AN: Yep, another new story. I've been wanting to do this for a while now, but never had the time. This is only a short summary of the idea, and has been re-written as of February 13th 2012 as beforehand it was terrible ;]

Side note! I made a banner for the story; a link to it is on my profile.

Disclaimer: Do I even need to say I own nothing when it's only a summary…?

ACS: Full Summary

The Cullens have left Forks. Well, so has Bella.

Off to the seventeenth century where her first love awaits, Bella can't be more excited. Jack, the Pearl, her real parents… Everything is back at home, and soon she will be too.

But upon meeting young Will Turner, she discovers that not all is well and good. Jack's in prison, the Pearl has a new captain, and there are cursed men running about causing havoc.

And don't even get her started on the seven vampires that have mysteriously appeared in Port Royale. When did life as a pirate in love with the famous Captain Jack Sparrow get so hard?

Oh, that's right; as soon as she got aboard his ship.

AN: Just to clarify; the Cullens will be in this, the pairing is Bella/Jack, there will be some Edward bashing, and all the ideas are originally mine because this is the first story like this XD

Also, there are a few changes that don't really make much of a difference to the storyline: Jack is only 27 years old; he was only allowed the Pearl for 5 years not 13; and he was mutinied upon after 2 years of having the ship, not 1. REVIEW! :] x