Author's Note: Here is the ending (finally) of this long, long story. It feels a little silly, but I hope it's enough of a resolution for all of you. Thanks for reading, you're all great!

The school was in absolute chaos. The halls and classrooms were filled with food, games, rock climbing walls, giant blow up bounce houses, and even a drawing for a new car. The Senior class was running through the halls bouncing from one activity to the next. Helga could barely take it all in.

Ronda was still chattering away into her ear as she dragged her and Phoebe around the school searching for everyone they had ever known.

"Oh, and did you hear about Stinky? Lately he's been . . ." Helga was trying desperately to think of ways to escape Ronda's death grip but so far she had come up with nothing. With a defeated sigh she glanced over at Phoebe to see if she had come up with any brilliant escape plans.

Her best friend only shrugged helplessly as they were dragged from one room to the next. Any time Rhonda found someone Helga had ever known they had to stop and exchange hellos. As the trio traveled the halls, presumably looking for Nadine, Helga kept an eye out for Arnold, hoping to at least catch a glimpse of him.

"Nadine!" Rhonda squealed as she pulled Helga and Phoebe down the hall toward her best friend. "Look who's here!" Nadie raised an eyebrow at her, as most of Helga's former Classmates had.

"Hey Phoebe."

"Hi Nadine." Nadine waved politely, then once again returned her slightly confused gaze to Helga. Do I really look that different?

"It's okay Nadine, I barely recognized her out in the parking lot either."

"Helga?" She said slowly. Helga nodded. Nadine jumped forward and wrapped her arms around her. "It's so good to see you! How are you!"

"Pretty good." She answered once Nadine had released her. Now that she was free from everyone's physical contact she was tempted to bolt. She looked over at Phoebe who was giving her a crusty look as if to remind her that running screaming from Rhonda and Nadine would be rude.

"Wow! So what are you doing back in Hillwood?"

"Oh, you know," Helga glanced around for another means of escape, "Just visiting old friends for the summer." She had yet to actually tell anyone her real reason for coming back. Mostly because it made her sound like a crazy stalker.

"Helga that's so great! We'll all have to get together sometime and hang out."

"Yeah, I'm sure it'll be a blast." She spotted her salvation. "Excuse me girls, I just need to step into the ladies room for a second. Phoebe."

"Coming." Helga turned and power walked to the nearest restroom, forcing Phoebe to run to keep up with her. Once they were behind the swinging wooden door Helga ran toward the window in the back. She cupped her hands together, squatted down, and nodded Phoebe over.

"Phoebe, you first!"


"Out the window."

"Helga, you can't be serious!"

"I am dead serious Phoebe. Unless you want to spend the rest of the night with Rhonda."

"Well, I was hoping to spend some time with Gerald."

"The only problem is that eventually she'll come looking for us, and know we ditched her." She thought for a few seconds, then nodded. "I'm willing to take that risk."

"She won't come looking for us if she's too busy hiding."

"What?" Phoebe pulled out her cell phone and rapidly began punching the keys. "What are you doing?" She tucked the phone back into her pocket and put her foot on Helga's still cupped hands.

"Sending Curly an anonymous message about Rhonda's current location."

"Phoebe," Helga said as she hoisted her friend up the small window, "you're a genius." The only response she received was a tiny 'eep' as Phoebe tumbled down onto the grass outside. Helga quickly scrambled onto the sink as fast as she could, then leaned to the left and grabbed onto the tiny window. "Pheebs!" She hissed. "You alright."

"I believe so." She whispered back.

"Okay, clear the way, I'm coming through." Helga pulled herself through the window and hopped down onto the grass.

"Now what?" Phoebe asked as she righted herself.

"Now we go get some food. I'm starving." She said as she rubbed her rumbling stomach.

"I thought we would look for Arnold and Gerald." Phoebe said timidly.

"Fine give them a call."

"Well Arnold doesn't have a phone, but I suppose I could try Gerald."

"Go for it. Meanwhile I'm gonna get some grub, you with me?"

"Coming!" Phoebe called as she hurried after her friend.

"We've looked everywhere!" Arnold shouted in exasperation.

"I know!" Gerald shouted back through a mouth full of hot dog. "This place is a mad house. We're never going to find them."

"And you never thought to bring your cell phone."

"You didn't bring yours." He snapped.

"I don't have a cell phone."

"Oh, right. Well I figured if anyone got split up it would be me and Phoebe losing you and Helga. No offense Arnold, but I was really looking forward to spending some time with my girlfriend."

"None taken." Arnold shoved his hands in his pockets and glanced down the hall.

"Man, remind me to kick Rhonda in her right in her pretentious-"

"Maybe we should just keep looking." Arnold interrupted.

"Fine, let's go check the gym again." They trudged through the halls and in and out of rooms, for the next hour.

"Forget this." Gerald said with a huff. "I'm done looking."

"Aw come on Gerald."

"We might as well try enjoying ourselves, they're going to start kicking us out at Midnight."

"Wait!" Arnold shouted grabbing Gerald's arm. "There's one place we still haven't looked." As they got closer to their destination the crowd became thinner until they were completely alone at the base of a staircase.

"There's nothing going on upstairs." Gerald told him.

"Exactly." Arnold rushed up the staircase and rounded a corner with Gerald right behind him. Sitting in front of the doors of the locked library were Phoebe and Helga.

"My hypotheses was correct." Phoebe said proudly as she jumped up and hurried to Gerald's side. Arnold walked over and offered Helga his hand, to his surprise she actually took it. He couldn't help but smile as he pulled her to her feet.

"We've only got a few more hours." Gerald told them. "I say we go see the hypnotist first." There was a murmur of agreement as Helga pulled her hand from Arnold's, effectively removing his smile.

Within seconds they were back in the fray and managed to stay clear of Rhonda for the rest of the evening. It was just past ten when Helga sat down with a heavy yawn.

"You guys go ahead," she yawned again, "I'm gonna take a breather. I'll catch up with you later."

"But Helga-" Phoebe began

"It's okay guys." Arnold said quickly. "I'll stay with her. You to go have fun." He waved them off and sat on the bench beside her.

"You sound like an old man." She told him.

"You're the one who ran out of steam at ten o clock."

"Hey, it was a long flight!"

"So you didn't walk then?" Some of the color drained out of her cheeks.

"Well . . . it's been a long day, maybe you should just take me back to the boarding house and let me get some rest."

Arnold stood up and offered his hand. He helped her to her feet but made a point not to release her hand this time.

"If I take you home will you promise to tell me the real reason you're here."

"I already told you, I needed a change of scenery."

"It has to be more than that." He said as he opened the car door for her.

"Why does it have to be more than that?" She asked as she put on her seatbelt. Arnold started up the Packard and fastened his own seat belt.

"Well, I guess I'm just wondering what's so great about dinky old Hillwood that would make you turn down Harvard."

"Who said I was going to Harvard!" She spat angrily.


"Damn it." She whispered. "Fine. I missed this stupid place okay? I spent most of my life here, and I guess I was just feeling a little nostalgic."

"Okay." Helga folded her arms across her chest and leaned her head against the window. They were both quiet for the rest of the ride back to the boarding house. Arnold pulled up to the curb and the old car wheezed to a stop.

"Thanks for the ride." Helga said quietly as she moved to get out of the car. Arnold hurried around the front of the ancient vehicle and arrived at her door just as she was stepping out. He took both of her hands and pulled her over to the steps.

"One last question."

"What?" She sighed angrily.

"Did you mean it?"

"Mean what?" Arnold grabbed her chin and tilted her face up. Her eyes shot to the left.

"Helga." He smiled as she finally looked into his eyes. "The song you sent, did you mean it?"

"Yeah. Did you?" He grinned.

"Yeah. Those words are said too much, but I'm going to say them anyway." Arnold ran his hand through Helga's hair and put his other hand on her back. "I love you." He pulled her close and pressed his lips against hers. He took half a step back and looked at her again. Her eyes fluttered open and she grabbed onto both of his arms.

"I think I need to sit down." She whispered. With a quiet chuckle Arnold helped her over to the steps. She didn't let go of him, so he sat beside her.

"Better?" She shook her head for a second, then abruptly stopped, closed her eyes, and pressed a hand against her head.

"I think I'm going to pass out."

"I better get you into bed then." Her head whipped around and stared at him wide eyed. A slight blush crept into his cheeks as he realized what he had just said. "I meant your bed." He shook his head. "I meant you should lie down. Alone. In . . . in your bed."

"Right." She whispered.

"But maybe . . . someday . . . our bed." Arnold smirked at Helga only to watch her eyes roll back into her head as she collapsed against him. "Helga? Helga! I was kidding, mostly." He sighed, gathered her into his arms, and leaned against the railing of the stoop. He had a feeling he'd be there a while.