Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Chapter 17: Celebration
Percy's POV
I awoke the next morning in the Poseidon tent, it was part of our make shift camp site just inside the main gates of Olympus. Yesterday had been a really hard day and I hoped this day of celebration would be better. I was so tired last night from all of the emotion of that day, I couldn't believe that I felt so refreshed this morning, but for some reason I did. I got up and went to the shower tent and cleaned up. The water felt great, I went back to my tent and finished getting ready for the day ahead. I exited my tent and walked around the camp, even though it was early in the morning I was surprised by how few campers were up and about. Then I realized just how many campers we lost and how many were injured. We started with around seven hundred campers from both sides total. With one hundred dead and another two hundred injured there was certainly a lot of empty beds in the camp. I tried to block that thought and focused on the celebration tonight. I walked to the makeshift mess hall tent and sat down at my table.
Someone sat down next to me and I turned to see my favorite person in the world, Annabeth smiling at me.
"Hello, seaweed brain!" Annabeth said.
"Hey, wise girl, sleep well." I said.
"Pretty good, yesterday really wore me out." Annabeth said.
"Me too." I said.
We both finished eating and then we sat and talked about anything and everything not related to battles or war.
"I guess you'll be busy helping design the rebuild of camp?" I asked.
"Theseus hasn't talked to me about it yet, but I assume he will." Annabeth said hopefully.
"He will, don't worry." I said.
"If he doesn't mom will get him." Annabeth said with a smirk on her face.
I looked at her and then I thought about how strange life had turned out over the past two years. I guess Annabeth could see my dazed look.
"Seaweed brain are you in there?" Annabeth said mockingly.
"Sorry, I was just thinking about how strange my life has turned out over the passed several years, especially recently." I said.
"What do you mean by strange, we're demigods everything is pretty weird?" Annabeth asked.
"Well for starters when I first came to camp you couldn't stand me and our parents hated each other." I said.
"I can see your point, but I never said I couldn't stand you." Annabeth said.
"Ah, come on you made it pretty clear that I annoyed you." I said.
"That didn't mean I wasn't your friend." Annabeth said.
"Alright, I concede we were friends, but I still annoyed you." I said.
"Alright, you can still be annoying, but I wouldn't have it any other way." Annabeth said as she held my hand and leaned her head on my shoulder.
I kissed her on the head and then said, "You have to admit that our parents going from hated enemies to not only friends, but now a father-daughter relationship is weird."
"Yeah, I agree, my brothers and sisters were totally freaked when that happened." Annabeth said.
"I bet they were, but now look at them, we're all a big happy family. I think it's pretty cool." I said happily.
"We were lucky that no Athena campers were killed." Annabeth said.
"I agree, but any camper lost is terrible in my book." I said sadly.
"I thought we weren't going to talk about battles or war." Annabeth said.
"You started it, remember." I said.
"Your right, for once, I'm sorry." Annabeth said with a smirk on her face.
"Hey, I can be right more than once in a while." I said faking hurt feelings.
"Your such a bad actor seaweed brain." Annabeth said not even trying to hide her laugh.
"Your a real comedian there wise girl." I said sarcastically.
"Hey, you never told me how you did in school this year, Theseus told me that you didn't get kicked out this year." Annabeth said, changing the subject.
"Well, I guess I forgot, I'm sure my grades weren't as good as yours." I said.
"Are you going to tell me your grades or keep me guessing?" Annabeth asked.
"Alright, I got a B average and a couple As." I said trailing off on the last part of my sentence.
"B average, huh! What was the last part of your sentence?" Annabeth said curiously.
"Well, I got a couple A's." I said, not sure why I was hiding that fact.
"A's, you seaweed brain got a couple A's. Which classes?" Annabeth asked.
"Math and science." I said.
I saw Annabeth's eyes light up and she gave me a sly smile.
"I always knew you were a hold out, your a nerd after all." Annabeth said. She was clearly amused by my sudden math-science skills.
"Hey, it takes one to know one, right. Besides, I always thought you wanted me to be smart?" I asked defensively.
"I'm not making fun of you. It's just nice that your living up to your potential, that's all." Annabeth said trying to smooth over her previous comment.
"Besides, I need to get better grades if I'm going to college. I can't let you be the only one in this relationship to be a college student." I said.
"Are you going to apply to Columbia with me?" Annabeth asked.
"Well, I haven't considered Columbia, I'm looking at some other schools." I said.
"Your not going to go away to school are you?" Annabeth asked, I could tell she was worried about me leaving her and going off somewhere far away.
"No wise girl, I'm not going to leave you, the schools I've been looking at are around the city." I said. I could tell she was relieved when she sighed visibly and her eyes lit up happily.
"Do you have any idea about a major, yet?" Annabeth asked. I felt like I was getting grilled by all the questions, but I knew this stuff thrilled Annabeth, so I continued.
"Well, I was thinking something with the ocean, maybe oceanography, marine biology or marine architecture." I said, letting that last one fade away so it wasn't audible.
"Those sound right up your alley, what was that last one you said?" Annabeth said, damn she's too perceptive.
"Well, marine architecture." I said.
"Architecture!" Annabeth yelled. I could see the enthusiasm on her face.
"Marine!" I said in clarification. She looked at me bewildered for a moment.
"Marine architecture, you know like ship design." I said. I saw Annabeth's eyes light up.
"That's cool, I think you should do that one." Annabeth said.
"I'm sure you do, you just want me to be an architect, that's all." I said sarcastically.
"What's wrong with that?" Annabeth said defensively.
"Nothing, I think it would be cool too!" I said happily.
Annabeth reached up and kissed me and then she pulled away and smiled.
"Now that's more like it." Annabeth said.
Annabeth looked at me and then I could see a question form on her face as her fore head creased. She always does that when she has a question.
"Which schools are you looking at, there can't be that many in New York with those majors?" Annabeth asked.
"Well your right, there's really only one, the SUNY Maritime College. It's in the Bronx, but on the Throg's Neck Peninsula surrounded by the East River and Long Island Sound. It happens to combine maritime studies in a cadet based regiment." I said.
"You mean it's like the military?" Annabeth said.
"Well, yes it's structured, but you don't have to go into the military after graduation unless you want to." I said.
"That sounds pretty cool!" Annabeth said.
"You think so, I'm use to camp life, however this would be different. I'll have to wear a uniform and stuff." I said.
"I bet you'll look handsome in your uniform." Annabeth said longingly.
I smiled at that and said, "Well, that clinches it for me, I'm applying!"
Annabeth looked at me and laughed. This was going to be a great day after all, I thought.
"Let's get going we have a long day ahead of us." Annabeth said as she led me from the mess hall.
We walked around Olympus all day taking in the sights. The celebration festivities would start around six this evening. As the time for the celebration neared Annabeth and I went to the mess hall for dinner. We ate fairly quickly so we wouldn't miss the start of the entertainment.
"Percy, let's get going, we don't want to miss Theseus and the others. They're going to be playing tonight." Annabeth said.
I looked at her and smiled, but the real reason I smiled was because I knew something she didn't know. We hurried to the stage that was setup near the city gate, there were already about fifty or so campers gathered around. I saw Athena standing near a wheel chair and I realized that she was standing near Malcolm. Annabeth and I ran to them. Annabeth hugged her mother and her brother.
"Athena good to see you." I said.
"Percy, I think Theseus was looking for you." Athena said as she gave me a knowing smile.
"Alright, I guess he's back stage." I said, I shook Malcolm's hand and told Annabeth that I would be back as soon as I could. She gave me a questioning look, but I don't think she suspected anything.
I ran backstage and saw Theseus with Hermes and Apollo.
"Percy, there you are, get into your oufit and get you bass guitar." Theseus said. I changed clothes, I was wearing a silver shirt that sparkled as if it was lit by small stars. I had on black jeans and black converse. I found the bass guitar that Theseus had bought me and made sure it was in tune. I knew Annabeth had no idea that this passed year I had joined the music class and learned how to play the bass guitar. The four of us got ready and I heard Chiron talking on the loud speaker.
"Campers, gods, immortals thank you for coming to this celebration. Lord Zeus also welcomes everyone and he would like to thank everyone who helped put this celebration together. Now on to the entertainment. I have the privilege to introduce the a band familiar to all Olympians and demigods. This band has now added a fourth member and I know everyone will be happy with this new addition. I give you the Olympians." Chiron said.
The curtain opened and when people saw me they screamed. I looked at Annabeth and her eyes grew wide when she saw me. Then I saw her beautiful smile and she just shook her head in disbelief. Theseus walked up to the microphone and said, "Thank you everyone. I recently visited several places that brought back some difficult memories for me and this song reminds me of those times when I felt alone, but I knew that the one I needed was out there waiting for me."
The song began, it was Haven't Met You Yet by David Buble, Theseus sang the song and I realized that it was pretty appropriate to what Theseus was like before he fell in love with Athena.
I'm not surprised, not everything lasts
I've broken my heart so many times, I stopped keeping track
Talk myself in, I talk myself out
I get all worked up, I let myself down
I tried so very hard not to lose it
I came up with a million excuses
I thought, I thought of ever possibility
And I know someday that It'll all turn out
You'll make me work, so we can work to work it out
And I promise you, kid, that I give so much more than I get
I just haven't met you yet
I might have to wait, I'll never give up
I guess it's half timing, and the other half's luck
Wherever you are, whenever it's right
You'll come out of nowhere and into my life
And I know that we can be so amazing
And, baby, your love is gonna change me
And now I can see every possibility
And somehow I know that it'll all turn out
You'll make me work, so we can work to work it out
And I promise you kid, I give so much more than I get
I just haven't me you yet
They say all's fair in love and war
But I won't need to fight it
We'll get it right and we'll be united
And I know that we can be so amazing
And being in your life is gonna change me
And now I can see every single possibility
And someday I know it'll all turn out
And I'll work to work it out
Promise you kid, I'll give more than I get
Than I get, than I get, than I get
Oh, you know it'll all turn out
And you'll make me work so we can work to work it out
And I promise you kid to give so much more than I get
Yeah, I just haven't me you yet
I just haven't me you yet
Oh, promise you, kid
To give so much more than I get
I said love, love, love, love
Love, love, love, love
I just haven't me you yet
Love, love, love, love
Love, love
I just haven't met you yet
The song stopped and everyone cheered and I saw a smile on Athena's face and I knew she loved the song. Theseus looked back at me smiling. We played four more songs that we had sung before and then it was my turn. I walked over to my microphone and said, "For our last song of the evening, I want to dedicate this song to the best thing that every happened to me, to my wise girl."
We played I'm Yours by Jason Mraz, I sang the song and I could see a huge smile on Annabeth's face. I felt happier than I had ever felt before. I'm always happy when Annabeth is happy. So I continued to sing.
Well you done done me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks, now I'm trying to get back
Before the cool done run out I'll be giving it my bestest
And nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention
I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some
But I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm yours
Well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find love love love love
Listen to the music of the moment people,
dance and sing
We're just one big family
And it's our God-forsaken right to be loved
loved loved loved loved
So I won't hesitate no more no more
It cannot wait, I'm sure
There's no need to complicate, our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours
D-d-do do you, but d you, d-d-do
But do you want to come on
Scooch on over closer dear
And I will nibble your ear
I've been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror
And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer
But my breath fogged up the glass
And so I drew a new face and I laughed
I guess what I be saying is there ain't no better reason
To rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons
It's what we aim to do, our name is our virtue
But I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm yours
Come on and open up your mind and see like me
I won't hesitate
Open up your plans and damn you're free
No more, no more
Look into your heart and you'll find that the sky is yours
It cannot wait, I'm sure
So please don't, there's no need
There's no need to complicate
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
'Cause our time is short
This is our fate
This, this is, this is our fate
I'm yours
Oh, I'm yours
Oh, I'm yours
Oh, whoa, baby you believe I'm yours
You best believe, best believe I'm yours
We finished and everyone cheered. We all thanked the crowd, Theseus and I stepped down from the stage to let Hermes and Apollo DJ for the rest of the evening. We made our way to Athena and Annabeth. They were both smiling madly as we approached them. Athena hugged Theseus and then gave him a big kiss. I saw Annabeth and she jumped into my arms and kissed me passionately. As we broke apart, Annabeth stared at me and said, "Your full of surprises today, seaweed brain."
I looked at her and smiled. "I take it that you liked the song, huh?" I asked knowingly.
"That's pretty obvious." Annabeth said with a smirk on her face.
"Yeah, it is." I said happily.
We danced and partied for the rest of the night. Annabeth and I had a great time together as usual. I knew after today we had a lot of work to do to get camp ready, but as long as I was with her I knew I could do anything.
This is the end of this story, I hope you enjoyed it. I'll have to think hard about another sequel so if you have any ideas or if you just want to encourage me to do another just give me a review. Thanks to all of the readers.