Pairing: Kenpachi x Ichigo all x Ichigo

This is a sequel to the one shot written by Flaming Orange Rose about a berserker Kenpachi claiming Ichigo as his mate. It picks up immediately where it left off. There is rape in this story. Clearly labeled. And I say directly below I don't condone it. I'm not sure I can make this any clearer. It even says so in the summary.

I don't own Bleach or any of its characters, nor do I make any money off of writing this story. I also don't condone any of the actions in this story.

Contains: Yaoi, sex, rape, molestation, etc…

Beta'd by Warrior Nun- as always, thank you very much!

Berserker: Part 1

When Kenpachi came out of the darkness that enveloped him, he saw the corpses of the dead hunters strewn about him. The wounds from the shots he received had already healed over from the berserk he went into which made him impervious to harm. His mate was still gone, which made him throw back his head and howl in rage. His pelt was also with his mate, however, so at least there was some of him with his mate.

He set about tracking his mate back to the village. Normally he wouldn't care about the person he chose to fuck when he went into his lust, but this one was different. Just the thought of mounting him made Kenpachi want to bare his teeth and claim him.

They must not have expected him to live through it and track them back because they made no effort to conceal their way back to the village. It must have been close enough by for them to hear his mate's screams and it was easy to follow the disturbed ground and foliage back to the village.

His mate must have been injured badly from the claiming and mounting Kenpachi so generously gave him because every so often he would come across blood as well. When he did he would crouch down and inhale it eagerly, darting his tongue out to lap up what he could. What a delicious male he was. He was definitely one that Kenpachi planned to keep around to slake his lust.

Starrk tried to set Ichigo down as gently as he could on the bed in the healer's tent, still wrapped in the berserker's pelt. His eye twitched at the sight and he tried to slip it out from underneath him, but despite his carefulness, Ichigo let out a sharp yelp and arched his back, whimpering painfully while trembling. Starrk sucked in a breath and tried not to think about the mess in between the lithe man's thighs and stepped aside to let the healer do his job.

Grimmjow and Nnoitra stood just inside the door of the tent, their eyes riveted on Ichigo's body. The healer did something that made Ichigo cry out in protest and they cringed. Starrk gestured for them to leave the tent and they did so with Starrk immediately behind him.

"It was a berserker, wasn't it?" Grimmjow asked immediately and Starrk's eyes flashed.

"Yes," he said simply and Nnoitra let out a low growl.

"Did ya see the fucking mess he is in? That bastard didn't just fuck him, he ripped him in half!"

"Yeah, we saw, we were there too, remember?" Grimmjow snapped grouchily and ran a hand through his bright blue hair. "Fucking beat him up real good, too… I don't get it. After Ichi was unconscious there, wouldn't be any point, right? He could have just taken what he wanted."

"Berserkers don't think about things like that," Starrk muttered and neither of them wisely said anything about how Starrk knew how they thought.

"Do ya think…" Nnoitra hesitated and scowled. "Do ya think they will still have Ichi-pet partake in Beltane this year? It's usually for guys going after girls, but I know that the chief was thinking about changing his status cuz of the men who want to court him."

"It depends if he is well enough by then… and even if he is, he might be too…" Starrk trailed off as he tried to think of an appropriate word.

"Ya think Ichi-pet will be scared of letting another guy fuck 'im?" Nnoitra asked with a furrowed brow.

"Yeah," Starrk muttered with a shrug. Grimmjow huffed and crossed his arms over his chest.

"What if we all promise to be really gentle and careful when we catch him?" Grimmjow said hopefully.

"Don't ask me, it's up to Ichigo and the chief," Starrk said with a frown. It was only a few weeks off and Starrk didn't think that Ichigo would be ready, but he was also one of the men who planned on mating Ichigo. Maybe Ichigo would be able to recover better if he mated with one of the strong hunters and helped erase the berserker bond.

Kenpachi hunkered outside of the village as his excellent hearing picked up the conversation the three men were having about his mate. He learned that his name was Ichigo, not that it particularly mattered. He also learned that his timing was impeccable when it came to mating with Ichigo because any later than these other males would have done so.

The thought made Kenpachi seethe with rage. He felt the want and need to claim and mark Ichigo again so they would know how he belonged to. It also made him angry at the thought of his mate letting them do so. His bared his teeth and his lips curled into a snarl. Stupid little slut. He belonged to Kenpachi now, no one else.

It was getting dark now and almost time for Kenpachi to strike. Soon they would send hunters to find out the status of the others and Kenpachi would have barely enough time to slip into the tent and grab his mate before escaping. He needed to find a nice cave for them to spend the summer in and they would gorge themselves on meat. The extra food would make his mate more fertile so Kenpachi could breed him. The one day of the year was coming up soon in which males could get with child and Kenpachi didn't intend to let it pass.

Darkness came and Kenpachi crept stealthily into the tent where the healer was still working on his mate. The man didn't even notice when Kenpachi entered and he was furious to see that his hand was in between Ichigo's legs. He grabbed the man's skull with one hand and squeezed. It caved in under the strength of his hands and blood gushed out from underneath it as the healer fell, dead.

Ichigo was half-conscious and feverish. His body trembled and although some of his wounds were taken care of, blood still caked his inner thighs. Kenpachi's pelt was underneath him, to the berserker's delight. The idiots hadn't known to wrap it around him like they should.

He moved to go pick his mate up and the brown eyes blinked at him weakly in recognition. He let out a low whine that made Kenpachi frown. Now that he wasn't in his blood lust anymore he was more in tune with his mate's needs and hurts.

He scooped his mate up despite the whimpered protests and crept out of the tent just as silently and unseen as he had before. A lot of the villagers went to go investigate the absent hunters so it was easy for him to leave the village with his now unconscious mate in his arms.

He was certain that they had many good trackers, so the first thing he did was to go to the river. It was nearing the end of April so it wasn't too cold, but he looked forward to heating his mate's skin up afterward. His mate wasn't a weakling anyway; despite him passing out during Kenpachi's punishment he dealt for allowing a wolf to mark him. It didn't matter if he didn't know he was Kenpachi's at the time… he was all the same, so there would be no excuses.

The berserker held Ichigo clear of the water the best that he could, draped on a log that he floated along beside him. One of the tricks Kenpachi used was swimming upstream instead of down, which was what they would expect. Nobody except for him with his monstrous strength could pull it off.

Ichigo was still shivering, but the cool water was probably helping his fever, although one extreme to another probably wasn't good for him.

They got out a couple of miles upstream in a rocky area so if they managed to track them it would be harder to do so. Kenpachi wrapped the pelt tightly around Ichigo once more and carried him in his arms as he swiftly ran through the forest, flying through the trees with his excellent night vision. His mate was beginning to stir, and he knew he had to find a place to mount him again before they continued on again. He needed to be dominated once more so that he would put up less of a fight and obey his master.

He searched a hilly area and found an abandoned cave devoid of any previous occupants. It would keep them hidden and safe from interruptions at least. It was only temporary, though.

He unwrapped the wolf pelt from his mate's body and examined it once more in the dark. The river water had washed away most of the blood so his mate's body was clean once more. He licked his lips as he eyed the wounds he made earlier that helped mark Ichigo as his.

His mate was waking up now, shifting around and making noises. Kenpachi grinned in the dark as he saw him reach blindly around in confusion to try and figure out what was going on.

Kenpachi growled low in the back of his throat to let his mate know he was there. The slender yet muscular orange haired man froze and swallowed thickly. The musky scent hit his nose and he knew who it was immediately.

"No!" He cried out and scrambled away against the wall. Kenpachi snarled at the idea that his mate thought he had a choice. He grabbed him by the ankles and yanked him back toward Kenpachi. He flipped Ichigo on his stomach and spread Ichigo's ass apart with his hands to taste his mate's entrance. It tasted metallic from the blood, but Kenpachi couldn't find any traces of anyone else taking his mate so he was satisfied for the moment.

"P-please stop!" Ichigo sobbed as Kenpachi positioned himself behind Ichigo, his heavy erect cock rubbing against his entrance. "No- ack!" His protests turned into a shriek as he was roughly penetrated, his body being torn apart yet again.

"Heh heh heh…" Kenpachi chuckled to himself in pleasure as he fucked his mate. He was so tight even though Kenpachi mounted him just a little while ago. His body remembered its master at least, and spasmed around him pleasurably.

"HURTS!" Ichigo sobbed out as he wounds were ripped open once more and blood slicked his passage for the thrusts.

"You're getting wet for me," the berserker growled in pleasure and raked his nails down Ichigo's back, opening the wounds he put there before. Ichigo cried out and tried to crawl out from underneath Kenpachi when his hand were no longer on Ichigo's hips, which made Kenpachi slip out of him. It was only a slight reprieve because a second later Kenpachi had grabbed his hair and yanked him back painfully. He back handed him sharply across the face, making his jaw ache fiercely, before he was yanked onto the berserker's lap.

Ichigo whined and clawed at Kenpachi's chest as he was penetrated once more in a single thrust. Kenpachi's mouth sealed over his throat and his teeth dug in painfully. His own pathetic attempts to scratch and push Kenpachi away were ignored as he was bounced up and down enthusiastically.

"Ahhnnn…" Ichigo moaned as he slumped against Kenpachi with tears in his eyes and his exhausted body giving out on him. Kenpachi seemed to enjoy it, however, and he rewarded Ichigo with long licks delivered to his face. Ichigo trying to evade them only made Kenpachi angrier. He fisted Ichigo's bright orange hair and jerked his head back to bare the creamy neck. Kenpachi licked over his pulse point and growled at the taste of him. He dug his teeth in and almost purred with delight when his mate's sweet blood gushed into his mouth.

Ichigo whimpered at the pain and tried to move his hips away again from the rough penetration. Again and again and again. The berserker never seemed to stop. He had Ichigo on his back now, the rocks of the cave digging into his skin as he was pistoned into. He just wanted it to stop…

He blinked as he saw light coming in from the boulder Kenpachi rolled in front of the cave. Ichigo was a fast runner, one of the fastest in the village. If he managed to get away from Kenpachi, he might be able to get back to the village for help. They had held him off once, they could do it again. The only problem would be moving the boulder… but now with the sun giving them more light, Ichigo could see a log in the cave. He could use it for leverage to move the boulder.

Without hesitation, Ichigo butted his head hard against Kenpachi's, right against his nose. Kenpachi reeled back and Ichigo jabbed the palm of his hand into it as well. Kenpachi was still conscious and barely even injured, however, and Ichigo needed to more damage. It was enough to get Ichigo off of him, however, and once he was on his feet he used those strong legs of his to kick the berserker in the crotch.

He didn't waste any time in grabbing the log and a rock. He jammed one end of the stick under the large bolder and used the rock like a teeter totter. He threw all of his muscle and body weight into it and hoped for it to just work- it did. His adrenaline fueled him and within moments the boulder had rolled enough for Ichigo to fit through.

Kenpachi grabbed his arm. Ichigo's heart plummeted and he kicked and screamed as a very pissed berserker dragged him back in. He threw Ichigo hard against the opposite wall, making Ichigo cry out in pain as he most certainly bruised his ribs. Kenpachi rolled the boulder back in place easily and snapped the log he used in half.

Even in the dim light of the cave, Ichigo could see that Kenpachi's eyes had turned red as the burned with blood lust.

"W-wait, please don't, you wouldn't kill your mate, would you?" Ichigo asked pleadingly as he tried to get to his feet but collapsed when pain jutted up his spine.

Kenpachi back handed him, making his head snap to the side. He grabbed Ichigo by the hair and lifted him into the air just so he could punch him hard in the stomach. The air whooshed out of Ichigo and he made a choked gasp at the pain.

Then he was dropped to the ground. Kenpachi was so mad that he couldn't even speak. His mate had tried to leave him. Kenpachi didn't mind that he tried to fight back; in fact it kind of turned him on to know that his mate was so strong, but him trying to actually escape was unacceptable. Why didn't his mate understand that he was Kenpachi's?

He spread his mate's legs wide open and grinned at the scared expression on his face. He didn't bother with preparation of anything as he thrust into Ichigo. Ichigo screamed long and loud in absolute agony. His body was so raw and sore he thought he would never heal. Not if the berserker kept going at him like this.

Ichigo whimpered and turned his head to the side, trying to curl up but not being able to because Kenpachi wouldn't allow it. When the berserker finally cummed inside of him it burned- it hurt so badly that Ichigo thought he was going to die. He wished he could pass out like he did last time, but he didn't.

"Mate," the berserker grunted and bit down on Ichigo's neck and making him scream again. He clawed at the berserker's chest and tried to push him away, but it was futile. "My mate…"

He lapped at the blood, licking his way down Ichigo's body. He frowned when he realized that his mate hadn't come. He looked up at his mate who had his eyes squeezed shot and was biting his lower lip. Stupid mate. Idiotic, weak, stupid mate. Perfect, beautiful mate.

He licked his mate's cock and nuzzled it until it began to harden. Ichigo moaned and shifted, trying to push Kenpachi's head away. Kenpachi did move away, but only to dip lower. His rough hands stroked Ichigo quickly and harshly. Ichigo was in pain just from that, but it didn't stop him from being erect. That was probably partially because his tongue was doing things to Ichigo's entrance that was very, very dirty.

His voice was taken from him as the berserker cleaned him of the blood and his own orgasm. It pushed and pushed at Ichigo until he finally came with a sob of humiliation. The berserker pulled away only to grab Ichigo's air and yank him down. He wasn't thinking of- oh hell no. His mouth was forced open and Kenpachi's musky scent consumed all of his senses.

"Clean me up," he demanded and forced Ichigo's head all the way down, choking him and making him gag even though he wasn't hard again, yet. "You passed out on me last time, bitch, and you won't this time."

Ichigo swallowed around his organ which was quickly becoming engorged once more. He furrowed his brow and whimpered, trying to pull away, but Kenpachi held his head down. He forced Ichigo to move his head up and down, pushing past Ichigo's limits and making is almost impossible for him to breath.

The only good thing about it was that he came much quicker than before, filling Ichigo's mouth with the disgusting, bitter fluid which made Ichigo want to throw up all over again.

He threw Ichigo away from him and did his pants up again. Ichigo flinched when Kenpachi grabbed for him, making Kenpachi frown.

"Listen, mate," Kenpachi growled and grabbed him by the hair to pull him up to a standing position. "I'm your master and you do everything I fucking say, you got that? I own you."

"My name is Ichigo Kurosaki, not mate," Ichigo spat, "I don't know who the fuck you are, but there is no way I'm ever going to do anything you say. My suitors are going to find me soon and when they do they're going to kill you and-"

Kenpachi back handed him again, and it really fucking hurt. "NOBODY WILL HAVE YOU BUT ME! You are MY mate and no one else's. MINE! Kenpachi Zaraki's. I will kill anyone who tries to take you from me!"

Ichigo spat in his face. Kenpachi looked enraged for a second, and then he crushed their mouths together. Ichigo grimaced and whimpered, turning his head from side to side trying to escape it. Kenpachi bit at his lips and his tongue hard enough to draw blood. But when he forced his tongue inside to taste him it was Ichigo's turn to bite down.

Kenpachi pulled away with a grin. "Feisty," he grunted and grabbed Ichigo's bare ass tightly, massaging the muscles with his large hands. "Stop tempting me or we are never going to leave."

He let go of Ichigo, but only to grab his pelt and wrap it around Ichigo again. Ichigo looked positively miserable as he tried to struggle and get away from it and him. "Just let me go! You got what you wanted! So just leave me the fuck alone!"

Kenpachi was confused by Ichigo's resistance. He had marked his mate and claimed him, then wrapped him in his pelt for protection. Why wasn't he willing? He growled low in the back of his throat and fought the urge to claim his mate again. Instead he threw his mate over his shoulder and pushed the boulder to the side with one hand. He wanted to cover a lot of miles today. He wanted to find a more permanent cave so that his mate would feel more relaxed and comfortable for when they bred.

He didn't scent any of the villagers on the wind and his instincts told him it was safe so he moved through the forest with speed rather than stealth in mind. He already knew where he was going. It was a cave he had been to before and had stayed with Yachiru there many times.

Yachiru. The thought of her made him angry. Once his mate was bred and full of soon-to-be siblings he would go and get his pup. She belonged with him and he knew that she would adore his mate. The thought made him falter his running and his mated squirmed, hoping to get down, but Kenpachi started back up again.

He was going to finish that thought with 'she would adore his mate as much as he did.' He felt things for his mate. He was attracted to him more than he was ever attracted to anyone. He had found a mate that he was going to pair with for all future ruts for mating season and berserker-trances. However, he only treated his mate like a fuck. He took his mate roughly and made him bleed and hurt and cry… so did he adore his mate?

It was a thought that kept him busy thinking while he ran. He stopped occasionally to let Ichigo to drink and piss, but that was all. He didn't feed his mate because fasting before Beltane and then letting him gorge on food would increase his fertility. Kenpachi fully intended to get his mate full of child and he didn't care what Ichigo thought about it.


It was getting pretty long, so I had to cut it off there. I haven't decided how it's going to end yet, but it definitely won't be a simple ending.

But I wanted to get this up on Beltane, since it's going to be an important part of this story. Give me some heads up on whether you want Ichigo to have a happy ending with Kenpachi, or maybe one of the other semes if they end up rescuing him, or maybe he's going to have an angsty ending… let me know!

I accept anon reviews and will reply to them, but please don't take advantage of this to flame. I want to continue to accept them, but I don't like dealing with flames. If you have an opinion, then have the guts to at least sign in to do it. I'm saying this again because apparently ppl can't read. I DO NOT CONDONE RAPE and it's clearly labeled as rape in both the summary and before the story begins. I don't take ppl seriously if you can't stand behind your beliefs enough to log in. If you really feel that way, then own up to it.