Hey people! This is just a new short story I'm putting out there to keep you guys occupied until I can get the new chapter of my other story out. I'm sorry it's been such a long wait, but I hope this ties you over!!
This story is set in modern times, all from Katara's point of view. Enjoy!
Chapter One
I heard the school bell rang loudly, and all the anxious high-schoolers yelled and rejoiced their freedom, flowing into the hallways and crowding outside and into the bus to get home as soon as possible. I made my way out of the class room slowly, making sure that I had all of my homework assignments written down, before heading outside to join the masses.
There was fresh snow on the ground, like there seemed to be every day in Anchorage, Alaska, but I was more than excited about it. I loved the snow, the water, everything about the blue and white frozen landscape. This was my home. I had always lived in this barren landscape, as my entire family had for many generations, as I come from Inuit decent. Everything from my tan skin, big cerulean eyes and long mocha-colored curls flaunted my native heritage. Maybe that's why all the boys never seemed to stop staring; whether or not they thought I was attractive. A good buddy of mine described me as "interesting", and I wasn't exactly sure to take that as a compliment. But oh well.
Climbing onto the small school's only bus, which was old, cramped and rickety, I sat in the usual seat next to my brother, Sokka. He wore his short hair in the lame "Warrior's Wolftail" (which was actually just a short ponytail), an oversized blue parka-esk coat that Gran-Gran had made for him, dorky blue mittens and old, clunky boots. Although he looked like a total doofus, (which he is most of the time) he defiantly had his genius moments.
"Phew!" Sokka slouched and pretended to wipe the sweat off his forehead. "I am so glad the day is finally over. You sophomores have it so much easier than us juniors." I rolled my eyes. "Oh that reminds me!" I looked at him, trying not to laugh at how his voice cracks every time he gets excited about something. "There's this new kid that came today. He's a senior. And he's such a jerk! You should have seen him in electives today!"
Hmm, a new guy… I wondered what he looked like and why I didn't see him at all today. Because the high school we attend is so small and local, (and only about 300 students attended) each grade has the same passing periods and lunch hour, and even a few elective classes. I guess I was too busy paying attention to my notes to notice the news about a new kid.
Sokka kept blabbering on about his day, how much the teachers irritated him (he was absolutely convinced that he knows everything and the teachers are always wrong. Ha!) And, of course, complained about the mushy school lunches. So I looked forward, trying to tune him out.
"Hey Katara!" Looking behind me, two seats away, Aang waved and yelled to get my attention.
"Hey Aang!" I waved back and smiled at him. He was a good buddy of mine—I helped him out a lot on his first day and we've been friends ever since, talking, hanging out at lunch, and tutoring him on Fridays.
Aang's excited expression turned sour when he noticed the two rowdy people sitting between us blocking our view of each other. Then his eyes lit up, my curiosity growing as he bent down, his bald head disappearing from sight. I tried to get a glimpse of what he was doing, until he popped back up with a lined piece of paper ripped out of his notebook that was folded into a triangle. He threw it over to me with a wide grin on his face.
I opened the note carefully, almost worried about what it would say.
Want to come over to my house today? Check yes or no.
I rolled my eyes. Really? 'Check yes or no'? That was one thing I really didn't care for about Aang. He acted so much like a little kid…does he really think we're still in the fourth grade? Sighing, I dug a sharpened pencil out of my bag, and decided to play along. I checked the "No" box and underneath scrolled:
Sorry Aang…I have to study for the bio quiz that's tomorrow.
This was only half true. The bio quiz wasn't until next week, but it really wouldn't hurt to study. I felt bad for rejecting him—every time he asks me to come over or hang out with him outside of school, I always say no. It's not his fault; it's just that when I talk with him I always feel like I'm babysitting.
Yes he's very childish, but he's obviously mature enough to be president of the student body council and student government officer, the youngest student in Anchorage High to ever achieve either status. In a way he owned everyone in that school. All the principals and teachers adored him and would do anything for him, and anyone daring enough to mess with Aang got punished in one way or another. So in that way, it felt like I had to get along with him…no not because I didn't want to get a detention, but because I was the student with the highest GPA in the entire school. I crush every academic record there is and it seems only right that we would…belong together. Ugh. I shuttered at the thought…I did genuinely like Aang, but not like like.
I threw the note back to him, shrugged and mouthed an "I'm sorry" and turned to stare out the window, pushing away unwanted thoughts. At least I would be home soon…and the day would start all over again tomorrow.
The next day at school was when I got my first glimpse at him. The new kid. I heard some preppy girls gossiping about him in class, about how "sooo dreamy!" he was and how "totally hawt!" and "what a hunk!" he looked like. I just rolled my eyes, but I was genuinely curious. Then lunch the lunch bell rang, and as I was walking towards my usual lunch table, I saw him. I think I heard his name somewhere…what was it…it started with a Z. Zak? No…more like 'Zoo' something. Hmm.
He was sitting three or four tables down, in the very back and closest to the corner of the lunchroom. And those shallow girls were right…he was really good looking. Tall, big muscles, really nice hair. I didn't get a very good look at his facial features though—I was far away and he had a hood on, but couldn't stop staring at him.
I absentmindedly set my lunch sack down on the table across from Aang, not really paying attention to anything else in the room. I muttered a quiet "Hi" but I couldn't seem to peel my eyes away from the new kid. Ugh! Think Katara! What is his name?!
"Hi Katara. Hey have you heard about the new kid? He seems like a big meanie." Aang's eyes narrowed, oblivious to the fact that he talked like a kindergartner and that I wasn't even looking at him. Eventually I got my focus back on track.
"What? Oh yeah. So I've heard." I took a bite out of my fresh seal jerky, waiting for Aang to continue with the conversation like he normally did.
"Yeah. Have you even seen him yet? That guy is like a ghost! That or it seems like he's purposely trying to avoid me." Flew scanned the crowd and all the lunch tables, looking for him.
"Oh there he is! In the back! And wait is that…" I heard him gasp, and watched as he flung his arms up in the air with a pathetic rage. "It is! He is wearing a hood! Indoors! That is against school policy! And I guess it's up to me to report it!" He nodded his head confidently. "I wouldn't have to do this if he just obeyed the rules. But if he wants to break the rules, he'll have to accept the consequences!"
I agreed. Although it was pretty harsh to get someone in trouble just for wearing a hood in this cold climate, especially one he probably wasn't used too, he was supposed to respect the school policy.
Thoughts flew in and around my head the rest of the day about the strange hooded new kid, but I had to keep telling myself that he was trouble and someone like me shouldn't try to mix with those types of people. And the fact that everyone seemed to think he was a total jerk. I wonder why that is. What did he do to get such a horrible reputation on his first day of school?
The dismissal bell rang again, and I slowly started to pack up my textbooks and double-checking that I had written down my assignments. I walked outside and unexpectedly ran into a crowd of people surrounding something. Everyone was chanting and yelling out names, rowdy boys fist-pumping the air and the shallow girls whistling. I knew what it was—a fight. Some stupid boys getting in a stupid fight over something stupid that I didn't care at all about. Shaking my head, I continued on my way towards the bus, until I heard someone shout out.
"C'mon, Zuko! That kid is tiny! Take him down!" Oh, so That's what his name is! But I wasn't happy about it. I turned around back to the crowd and shoved my way to the front of the crowd. My jaw dropped.
Standing in the middle of the circle was Zuko, who was as tall and muscular as ever, about to beat up a poor defenseless freshman.
"Aang!" I yelled and dropped my book bag, running to his rescue. Right before Zuko could throw the first punch I jumped in front of Aang, pushing him out of the way. Looking Zuko right in the eye, I yelled as loudly as I could at him.
"What the hell is your problem? How dare you pick on Aang! He didn't do anything wrong so leave him alone!" Placing a hand on my hip, I took a deep breath in and huffed out angrily. "So why are you trying to fight him anyways?"
Zuko laughed harshly.
"Do you know what this wimpy guru goody-goody did? He busted me for wearing a hood!"
I couldn't believe it. I was actually dumbstruck for a once.
"…Are you really that pathetic?! You started a fight all because he told on you?! You're really nothing but a total jerk, are you? Can't you see that Aang was just trying to restore order to the school? We need people like him to keep people like you under control and to stop you from breaking all the rules!"
He cocked his head sideways, giving me a weird look. I was determined to have the last word, so I grabbed Aang's wrist and helped him up, pushing away the crowd to let us out of the circle before he could say anything. Or beat anyone up.
Behind me I heard the crowd booing, but inside I was boiling with rage. It took a lot of effort not to go back there and smack that new kid's pretty face.
I laid in bed that night, thinking about the day. I was still incredibly upset about the whole ordeal about Zuko trying to fight Aang for such a petty reason…I also remembered looking directly into his stunning, honey-colored eyes and shaggy hair.
He did have a pretty face…I scolded myself immediately. That was my first time seeing his face up-close, and he was pretty good looking, I have to admit. But why did I care? There were plenty of good looking boys at my school but I didn't think of them twice. Plus I shouldn't be thinking that way at all. I was a good, clean, honest girl; not like those shallow sluts that followed him around practically drooling. So why was I having such a hard time with this?
Well there ya go! A new story! I'm probably not going to be putting too many chapters in this one so it'll just be a filler for when i'm sick with writers block. I hope you liked it!
Don't forget to review! Heart you guys!