To all that this concerns, who are the ages 17-35.

Ministry Law 5598

The Ancient Arranged Marriage Law of 1786 has been reinstated.

You must be married by December 31/1999.

All pairs will be chosen by their compatability and will find their soul mate.

Sincerely, Grimton Grubbleton, of the Department of Magical Relations

Hermione Granger's scream could be heard from the Great Hall all the way to the North Pole. She had just read the letter that every 17 year old an up had received.

How could they do this to their community forcing them to marry at such a young age?

Ronald Weasley had a totally different reaction…he fainted.

Harry Potter looked at the paper as if Voldemort had returned from the dead.

Ginny Weasley had a shattered goblet; Luna Lovegood didn't seem to notice she even had mail, Neville looked sick; Seamus Finnegan and Dean Thomas were shouting curse words at the teachers.

The Slytherin's had similar expressions on their faces. Their blood purity was down the drain. That was one of the reasons that this happened. It was to create inter house unity and world unity.

Hufflepuff's and Ravenclaw's were the same as Slytherin and Gryffindor. Screams of outrage, passing out, the shock.

"I know that you are all shocked, outraged and probably furious with the ministries decision, and we had better make the best of this." McGonagall began.

"You are to take the test now, and the test will know if you are lying about your answer so don't even try to make a joke out of this. Tomorrow, your results will be here." McGonagall finished and with the flick of her wand a booklet was given to each student of 17 years of age and up.

Hermione stared at the booklet and opened it

She began:

Name: Hermione Jane Granger

What do you look for in a partner? Some one to match my intelligence and that is kind but doesn't always show it because he is overall shy.

And the questions went on and on and on. Some were quite stupid like what is your favourite spell. How on earth could that decide who you are to spend the rest of your life with?

Hermione completed her test and she sent it with the flick of her wand to the bin that was labeled 'Marriage Tests'.

Everyone was nervous about who they were to be matched with. On the plus side they got to move out of the common room and they got to go to Hogsmeade every weekend.

Hermione stood from her spot and waited for Ginny, Luna, Ron, Harry and Neville in the hall.

Luna and Ginny came out first together.

"Hey Hermione, can you believe this nonsense?" Ginny growled.

"No, frankly I cannot. I have always wanted a marriage like my parents or your parents Gin. Purely out of love. Love should not be forced." Hermione muttered angrily.

"Oh I agree Hermione. Love is supposed to be cherished and make you tingle inside when you touch the person, and when you kiss you get this huge spark in your mind that just blows you away." Luna sighed.

"What blows you away? Because in my opinion it is called the wind." Ron said as he, Harry and Neville came out of the Great Hall.

Hermione rolled her eyes at his pathetic attempt of a joke. She thought back to when she was jealous of Lavender having Ron. Now she couldn't believe she thought she was in love with him.

"Can you boys believe the marriage law?" Ginny asked them while giving Harry a kiss and hug.

"I'm pretty upset. What if we aren't together Gin?" Harry said softly.

"If you're not than you know it wasn't meant to be. Gran told me that all ministry tests had to be tested before they are given out. It is a hundred percent accurate." Neville stated, while everyone looked at him oddly.

"What? I have my share of intellectual moments." Neville sighed.

"Sorry, it is just that it is so odd all of this and what you said actually makes sense. The ministry would match you with your to be match." Luna said.

"Maybe there is a way out of all this. Like maybe Mione we could get married in that muggle town Lad Degas! Where you said people get married by Belvis." Ron said dumbly.

"Um…no Ron there is no way out of this." Hermione said sadly.

"How do you know Hermione?" Harry asked.

"I read the fine print Harry." Hermione sneered.

"What is your problem Hermione you seem stressed are you on your you know what?" Ron asked insensitively.

"No Ronald I am not on my Pre Menstrual Cycle!" Hermione yelled.

"Oh. Sorry." He muttered.

"I'm off to bed we have tomorrow off because of the events." Hermione stated.

She walked off to the Gryffindor common room ready for a good nights sleep.

"She is definitely on her PMS." Ron said.

Meanwhile with the Slytherin's things were similar.

"Drakie can you believe that we may be separated and this law breaks all of the family contracts and arrangements!" Pansy wailed.

"Parkinson for the final time I don't bloody care that you aren't going to be my spouse. In fact I'm quite relieved. I'm thankful my mother was the one to suggest this after father died. This can be a new start for us. My mother will be teaching a marriage course here at Hogwarts." Draco said.

"Drake your mother…the wife of a dead death eater is going to teach us about marriage." Theo chuckled.

"Good point, but right now she is dating Snape, which is kind of disturbing but she is happy and this relationship is way better than the one she had with my father." Draco told them.

"Does anyone think that Weasley is hot?" Daphne brought up.

"What the hell!" Blaise exclaimed.

"What? He is." Daphne defended herself.

"You know what…your right Daph, and Potter is looking quite scrumptious." Pansy said.

"What in Merlin is wrong with you girls?" Draco asked them.

"It is true no wonder Hermione hangs out with them." Daphne sighed.

"Now they are calling Granger by her name. What is the world coming to?" Blaise exclaimed.

The next thing they know Hermione is stomping down the hallway.

"Bloody Ronald Weasley thinks I'm on my pre menstrual cycle, well I'll show him!" Hermione muttered while passing them and not even noticing that they were their.

"Weasley will be dead by morning." Theo said.

"Granger looked quite hot don't you think?" Blaise sighed.

"She is not someone who would care for a quick snog Blaise. She wants a relationship and this marriage law isn't helping." Theo said.

"When did you become Mr. Sensitive Hufflepuff Theo?" Draco teased.

"Watch it Drake, I have a load of blackmail on you and I may let it slip to Potter and Weasley." Theo threatened than walking to the dungeons.

"Bloody git." Draco muttered. As he walked off with Blaise ,Daphne and unfortunately Pansy.