A/N: I write this fic here, despite my commitment to Hetalia fandom, is because I favored Naruto and Sasuke very much and they have been my favorite pairings since the moment I learnt Yaoi(like, seriously). I'm still focusing on Hetalia, but I feel very attached to this pair that I feel I'm obligated to write a story dedicated to them. Yes, I do love NaruSasu/SasuNaru.

Summary: What would a dragon do in the modern age of man? "I'll grant your wish." The wyvern told the boy. "But in exchange, there are prices you must pay. For instance… I believe you're a virgin?" NaruSasu

Warnings: R-15, might develop more.

Chapter One: Dragon Meets Boy

"Grant my wish."

Really, how many days had it been?

The wyvern had wanted to sigh, only it wasn't possible, since he was currently fossilized within a rather thick layer of hardened lava soil, cold and solid. The temperature of the cave had been so perfectly fit, so searing hot thanks to the smoldering lava gathering within the volcano. The temperature was very comfortable and the thick smell of sulfur never failed to lull him back to deep slumber. He had been sleeping there for what? Five centuries? And he was really enjoying himself too. He was contented that he could sleep peacefully deep within the comfortable silent of the cave, far away from those noisy humans. Only the lullaby of sizzling lava was there to accompany him. He was so fortunate to find such a fine resting place.

And yet this puny little human boy just had to barge in and ruin it. He just had to disturb his peaceful sleep, calling him over and over again, demanding things all day long until he went back by the dusk, only to come again in the dawn. Was he a lunatic? Even the wyvern knew that in this era his kind was considered only as a legend, a myth made for humans' bedtime stories. And now that he only appeared as a rough carving of of a huge, winged snake-like creature on the cave wall, there was no way people--unless they were really superstitious--would still believe that there was actually a real dragon within all the rocks.

What the hell drove this annoying creature in anyways? How the hell did he know this special place? And he thought he was in Rumania, and yet the boy had dark eyes and dark hair, although he covered half of his face, he knew the boy was Asian, since he stunk of fish and rice. And now those deep dark orbs were looking up to him, glaring fiercely.

"I know you can hear me!" He angrily exclaimed, defiant hair flung as he jumped, flailing his hands in the air. "Wake up, you moron! Usuratonkachi!! Wake up!!"

And he dared calling him weird names he didn't understand.

If only the boy could see through the layer of rocks, he would've noticed the popping veins on the top of the dragon's head. He was really lucky that the wyvern was too sluggish and listless to burn him to crisp, and he was a bit too lazy to do that too. He had been sleeping for five hundred years after all.

As always, the wyvern would ignore the boy and his rants all day until the boy left, exhausted. Only then he could continue to sleep peacefully. But then the boy would always come again and began with his demands and catcalls, and the wyvern would ignore him until he left again in the evening. And this had been going on for almost a week. When the boy visited again, the dragon who could barely sleep, began to take a notice of him. Sometimes he would wonder, as the dark-haired boy sat and ate his lunch, just what kind of reason drove this kid(he estimated he was about 14-15) into this cave. But then he always brushed off the trivial thought away.

The boy never failed to visit every single day that the dragon had--kind of--began to anticipate his daily visits. He wondered why, maybe it was because it had been so long since he had last seen anyone other than himself? It was plausible, maybe the wyvern was a bit bored. He had not seen another dragon either, the boy's visits had become a routine. Well, not that he hadn't really been going outside, he was a mighty being: he could just let out his spirit to roam whenever he wanted to while his physical body still sleeping in the rock, it was easier that way since it avoided a lot of controversies. At least he wouldn't have to hear the humans screaming because he was taking a casual stroll in his gigantic form.

That way, the humans couldn't see him and he could easily observe them.

But something felt different about the boy; he was conscious of his existence. God knew what occurred in his mind that he believed--and with such a vigorous passion--that dragons still existed. Well that was true, many of his kind was just hiding or sleeping or disguising themselves in this era of man. But hey, nobody in their right mind actually believed they still existed. At least those with modern way of thinking. Only weird a occult worshipper or total lunatic would. So which one was he?

"I'm an orphan." Suddenly, the boy told him.

He was sitting on a flat rock just across the wyvern's wall, hanging his head while playing with his fingers. "My parents… and relatives all died when I was seven. They were murdered. They were all gathering in my house because it was my grandparents' anniversary. I came home late that day, and then… when I did…" He clenched his fists tightly. "I saw blood everywhere… corpses of… my uncles, my aunts, cousins… my parents." His voice became faint.

"All… dead."

The wyvern only listened quietly from within his chamber.

It was the first time the boy talked about something more than demanding him to wake up. He began telling him stories about himself, how he became traumatic and was sent to rehabilitation because the shock rendered him mute. He was able to recover, however the trauma caused him to distrust people, thinking every one of them was the murderer. He became unsociable at school, though he was the top student. He never let anyone got close to him since, distrusting every being that was called 'human'. All the more because he was the only heir to his family's vast fortune, he became the target of many, desired for their selfish convenience.

The wyvern admitted that humans sometimes were more vile than dragons, some could even do dirtier things than the devil itself. Selfish creatures they were, but even after hearing all of his stories, he had yet understood the reason why this kid was here in the first place. Did he want him to resurrect his family or something? If that was the case, then he asked for the impossible. Life and death weren't his field, only God had the right to do as he pleased. As much as he would like to tell the boy himself, but if he did, he would have to reveal his real form and that would be troublesome. He couldn't do it if he wanted to lead a peaceful life.

"Hey, wake up already." The boy uttered as he looked up at him, smoldering dark eyes shone in the dim light.

Only silence greeted him.

He sighed and got up to his knees, wiping the sweats from his temples. His clothes were soaked, not surprising considering the high temperature of the cave. It was amazing he could still enter the cave without fainting even once, in contrast of that pale complexion that really made him look weak. "…usuratonkachi, you'd better wake up tomorrow."

Like hell I would. The wyvern wordlessly replied as he watched the boy turned on his back, and slowly vanished within the dark rocky corridor.

The next day, the boy visited again, bringing a big rucksack on his back. The wyvern was eying the rucksack curiously as the boy sat down on the usual flat stone, sighing as he removed the weight off of his shoulders. Then he suddenly looked up, he tugged his mask down and displayed a smug smirk. "What? Curious what's inside?"

If he wasn't entrapped in the rock, the wyvern would've jolted in surprise. Did he just read my mind?

"I bet you're thinking I can read your mind." The dark-haired boy said, shrugging. He sighed as he put on his mask again. "…God, look at me, I'm talking to myself. I'm becoming a loony."

Oh… guess not. The wyvern mused in relief.

It was almost a full month since the boy started coming over. The wyvern had become accustomed to his presence that he was no longer drowsy, he no longer attempted to ignore the boy by sleeping, each time the boy visited, he would snap his eyes open, fully awake. And he actually listened to the boy as he was talking, putting all of his attention at the boy. Every once in a while, he even chuckled at the embarrassing stories the boy told him.

"Don't laugh, okay? It's not my fault I fell down! It's that stupid hole's fault! Why would a hole be in the middle of the park anyways? It's my brother's fault too for not warning me…" The dark-haired boy became more talkative and showed him a rare expression every now and then, like how he puffed his cheeks and pouted like a kid right now.

"My mom liked to dress me up like a girl when I was younger." The boy said, his hands were rummaging into the rucksack, then he pulled out a rather thick book. A photo album. Then he flipped the pages. "At first I thought it was normal, so I let her do whatever she wanted until I turned five." He removed a picture and thrust it up at the wyvern.

There was a picture of a dark-haired little girl wearing really, really flowing pink dress with white laces and ribbons all over, 'she' was wearing a very lacy pink bonnet too, facing the camera while pouting. The wyvern snorted and tried to hold the laughter, until he burst out laughing frantically, but of course, the boy was supposed to be incapable of hearing him, but…

"What? What's so funny you dimwitted usuratonkachi!? I know it's embarrassing so stop laughing!" The boy retorted with reddened face, withdrawing the photo into the album. His pout resembling the one in the photo.

It was as if he could read the wyvern's mind.

It was really strange how their one-sided conversation could become so pleasant, now the wyvern couldn't wait to meet with the boy again, and he actually felt these unfamiliar feelings of loneliness when the boy left. He was looking forward to when the boy came again in the morning, the boy would tell him about so many things, mostly about his family; his loving mother, his strict father, and his caring older brother. Smiles overcame his face when he spoke about them, instead of the frowns he used to wear in his earlier visits. It was pleasant. Much more so than the viscous days he spent centuries ago.

But it didn't last long.

It started when the boy suddenly had a coughing fit during his visit. It was long and frantic that the wyvern felt a bit worried, but the boy immediately shook his head, claiming he didn't feel well that day so he had to leave early. But it didn't stop there. He had the coughing fits the next day and further, becoming worse by day. Although he denied it, the wyvern knew. He knew that the cave wasn't meant for humans to stay for long. The gas emitted within the volcanic cave was poisonous and deadly to humans, that was why the boy wore a mask in the first place.

It was not a place an ordinary human could stay. The temperature, the air, all of its surrounding was not fitting for the boy's health. He might seem fine at first, but it finally took affect after a while. It was the best habitat for dragons like the wyvern, but not for that boy. He himself must've known this too. And yet the boy kept coming, wearing a thicker mask than before. But this time he wasn't talking. He was just sitting there on the flat stone, struggling to breathe. The wyvern had bad feelings, he tried to warn the boy, but his voice couldn't reach him. His body was still sleeping inside, it was impossible for him to utter comprehensible words.

Damn it, the dragon cursed mentally. If only he could break out… but if he did, the consequences wouldn't be light. He could only curse his own incompetence.

His thoughts shattered when he head a small weak cough. He looked down to the dark-haired boy, he met with a pair of smoldering onyx eyes, his eyes told the wyvern he was still strong enough to go on. He refused to give up. And that he would still go on until the end.

"…don't… underestimate me." The boy said in between gasps, his complexion was sickly pale. "Usura… tonkachi… I… haven't gotten you… grant… my wish yet… don't think… I'd die… before that."

He coughed again. His body shook, as he coughed throatily, the mask slipping off of his face. Then he fell on his knees, hands covering his mouth as he coughed and coughed. The wyvern could only watched with widened eyes as the boy gasped for air. Finally, he stopped coughing. He withdrew his hands from his mouth, the wyvern felt his heart stopped beating when he saw deep crimson fluid staining the pale skin red, both of the palms, as well as around the boy's mouth down to his chin.

NO!! The wyvern exclaimed furiously.

The boy only stared silently at the blood on his palms, he coughed again, short and softly this time. He seemed oddly composed. "So… this is it… huh? I'm going to…" His body flailed and fell to the hard, rocky ground, listless. But the boy's eyes were still opened.

Oi! What's the matter!? Oi! The wyvern tried to shout out, but they boy couldn't have been able to hear him.

"…dammit, is this it…?" The boy mumbled softly. "I… can't even… avenge you… mom… dad… …sorry. "

What the fuck are talking about!? Stay awake! Don't sleep! You said you won't give up until I grant your wish, right!? Then wake up! Stand up and leave the cave!

But the boy didn't.

He lied there motionless, eyes unfocused. He looked very ready to embrace the cold hands of death.

Shit! The wyvern cursed indignantly.

Never thought I'd be doing this for a human…

Sasuke had never felt this sluggish before.

His eyes felt heavy but his mind clear, the terrible smell of sulfur was somehow replaced by clear, sweet scent of fresh air and wet grass. Finally, he mused, he felt like he hadn't inhale any fresh air although he was in the middle of mountains area. And that was because of that stupid legend about a dragon sleeping deep within the volcano that he had to stand that terrible smell all the time. The air tasted so delicious. But somehow he felt… breathless? It was as if his nose had been pinched, but he could still breathe--though he could barely to.

And his body felt hot and heavy. Something was crawling up his torso, tickling him. And a weight pressed down on his boy, his shirt felt wet and something soft but prickly thrust onto his back. "Mmm." He sighed, feeling the hotness coming from his mouth and a certain southern part of his body. And what was that noise? Wet noise mixed with strange noises he emitted himself. "Mmph--aah!" What?

What? Was that his own voice he heard? Why did he make such a noise? Such indecent--

Then Sasuke snapped open his eyes and strands of messy golden strands quickly entered his line of vision, he was much surprised when he found himself tongue-tied with a stranger. And the stranger was naked. The naked blonde was kissing him. And he stuck his slippery tongue into his mouth, while his hands slipped under his shirt, groping him all over. The Uchiha was more than shocked, he was petrified and horrified at the same time. "Mmm!? Mmmph!!" He wanted to shout but a pair of lips quickly covered his own.

Desperate, he tried to push the blonde away from him, but the blonde grabbed onto his wrists and pressed them down at either sides of his head. He was stronger than him! And kept kissing Sasuke, intruding tongue sliding over his own, trailing across his teeth and gums and the roof of his mouth. The kiss rendered him breathless, sucking his energy until he was left with none. He whimpered as he sucked on his tongue, drool trickled down his cheeks. Sasuke shut his eyes, struggling to keep his senses.

Then he bit down that tongue.

The blonde seemed surprised and quickly withdrew with a loud whimper. Sasuke got up, trying to catch his breath. He felt his face hot, as well as a few parts of his body that the blonde touched. It was like he flared him up. Panting, he noticed the green grass beneath him and when he look up to see the blonde properly, his onyx eyes widened. The blonde had his back on him. But he… he had physical traits that was completely inhuman. He was… beastly. He was still resembling a human, but he had a pair of white crooked horns with rough, rocky exterior growing at either sides of his head, a pair of large bat-like wings on his back. He was not wearing any clothing, but some sort of orange scales covered certain parts of his body, like a small part of his jawlines, half the undersides of his arms, along his spines, his… nether regions, and the undersides of his legs from the inner knee to the balls of the foot, while his feet seemed normal they resembled more like an eagle's claws. And behind him… nine thick, serpent-like tails grew out and moved around like it was alive.

His quick wit quickly comprehend the situation.

"No… way…" He uttered in disbelief.

"What the hell are you doing, dude!?" The blonde turned halfway back, sticking his tongue out like a dog. Tears gathered at the corners of his azure eyes. "I just saved your ass back there, and all I wanted is have some of my energy back!"

"What…? But you were kissing me…"

"Well, I feed that way, for your information!" The blonde retorted, rubbing his aching sensitive tongue.

Sasuke was dumbfounded. He only stared at the wincing blonde stranger, before uttering. "Don't tell me, you're… usuratonkachi?"

"Well, who else, you bastard!?" The wyvern grumbled. "And after I risked my ass to save you, and now you forget about me."

"Wow, you're actually real?" Sasuke said, amazed.

The blonde gave him an odd look. "So you're just a loony after all…!? Dammit, I should've let you die there!" He exclaimed, punching at the wet ground.

"Haha… hahahahaahahaha!!" Sasuke laughed openly, earning him the wyvern's strange look. "No. It's nothing. I just thought… I was just so desperate, I think I'm desperate enough to believe in my dad's story about a sleeping dragon in that cave… who could've guessed it's actually true?" He laughed aloud again.

The wyvern had a hand clutching at the golden bangs. "Okay… so I guess you are a loony. God, just my luck, having a crappy master like this." The blonde scratched the back of his head. "Ah, whatever! I'm hungry!! I'll listen to your wish later, I haven't eaten anything for 500 years, so feed me first!"

Before the blonde could push him down again, Sasuke immediately backed away. "Wait a minute," He hurriedly said. "What kind of nourishments are we talking about here?"

The blonde whimpered, his stomach growling loudly. "I nourished from bodily fluids. Sweat, tear, saliva, blood, semen… you name it."

Sasuke cringed at the last mentioned means of nourishment. "S-semen…!?"

"Yeah, it tastes good. Can I have my meal now?" Before he knew it, the blonde wyvern had pushed him back onto the grass field, lapping the droplets of sweat that gathered on the Uchiha's temples like a dog. Rather than a dragon, he was much more like a big dog.

Sasuke felt tired and listless, he was sleepy too, so he let the dragon do whatever he wanted. For now anyways. Then his eyes caught a glimpse of raising black smoke coming from a volcano far away from them. It looked strangely like the wyvern's volcano, but that one was spurting out red hot lava, erupting with loud rumbling noise. He could feel the ground shook a bit too, but it wasn't really significant. Good thing no one lived around the volcano. "Is the volcano…?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's erupting." The wyvern said noncommittally, busily sucking at the sweat down Sasuke's neck.

Sasuke flinched.

"Hey, usuratonkachi…" The dragon grunted. "Are dragons gay?"

"Hmm… we're bisexual by nature."


A/N: For some reasons, I feel like it's turning shonen manga-ish at the beginning, and then yaoi manga-ish at the end. And yet I intended it to be comedy. Well, that's wrapped up the first chapter, I hope you enjoy reading it. :-) Critics and comments would be very much welcomed :D