Disclaimer: I don't own warriors.
My name is Darkpaw. I trained for several moons as a ShadowClan cat. I would have been a warrior soon. But, I was the apprentice murdered in cold blood. I did nothing wrong. Yet, I saw the deputy talking to an enemy warrior. I had to be silenced. I had to be killed.
He attacked me. I fought as my mentor taught me but he pinned me down. I screamed in pain as his claws raked down my stomach. The blood flowed out of me in a red tide. He looked at me then walked off, untouched.
I trembled in fear as blood poured out of me onto the ground. I knew I would make it home. I knew I'd never be a warrior. I'd never retire as an elder or become leader. I'd die an apprentice.
I hope Duskpaw can move on. He's such a nice tom. I'm sorry I'll never have his kits, or sleep next to him in the warriors den. I'll always love him. I'll watch over his kits, if he ever has any.
I hope Mousepaw, my brother will be the best warrior there ever was. Sorry Mousepaw, it won't end up like when we were kits. Where I was Darkstar and you where Mousefoot, my loyal deputy. I'll miss you.
I hope that Braveclaw knows I did just what he taught me. He was the best mentor ever. I hope he doesn't blame himself.
I hope my mother doesn't grieve too long. She can have another litter.
I hope Yellowstar finds out the truth. His deputy will kill him. I hope he finds out, what Foxclaw plans.
As the darkness closes over me I can only think one thought. Why me?
Author's note: I'm obviously depressed. After writing this who wouldn't be? Please review.