A/N: This has been sitting in my documents on my laptop for a good few days now, and I have just got round to uploading it.This is a challenge from my forum (Bellatrix Lestrange: The Dark Lord's Most Faithful.) It was created by the amazing MadameDarque who is a forum moderator and who I have given the role of being in charge of the challenges and such.
Prompt: Food. This is open to interpretation. The only requirement is that your 100-word drabble feature some reference to food or eating. Perhaps this would be the time to examine the eating habits of our favorite characters. Voldemort's favorite snack, anybody?
A Savage Craving
It is not even a full moon, but the biting is an addiction...
The people in the nearby village, they whisper, they wonder. I just laugh!
Yet, I hear a rustle of leaves, heavy breathing, and I see a shadow in the distance.
Hazel eyes meet my own. Voice cannot describe how the desire is enticing.
I lick my lips! I want it! I yearn for the creamy flesh wrapped around my tongue!
The screams make such as sweet sound like a flute...
I run!
I sprint!
I desire it!
My craving shall be satisfied once more this night.