Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Chapter 1: Trouble at Camp
Percy's POV
I can't believe how things have changed over the past ten months since my brother's wedding. I'm back in school at Goode, things have been going pretty well. Annabeth is going to an all girls school on the upper east side. We see each other a couple times a week. Annabeth has been working hard on the rebuild of Olympus and its going pretty well considering all the turmoil up there. Hera and Ares have left the Olympian Council, Aphrodite and Hephaestus have been absent, as if they are trying to stay out of the way or something. My dad has told me that he is worried that Hera is up to something big. He might be right, she is certainly one of the most vengeful gods I have run across and Ares don't get me started on that hot head. Also, Annabeth has told me that the minor gods have mostly disappeared from Olympus, Athena is worried that they have joined Hera and Ares. My brother Theseus is now in charge of Camp Half Blood and he has kept me up to date on the happenings there. It seems that all of the demigod children of Ares and the minor gods have left camp and there has been a rumor about another camp for demigods in Texas. Its just one thing after the other and I'm worried that a showdown between the two groups is inevitable.
By the way I did have a birthday, I'm seventeen and another year closer to high school graduation. I have been trying to decide what I want to do and in my mom's lingo that means which college am I going to attend. I want to stay close to New York, Annabeth has received a scholarship from Columbia University in their Architecture program. I have been looking at NYU and other smaller schools around the city. I know I want to do something with the sea, but I'm torn between marine biology, oceanography and marine architecture, in other words ship design. My grades have improved dramatically, the concentration techniques that Theseus showed me have allowed me to fully control both my dyslexia and ADHD. I have a B average at the moment and actually I have a couple of A's in certain classes like history, biology, and mathematics. So I should be able to get into a good school. Actually, right now I'm looking at some websites for colleges, wow this one looks pretty interesting.
"Percy didn't you hear the bell ring? Schools over!" My step father Paul said.
"Sorry Paul I was just surfing the web and lost track of time. I'm ready to go." I said as I got up and followed Paul out the door.
"Well, I thought you would be ready for the last day of school to end." Paul said.
"I am, I was just looking at school websites." I said.
"Find any interesting ones?" Paul asked.
"I found a few, I can't wait to get home and start packing. I'm off to camp tomorrow." I said.
As we drove back home all I could think about was camp and Annabeth of course. It would be great to see Theseus, I know he has been busy with camp and his godly duties. I even heard that Zeus allowed Mr. D to go home to his wife during the school year so he only has to come to camp for the summer. I really hope that helps his mood. As Paul and I got home and were greeted by my mom I couldn't wait to get in my room and start packing for tomorrow. All through dinner and as I packed in my room all I could think about was tomorrow. Even when I went to sleep all I could think about was camp.
I woke up early the next morning and got ready for my trip to camp, mom would drive me there. As we left our house and headed for the strawberry farm, I couldn't help but get excited about this summer. This was my second to last summer at camp, after that I would be in college and if I came back to camp it would be as a counselor. As we reached the farm my mom parked and handed me my duffel bag.
"Percy here you go, enjoy yourself at camp and take care of yourself and Annabeth of course." My mom said as she smiled at me. She gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and drove off toward home. I walked through the protective barrier and toward the hill. I walked over the hill and passed Thalia's tree, when I saw camp I couldn't believe it, all of the cabins were complete, but so much of the camp was empty compared to last year. Without the Ares cabin and most of the minor gods children, the place was empty. It seemed too empty, like even more campers were missing. I then walked to my cabin, but before I could get there Nico appeared out of the shadows just in front of me.
"Percy your back!" Nico said looking awfully happy to see me.
"Yes, you seem really happy to see me little cousin." I said. I call him little but Nico is fourteen now and he is only a couple of inches shorter than me. He had definitely grown some since last year.
"I sure am, the camp is weird, so many people gone." Nico said.
"I know it seems empty without the Ares and minor gods children." I said.
"Yes, but you haven't heard." Nico said.
"Haven't heard what?" I asked worriedly.
"The Aphrodite and Hephaestus kids are not in camp either." Nico said.
"Why not?" I said.
"I hear they went to the camp in Texas, that's all I've heard. I just got in camp about an hour ago." Nico said.
"They joined Hera's camp?" I said dumbfounded.
"It looks that way." Nico said.
We walked to my cabin so I could put my bag away and then we walked to the big house, I needed to talk to Theseus and Chiron. As we walked in the door I saw Chiron and Mr. D playing pinochle.
"Percy its good to see you my boy!" Mr. D said.
"It's good to see you to sir." I said not believing that he one, remembered my name and two, he was nice.
"Percy, good to see you son." Chiron said.
"Good to see you as well, sir." I said.
"It looks like you and Nico want to talk to us." Chiron said.
"Yes sir, sorry to interrupt your game." I said.
"No problem my boy, what can we help you with?" Mr. D said.
This nice Mr. D is going to take some getting use to.
"Did the Aphrodite and Hephaestus cabins really go to Texas?" I asked.
I could see Mr. Ds expression change to sadness and I could tell that this question troubled Chiron just as much.
"Percy, I'm afraid they have. It appears that Aphrodite joined her boyfriend Ares and Hephaestus for whatever reason joined his mother." Chiron said.
"I guess I could see Aphrodite, but Hephaestus, his wife cheats on him with Ares and then he joins them with Hera, who has never cared for him at all. It doesn't make sense." I said.
"I agree my boy, but Hephaestus can be a strange fellow, maybe Hera was finally nice to him and that changed his mind." Mr. D said.
"Where's Theseus, has he heard this news?" I asked.
"Your brother is still on Olympus. He's helping Athena and Zeus with preparations for Hera's next move." Chiron said.
"Zeus thinks that Hera is going to start a war between the gods, doesn't he?" Nico asked.
"Nico, my dear cousin, that's what we're all worried about." Mr. D said.
I'm definitely having trouble getting use to the new Mr. D.
"Percy and Nico, go back to your cabins and get ready for lunch. We are so happy that summer is here our current camp roster as you can tell is pretty sparse. We are going to make this a great summer and we are not going to get distracted by this family squabble." Chiron said.
"Alright Chiron, we'll see both of you at lunch." I said as Nico and I walked out the door and headed for our cabins.
"Family squabble he says." Nico said.
"More like family warfare, I'm afraid. See you at lunch!" I said as Nico headed for his cabin and I entered mine.
I hope this year will be alright, but after the conversation with Chiron and Mr. D, I have a bad feeling about this summer, a bad feeling indeed. I was getting ready for lunch when I heard a knock on my door. I opened the door and no one was there, but before I could close the door someone or something tackled me and knocked me on the floor. No one was there, then I remembered, "Annabeth take off that cap, I know its you!" I said trying to sound upset.
Then all of a sudden Annabeth appeared in front of me with her cap in her hand. She was standing in front of me as I was still sitting on the floor. I stood up and brushed myself off. She was grinning at me with that smile that could just make me melt. My feigned expression of anger immediately changed to a broad smile.
"Hello wise girl!" I said.
"Hello seaweed brain" She said as she jumped in my arms and gave me a big kiss. I lost my balance and we both fell on my bunk. Annabeth was laying on top of me and I couldn't help but blush fiercely.
"Are you alright?" She asked.
"I'm o.k." I said.
Then the bell from the mess hall rang.
"Time for lunch, let's go." She said.
We both stood up and I grabbed her hand. We both ran out of my cabin and headed for the mess hall. We slowed down as we got closer to the mess hall and I explained everything that happened so far.
"They're really not here?" Annabeth asked.
"Yes, I'm afraid that the Aphrodite and Hephaestus kids are not coming this year." I said.
"I expected as much from the Ares kids and the children of the minor gods, but not from those two cabins." Annabeth said.
As we walked into the mess hall I could see other campers wave at us and smile. I walked Annabeth over to the Athena table and said hello to my brothers step-children.
"Percy good to see you." Malcolm said. Malcolm was now about fifteen years old and he had grown incredibly he was only about three inches shorter than me now and he had a really good athletic build.
"Malcolm, your looking good, work out this year?" I asked.
"Yeah, Theseus taught me some swimming lessons and I joined my swim team at school." Malcolm said.
"Good for you. I hope your good because I could use a swim partner for my morning swims." I said.
"I'm with you." Malcolm said.
"Good!" I said as I kissed Annabeth on the cheek and walked over to my table. It was always lonely there but it was my table.
After the campers picked up their food and made their offering, Theseus appeared in a bright light before the tables. Everyone cheered when they saw him.
"Thank you, young heroes. As your camp leader I want to welcome you all back to Camp Half Blood. Even though everyone is aware of our recent enrollment issues, I want to ensure each and everyone of you that we will continue with camp and we plan on making this the best summer yet. So with that said I want all of you to enjoy your lunch and dinner tonight, but early tomorrow we start training." Theseus said. When he finished he walked over to my table and sat down next to me and gave me a big hug.
"Good to see you little brother, it looks like you grew another inch this year. You only got about two to go before you tie me." Theseus said.
"Theseus, it is so good to see you! I'm really worried about camp and the Olympian Council." I said.
"Well I wish I could tell you not to worry, but that would be a lie. Hera is definitely stirring up trouble." Theseus said.
Suddenly as if on cue Apollo appears in the middle of the mess hall holding a young dark haired girl, she was probably fifteen but I couldn't get a good look at her. She was clearly in bad shape, blood was pooling where they stood.
"Thalia!" I heard Annabeth yell and then I realized it was Thalia. Theseus and I ran to help her and Apollo.
"Apollo what happened?" Theseus asked.
"I don't know, I was just going to stop by and see what my sister and her ladies were up to and when I appeared in their camp everyone was dead and Artemis was gone. I found Thalia lying under one of the tents. She is still alive, but just barely." Apollo said.
"We need to get her to the infirmary!" I said. Apollo nodded and disappeared. I saw Chiron run toward the infirmary and Mr. D disappeared. Then I felt Theseus's hand on my shoulder and we disappeared. We reappeared in the infirmary and then I notice that Annabeth had transported with us. We all ran into the room where Thalia was and watched Apollo and one of his sons help her. It took them at least two hours to stabilize her condition. By then we were all in the waiting room. I held Annabeth and tried to reassure her.
"Thalia is strong she will make it." I said.
"Percy, I'm so scared for her." Annabeth said.
"I know, me too." I said as Nico ran into the room.
"I heard about Thalia, how is she?" He asked.
Apollo walked out of the intensive care, he looked tired, which is something because Apollo never looks tired.
"She is stable, she is going to be alright, but she will be in the infirmary for at least two weeks if not longer." Apollo said.
"Apollo, thank you for saving her." Annabeth said as she gave him a big hug.
"Your welcome and watch it, you'll make Percy jealous." He said as he placed his hand on my shoulder and smiled.
"Did she say anything about what happened?" Theseus asked as Chiron and Mr. D walked up next to us.
"Yes she did and your not going to like it." Apollo said.
"Ares did this didn't he?" Theseus asked.
"Yes, but he wasn't alone." Apollo said ominously.
"Who was with him?" Chiron asked.
"It appears that Hera and her son have joined forces with the remaining titans." Apollo said.
"Alright, which ones?" Mr D asked.
"All of them! Everyone except Kronos and Oceanus" Apollo said.
"She saw the ten remaining titans?" Annabeth asked.
"Not exactly, she saw Atlas and Hyperion, but she heard Prometheus say that they needed to get back to the remaining titans and their queen." Apollo said.
"Their queen!" I said.
"He meant Hera didn't he?" Annabeth asked.
"Your definitely quick like your mom, yes he meant Hera. It looks like they are trying to capture each Olympian when they are separated from the rest." Apollo said.
"Divide and conquer, the oldest military strategy in the book." Chiron said.
"It works thats why its the oldest." Theseus said.
"I'm afraid we have some more bad news Apollo, it appears that Hephaestus and Aphrodite have joined them as well." Chiron said.
"What? How do you know?" Apollo asked.
"Their children are not here and our spies near Hera's camp in Texas said that they saw many of them there." Theseus said.
"We have spies?" I asked.
"We do now." Chiron said.
"I need to get back to Olympus and warn the others. Theseus, you and Dionysus need to watch your backs they would love to capture both of you as well." Apollo said as he disappeared into a bright light.
"I feel sorry for Apollo, he looks calm and collected, but I know he is worried sick about his sister." Theseus said.
"Should we talk to Rachel and ask for a prophecy and a quest?" I asked.
"Not yet Percy, we need more information before I risk any of you." Theseus said, then he nodded to Chiron and disappeared in a golden light.
"Where did he go?" I asked.
"Isn't it obvious seaweed brain, he went to Olympus to gather more information." Annabeth said as she elbowed me in the ribs. Then Chiron and Mr. D left the infirmary as well.
"Well wise girl, I think we need to stay here and look after Thalia until Theseus returns." I said.
"I'll stay with you if you don't mind?" Nico asked.
"Alright, but don't get in our way dead boy!" Annabeth asked.
"Like I would be caught dead between you two and your raging hormones." Nico said with a smirk on his face.
Suddenly the infirmary door shot open and I could see someone stumble in through the door and collapse on the floor. It was Clarisse and she looked horrible. Annabeth and I carried her to the intensive care unit, but before we reached it Clarisse said, "I tried to stop them, but too many, too strong." I sent Nico to get Chris Rodriguez, I knew he would want to see her. My only concern was why was she here and what happened to her? I knew the answer would come soon, but I hoped it would be soon enough to make a difference.
I hoped you liked this start to "The Queen's Revenge." I expect this to be a several chapter story and probably the longest one I have done so far.