Disclaimer: I do not own the copyrights to Gundam Wing. All copyrights belong to their respective owners.

Readers Note: This is a re-post

Gundam Wing


Chapter 15

The Waltz Begins

Some Time Later: Johan was outside his home on Colony L-7 and he went out to his mailbox and he opened it up and he found an envelope that had gold trimmings on it. He looked at it with intrigue, he saw his name on it but he didn't see a return address. He opened up the wax ceiling on it and he opened it up. He read the fancy hand written script.

"To Johan Rodriguez, pilot of Gundam Dragon Zero,

"We of the joint leadership of the World Nation and the Colonies of Space invite you to a gathering on Earth in the Sank Kingdom. We request your presence in the Sank Kingdom on the 15th day of the 8th month in this year After Colony 196. We also request that you come dressed in attire suitable within the Sank Kingdom."

"15th day of the 8th month." Johan thought, "That's in two days, I think I should get going."

He went back inside to his empty house, and went for his Sank Kingdom's uniform, he looked at the green and white super formal outfit and packed it into his garment bag and booked his flight to the Earth.

"I wonder why I am being called back to the Sank Kingdom." Johan thought as he went to the spaceport. He remembered that after all this excitement and the party he had with the other Gundams except Heero. He remembered the Champagne that Duo had gotten for the event except for Quatre; he requested the non-alcoholic type. Still as Johan said, he needed to get hammered after such a huge event.

Going back to the Earth he was thinking back to Haruka, he and Haruka went their own ways. Both of them agreed that Johan needed some time alone to himself for the loss of his relative, his uncle, Miliardo Peacecraft. Even though Johan wanted to kill him at first he was sad to see him go because he realized that it was Zechs Marquise speaking through Miliardo at that time of the Colony Federalists. After all this time Johan realized that it was time to move on, the colonies and the Earth has moved on and it's time he did too.


Johan arrived at the Sank Kingdom, the capital of the New World Nation; Johan looked and saw it in it's restored glory. Now he sees that he hadn't failed, the mission that he wanted to do was completed. It was partially due to him and due to Relena Peacecraft, she had become a foreign minister as well as a joint leader of the World Nation, another leader at her side was none other then Treize Kushrinada. Johan smiled as he walked out of the cab up to the steps of the Sank Kingdoms Institute. This was the actual capital building, he remembered that this place used to be the Sank Gabriella Institute, now it's been turned into the headquarters for the World Nation leaders.

Johan threw the Garment bag over his shoulder and walked up the steps, as he came up to the final step all he could see was the concrete steps. When he reached the top step he stopped, at that moment it felt as though there were someone or a group waiting for him. He looked up and what he saw amazed him. First he saw Treize Kushrinada along with Lady Une standing with Heero Yuy along side of Relena Peacecraft. But he also saw something else that was a sight for sore eyes, he saw Duo Maxwell with Hilde, Trowa Barton with his sister Catherine, Quatre Raberba Winner with Dorothy Catalonia, and Wufei Chang with Sally Po.

Then suddenly from the far side coming closer to him was a sight that sent tears to his eyes. It was Haruka Tenou, she was as beautiful as she was a month ago, and she still had her golden hair short and parted almost like a boy. She was dressed in her own type of super formal dress, but it wasn't flowing down and outward from the waist. It was thin and was conforming to the bodies natural shape. Haruka walked up to Johan and she looked into his eyes while Johan looked back into Haruka's eyes. Haruka could see the tears form in Johan's eyes.

"Welcome back, Johan." Haruka said as she hugged Johan.


In one of the hallways near the great hall all of the Gundams were conversing with each other. There were six of them, Heero, Duo, Trowa, Quatre, Wufei and Johan were there in front of a great set of doors waiting for them to open. That is all they were told that they would have to wait at the doors and wait for them to open. When they did they would have to walk to the end, end of what? That was still unknown. All of them waiting outside of the door in the same kind of super formal outfit that Johan were wearing. Except all of them had different sets of colors, Heero's was black and white; Duo's was black and red. Trowa's was blue and a lighter blue, Quatre's was white and light tan, while Wufei's was purely white just like the same white Chinese outfit he wore when the other Gundams met him.

"Do you guys know why were here?" Johan asked

"You may be a good Gundam pilot," Duo pointed out, "But you do need some direction."

"Why?" Johan asked, "Why have we been called here?"

"We're going to be honored." Heero said.

They saw the doors opened and they looked into the hall and they saw hundreds of people sitting and all of them were looking at them and watching them. The Gundams looked down and saw Relena Peacecraft and Treize Kushrinada standing at the end of the people packed hall. The Gundams knew what they needed to do. They walked down the isle to where Treize and Relena stood, each of them stood side by side, yet when they walked up they were looking for the ones that they came with such as Duo was looking for Hilde, Johan was looking for Haruka and so on.

They got to the end of the isle and stepped up to the leaders of the world nation.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," Treize opened, "We are here to honor these six brave young men for their courageous efforts. Not very many people have displayed as much courage as these six young men have. It is our distinct and high honor to award these young men the Congressional Shield of Peace and Honor."

A stagehand brought one box that was opened and Treize took it out and it was a medal on a thick strip. The medal itself looked just like a short and stubby version of the Wing Gundams buster shield. Except it was gold and silver adorning each other, Treize took out each medal one by one and gave it to each Gundam Pilot. Just as Treize gave the last medals to Heero and Johan, Relena stepped forward.

"I have a very special honor to give to you both Heero Yuy and Johan Rodriguez." She announced, "Please step forward and kneel."

Johan and Heero stepped forward and knelt in front of Relena,

"This honor is only given to a very small amount of people, for both of your bravery I wish to give this title to you both."

Treize took out a very special golden sword that had a phrase written in Hebrew down the middle of the blade. The phrase read, "May Human's achieve peace to be higher then animals."

Treize first stepped in front of Johan,

"Johan Rodriguez," Relena stated, "For your heroism I dubbed you Sir Johan Rodriguez, now rise, Sir Johan Rodriguez." Johan rose and stood proud in front of Relena and Treize.

"Heero Yuy," Relena continued, "For your heroism I also dub you Sir Heero Yuy, now rise, Sir Heero Yuy." Heero rose.

As soon as all of the Gundams stood in line they turned around to face the audience but the audience didn't clap just yet.

"Miss Peacecraft?" Johan asked,

"Yes, Sir Rodriguez?" Relena asked

"I wish to say something to this audience."

"Go ahead, they're listening."

"Ladies and Gentlemen," Johan said, he looked out at the audience at the countless faces. Suddenly he felt his breathing grow shorter, "We are all human beings now, because we have evolved beyond wars. We have achieved peace!"

"Ladies and Gentleman," Treize stated, "We are here to honor these young men not as Gundam Pilots but we are here to honor them as heroes of peace."

The audience began to clap, it became a standing ovation, but Johan wasn't feeling all that well. He turned to Heero who was at his left side.

"Heero." Johan said, "I am having trouble breathing."

Johan began to sway back and forth and the audience could see something was wrong. Johan saw Haruka dash out of the front row and she grabbed him. Johan couldn't hear what she was saying, because everything was becoming black. Soon everything was shut out and all was black and silent.


"Johan." A voice called through the blackness but the blackness was turning into light,

"He's coming around." The voice said,

Johan recognized the voice as Duo's soon the light became brighter and Johan began to feel the blood rushing back to his body as he slowly got up. He found himself on a large couch that was like that of a Freudian psychiatric couch. He got up and looked around him and found the Gundam Pilots, their loved ones and others around him in one room that over looked the garden.

"Why are all of you staring at me?" He asked slowly

"We were worried that you might have died on us," Duo said, "But it seems that you just blacked out."

"What about the ceremony?" Johan asked

"Don't worry, Sir Rodriguez." Relena said, "The party has began so shall we be off to the dance floor?"

Johan stood in his super formal green and black outfit, "We let us to the dance floor." He looked over to his right to find Haruka he bowed to her.

"Miss Haruka Tenou," He said, "Will you accompany me to the dance floor?"

Haruka curtsied in response, "I will, Sir Johan Rodriguez."

"Heero," Johan called, "I think that this Sir business is going to take some getting used to."

Heero smiled, "Yeah."

"Oh, Heero." Relena said, "I know that your name Heero Yuy is your code name, but since you haven't told us your real name…"

Heero cut her off before she could finish, "I have no real name."

"I was going to say that you are now officially Heero Yuy, here is your certificate." Relena handed Heero a piece of paper that read on it in fancy writing when Heero was born and his name would be Heero Yuy. Heero didn't know what to say he was just as speechless as he was at the ceremony. But he could only think of one thing to do, and since Relena knew him that well she was surprised at his reaction.
"Thank you, Relena." He said


All of the Gundam pilots were at the dance floor each of them stood at the edge of the hard wooden floor with their "dates" by their sides. Each of the Gundams took their "dates" to the dance floor, Relena guided Heero to the steps of the waltz, while Duo and Hilde simple held each other. Trowa and Catherine tried to follow the steps of the waltz but Trowa kept looking down at Catherine's feet to make sure he wouldn't step on her toes.

Dorothy and Quatre went to the dance floor with extreme grace they held each other, however the one's who led between the two switched between them. At one time Dorothy was leading then in another instant it was Quatre but finally Quatre assumed the lead and the waltz continued. Until there was only Johan and Haruka standing at the edge of the hardened wooden floor. However Wufei needed some encouragement from Sally Po to get to the dance floor.

Johan bowed to Haruka while showing to the dance floor, Haruka again curtsied. Johan and Haruka went to the dance floor and the dance had begun. All of the Gundams and their dance partners had waltzed across the dance floor in the soft light. It was like the dancers were fireflies on a warm summer eve.

In an eternity in only a few minutes, the waltz had ended, the three beats had winded down and the dancers left the floor. Heero with his Relena, Duo with Hilde, Trowa with Catherine, Quatre with Dorothy, and last but not least was Wufei with Sally Po. Wufei at first didn't like the idea of dancing but when he left the dance floor he was reflecting a twinge of elation.

The only ones who were on the dance floor were Johan and Haruka.

"You know something Haruka?" Johan said

"What is that?" Haruka smiled

"I think that Treize would say that the play has come to a close and now the cast is beginning their dance."

"What?" Haruka asked

"This isn't the end Haruka, the dance is only the beginning, and endless waltz."

Haruka shrugged and leaned in to kiss Johan.


Author's Notes: This isn't the end of it all. Because there's so much that I like about this series of Gundam Wing that I thought about the possibilities that could happen after the war between Earth and Space was over. I had stumbled onto some ideas while I was watching the Endless Waltz, but I had to really think about them before I could get them out onto paper. So this truly isn't the end, it's only beginning.

Come back for the next installment for the Gundam Series;

Gundam Wing The Endless Waltz: The Second Dance.