What happens when a certain former idiot father decides to place an ad to find a wife for his son?
Absolute chaos.
Can Ichigo deal with the pressure of being Soul Society newest hot commodity?
For the Love of Ichigo
Chapter 1:
It had been 5 years since the Winter War and Isshin Kurosaki was getting tired.
After finally defeating Aizen, Isshin wanted to embark on his newest adventure. A grandchild! Plus. he wanted to find a wife for his son. Sure, there had been plenty of women who threw themselves at Ichigo every single day, but the boy hadn't paid attention to anyone. Surely there must be a reason for such foolishness.
Ichigo had no physical health problems that he knew of. He was a healthy 20 year old man, but there was something off.
As Isshin contemplated the words for his brilliant idea, he thought back to the women who had come in and out of Ichigo's life. Why hadn't he chosen one of them?
First woman that came to mind was a certain brunette, violet-eyed beauty(who shall remain nameless). He had thought this woman would become Ichigo's new love but it simply hadn't happened. Even though the sparks between the two were obvious, nothing happened.
Absolutely nothing.
Next up was a grey eyed, carrot colored hair beauty who had wonderful um 'assets'..Isshin simply thought this woman would be the one for Ichigo. Maybe because their hair was similar in shade or because the obvious fact the poor girl was so in love with Ichigo made Isshin think that a possible grandchild would appear soon. As the watched the young woman throw herself helplessly at Ichigo, Isshin had already made plans. His son was going to marry this gorgeous woman. Right?
Wrong again.
Even after traveling to Hueco Mundo and saving the young woman's life, Ichigo still showed no interest in the gray eyed beauty. Or anyone else for that matter.
Even after that failure, Isshin still hoped for the best.
But, now after 5 years of waiting, he was going to take matters into his own hands.
He was going to find his son a wife.
He gave himself a pat on the back for thinking of such a brilliant plan. Why hadn't he thought of it sooner?
Someday Ichigo was going to thank him for this.
Isshin picked up the phone and placed a call to the one person he knew would help him solve this problem.
Urahara Kisuke.
With these two brilliant men involved, only good things could come from this plan. Right?
~~~End Chapter~~~~
This is my first Bleach fic so please don't be too harsh on me. I came up with this story while watching a reality show on television and thought: 'hey, this would make a good Bleach fic.' Hopefully you guys will like it so read and review.