Disclaimer; Percy Jackson and The Olympians? Not mine... :'(

A note before you read; Time line? Practically non-existent! I just realised that while typing this so I'd thought I'd share it with you before you get as confused as I did :)

When the road is too long it's okay to rest, because Hermes watches over the travellers of the world. Percy/Hermes x

It all started on his fifteenth birthday.

They had been sat around the kitchen table eating blue cake and ice cream. Just chatting about inane things, holiday homework yet to be done and some song his Mother had heard on the radio earlier and got stuck in her head. Just normal conversation. Without meaning to Percy realised just what his birthday meant.

He remembered what would be happening in exactly one year. A sense of dread washed through him settling in his stomach and taking away his appetite. He tried not to let it show and carry on as normal, tried not to let it affect him.

Gods knew how he tried but it seemed the more he ignored it, the more he acted normal and laughed with friends. The more the feeling grew inside him. Like someone had put a balloon in his stomach and were steadily blowing it up and up till the pressure was near bursting point but still they kept blowing. Pushing and pushing...

His dreams were the usual half-blood dreams. Glimpses into things that were happening/would happen/had happened. He'd wake up and it'd be 'Oh, gotta go save someone.' or 'Just gotta pop to camp, let Chiron know there's a likelihood of Kronos attacking somewhere soon.'

Not unusual and if he was honest those times when he was fighting he could forget the pressure building inside him.

It was the dreams that were the produce of his imagination that troubled him. Eventually causing his almost insomniac state.

The dreams of just how that final battle would go and ultimately, how it would end.

He made sure now that before he allowed himself to sleep he was so drained (mentally and physically) that he would be unable to dream. However upon awakening this morning he noticed three things.

One; He was completely blissed out, like he'd slept for a week.

Two; He was shaking off the cobwebs of a dream. A dream he couldn't remember, except the feelings of contentedness it had held within it.

And finally Three; The sunlight burning through the lids of his eyes was way too bright to be morning sun.

Percy groaned and sat up, hastily trying to gather his bearings. According to his clock he had been sleeping for much longer than a week (lets try eleven days) and it was indeed past morning. Oh, he also noticed that he was in dire need of a trip to the bathroom, but that was beside the point.

The point being; How in Hades had he been able to sleep so long? Without any interruptions? Why had nobody woken him up?

He stumbled free of his blanket cocoon just as his cabin door burst open to admit his best friend.

"Perr-rrcy!" Grover bleated glancing over his friend as if checking for injuries. "I knew you'd be waking up soon so I brought you some food, did you sleep well?" Percy accepted the plate Grover was thrusting at him and set it on his bedside table, heading towards the bathroom some angel had built in his cabin (Gods knew when, but he was still grateful!).

"Chill G-man. I'm just gonna use the bathroom then I'll eat and you can fill me in on what I've missed and maybe tell me why I've been sleeping so long!"

"We tried to wake you but it was like raising the dead!" Grover bleated, helping himself to an empty Pepsi can.

"Shoulda called Nico in!" Percy laughed as the door slammed shut behind him.

From outside the Poseidon cabin Hermes smiled to himself listening to the last rings of Percy's laughter before vanishing in a flash of light that went unnoticed.

AN: J'ai Fini! :) Okay, not exactly the best final chapter, but it took forever to write and it still didn't come out right! So I went with second best ;) I really hope you all like it anyway! Please review and let me know!!

Once again; THANK YOU to EVERYONE who reviews, you all rock and totally make my day!!

&As for HOW Grover knew Percy was going to wake up soon... I believe/hope/pray that the empathy link they share let him know that little tid-bit of information!

Anyway, time to nurse my cold (In the summer! Talk about bad timing!) and think about my next possible fanfic :) xxx 3