Okay, so, I know it's late for a Valentine's story but I suddenly had this idea that definitely couldn't wait for next year. And besides, the date fits with the story. That'll make sense after you read, don't worry. I hope someone likes this first chapter. I plan to make this a chapter fic, so no comments asking about that, please.

Standard disclaimers apply, sadly. I'd love to own iCarly. Freddie and Sam would spend every episode making out if I did though. LOL. ENJOY!

Sam was amazed when Carly pulled a large gift bag from a cabinet in the kitchen and began to clean out the Valentine's candy that had gone bad over the period of nearly four months. It was full, the bag, and Carly said she had eaten half of it. Freddie didn't seem all the surprised and Sam wondered how much of the gifts Carly had gotten for Valentine's day were from him. She felt a slight pang of hurt along with her amazement, since she had gotten three Valentine's gifts in total. One from Carly, one from Mrs. Benson (she gave everyone she knew a small red or pink teddy bear holding a bag of heart shaped candies), and one from that dork, Ruben.

"It's not that amazing, Sam. I bet you got a mountain of gifts," Carly said with a smile. When Sam shook her head and told her the real number, Carly looked like she might actually cry for her. "Aw. I'm sorry." Then she paused and asked, "Is that including mine, Freddie's, and Mrs. Benson's gifts?"

"Yes, no, yes. I didn't get one from Freddie this year. I got one from Gibby's little freak-o friend Ruben."

Freddie received a slap to the shoulder from Carly for not getting Sam anything. In his defense, he said, "I didn't get her anything 'cause every time I do, she smashes it with a hammer! Of course, if I'd known she wasn't getting anything…"

Sam rolled her eyes as he trailed off. "Whatever. Doesn't mean chizz to me either way. I mean, Valentine's day is such a corny holiday. It's just some lunatic holiday some freak-a-zoid came up with so girls and boys could act like idiots and get their hearts broken when the person they like turns out not to like them back. Or be all mushy with all that crap they do on that stupid day."

"For once, I agree with Sam. I mean, take the whole "be mine" stuff. That's so stupid." Sam bobbed her head energetically in agreement with Freddie and Carly looked at them like they were crazy people she had never seen before.

"You two are such cynics! Valentine's day is about love and romance and knowing what it's like to have someone love you enough to profess it in front of everyone." Sam and Freddie exchanged a look while Carly smiled dreamily then suddenly burst out laughing. Carly gave them both disapproving looks but they just kept laughing ridiculously, leaning on each other or the counters for support as they clutched their ribs. "Shut up already! You guys suck!"

"Sorry," they managed to gasp out in between chuckles. Carly sighed and went back to her task. Sam stole candy she deemed fit to eat while sitting on the counter next to her while Freddie sat at the table with his laptop. As he read the comments on the iCarly site like he did every week, he couldn't help but think about Sam expression when she saw how many gifts Carly had been given. Carly hadn't seen it, Sam had been too quick about hiding it, but he had. He had and it had broken his heart. If he had none how neglected Sam was on the ridiculous but love-filled holiday, he would have used all his savings to buy her more presents than Carly had received. Sam didn't know how wonderful she was because she was constantly comparing herself to Carly but if he had known, he would have let her know. Suddenly, he had an idea. Valentine's week in May. He grinned then shut his laptop out of nowhere and ran out.

Carly and Sam looked at each other curiously then Spencer came in, walked over to the fridge, and said, "Blueberries," loudly and they turned their confusion to him. He just grinned and extracted a carton of strawberries from the fridge as if everything was completely normal. This, as we all know, is never the case for the iCarly crew.


Sam woke up the next day as the doorbell of her house rang. Carly stirred from where she was on the bed next to her but Sam slid out of bed and went to get the door before Carly could. What she found was a little weird. She looked around but found no one anywhere near. She picked up the red gift bag covered with pink and purple hearts and carried it inside. Carly came into the living room as Sam was sitting down on the couch to open the gift. She extracted a card first and read it aloud for Carly's benefit and to reassure herself it was all real.

"My dearest Sam, I'm sorry for the delay. Due to circumstances out of my control, I was unable to give you all the treasures you deserved the week before Valentine's Day as I originally planned. I decided not to wait for your next birthday, Christmas, or the next Valentine's Day because it was recently called to my attention by our mutual friend, Freddie Benson, that you may have felt left out on Valentine's Day. I apologize for not making more of an effort to get your presents to you. I fully intend to make up for this and show you just how loved you really are. For the next two weeks, you will receive a present daily. Do not worry because your presents will not always be left at your house. I have asked Freddie to inform me when you stay at Carly's house. Please, do not ask Freddie to tell you my identity. He doesn't actually know it. I contacted him over the internet and all he has is my phone number and email address. He is allowed to tell you my email address, if you wish to talk to me. If not, that's fine. My only intentions in giving you these presents is to show you how wonderful you are, how beautiful you are, and how loved you are. Thank you for accepting this gift. Forever yours, Anonymous."

The word Anonymous was the only thing handwritten and it was in a sort of boyish cursive writing she had never seen before. The rest of the letter was typed and the ink was brown, not black. She wondered if that was because brown was her favorite color. Carly took the letter and reread it silently while Sam stared holes in the bag she had place carefully on the coffee table, trying to decide whether or not to open it. When Carly finished reading the card, she set it on the table and poked Sam urgently. "Well, go on. Let's see what's inside."

Sam slid forward to the edge of the couch and began to remove the rainbow of tissue paper carefully. Then she carefully lifted out the gift box inside. It was wrapped in blue paper with multicolored versions of the acronym LOL all over it. She rolled her eyes before removed the blue paper and opening the lid of the box. Inside was a small wooden music box. She opened it and it began to play the theme song from The Many Adventures Of Winnie the Pooh. Inside was a necklace with Tigger from Winnie the Pooh on it. She chuckled slightly as she held it up for Carly to see. Carly giggled and took it from her. Along with the necklace were several pins, all with Winnie the Pooh characters on them in varying colors with little character quotes underneath. A Rabbit pin that said "I have brains. The other's have fluff", a Piglet pin that said "Oh, dear, dear, dear", a Tigger pin that said "Bouncing, bouncing, bouncing", an Eeyore pin that said "Thanks for noticin' me" and a Pooh bear pin that said, "Oh, bother" at the bottom. Sam smiled at them.

"So, who other than me and Freddie knows that you like Winnie the Pooh and that your favorite is Tigger?" Carly asked.

"Read the note again. He said he's friends with Freddie. It seems our little dork has been spilling secrets." But Sam wasn't angry. This man, this secret admirer, seemed to love her and she really wanted to meet him. Even if Freddie hadn't told him, she probably would have told this guy anyway when she did meet him. "Where did this guy even find a music box to play the Winnie the Pooh theme song?"

She replaced the pins then closed the music box and looked at the image of the Winnie the Pooh sitting under a tree with his paw dripping with honey and jar of it tucked under another arm. Carly shrugged and carefully put the necklace on Sam's neck. "Who knows? Anyway, let's go back to bed. We'll try to figure out who sent it to you in the morning."

"All right." Sam stuffed the tissue paper into the bag and carried the bag and the music box to her room. She'd never admit it to anyone but herself but she loved that she had a secret admirer and she loved the gifts she had already gotten. She wondered what else she could expect from him.


Sam smiled when she found a rose taped to her locker with a note that had her admirer's email address typed on it the next day after lunch. Freddie grinned at her as he walked up and said, "I told him you wanted his address."

"Thanks, Benson. So, is he cute?" she asked as she took the note and rose off her locker and put the note in her pocket. She smelled the rose then held it for him to smell and he rolled his eyes.

"Well, considering I've never met him in person, it's a little difficult to say." He was surprised when she looked disappointed. "You liked this guy already, don't you?"

"He's sweet. And normally, sweet isn't my thing but this guy might just change that," she replied with a smirk.

Freddie rolled his eyes. "You're desperate. Been single too long." She smacked him and he cried out in surprise and pain. "Hey!"

"Later," she said before walking away after stowing the rose carefully in her locker. He smirked to himself before rubbing his cheek and saying, "Ow," sadly. Then he hurried to his next class, praying he wasn't going to be late.

So, small first chapter, I know, but I managed to get everything I wanted for the first chapter into it and dragging it out would've been boring. Hope you liked! Please, favorite or comment or something along those lines! Thanks for reading! More chapters soon, I promise.