
I was a pretty normal girl. That is if you overlook the purple hair, my ability to see the future, my cat-like movements along with the cat tail and cat ears... Okay, so maybe I'm not that normal. But hey, being normal is overrated anyway.

I was taking a shortcut to my dingy hotel room through an alleyway when I saw them. There was a hot Asian guy with guns and an even hotter Caucasian guy with swords staring at me. My ears and tail were both hidden so it had to be for a different reason.

I kept walking calmly as I searched the future. No matter what I did, I still ended up being kidnapped.

Didn't mean I couldn't put up a fight.

I ran towards one of the garbage cans with a lid on it so I could push myself off of it and jump up to the metal ladder leading up the side of the building. They were starting to run now. I didn't climb the ladder. That would get me shot in the ass. I would know, I saw it. I used my freakishly cat-like agility and speed to jump from floor to floor. Too bad my vision came a little to late.

A big with a black trench coat sprung at me once I hit the roof. We flew off the fifth story roof and to the ground. Luckily we switched places in the air while we were falling and I landed on top of the feral. We wrestled for a moment but he was much stronger and had me pinned in seconds. I was then tranquilized me on my right butt cheek.

My last thought before I drifted off was, does my butt have a target on it or something?

Yes, I know it's a short chapter but they will get longer. My first chapters are always pretty short.

Rate, review, whatever. -C.B (:

P.S. 352 Words.