm the bomb. If we don't stay here and defend the bomb until it goes off, it won't go off; So Capelli, Zelda and I are K.I.A., get going to command and goodbye." With that, I turned the radio off. After a little bit of tinkering, I said, "Its armed." I looked around and saw the legion of chimera coming right for us. Zelda grabbed my hand and looked at me solemnly.
She closed her eyes and said, "Someone, anyone, please help us." I looked in fear as the chimera were almost on top of us. Then, the bomb, Zelda, and I flashed in a golden light. We looked around again and the legion of chimera were turned to stone. I looked around, looking for the source of this magic. I saw Ganondorf turned to stone as well, with a look of fear where the other chimera had a look of surprise. I saw something glowing on Ganondorf's left talon. I went over to it and it looked like the Triforce of Courage.
I was about to grab it when I heard a voice say, "That's my piece." It sounded just like me. I looked to my right and saw a person. This person was about seven feet high, with a martial artist build. This person had white hair and metal gloves that went up to his arms. He had war paint on his face and his eyes were completely white. He had a sword that looked exactly like the twisted sword that link used to use all the time. He ran right at me using inhuman speed and stopped on a dime right in front of me.
I said, "Link, is that you?"
He said, "No, my name isn't Link. I don't know my true name, but I've always been called the Fierce Deity. If you feel comfortable calling me Link, do so, I don't mind." The Fierce Deity then used his sword to slice off the hand of Ganondorf, taking the Triforce piece with it. He grabbed the piece and it resonated. The light dissolved the stone around Ganondorf and the chimera. I immediately remembered the bomb. I ran over to it, Zelda and Link/Fierce Deity following me. The bomb said '00:15'. Link/Fierce Deity said, "What is that?"
"It is something that will annihilate all these creatures in 15 seconds." I said. I saw the creatures recovering from their petrification.
He said, "Then let's leave before we're killed too."
I scoffed, "if you can teleport, you'll survive." He grabbed mine and Zelda's hand and breathed in. I looked at the bomb. '00:05' I started to reflect on my life as we disappeared in a flash of light.
A/N: May be continued. I lost my flare for this story. I might return to it after The Adventures of Alex Mercer series