It was like any other day in music room 3, 'till there was a bright light in the middle of the room. The host club stared at the four people standing where the light once was.

"Dame It, pork bun! One day you're going to drop us from the sky, Again!" Said a tall dark man in black. A tall young man in light blue looked at the host club then said,

"Kuro-pu, stop yelling or you'll scary kids," he smiled at the guy in black who glared back at him. A short guy in a cloak looked around to see if the girl in pink and white was alright., then added, "they saw us appear out of nowhere, how did that not freak them out?" the host king did not care for the three strange men in his club room,

"Hello miss, what might thy name be?" the host club king asked the girl in pink and white.

"It's Sakura," the shy girl said as the host king kisses her hand lightly.

"Princess please be careful, we don't know these people," the guy in the cloak said to the girl giving Kyoya an idea.

"Tamaki the same is for you," Kyoya looked at these strange people epically the blond one in white. "Please introduce your self's," Kyoya said with a fake smile.

The blond one jumped up and said,"I'm Fai! And the dark and scary on in black his Kuro-pu," Fai said with a smile.

"It's Kurogane!"

"Hi, I'm Syaoran," he said holding his hand out to Tamaki.

"And what about the bunny?" Honey asked pointing to the white thing on Kurogane's head.

"Mokena no bunny," it said shocking the host club.

"What an interesting toy," Kyoya said moving closer to the strangers. Then he pushed up his glasses and added, "but you do know when you landed you broke our best table," now Kyoya was tableless.

"Oh, we're sorry," said Sakura with a shy tone.

"Yes, but we are unable to pay you back," Syaoran said. Fai added with a smile, "maybe we could work it off." Kurogane look at Fai and yelled, "There's no way I'm working for a bunch of kids!"

"That's a fabulous idea," Kyoya said smiling. Fai and Kyoya smiled at Kurogane till Syaoran asked,

"what will we have to do?" Kyoya looked at the twins and they smiled. They grabbed Fai and Syaoran with Mori grabbing Kurogane.

"Hey! What are you doing? Let go!" Kurogane said angry. Honey happily followed them into the other room.

"Change, change, change, change!" The chanting of the twins could be heard though the door.

In that room Fai, Kurogane and Syaoran changed into some new clothes. Fai was in a light blue suit, Kurogane in a black suit. Syaoran just wore the school uniform.

"Why do I have to wear these!?" Kurogane said bursting though the doors of music room 3.

"Because they look good on you," the two twins said running after him.

"Wow! You look great Kurogane." Sakura said rushing up to him. Fai came out pulling Syaoran," Fai let go," he said trying not to be seen by Sakura.

"Oh, Syaoran you look great in that," as Sakura grabbed Syaoran hands saying this he turned red. Then Sakura turned red letting go and turning to Fai, and saying that he looks good too. Fai said something back about not as good as Kuro-pu.

"So, why do have to wear these?" Syaoran asked Kyoya who was smiling at Tamaki and Mori.

"Well, you could always pay us back by working as a host, don't you agree Tamaki?" Kyoya looked at Tamaki who then looked at the three new host members.

"Yes but, isn't this a school, what about Fai and Kurogane?" Syaoran asked Tamaki who was waking around them.

"We can say that they're family, of Tamaki and Mori," Kyoya said look at them then added, "They do look related." Kurogane walked over to the host he though was Mori. Fai ran over to Tamaki and grabbed onto him.

"We look like twins," Tamaki said at the same time as Fai.

"So it's settled," Kyoya added then asked, "Tamaki, can you Fai, Syaoran and,"

"Kuro-pu!" Fai said jumping on Kurogane.

"It's Kurogane!" He yelled.

"To see the principal?" Kyoya finished.