Isabella Marie Star

Prologue: The Story of Me

A/N: hey guys, I just suddenly got inspiration to write this story, so I decided to go with the flow and see how well it would do! Anyway, heres the prologue and if u like it, tell me so I can continue!


Bella's P.O.V

The Story of Me

I swear it's not easy

The Story of Me

It's not simple or breezy

Isabella Star- 'The Story of Me' from album 'The Story of Me'.

"Diet Cocktail, please." I called, as I lounged on the recliner they had set up for me to relax on in the recording studio. They were currently doing music mixing and technical things which I did not understand, to my new CD which was set to hit the stores in a few weeks 'The Story of Me'. My previous album 'Cupid is Stupid' had gone multi- platinum, and I hoped that this one would do just as well.

A thin guy dressed in black clothes headed over to me, looking nervous. He held a tray which had on it a colorful looking drink. My cocktail. I snatched the drink from on the tray and took a sip.

"This is not like diet. Do you want to kill me?" I shrieked, spitting the drink on the floor. I looked at the drink in my hand with distaste then shoved it back on the tray. The boy looked frightened.

"N-N-N-No Miss Star, of course not. I'm so sorry," He muttered, the tray was shaking, he was so nervous, but I didn't care.

"Well you should be. Go get me one that is diet." I snapped, slipping my shades on.

"Erm, well, there are no diet cocktails here," The boy explained.

"What do you mean there are none?" I demanded, jumping up from the recliner and sashaying over to where my agent Jessica Stanley was standing. She was dressed in a prim and proper navy blue dress suit, and had on some matching high heels.

"Heres my little pop star," She exclaimed, grinning my way. Her long light brown hair bobbed up and down as she took a sip of black coffee.

"I'm furious, actually," I muttered, folding my arms across my chest. I was dressed in a white tube top, and a butterscotch miniskirt, which brought out the golden brown in the tan I'd acquired at my latest tour in the Bahamas.

Jessica raised her eyebrows. "And why is that?" She wanted to know. "Your new songs sound amazing," She complimented, smiling at me.

I didn't smile back. "I know," I told her, and I meant it. I had really nailed the notes in my last album. They were 16 tracks of true genius.

"Then why are you upset?" She asked me, sipping her coffee.

I looked at the coffee in disgust for a second, "There are no like diet cocktails here. I'm thirsty and I want a cocktail and there is none. BTW coffee like totally makes your boobs shrink, and your breath stink," I muttered, looking at the drink in distaste.

Jessica rolled her eyes, "My head is spinning, girl. I need it. Okay, dear, I already told you before, Ella, there are like no drinks facilities here. I'll make you one in the limo," She assured me.

I pouted for a second, then rolled my eyes and headed over to Mike Newton, who was in charge of 'Newton Records' the label I was signed to. I was their hottest act, and Mike had told me so his self. He was going over something on a big computer, and his baby blue eyes lit up as I came over.

"Babe, hey. You can go now, I'll call you when we're ready to record the rest," He muttered, smiling at me, then turning back to the computer. I nodded and grabbed my Alice Brandon designer clutch purse and nodded to Jessica, who followed me out of the door. Alice Brandon was the hottest celebrity designer out there, and she also happened to be my best friend.

I strutted downstairs, and put my big white shades on. As soon as we were out of the building, we were swarmed by the paparazzi. Camera flashes almost blinded my eyes, as my bodyguard, Ralph, tried to clear the crowd so we could pass through to the waiting limo. "Is it true you're dating Chase Crawford?" One demanded.

"No," I snapped, I could hardly believe they were questioning my relationship with my long-term boyfriend and male model, Jacob Black.

"What about Zac Efron?" Shouted another.

"No freaking way. I am loyal as always to my long-term boyfriend, Jacob Black," I told them as my bodyguard helped me slip into the limo.

Inside the limo sat my best friend and fabulous fashion designer, Alice Brandon. She was dressed in a violet sundress which hugged her figure, and her long black hair was held back with a matching violet headband. She held out a diet cocktail and I grinned at her.

"Thanks," I murmured, taking my drink and sipping it. She was the only person I could trust and be myself with. She was practically my sister, since my mom had left me to live with her boyfriend 'Nate' or something, and my dad had passed away when I was twelve. Now at 19 years of age, I lived with her in a giant apartment in SoHo, New York, where we were both close to our work places. Her mom and dad lived in Virginia, where I used to live too before I got recognized at a school talent show. I invited Alice to come live with me and my mom in New York (before my mom left that is) and she had agreed, and when my mom left us for her boyfriend 'Nate' who worked in Alice's fashion design company and was like ten years younger. I was heartbroken at first but then I learned to live with it. Alice is the only person I can depend on to be there for me.

Jessica got in the front, and the limo driver set off, flashes of camera's blinking behind us.

"Where are we going?" I asked her, leaning back into the comfortable limo chair.

Alice smiled, "To my studio, I have designed some dresses for your concert tonight," She exclaimed and I grinned. Alice had the best fashion sense ever and she helped me get dressed every single day, then again, she was a fashion designer.

"I cant wait!" I exclaimed, and Alice grinned back.

"Twirl around this way," Alice ordered, and I did as she said. She had me dressed in a baby pink sleeveless minidress she had designed especially for me, or so she said. It was tight around the waist and had some encrusted silver gems under the bust, and some at the bottom of the dress. She had paired it with some silver stilettos and a light pink clutch bag.

"I love it," I assured her, admiring my reflection in the wall of mirrors in front of me. Alice's studio was not simple place. It was a giant apartment, full of rooms with fabric, mirrors and sparkly things. She had designed dresses for many celebrities, like Miley Cyrus and Jojo, but she was mainly my personal designer. She was the reason I stayed on the 'hot' list for so long.

"You look great," Alice told me, smiling at her design. Jessica came into the room, about 3 cell phones pressed to one ear.

"Wow, you look great." She exclaimed. "No, not you," She snapped into one of the phones.

I twirled one more time. "Well, Ella. We need to talk," Jess muttered, hanging up and stuffing the 3 phones into her giant handbag. Ella was her personal nickname for me, but I personally preferred Bella.

"One minute, I want to change," I snapped, grabbing my regular clothes from on the couch and slipping into the bathroom. A few seconds later, I shuffled out in my butterscotch and white outfit.

"What do you want?" I asked, Jessica, sitting down on the couch.

"Well, some rumors are going around that you are well, kind of stuck up," She started.

"WHAT? I am not stuck up," I snapped, folding my arms across my chest.

Alice giggled, as she was hanging my new dress up on a hanger.

"What?" I demanded, and she shrugged.

Jessica looked exasperated, "Well, I know you are not, but it's not good for your sweet girl next door, singer/ songwriter image so we're going to have to make a contest to show you are not stuck up," She explained to me.

"But I'm not stuck up," I protested, flipping my long mane of hair over my shoulder.

"We know, sweety. The whole contest was Angela's idea, not mine so kill her not me," Jessica joked. Angela Weber was my publicist and actually one of the closest people to me.

"What kind of a contest exactly?" I demanded. I fiddled with my long hair waiting for an answer.

"Well, boys could try to win a date with you. It could be a whole 'Win a Date with Isabella Star' and that sort of thing." Jessica pointed out.

"But I already have a boyfriend, duh." I muttered. Jacob Black was one of the hottest male models out there. I had met him while on photo shoot for Teen Vogue, about 6 months ago.

"I know, dear. This wont be real though." She explained.

"But what if Jacob sees it as like real? I love him, we cant break up because of a stupid contest," I exclaimed.

"He wont see it as real. We'll tell Lauren to tell him about it, or you can tell him yourself," She suggested. Lauren Mallory was Jacob Black's agent, and one of my least favorite people in the world. One word. Bitch.

"Well I don't want to do this stupid contest thing!" I snapped.

Alice headed over, "Leave me to talk to her," She told Jessica who hurried out of the room.

"Bella?" Alice cried, using my favorite nickname.

"No, Alice." I shot back, folding my arms across my chest.

"Why not Bella? You're not going to lose anything. You might even gain fans, and I'm sure Jakey Wakey will understand," She teased.

I rolled my eyes, "Why should I date this random guy?" I demanded.

"It's only one date, Bella. Come on. It will be some major good publicity. You might win the Peoples Choice Awards," She bribed me.

I sighed, "Why do you always have to force me into things?" I wanted to know.

She giggled, "Because I'm your BFF and that's what I do," She exclaimed. "She'll do it," She called to Jessica who came in looking pleased.

"Good! I'll call Angela, We'll have to run it on T.V and in your concert tonight, and in newspapers and magazines…." Then she was on the phone to my publicist.

"I hate you," I muttered to Alice who grinned.

"I lurve you too," She cried, her blue eyes lighting up. She tossed her long black hair over her shoulder just as Jessica hung up, looking thrilled.

"Okay. We're all set. Come on girls. Time for the concert," She cried.

I nodded and Alice handed me my dress. She was already dressed in a retro zebra striped dress with a pink ribbon around her tiny waist. She paired it with some pink heels and a pink bandanna. I took the dress and we got into the limo and started towards Madison Square Garden, where my concert would be taking place.

Ralph led Alice, Jessica and I through the paps who yelled things out like. "Is it true your album 'Cupid is Stupid' achieved Multi platinum?" I was going to reply but I didn't want to be late to my own concert. In a few minutes we were back stage, and the hair and make up artists were waiting to get me ready. Alice waved to me, as they whisked me off to style my hair and apply my makeup.

I emerged about 15 minutes later primped and ready for my concert. My long brown hair was pin straight and my fringe hung sexily in my eyes. I had on a full coat of makeup, but apparently the artist went 'Au Natural' so I didn't look too over the top. I just had some pink lip gloss to match my dress, black eyeliner and some eye shadow.

"Break a leg," Yelled Alice as I ran on stage to the screaming crowd. The arena was full of people, and they were all screaming my name.

"Whose ready to party?" I cried, in my sweetest voice, bringing the mic to my mouth. I winked at my band members, and the music started for the number one song on my upcoming album, 'The Story of Me'. I waved to the crowd, which went wild, as I started belting out the lyrics.

The Story of Me It's Unique and Amazing

The Story of Me

I swear that your crazy.

If you think you can change

The Story of Me.

Yeah, the Story of Me.

I grinned as the crowd chanted my name. "Isa-Bella! Isa-Bella!" Was the rallying call. I smiled and blew kisses as I realized I loved my life.

A/N: So guys that was the prologue! I'll try to update chapter 1 soon… please leave a review if you are reading this so I know to continue it!

Lilyyy xoxo

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.