~~~~~~~~~NOT EDITED~~~~~~~~~
MOON SAYS: This is the last chapter of this story! I had planned two more, but seeing as chapter 9 would have been like only three pages, I figured you would have killed me for it, so I just went ahead and posted the rest of it! Sorry it took so bloody long, but it's done! I feel sad, but so glad at the same time. I had made a few promises, and I just hope I can fulfill them. Hopefully, tomorrow I can finish the last two chapters of Hunters, and then get the last Spy out there before the end of the year! I've already mapped out the next chapter in my head of Hunters (quite a few lemons, let me tell you ;) MERRY CHRISTMAS PPL!
WORDS: 4, 726
~Worth It~
Chapter 9
For the first time since we had had come back into each others lives, Jasper let me out of his sight. I knew it killed him, because it killed me too. But our Twins, real twins mind you, told us that I needed to hunt (Chris, aka Midget, which I still called him) and Nix wanted to talk with Jasper about something.
I was a little upset, fuck that, I was downright furious and hurt that they would talk about something that mainly involved me without me there! But Nix is Nix, and she just shook her head at me.
"Jas boy here has gone longer without feeding than you and can handle it. As soon as you come back, we'll tell you, make no mistake about that. We need you for this, but I need to run a few things by him first and to be honest and quite blunt, if you were here you would make it harder than need be. Now go!"
Well, that made my self-esteem go down. But I went as they said without a word. I was back in record time too, considering I went to the edge of Italy to do it.
When I got back though, all thoughts of what they wanted to keep from me were out the window. Jane and Alec were going at my mate like they would against an enemy that they were pissed off at and wanted to kill. When those two got like that I even stayed out of their way. But I couldn't this time, because my vision went red and all I wanted was their deaths.
My demon had come out and she was hell bent on killing those that dare harmed her mate. I never had a problem controlling my bloodlust, but my deathlust? That was a problem, especially when my mate instincts told me to kill and protect my mate at all costs. Even if I died, that was totally counterproductive.
I shoved my gift at them and they went through the reinforced vampire walls. As I went in for the kill, they were defiantly off guard and were stunned; two sets of hands grabbed me and were holding me back. I snarled and used my gift on them as well.
How dare they keep me from protecting my mate? Fuck them; they were going to fucking die too. My deathlust rose higher than it had ever been, but it was gone in a second when I heard my mate's laugh.
"I told you we should have waited until she got back to fight. Now, if you do not want to lose those body parts, I'd let her go. She is worse than me in a rage."
As soon as they let me go I was in his arms, checking to make sure there weren't any more bite marks on his skin. He just smiled and indulged me until I was done then he kissed the fuck out of me.
"Ok, enough of that shit, I don't want to see it." Leah groaned as I heard her slap a hand over her eyes.
We just laughed and I turned in his arms. As I looked around the room I realized that it was the wolves that were holding me back from killing their mates; Chris and Nix were just standing by the corner next to the door just watching. With the look in their eyes I knew I had failed the test.
"What have I told you about emotions?" Nix questioned me as she sighed. "If we are going to have any chance of winning this war, you two have to be able to put your mate instincts on the back burner. I can't worry about the two of you fucking up because you're trying to protect each other, while I'm off killing things." Her eyes locked with mine. "This whole thing is about keeping both of you alive and you away from Edward. You getting yourself killed because you're protecting your mate is unacceptable."
I nodded, I agreed. I had just thought about this when I entered the room. Jasper nuzzled my neck and purred for me; I knew he wanted to keep me and losing me was not an option. He'd probably whether have Edward coming after us for the rest of eternity if it meant I was still alive and with him.
"Now, as I was telling the Major here after you left, is that training is in order. We can always be better. In this battle, we need to be better than our best. We need to go over strategies and there is crucial information ya'll need to know about werewolves." Nix went on, and Midget, like always, picked up where she left off.
"First off, I know all of you are wondering about those calls from yesterday. Phoenix and I are ambassadors for Shape Shifters and Werewolves. And yes, my mother was a Werewolf . Moving on," he added when he saw the light in Leah and Jake's eyes when he admitted that. "As such, they have to give us updates to what they are doing every now and then; even more so when it involves the vampires."
"You will be killing you own kind," Jane whispered as she tilted her head. She had always wondered why their most powerful fighter never went against the Werewolves during the hunt Caius took on.
Midget shrugged. "I warned them, and that will take quite a bit off Douchward's count. Our kind, as you put it, are more afraid of us, then justice. Just the fact that we would be fighting against them, when we have always been neutral, is a big neon sign. Though others, like in every race, are stupid and just want a fight—that or they are blinded by revenge."
"Take Irina from that other veggie clan, she will be fighting against us because your pack Jacob killed her mate." Nix pointed out. "We gave them warning and no doubt Edward was intrigued by us from the beginning. Now that he knows we are in this, he is probably panicking. He won't know everything about us, but what little others will tell him."
"How are you sure no one will snitch?" Jake asked.
Midget just chuckled. "Not only do they respect us, but they fear us. Take Jasper Whitlock over here. He was the infamous God of War during the Southern Vampire Wars. Even when the Volturi went to clean out what was going on, they left his ass alone. Fear is a powerful tool, much more so then love and respect."
Nix chuckled, "plus, most of them remember seeing me in action. I've participating in every war since I was born, even if I played both sides. Now," she said as she clapped, "enough of the past. They know what they are getting into. As for Shape Shifters, you all know what to expect, vampires put some of your venom in them, and they go down quick as lightning. Vamps, well, I don't have to go over that one do I? Beware of their gifts."
"Now, about the werewolves, I know most of you, well, all of you, know nothing about them. Their teeth are worse than a shape shifter's. If they bite something off, it stays off: forever and ever. Like with a shape shifter, venom is their worst nightmare, and their teeth are yours. The wolves will stay away from each other, so only the vamps really have to worry about them. It's the same with a vampire, about the ripping apart I mean. Some of the older wolves can regenerate. Hurts like a bitch though," Midget groaned as he rubbed his arm.
Ah, we all got that message. I wonder if it hurt more than putting back on our body parts…
"Yes, it does." Midget answered the unspoken question we vamps had.
Silence reined as absorbed the information. This time, instead of my mate, I broke the silence.
"So what are we going to do? Vamps go after the Werewolves, while Leah and Jake go after the vamps? That still leaves the Shape Shifters," I commented then looked to our Twins. "Who are you two going after?"
Midget and Nix thought for a moment and shrugged. "Whoever is most dangerous and whoever has the most number. Depending on how many he has, it shouldn't take more than a few hours. I know for a fact that just between the three of you," he pointed to Alec, Jane, and me, "you could take out about half of them in two hours at the most."
I felt the gears turning in my quiet mate's head.
We all turned toward him. I was curious, did he not like my plan?
"To be honest, none of us know how to deal with the Werewolves, so you and Nix will be killing them off. Jake and Leah are quite good at killing off vampires, so they take them out. Alec and Jane can use their gifts, target the leaders, the Alpha's then take them out."
"If a pack lost the Alpha, then they break apart. Easy pickings," Jake commented.
I had to add my two cents in. "The question now, is who uses the gift and who kills them? Obviously the pain would reflect over the link and do more damage, so I suggest Jane use her gift. Alec is better at taking out his targets without his gift anyway. Once the Alphas are all gone, Jane can join Alec, using their gifts when needed."
"I got a question," Leah piped up. "Now, will Edward tell the others about your gifts?"
Jasper and I shook our heads as our Twins looked toward us. I leaned back into Jasper, and his arms tightened around me as he answered.
"Edward doesn't give a flying fuck about his minions. He just wants fodder to distract us while he gets Bella and tries to take me out. He figures that Bella will be so distraught at my death to not care about anything else and be able to get her and brainwash her. Of course, he doesn't understand one thing about a mate bond."
"Good, good," Nix nodded. "We got what we needed. Now, training time, we will change and adjust the plan as we go along. From our contacts we can say we have a week in a half at the most, and a week at the least. Get your asses moving!"
We trained, I won't bore you with the details, but I will say that we got no sleep, haha, like my joke? Well, besides no sleep, and training twenty-four seven, literally, there was no sex. Which was a bitch, since we were all strung up, but we got through it; we got a hell of a lot stronger.
And the week a two days went by so fast, that when Nix and Midget told us to shower and get our weapons ready for battle, at dawn of course, was…a don't know a word for it. A part of me knew we were going to live, but another part was worried all the same.
What I did do was throw the emotions that weren't going to help me out of my head and my body and focused on what was to come. I knew my deathlust was rising as we got closer to the entrance of the castle. I knew my mate was beside me preparing himself as well. Soon we would release our demons. One my most vicious smiles slowly took over my face; a side glance from my mate told me he enjoyed it.
Nix turned to face us, she was wearing black leather pants, one of those long ass Spike jackets, boats, which probably had some type of sword that could kill her enemies, and a black camisole that had fishnet wire from her neck all the way to her fingertips. I could see a few weapons on her back, and she chuckled when she saw a few on mine as well.
"I wish I had a vampire who could teleport." She said, and we could all hear the wishing tone in her voice. "But there isn't." she waited a few seconds, with a quick glance around just to make sure, and continued on. "We are fighting at a remote location that Stefan and his partner had picked out. Let's go."
It took like six hours, even with us running at full speed to get to the battle field. Tension did not run through our system, excitement did. We were so looking forward to this bloodbath that it wasn't funny. But when we did, I blinked a few times. Screw a few; I blinked for like a whole human minute.
"This is it? This is fucking army?"
Disbelief coursed through me and everyone else. He had no more than twenty of each race, and I was quite disappointed.
"Yes love; this is my army to get you back to me and away from that bastard who stole you away from me."
I rolled my eyes and took a side glance at Jasper to see if he was pissed at this already, and he wasn't. He was quite amused in fact.
"You know douchward," my mate started. "Your whole story doesn't even make sense."
Edward pinched his nose, "I don't have time for you to try and convince my friends of how right you are by making stuff up to swing your way. We all know you're an empath and they won't be easily influenced."
Stefan though, was a cautious fucker. I had seen him a few times since I had become part of the Volturi. He had Vladimir were smart, and I seriously wondered why the hell they were listening to this. Of course, I got my answer a few seconds later when they spoke up.
"No Edward, we've heard your side of the story for too long. Unlike the Volturi, we listen to both sides and judge fairly." Stefan spoke up. "So listen up everyone to what they have to say."
I bowed my head slightly. "Thank you, Elder. I would like to point out first off, that no one, of any race, could kill their mate; whether it is by accident or purpose, or in madness. Those of us who know the mating call, and its instincts," I gave a narrowed glare at Edward, because the fucker didn't know. "Know straight up that it is impossible to kill one's mate. So, in essence, Jasper could not have killed Alice, if she was his rightful mate."
I heard quite a few mutterings and Edward was trying to get control back, but I didn't let him speak.
"Furthermore, Jasper, my mate, did not kill Alice. I did. I had realized my demon during the battle against newborns and lost control of her. By the time it was over, I did a recount and the numbers did not match up. In my defense I warned her not to approach us, mostly because I hated her and what she had done to me and my mate over the years. So my demon took care of the threat she was to my mate. It was as simple as that. If you do not believe me, have Phoenix check my memories or bring Maggie of the Vampire Race to this location and I will speak all this again just for her verify that I am telling the truth."
Edward looked like he was about to pop a blood vessel, but since there was no blood in his veins…
Stefan nodded. "I have known you for a decade or so Isabella and I have never lied to me or mine; nor have you have displayed violence against others that do not deserve it. I know all about the requirements that you have gave the Volturi leaders concerning your missions."
I was shocked, no one knew about those, not even Midget.
"Even though I will be the first to admit that there are things that you have done that I do not approve of, or that have been wholly good. But you have done what was needed for your race. Furthermore, there were many points in Cullen's story that did not make sense. If you had been his mate all this time, why would you go to another man? Why would you show extreme anger at the mere mention of his name?"
Vladimir agreed. "We came here for the truth—"
Edward cut his ass off. "No you didn't, you just wanted to hurt my plans, and you wanted to keep my mate from me!" he screamed. "I can read you're mind you idiot. You knew from the beginning that you were going to side with that mate stealer. YOU WON'T KEEP HER FROM ME! SHE IS MINE!"
A part of me had hoped that Jasper would growl and be all possessive and manly over me, but I shook my head at that. He knew, he had always known, that I was his and no little boy was going to change that. My mate sensed this, and sent a wink at me. Not only that, but threw quite a bit of lust my way. I hissed and moaned, which drew everyone's attention.
Nix let out angry sigh and walked up to him, human pace, and slapped him upside the head, Rose style.
"What the fuck was that for woman?" Jasper asked Emmett style.
She raised an eyebrow. "We are about to start killing people and you start playing with your mate! We do not have time for you fuck games!"
Jasper pouted and pulled my up against him; his hand slid down toward my clothed pussy, cupped, and squeezed. "Really? But I really want to fuck her now! I haven't had that tight pussy of hers in over a fucking week because you just have to be a cock blocker!"
She blinked and I tried not to laugh. Instead I slipped out of his arms, turned him around, and kicked his ass, literally. "This is not the time, love," I hissed and couldn't control my laughter.
I turned toward Edward, all serious once I got my laughter under control.
"I was never yours, even when you were doing everything you could to control me and make me want you. None of your vampire mind control worked on me. From the moment I was born, to the end of time, I will always be Jasper Whitlock's mate. Now stop being a child, get over the fact that you can't have something, and move on with your fucking life."
Edward roared and charged at us. It seemed that the battle started.
I noticed right off the bat, that about a third of that fucktard's army had left. I knew they would. The ones that left were only here, like Stefan was, to get the truth. That and curiosity. The only ones that were left were ones that just wanted to fight, or die. I could see that in the way they stood.
Some had lost their mates.
I closed my eyes for a split second and completely let my vampire side come out. This way it would hurt me less after I used my power. I felt my mate do the same.
When I opened my eyes I saw all the Werewolves that were in the fight. They had been split in half, one going for the Witch Twins and the others going toward Jasper and Bella—who were locked in battle with Edward…well, playing with him.
I guess I did rub off on them too much.
I focused again; this was no time to get distracted. As soon as we let our vampire side out, they changed their directions in mid-stride and came for us.
I let a slow, demented smile come across my face. It was time to play.
Without even waiting until they were halfway toward us, I unleashed my gift.
The Earth split right in front of the horde, those that couldn't dodge or the ones that didn't see in time fell down into my newly created ravine.
After that they split again, into two groups; my mate and I did the same.
As I ran toward them I closed the ravine that I had created and willed it to start raining. It was around noon I would have guessed, but I wasn't paying attention. I was too far into my game. I loved the rain, I had always did. No matter what point in my life I was at, the rain and the moon soothed me.
No matter what the humans or others did to the Earth, the rain always made everything better.
This was a time where we needed everything to be better, so I asked the rain to come.
It did and as it fell I changed some of it in mid fall. I created water spears, not a favorite of mine, but it worked. I had about ten Werewolves to kill, while my mate had only five. Lucky me.
Three went down by way of the water spear. It struck one of the in the middle of it's back and pinned it to the ground. Another had it head decapitated. The last was already bent at a weird angle, and I'm not sure how it happened, but its head and one of the back legs were skewered.
Next I twisted the rain and made it so it was all on the shape shifters that Jane and Alec were taking down. The rain would mess with their sense of smell; I would wager a guess that they couldn't tell the difference in the scents of their allies then those of their enemies. On a side note, I could already hear the sweet chorus of pain; it seemed one Alpha was down, three to go.
I felt a paw smacked against my chest and send me flying at least thirty feet behind me. I knew just from a few roars that my mate and our twins saw us. But I also knew that he was doing everything he could to shove those mate instincts aside. Really, all one had to do was tell their demon that if they interfered said mate would die.
Really, quite simple.
I got up, and did some motions with my head to crack it. As I had been distracted with what the Witch Twins were doing, one Werewolf had gotten to me. And now, as I thought of my mate and our Twins, I was surrounded by all seven of mine.
"Oh, you all are so sweet. Coming to me like this, instead of making me find you. I have to thank you for that, but what should do?" I took a moment to think and smiled when I did. "I know! As thank you, I will kill you quickly instead of torturing you like I want to."
Some laughed and others snapped their teeth at me. Well, I wasn't going to have that.
My arms were at my sides and I lifted them halfway up, and then snapped my fingers. My fists were covered in fire. Before they knew what hit them, four were dead, two had their hearts ripped out—at least the fire cauterized the wound. The other two were being burned, quite quickly.
The other three was stunned, and I took my chance. I reached behind my back, grabbed my two swords, lit them on fire, and cut off a few heads. I never really did like Werewolf blood, so I did try my best to make sure as I killed them that the blood didn't get on me, hence the fire.
When I was done, I looked toward my mate, and saw the five corpses around him. They were all barbequed. I wondered…would he let us eat them for dinner? On occasion I did like barbeque.
When he noticed me looking at him, his eyes lit up and I saw the lust in them. Not just for blood and death, but for me. We crashed into each other without a vampire second to waste and his lips were on mine.
Though we would have quite enjoyed fucking each other, amidst the death, blood, and corpses, we heard a cry. Quickly we broke away and ran toward the sound. It was Bella leaning over Jasper; he was leaking venom like a mother fucker.
In our worry over him, we didn't see Edward raise his dagger and stab Bella as well.
"If I can't have her, no one can."
Now, why the hell did he have to just throw away all the badass points he had just won by saying something so stupid as that? Children these days…
Wait…my mate's twin and my twin were here dying and I was thinking about Edward, their murderer's stupidity? Damn, I guess I really did toss go deep. Sigh, I was always like this when I went over to my demon. She was so antiemotional, except lust of course. She really felt nothing but calm.
I leaned down next to Jasper, while Chris went down next to Bella. We held them and I was finding it hard to really care. I knew my mate was feeling the same. We tried to fight it and ended up taking back over, going back to our true, half breed selves. Our demons weren't in the mood to deal with this right now anyway.
"How did he stab them? Vampire's can't die of poison or penetration of a weapon, unless…." I trailed off as I sniffed the wound and cursed.
I locked eyes with my mate, but couldn't say anything because Edward spoke again.
"It's their own fault they are dying." He told us. "If they would have just given me what's mine…" he trailed off. "Such unnecessary waste..."
Without even batting an eye, my mate and I took a blade that we never ever used and threw it at him. Mine hit him in the head, while Chris' hit him in the heart.
As he died I realized something, as did my mate.
"It's the blood."
Ok, we realized what was going on, and what was killing them, but we were missing something important. "So do they have the same in their system or is it different?"
I sniffed Bella's and chuckled. "If he had given Bella Shape Shifter blood, she would be dead…but he gave her Werewolf blood."
"And the same with Jasper," Chris commented. "So we only have one thing to do."
We locked eyes again. "Save them this time."
We did. Save them that is. Apparently our vision was just before we killed Edward. That was something I used to hate about my visions. Most of the time they just told me the beginning but never the end, but in the end, it didn't matter, did it? We all lived. And I don't care about my visions…not that I ever did really, but that wasn't the point was it?
Well, except those idiots who went up against us, that is.
Leah and Jake ended up with a broken arm, and leg respectively—which healed before the day even went to night.
Jane lost a finger because she got too cocky, but they got it back and sealed it back on.
After Bella and Jasper recovered from almost dying of blood poison, they were going at it like bunnies for days on end. Not that I could blame them really, considering I was doing the same.
I have to admit that Edward was a smart fucker about the blood. If we hadn't drawn those daggers, Chris and I would haven't have realized what was killing them. Probably got the idea from one of those stupid werewolves…they knew about the whole werewolf and Shifter blood about to kill a vampire.
It's like nature, there is always a balance. If vampire's can kill with their venom, why not be able to kill them with blood?
That was the end, but not really, if you catch my drift. We have eternity…I just hope that they don't fuck for the rest of it. I kind of don't want to hear them going at it…them or those damn wolves.
I really do hope you guys liked it. Tell me what you think! I have quite a few more Twilight stories to shove out to you, a few JasxBell and a couple JakexBella too. And I think I even got an AlecxBella and one SethxBella!