One Month Later
Lucas' POV
The River Court was like home base in a field of curveballs and strikes. I sat on the bleachers and spun an orange ball around in my right hand while Nate and Clay ran some drills on the blacktop. Sawyer slept quietly in her stroller next to me and I watched her chest rise and fall slowly and slightly smiled to myself. I still couldn't get over how fast she was growing or how much she looked like her mother. This was her first time at the River Court and while I wished she was awake to take it all in, I was a bit thankful for the wave of sleep that hit her. It seemed like something that rarely ever happened. This place was my therapy and my sanctuary and when life was moving fast in every other place the River Court was always still and motionless and I depended on it for that. I hoped that one day Sawyer would too.
I watched as Nathan weaved in and out of cones and caught a pass from Clay before going up into a layup. He was smooth and the moves seemed effortless and although I'd never admit it to him aloud, he was always a much better basketball player than me. Basketball wasn't my first love after all, and these days it wasn't even my second or third. Nathan started at the top of the drill again. Clay blew his whistle and Nathan took off through the cones and toward the basket once again. Effortless. Break time came and the two made their way over towards me.
"The NBA isn't ready for you man." I said encouragingly as I held my hand out for a high-five. Nate slapped it and smiled before grabbing his towel and wiping the sweat from his face.
"Man, you got through that drill 3 seconds faster than the last time. How are you feeling?" Clay asked enthusiastically.
"I feel good, better than ever." Nate responded casually. "I'm ready for the season."
"Music to my ears." Clay smiled. Nathan grabbed his water and made his way over to Sawyer. He gently stroked her cheek with his index finger.
"Hey, you wake her up you put her back to sleep." I jokingly warned. Nathan laughed.
"No problem, they call me the baby whisperer."
"No one calls you that." Clay said.
"Well that's what I call myself. Jamie always fell asleep in my arms…right after Haley breast-fed him anyway."
"Well do you see any breasts around here? Back away." I joked. Nathan made a face and took a seat next to me.
"So I feel like it's been forever since we last hung out. I don't think I've really seen you since Brooke's party." Nathan shared.
"And what a party that was!" Clay beamed. "Is there always that much drama around here?"
"Pretty much." Nate and I said simultaneously.
"Well if your beautiful sister-in-law needs anyone to wipe away her tears let her know that I will gladly take up the position." Clay said casually.
"I don't think you would've had enough tissues to mop up the river that was flowing through my house a few weeks ago. She seems to be a bit better now though, took a photo job in New York last week which Haley says she's been loving. She'll be back tomorrow I think."
"And I'll be waiting."
"You'll probably be waiting a while. I don't know how ready I'd be to date if I found out my boyfriend was married. The whole situation was messed up." Nate said honestly.
"And finding out in front of everyone." I said shaking my head. The other two nodded their heads in agreement.
"Well you know what they say about getting over someone. You gotta get under somebody else." Clay smiled.
"You're a pig man." Nathan said with disbelief.
"You mean a good-looking pig." Clay corrected. Nathan and I shook our heads and I'm sure we both decided to just ignore him.
"You talk to Jake?" I asked.
"Yeah a few days after the party." Nate shared.
"Same, I went to see him the day after. He was pretty broken up about the whole thing."
"Yeah, he's not the kind of guy who hurts people."
"And he cares about them both. It sucks."
"Yeah it does."
"You heard from Brooke?" I asked with concern. She wasn't answering any of my phone calls and she wasn't at her house the last few times i'd checked.
"No. And if I even mention her name to Haley it's like i've said Voldemort and called upon the Dark Lord." Nathan half-joked.
"Yeah, Peyton's the same way." I shrugged.
"That slap was gnarly man." Clay said shaking his head. "Normally I get turned on when girls fight but that was brutal."
"Yeah, what was up with that?" Nate asked.
"You don't want to know." I muttered. I could feel Nathan studying my face and I couldn't bring my eyes to meet his.
Peyton hadn't said a word the entire car ride back to the house and I didn't attempt to make her. There were so many unspoken words hanging in the air between us but neither of us wanted to acknowledge them. We entered the house as quietly as we had sat in the car and I dropped the car keys on the kitchen table. Peyton immediately made her way to the bedroom. I felt the questions burning at the pit of my stomach and making their way up to my mouth. I followed her in and leaned against the doorframe as I watched her remove her shoes and jewelry. She barely noticed me.
"So, are you gonna tell me what that was about?" I asked plainly.
"What?" She said casually without looking at me. She was removing her top now and throwing it to the floor. I clenched my jaw and tried to swallow the annoyance bubbling in my throat.
"You and Brooke." I uttered calmly.
"It was nothing." She said quietly, again without looking at me. I felt the anger reaching its boiling point. it was the lack of honesty that was pushing me more towards the edge.
"Really? Peyton you just slapped your best friend on her birthday and you're gonna sit there and tell me it's nothing?!" I asked with more fury than I had intended. She didn't respond and I knew Peyton well enough to know that she did this whenever she was feeling guilty. "You still have feelings for him don't you?"
"I can't even believe you're asking me that." She said abruptly as she finally met my eyes.
"Well what am I supposed to think Peyton? Huh? You're voice gets really high whenever he's around and you get all antsy. You slapped Brooke tonight after you found out about their marriage and you won't talk to me."
"Look, its complicated ok. I didn't mean to slap her its just... I was so shocked and mad and I shared some personal things with her and she pretty much lied to my face for months."
"And you can't share those personal things with me?" I said trying to hide the hurt in my voice. She looked away again and slowly took a seat on the bed. I heard her inhale and exhale slowly.
"I don't have feelings for Jake. But when he came back it did bring back a flood of old memories and feelings and I started realizing how much I wanted, even needed, closure." She shared quietly.
"Closure?" I scoffed. "I am your husband dammit! Your closure was standing at that alter and saying I do."
"I know, I'm just trying to be honest like you wanted."
"Yeah well, they weren't lying when they said the truth hurts." I whispered. "I'll take the couch tonight."
Peyton and I had been distant the last few weeks to say the least. Neither of us were barely ever home. I was either at my office working on my book or she was at her office working with her new artist. The only time we really spoke was when we discussed Sawyer or tried to force small talk. We were ignoring the elephant in the room. It was childish, but a part of me felt like I had to measure myself to Jake, like I was sharing my wife's heart with another man and that was something I could not stomach.
Haley's POV
I felt the cold jelly hit my stomach and felt a chill go up my spine even though Dr. Benson had already warned me that it would be cold. This wasn't my first go round with an ultrasound but even so I was nervous. I guess the nerves come to stay once you realize that you are responsible for bringing a life into this world. I suddenly wished Nathan were there and I regretted telling him that it was okay for me to go alone while he practiced. He was at the last ultrasound and I missed having the comfort of his arm around me while he grabbed my hand with his.
"You seem tense." Dr. Benson exclaimed as she readied the probe. I let out a nervous laugh.
"That's because I'm always tense these days."
"Well, try and relax. You know stress isn't good for the baby."
"Easier said than done." I replied. Dr. Benson knowingly nodded her head.
"Maybe find a hobby. Is there anything you like to do?"
"Sing. It's my job."
"Ah, I see. The hobby is the stress."
"Exactly." I sighed. Life seemed to be moving at a whirlwind around me. Nathan's season was getting ready to start, my album was dropping in a few weeks, Jaime started school on Monday and I was trying to sort through his old things to see what I could keep for the baby. I felt like so much was going on and in a way it felt like the walls were closing in on me and I couldn't still the moment long enough to catch my breath.
"Anything else stressing you besides work?" She asked. My mind briefly flashed to Brooke. I hadn't spoken to her in almost a month since the day after the party.
"No," I lied. She slipped on her gloves and nodded her head in approval.
"Good. Now lets hear that heartbeat." She gently placed the probe on my belly and began smearing the gel around my stomach. "Any thoughts on names yet?"
"Well, my husband is set on Jackson or Jared. He's convinced it will be a boy and wants to keep the J theme going." I chuckled.
"And if it's a girl?"
"I have no idea. My best friend always joked that she wanted me to name my first daughter Penelope, her middle name, so that all of her friends' kids had a bit of her in them." I smiled.
"Penelope is a beautiful name." Dr. Benson remarked.
"Yeah it is." I said softly. It was taking a while for her to find the heartbeat and I was starting to get nervous. "Is everything ok?"
"Well sometimes it takes a little time and patience to hear from the heart, don't you agree?" She asked. I did.
If I was being completely honest, I missed Brooke and was starting to get a little worried about her. It took so much energy to stay mad and the baby was taking all the energy I had lately. I was furious when I found out she and Jake were sneaking around behind my back but I also understood Brooke and the way she buried her feelings for the good of those around her. She lied, but I understood and that's what made me angrier. She could have told me and I would have understood. Luckily time was at least helping Quinn. It took about two weeks for the tears to stop but once week three came she was cried out and determined to mend herself in a different way. She took a job in New York that had her busy for the last week and a half. I was proud of her. She always taught me growing up that the best way to get over something was to just let yourself be. If being meant crying then cry, if being meant laughing then laugh. Give yourself time and patience to just be and your being will move on when it's ready. I had given myself time to be angry and I was ready to move on. I tried calling Brooke a few days ago but her phone went straight to voicemail. I thought of the last time we had spoken.
It was the night after Brooke's birthday party and I had urged Nathan to take Jaime over to Mouth and Skills' apartment for a boy's night while Quinn and I had a night in. It was a night of tears, bad comedy movies, ice cream, and so much talking and yelling and ranting, but finally she was asleep in my lap. I was stroking her long brown hair gently and letting the pieces fall as they weaved through my fingers. It was the way our mother always put us to sleep and it worked every time no matter how we were feeling. She's cried herself to sleep and I knew that the morning would feel like a hangover of emotion so I just sat there stroking her hair hoping to at least aide in her peace as she slept. Mean girls was playing on the screen and I smiled to myself as the girls took stage and sang jingle bell rock. High school was nothing like that but still there were times when I wished to be back.
Suddenly there was a knock at our door. I hoped quietly to myself that it wasn't Nathan back with a cranky Jaime, high on sugar and missing his bed, or worse, Jake. He had been by immediately after the party begging to speak to Quinn and he'd been by earlier this afternoon begging for the same thing. I had to turn him away both times but I could see the persistence and desperation in his eyes. If Jake was anything like he was in high school, then I knew this was killing him. The guy had never hurt a fly and he was like a puppy trying to lick the wounds. I slowly wiggled myself from beneath Quinn's head and softly placed it on the couch pillow before I made my way toward the door. I opened it and found Brooke staring at me with her hands in her pockets. I stepped out of the house and carefully shut the door behind me.
"Hey Haley." She said quietly.
"Brooke, it's really not a good time." I said casually trying my best not to sound annoyed. It wasn't a conversation I was up for having at that moment.
"Just hear me out please." She urged. I took a deep breath and shrugged my shoulders signaling for her to talk. "Look, Haley I'm so sorry for what happened the other night. You have no idea. What you walked in on just happened, ok? We didn't plan it. I certainly didn't expect it. Nothing was happening between us before that ok, I hadn't even spoken to him in like two weeks before that night. It's just everything happened so fast and I was wrong but—"
"But you love him." I interjected.
"Yeah." She said softly as she searched my eyes for understanding and empathy. I looked away briefly and sighed.
"So that was the first time you guys kissed?" I asked. This time it was her turn to look away. "You see? I knew it. And that night at the open mic, he was singing to you wasn't he?" Brooke didn't answer and I could feel myself getting hot all over. "God Brooke, I specifically asked you if you had feelings for him! You could've just been honest with me then and all of this could have been avoided but you lied to me! Now I have a sister in my house who is completely broken and i've just spent the last three hours watching her cry over a mess that you made! Do you have any idea the kind of position you put me in?"
"Haley I'm—"
"Sorry! I know! Why is everyone in this town always sorry after the fact? Its like we act and then pray that sorry will just gracefully nullify our actions. Well it doesn't work like that. If you would've just been honest with me maybe I could've helped you figure this out but you lied. You're a liar and you made your bed and now you have to lie in it Brooke. Alone." I spat coldly before I turned around and walked back in the house. I shut the door behind me a little louder than I anticipated and the slam woke Quinn as she abruptly shot her head up and looked at me.
"Where'd you go? Was someone there?" She asked groggily.
"Nowhere and it was no one." I said trying my best to sound casual. I took my seat next to her and she laid her head back over my lap. "Go back to sleep." I whispered.
The room began pulsating with the sound of a human heart pulling me out of my trance and back into the hospital room. One-Two. One-Two. One-Two. It bounced off the walls and I saw the image of my unborn child moving across the screen.
"There it is!" Dr. Benson exclaimed enthusiastically. "A strong and healthy baby. Little Jackson or Penelope seems to be doing great."
"Good." I smiled as I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. My eyes began to fill with tears and I wasn't sure if they were happy or sad.
Peyton's POV
I waited parked outside the coffee shop in the parking lot with the top down on the roof of my car. North Carolina summer was coming to an end and I felt the slight chill in the breeze that meant autumn was nearing. Haley said she was two minutes away and I preferred to wait for her in my car where the waiting music was completely up to me. I'd settled on You Are the Best Thing by Ray LaMontagne. I slowly reclined back and let my eyes trail up toward the sky allowing it to be the last thing I saw before I closed them. The lyrics became louder in the darkness behind my eye lids and all I could think of was Lucas.
And baby
The way you move me, it's crazy
It's like you see right through me
And make it easier
Believe me, you don't even have to try
Oh, because
You are the best thing
(you're the best thing)
You are the best thing
(you're the best thing, baby)
You are the best thing
(you're the best thing, oh)
Ever happened to me
We'd been so distant since Brooke's birthday and I hated myself for it. It was my fault really. I'd allowed him to think that there was a part of me that was still with Jake and while i'd believed it for a little while, I knew now that it wasn't true. He was where I was and he was the only place I ever wanted to be. I just didn't know how to make it all up to him.
"You're a piece of shit Peyton Sawyer." I said aloud to myself.
"Yeah, you look like shit too." I heard Haley's voice chime in and my eyes snapped open to find her face in the sky's foreground.
"What a ray of sunshine." I stated plainly as Haley laughed.
"Coffee?" She said as she motioned her head toward the shop.
I couldn't remember the last time I'd spent time alone with Haley outside of the office. We had both been so busy and had so much life packed between us that it was difficult to carve out time to just hang. She looked a bit different. A bit rounder in the cheeks and definitely tired.
"Hey, you alright?" I asked as she took a sip of her hot chocolate. She nodded her head.
"Yeah, it's just been a crazy past few weeks."
"I hear that." I agreed. "Are you excited about your album?"
"Hell yeah. I think i'm more excited that it's done." She replied. "No more late nights at the studio or anxiety about what makes the tracklist and what doesn't."
"Well from what i've heard, you crafted a great record Hales. It's raw and it's vulnerable and I think people are going to love it. Don't forget about us when you hit the top of the billboard." I half-joked. She smiled and shook her head, never.
"What about you? Last time we spoke you and Luke were in the middle of a Cold War. Anybody surrender yet?"
"Nope. Both sides are still up in arms."
"I don't get it. You talked to Jake, you know you were wrong, why not just say you're sorry?"
"Because sorry doesn't feel like enough Haley. I'm so embarrassed for making Luke doubt my loyalty to him. It's like you can take the girl out of high school but…"
"Don't be so hard on yourself Peyt. You and Jake had a weird ending that you wanted ironed out. I guess we could all do a better job about being transparent though." She shrugged. I took a sip of my coffee and nodded in agreement before allowing my thoughts to wander out the window at a kissing couple on the curb. I could feel Haley watching me but I couldn't stop looking at them. I missed Lucas and the worst part was that he hadn't gone anywhere.
"Why don't you plan a special evening for just the two of you? I can watch Sawyer and you both can relax and talk and sort this whole thing out" Haley suggested. I considered the suggestion and weighed out possible ideas in my head.
"That sounds like a plan actually." I smiled. "While I'm in the field of apologies, you heard from Brooke?"
"No, not since her party. I heard you slapped her after I left." Haley recalled with a slight raise in her eyebrow.
"Yeah, not my finest moment. She didn't deserve all of that."
"And on her birthday Peyton?"
"I know, I know, I'm a piece of shit in case you haven't heard. I've been trying to call her to talk and apologize but her phone goes straight to voicemail and her mailbox is full. I sent her a text but still, no response."
"Yeah, I'm getting pretty worried. No one's seen or heard from her in the last few weeks."
"I was thinking of hunting down Millicent to see if she knows anything."
"That's a good idea, let me know." Haley responded.
"God! I can't believe Brooke and Jake are married. It's so hard to wrap my head around, legitimate or not."
"I know what you mean. I can't even remember a time the two of them spoke in high school."
"Funny how things turn out."
"Funny indeed."
"Anyway, guess what I have?" I said trying to hide my excitement as I dug into the purse wrapped around my chair. Haley raised her eyebrows as she watched me search through the clutter. Finally I found the folded piece of paper and pulled it out of my bag. I handed it over to Haley and she began to unfold it with a look of intrigue.
"It took me a while but I finally finished the cover art for your album." I smiled. Haley's eyes lit up once she smoothed out the paper and got a good look at it.
"Peyton, this is beautiful!" She cooed. "I mean it captures the entire feeling of the album in one picture."
"Thank God you like it! If not I was gonna steal a photo of you from Facebook for your cover and call it a day." I joked.
I had my feet kicked up on my desk as I reclined in my chair with my sketchbook on my lap. There was no one in the office today and it felt more breathable than home where Lucas was barely speaking to me and Sawyer looked at me like I was amazing, though I felt like anything less than. I was almost done sketching the world out for Haley's album cover, but the shape of Europe was giving me a hard time. I'd erased it five times and this was now attempt six as I drew while looking at a picture I pulled up on google. There was suddenly a gentle knock on my office door and I looked up to find Jake leaned against the doorframe.
"I just got hit by the biggest wave of deja vu. Peyton Sawyer in a room surrounded by red walls and records, drawing with her feet on a desk, completely ignoring the world around her." He smiled.
"Jake Jagielski." I smiled back trying to hide my surprise. "What are you doing here?"
"I just had a day off and was strolling around town when I realized I'd never been to the infamous Red Bedroom Records."
"Well the Red Bedroom welcomes you. What do you think?"
"It reminds me of your old room, just bigger and more official."
"Well then, mission accomplished." I smirked. Jake took his time entering the room as he glanced around him taking the place in.
"This is impressive Peyton. I'm glad for you."
"Thank you."
"What are you working on there?"
"Just Haley's album cover art. It's been a pain in my ass." I sighed.
"Well, just give it time. I'm sure it'll come along." He suggested with his hands in his pockets. He looked like he wanted to say more and I carefully watched him expectantly. "So remember when you said we should get lunch and catch up sometime? I know its overdue but what about now?"
"Hmmm…" I looked at the unfinished drawing in my hand then back up at Jake then back at my drawing. "Sounds perfect."
We ended up at a sandwich shop around the corner where we'd spent about thirty minutes catching up on six years of life. He told me all about Nicki and Jenny and his new found love for baking. I told him about college and Lucas and Lindsay and about starting my company. We exchanged surprised looks and laughs at the irony of life. There was so much that we no longer knew about each other but at the same time it felt like Jake had never left Tree Hill. I studied his face while he talked. He looked the same aside from the beard that now settled over his baby face. His hair was cut shorter than I'd ever seen it in high school and he was certainly a lot more toned. Soon we were done with lunch and we were all caught up on each other's lives and still I felt a subject itching at the back of my neck.
"You ever wonder what things would be like if you never left Tree Hill?" I asked shyly as I played with my napkin on the table. Jake took a moment to respond, like he was searching for the right way to say something.
"I used to wonder about that a lot. Especially after the last time we were together in Savannah. You remember that night?" He pondered. I nodded my head.
"Yeah, vividly."
"Yeah, well I used to get hung up on the idea that if I never left, maybe you and Lucas wouldn't have formed such a strong connection and maybe you and I would've ended up together. But eventually I realized that there was no coming in between you two, you know? I'm not a big believer in destiny but you two always seemed to be written in the stars." He explained sincerely. "And I had Jenny. It's real hard to be bitter when God blesses you with a little girl who has a smile that always brings you back to earth." I nodded my head in understanding and bit my lip.
"I guess I always regretted the way we ended though. I never wanted you to think that I didn't love you because I did. Do you believe that you can love two people with the same intensity but just in different ways?" I asked curiously. He shrugged his shoulders.
"Well, I did. Luke was just the way my heart chose."
"I get it. And trust me it took me a long time to get it but I do. The heart wants what it wants and you can deny it but it always wins in the end." He said a bit distantly.
"I felt like we never got our closure as crazy as that may be." I shared openly. Jake dropped his eyes and began playing with a chip on his plate as he let a wave of silence pass between us. He furrowed his brow and seemed to be deep in thought.
"Is that why you slapped Brooke last week?" He finally asked. I could tell the question had been weighing on him for a while. This time I shrugged my shoulders.
"Yeah I guess... I had just shared a lot of my feelings about us with her and then to find out that she kept something like being married to you from me while I was pouring myself out to her…I guess I just felt stupid, and hurt and angry….maybe even a little jealous." I explained without meeting his eyes. "And I know that's selfish and Haley already explained that it was a drunken mistake but…I don't know."
"I know it was shocking to everyone, trust me no one was as shocked as Brooke and I the morning we found out. But we both agreed to keep it a secret for Jenny's sake. So please, don't hold that against her." He reasoned. I nodded my head.
"No, you're right. I know I should cut her some slack, it was just a lot to process." I explained. "And there were just so many feelings for you that I guess I was selfishly holding onto and so many things unsaid…"
"Things like?"
I hesitated a bit and tried to find the right words to express years of stored away emotion. "Well, I guess it all boils down to saying that you were such a big part of my life…" I started. "You always seemed to find me when I was lost and you changed me in a lot of ways and for that I want to say thank you Jake." I shared as my eyes glossed over. He reached out for my hand on the table and gave it a good squeeze while he nodded his head in understanding.
At that moment the waitress came and placed the bill on the table lightening the moment a little.
"Whenever you're ready." she smiled. We both nodded our heads.
"God, I feel like an episode of 90210." I joked.
"Well if I'm Dylan you're Brenda." he joked back as he pulled out his wallet. "I got this."
"You don't have to do that."
"Think of it as a congratulatory lunch for all the moments I missed out on in your life." He shrugged. I nodded my head in appreciation.
"Of course." He said nonchalantly. I watched him as he pushed his credit card into the check envelope and stuck his wallet back into his pocket.
"Are you happy?" I asked randomly. The questions just seemed to keep falling out of my mouth. He nervously chuckled.
"Um, currently or in general?"
"Both I guess."
"Well, in general yes. Things are going great with my business, Jenny seems to love it here and yeah, everything in my life feels stable for the first time."
"And currently?"
"I don't know. I'm currently in the middle of a mess so it's a little hard to judge happiness when so many people have been hurt because of me." He shrugged before distantly looking past my shoulder.
"Well where there's a wrong there's a way to make it right."
"I guess thats true." He said as the waitress came by and picked up the check from the table before walking it over to the register. "Have you heard from Brooke at all?"
"No, I'm sure I'm the last person she wants to hear from."
"I think I have you beat out in that area." He said quietly.
"You guy's aren't on good terms?"
"It's complicated I guess." He shrugged as he began fumbling with his thumbs the way he used to when he tried to flirt with me back in high school.
"You have feelings for her don't you?" I asked still studying his mannerisms. He looked up at me with surprise.
"What makes you say that?"
"Please. I did used to date you, remember?" I said with a casual eye roll. He snickered.
"I don't even know when it happened Peyton. It's just when I'm with her everything feels like its supposed to be. Like, all the bad that ever happened was to lead me right here."
"Aw man, you don't just have feelings you're in love."
"Yeah well, it's kind of hard not to be." He chuckled to himself. "You know its funny, when we first found out we were married, she set ground rules. Rule number 3 was not to fall in love with her."
"Yeah, Brooke Davis is as rare romantically as she is as a friend. If you love her don't lose her."
"I haven't seen her in a week and I already miss her like crazy." He shared somberly.
"Yeah, me too." I sighed thinking of both Brooke and Lucas all at once. The waitress brought back the check and Jake signed his name on the receipt as we sat in another wave of silence.
Jake's POV
Savannah hadn't changed since I left earlier that summer. There was still the Lafayette Square and the River Street. There was still Ben and his wife and their dog Max and the first Cakery and the way it smelled of old memories. There was still the KOA Savannah South campgrounds, there was still the trails, the lake, the starry sky, the constellation searching with Jenny. It was all there, waiting as if we'd never left.
Jenny and I pulled up to the one story white paneled house on Blick Street. Betsy, my old pick-up came to a squeaky stop and I put the car in park. Jenny was sleeping in the passengers seat with her baseball cap shadowing over her face and I smiled at the way she looked just like she did when she was a baby. She had a blast on our annual camping trip and I'd woken her up pretty early so we could get on the road. I got out of the car and pulled a small duffel bag out of the backseat and threw it over my shoulder. I wrapped around to the passenger side of car and gently opened Jenny's door. I reached over and unbuckled her seatbelt before pulling her from the seat and into my arms. She twitched a little bit but didn't wake up as she lazily rested her head on my shoulder. We made our way through the lawn and up to the dark blue front door. I hoisted Jenny up a little as I used my free hand to ring the door bell. In less than a minute the door flew open.
"Finally!" Nicki yelled with excitement. I quickly pulled my finger to my lips signaling for her to keep her voice down and motioned toward Jenny. She mouthed the word "sorry" and motioned for me to set her down on the couch. I walked in and gently laid her down, doing my best not to wake her. "Well that was anti-climactic." Nicki whispered before she stooped low and softly kissed Jenny's forehead. She stood up and opened her arms toward me for a hug.
"You sure I'm not gonna pop it?" I asked as I pointed to her growing pregnant belly.
"Oh, shut up and come here." She smiled. We embraced briefly and before we parted the front door swung open and her fiancé Dave jumped through in a ready to attack position.
"Where's the little Jen-Monster?" He yelled as he looked around hastily.
"Shhhhhhh!" Nicki and I hushed in unison as we motioned our heads toward the sleeping child. Dave put his hands over his mouth and tip-toed over toward us.
"Well, that was anti-climactic." He whispered with disappointment. Nicki and I let out a small laugh as Dave and I embraced.
Jenny woke about two hours later and the volume returned to the house in a wave of conversation. Jenny told Nicki and Dave all about Tree Hill and her new friends and her favorite things to do in the new town we both called home. Time passed with lunch, a quick nap for myself and a movie for Jenny, more conversation about our camping trip, and then football in the backyard while Nicki got started on dinner. Dave and I were teaching Jenny the basics of throwing and catching. We taught her how to line her fingers up with the laces and how to let go of the ball in a way that produced a spiral affect. It took her a while to get it but once she did Dave and I went wild and scooped her up in a parade of cheering and applause.
"Teach me something else!" She exclaimed high from her mastery.
"Alright Jen, take the ball and go deep. We can work on long passes." I said. She excitedly grabbed the ball and made a dash for the far end of the back yard.
"Hey Dave, you mind keeping her occupied while I talk to Nicki in the kitchen for a bit?" I asked as Jenny stood waiting in anticipation.
"Yeah sure, I got her." He replied. I gave him a pat on the back before heading back into the house.
I found Nicki in the kitchen with an apron wrapped around her large stomach rather than her waist. The smell of chicken alfredo and garlic bread filled the air and woke my stomach.
"This is a sight I never thought I'd see." I smirked as I took a seat in a high-chair at the counter. "When the hell did you learn how to cook?"
"Hey, you and Dave are not the only chefs around here ok? I too can buy a bag of frozen chicken alfredo and heat it up on the stove." She joked. I chuckled a bit.
"It's good to be back."
"It's good to have you back." She said as she stirred the pot of food on the burner. "God only knows how much I've missed that little girl, but I'm glad she's liking Tree Hill."
"Me too." I replied.
"So how is Tree Hill? Still as melodramatic as I remember?"
"I recall that you were a large part of that melodrama actually."
"Yeah, well back then you were all in desperate need of some excitement. I was just giving the people what they wanted." She shrugged casually.
"Right." I said with an eye roll. "No, things are good…different but good." I shared as casually as I possibly could. Nicki put the lid on the pot and turned down the heat on the stove before she waddled her way over to me.
"So what aren't you telling me?" She interrogated as she propped herself onto the counter with what seemed like great difficulty. I dropped my eyes amazed at the way she knew me. I could feel her watching me, waiting for an answer. "Jake?"
"Nicki, I'm married." I said finally in one breath. I met her face and she looked completely surprised.
"What? How? To who?"
"Brooke Davis."
"Brooke? The rah-rah cheerleading brunnette?" She asked. I nodded my head. "Well how the hell did that happen?"
"It's a long story." I sighed. I proceeded to share everything, from the moment we found out about our union, to the four-month agreement, to Brooke's birthday party. Nicki took it all in as she took a seat at the counter with me.
"Holy shit Jake. Why did it take you so long to tell me? And how the hell didn't I hear about this?" She questioned.
"Well, you don't have cable…and you and Dave live under a rock." I joked trying to lighten the mood. She pushed me.
"I'm serious Jake. This is huge."
"I know, and I'm sorry. I just didn't want to give you a reason to have second thoughts about the full custody thing." I said honestly. Nicki sighed and began watching Dave and Jenny in the backyard through the window.
"She doesn't know does she?"
"No, of course not."
"Good. I mean, you've gotta get a grip on this shit." She responded as she got up and got us both glasses of water. "I want you to have full custody. After all we've been through you deserve it, but Jake, you gotta get on top of this.
"I know." I replied as I nodded my head in agreement. She handed me the glass and I took a sip before placing it down. She took a seat next to me again.
"So, are you two still getting the annulment? Have you spoken with a lawyer?"
"Um, yeah I think so and no I haven't."
"You think so?" She asked as she studied my face. "You haven't spoken to her?"
"Look, I have no idea where she is ok? She's not answering my calls. She's not answering the door at her house. I told you, its complicated."
"Well, un-complicate it." She replied casually as if it were that simple.
"Gee, thanks for that sound piece of advice." I noted sarcastically as I took another sip of water. I could feel her watching me again and studying me in a way only she did. I was beginning to get annoyed at the way I always felt naked around her.
"You're getting defensive and that means you aren't telling me something. What aren't you telling me?"
"I don't know what you're talking about." I shrugged.
"You do still want the annulment don't you?"
"Yes." I said as sturdily as I could. Her eyes dug into me.
"You're lying."
"Look it doesn't matter what I want ok?" I exclaimed. "I fucked it all up anyway."
The drive back from Haley's house was a sobering one. I was thankful that she allowed Jenny to stay the night, I didn't want her seeing me frazzled and worked up. It was almost one in the morning and the events of the party kept running through my head. Part of me was elated about the possibility of being with Brooke, but the other part of me was devastated about hurting Quinn. It wasn't supposed to happen like this. None of this was supposed to happen. Coming back to Tree Hill was supposed to be a fresh start for Jenny and I and now it felt like a series of mistakes sewn together to create the knots in my stomach. I wasn't that guy who juggled two women, who involved himself in love triangles, who hurt people. I was the guy who kept his head low, I was the guy who cleaned up the messes, I was the the good guy. Even in thinking that to myself, I realized how self-righteous I sounded. Nevertheless, it was true. I had never been in a situation like this before and I didn't know how to fix it.
I pulled into Brooke's driveway and was thankful when I saw that her living room lights were still on. This had been a rough night for her i'm sure and she probably was going to have a hard time sleeping. I rested my head on the steering wheel for a moment and tried to gather my thoughts. I wan't sure where to go from there, I just knew I had to find a way to make things right.
I knocked on the door three times and after the third time Brooke answered. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun and she was wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt now. Her eyes were puffy and I could tell she'd been crying.
"Come here." I said softly as I motioned her into my arms. She complied and relaxed into my chest before she started crying again. I hushed her and kissed her forehead as I rubbed her back. I led her over to the couch and we sat there for a few minutes in silence. She rested her head on my chest and I held her, hoping somehow to mask the whirlwind of emotions that we were both experiencing. "How are you feeling?"
"Like shit." She answered honestly. I nodded my head knowingly. It was like having shelter in the middle of a deadly hurricane. I felt safe and peaceful on the couch with her, but I knew that it was chaos outside of the two of us. I stroked her hair gently.
"Did you eat something?"
"Yeah, about half of that chocolate cake. If my hips spread, I'm suing you Mr. Jagielski." She muttered. I let out a small laugh, grateful for her sense of humor in light of the circumstances. "How did this even happen? I was so happy just a few hours ago."
"I know. I wish I knew how the news got a hold of that picture and our records."
"Probably that damn chapel. I swear they're going to hear from me and my attorney." She snarled.
"I feel like were were crazy to think we could keep something like this a secret in this town." I thought aloud. She shrugged her shoulders and we were silent again, both full of thought and regret.
"How's Quinn?" She asked suddenly. I sighed and shook my head.
"I'm not sure. She wouldn't see me, not that I'm surprised. I'm sure she hates me."
"Yeah well, I'm pretty sure she hates me too. And Haley…and Peyton." she said quietly. "She slapped me after you left."
"What? Why?" I questioned.
"It's complicated…but I probably deserved it." She reasoned as she let out a heavy breath.
"Hey?" I repositioned myself and lifted her chin until our eyes met. I pulled her lips to mine and softly kissed her. We pulled away and she smiled slightly. "You didn't deserve that."
She nodded her head in acceptance before resting it back on my chest. I thought of us and the possibility of many more nights just like this one. Her head resting on my chest, rising and falling with my steady breaths. My hands caressing her back and a sweet silence that carried so many unspoken but known words between us. That feeling was followed with a knot in my stomach as I remembered Quinn and the way I was just holding her the day before.
"Maybe this is all for the best, ya know? Maybe it's good that the truth is out and we can just be together." She rationalized. "Maybe we could go somewhere…like New York or Paris even. Just let all of this blow over and we could be together…happy." She lifted her head and met my eyes again. She looked hopeful at the idea and I was so tempted to just say, yes. To throw caution to the wind and never look back, as long as it meant I could be with her.
" I can't." the words rolled off my tongue before I could stop them and I knew that they were true. I couldn't. I couldn't just run away from a mess I helped create. It wasn't who I was. The hopeful look faded from her eyes and she furrowed her brow.
"Why not?" She asked.
"Brooke we can't just leave."
"But, we could be together. Happy, Jake. Isn't that what you want?"
"Of course it is, but I can't do this."
"You can't so what?"
"Us! I can't do us." I said suddenly with more volume than I had intended. She pulled away from me slowly and sat upright. She slowly rose to her feet and began gently pacing with confusion riddled all over her face.
"But…I thought you said you loved me." She said quietly.
"I do." I sighed, "God, Brooke I really do."
"And when you love someone, you fight to be with them. When two people are in love, they find a way to be together no matter what." She mumbled hastily.
"I know…" I said as I rose and tried to get her to stop pacing.
"Then what is the problem?" She asked with a bit of desperation in her voice. I knew the desperation wasn't for me but for a good reason as to why we couldn't make it work.
"Look, when I came to Tree Hill it was supposed to be about me and Jenny and starting a new life here together. But then you happened…and Quinn and this whole mess!" I started. "And I don't know who I am anymore! Ok? Somehow I became the guy who drunkingly gets married and cheats on his girlfriend and gets caught at a birthday party. That's not me! I don't hurt people and I can't just run away knowing that I have." I said now holding her hands and staring deeply into her eyes trying to get her to understand. Her eyes were softening and glossing over. I could tell that it wasn't a matter of understanding for her. It was a matter of fighting. "We can't just walk around like everything is fine. Flashing our love is everyone's face. We have to give them time to heal. Time to accept. That's the right thing to do."
She broke her hands free from mine and walked over to the other side of the room, trying to hide her tears and frustration.
"But what if they're never ready to accept? What if Quinn never forgives you? Does that mean we can't be together?" She questioned as a single tear finally fell. She wiped it hastily.
"I don't know." I whispered as I dropped my eyes to the floor. I hated watching her cry and I hated being the reason for her tears.
"God, Jake I just want to be with you." She stated as her voice broke a bit.
"I want to be with you too….but not like this." I responded. She let out a small whimper at my words. I made my way toward her and attempted to draw her in but she pulled away. Her face hardened as she wiped her tears and looked at me for another answer. Anything other than the one I'd given her. "I'm sorry Brooke."
"Yeah, me too." She shrugged.
Nicki punched my arm and brought me back to the moment.
"Ouch!" I said as I rubbed the spot she hit.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!"
"What are you talking about?"
"You're in love with the girl!"
"Did you not just here my whole story? That doesn't matter. We fucked up Nicki and hurt a lot of people in the process."
"Why do you always just roll over like that?" She asked. "My name is Jake and I'm obsessed with doing the right thing and I care about everyone's feelings." She jeered. I glared at her.
"What's so wrong with that?"
"What's wrong is you've spent your whole life doing the right thing. You hardly ever do what will make you happy." She explained.
"I'm a good guy, I can't help it."
"Oh screw being the good guy Jake!" She yelled in frustration. "Life only gives you so many chances to be happy, and I mean really happy. You've got to grab those moments while you can."
"It's not that easy."
"Of course its not! That's why you have to fight for what you want." She wisely stated. I rolled her words over in my head. I knew she was right but I didn't know how to make reparations.
"But it's probably too late. I don't even know where she is or how to get in contact with her." I shared.
"Look it might not be too late. There's got to be someone who knows where she is. You can still make this right Jake but you gotta learn to fight. Remember what you told me you regretted about Peyton? She asked. You said you regretted not fighting for her. If Brooke is the one, you have to fight for her!"
"But…" I started.
"God, But what?!" She interrupted. "Do you think she's the one for you?"
I nodded my head without even thinking.
"Did you do all you could to make things right with Kate?"
"Her name is Quinn and I've done all I can think of…messages, long emails, a letter.."
"Ok, we get it, you're John Cusack with a boombox outside her window." She sighed with an eye roll. "Does Jenny like her?"
"Jenny loves her." I replied truthfully.
"Then Jake…fight."
We arrived back in Tree Hill the following afternoon. The drive wasn't too bad and Jenny slept most of the way back. I spent the entire ride thinking about my conversation with Nicki and of Brooke and of all the ways I could find her and show her that she was what I wanted. That I was wrong before and that nothing else mattered but her and Jenny. We climbed up the steps to our apartment complex and Jenny went ahead and took the key while I lagged behind and checked the mail. Our box was full with bills and other miscellaneous things that I didn't care to look through but would eventually. I stuffed them underneath my arm and made my way to the apartment. Once inside, I dropped the stack of letters onto the dining table and dropped our bags onto the couch. Jenny had already situated herself in front of the television.
"Jenny what did we talk about in the car?" I asked her with my arms crossed. She hesitated before sitting up from the floor.
"No television until after I unpack my stuff." She groaned as she pulled her bag from the couch and began dragging it toward her room.
"Thank you." I responded as I watched her huff and puff down the hall. I kicked off my shoes and started sifting through the stack of letters. It was bill after bill after bill and a magazine or two. I sorted through it until I got to a large manilla envelope. It read:
The Law Office of Walker & Bridges LLP
151 W 34th St,
New York, NY, 1001
I cocked my eyebrow, unsure of what the piece of mail could be about. I didn't know anyone in New York and had only ever been once. I opened the envelope and pulled out the packet of papers. At the top in big bold letters were the words:
Petition for Dissolution of Marriage
I couldn't believe it. They were annulment papers. My stomach dropped as I began to flip through and skim the packet. Eventually I skipped to the last page and dropped down to find Brooke's signature signed on the line for consent. There was a sticky yellow arrow pointing to a blank line that was waiting for my signature as well. I dropped the papers onto the counter in disbelief. I checked the envelope again for a letter or a note or something that could give me clarity about what Brooke was thinking. But the envelope was empty aside from a small shiny object at the bottom. I turned the envelope upside down and the object flew out onto the table. I picked it up and held it in my hand. It was my grandmother's ring.
A/N: Can't believe it's been so long, but I really missed this story and decided to add a chapter. Hope you enjoyed and let me know what you think! I want to wrap this story up in the next two chapters or so, so let me know how you hope for it to end!