A new visitor…

Opening the window in order to let the fresh air in Brad went through last night´s events inside his mind. So he´d done it, if so involuntarily, told the person he most wanted to yet had the hardest time speaking to a story that he thought he´d never tell no one again. Had this been a good thing, a bad thing? The former drunk couldn´t tell as Jann Lee´s face had revealed little to know emotion.

Hadn´t that been what had drawn Brad to the kung fu-fighter in the first place, his mystery, the challenge in reading his expressions? Brad quite frankly couldn´t recall but he recalled however that last night it had been more off a royal pain in the ass than an attractive feat!

"Damn you Tina, and damn you Lee!" the white haired man muttered as he stepped out of his boxers in favor off the black shorts he´d bought the other day.

As much as he wasn´t feeling in the mood to bump into anyone today, he knew for the sake of his sanity that not bumping into them was even worse. Eliot, the thought entered Brad´s head like a strike off lightning. Despite the fact the blond boy had arrived home last night with a tensed expression on his face and tomato red cheeks Brad knew him well enough to know that the boy would rather die than giving out exquisite details off his deep and passionate love for another contestant, and that, that sort off conversation-partner was exactly what Brad needed today!

Without the slightest concern for his friends sleep or lack there off, Brad threw the door to his friends room wide open, yelling.

"Eliot, you up for a tour around the island?"

"Errhma…", came the answer from the bordering on living dead package off blond hair and blankets from the bed, "Brad I aaijant weally…you see…"

Taking that as a yes, Brad threw the boys shorts and t-shirt to the bed waiting for him to get ready.


Carefully rising from the bed in order not to wake his boyfriend up, Ryu quickly put on a t-shirt and shorts. If Hayate was anything it was punctual and even the smallest delay could lead to the greatest reprimand from him, a reprimand the super ninja was very eager avoiding. Hayate may have learnt from past mistakes, he may have learnt to actually enjoy his vacation but Ryu supposed being the leader off one off the most ancient ninja-blood lines in the world did leave its traces. Giving a slight head shake at his bordering on over-serious friend, the ninja leant over his boyfriends sleeping shape, placing a light kiss on his lips. No matter how many times he witnessed this sight, Ryu never stopped being fascinated with how different the peaceful expression on Bayman´s face was from the first time Ryu´d enter his apartment and even more so from the grim, bordering on bitter expression he´d shown the first time he´d laid eyes on him in the DOA-tournament. Had Ryu really helped doing this? Tearing his eyes away from his boyfriend yet again, Ryu gave a slight smile as he left the room.


"Oh yes! Tons off it!" the big man muttered into his cellular phone, his feet resting heavily against the bench in front of him, "sunscreen, after-sun, mosquito-repellent, you name it!"

Bass had arrived at the airport one hour in advance in order to ensure that a certain blond female wrestler didn´t burst into one off her "oh my god! You´re missing the plane"-episodes and now he was paying the prize for it and highly at that.

"No!" he exclaimed, "I didn´t eat any crisps this week…well, okey then!" he admitted, giving a heavy sigh, "one little bag but it´s not like that´s the… well, whatever! All well over there? Yes, I know where to go in any case of emergency, I´m 50 years old you know. Yes, yes, yes!" Bass exclaimed again, "it will be alright I swear, now give yourself a rest, okey? Yeah, love you too, goodbye!"

As Bass finally hung up his gaze was met by the sympathetic blue eyes off a man in his sixties sitting right beside him.

"Parents", the man said, "no matter if you´re twelve or a hundred you´ll always get treated as if you were five".

Bass´s eyes widened before he smiled, shaking his head.

"No", he said, "my daughter".

The man frowned, looking skeptically at the large man for half a minute before pasting a smile to his lips.

"Oh!" he said finally, "sorry! Well", he looked at the golden watch on his wrist, "listen I gotta go catch my flight now! Good luck!"

"Good luck!" Bass shrugged as the man got up from his seat, "what a hurry this turned into all of a sudden", he meaningfully shook his head as he watched the man leaving.

Picking up the bag of crisp he´d snuck into his backpack, the wrestler enjoyed the last candy he was likely to receive in a long time.


"I never thought he would", Hayate continued excitedly as he and Ryu walked past the many stores that surrounded Tina´s dream island. Just like promised they´d met in the store-area, far away from the hotels and although Hayate suspected Ryu had a specific subject on his mind he couldn´t stop himself from bringing up the subject on his mind. Eliot had taken the step last night that Hayate wasn´t even sure he´d dared taking himself and had most likely crossed another bridge in their relationship. Hayate was so happy, so confused and so… worried?

"Well I told you so", the slight smile on Ryu´s lips didn´t seem the slightest bit surprised, "I told you things would pretty much happen on their own in due time".

"You errhm…", Hayate frowned, "I remember you did but…", he looked seriously into his friends calm, green eyes, "did you actually believe in it?"

"Umhum!" Ryu nodded, the calm in his eyes unchanged.

"Well...", the mugen-tenshin ninja hawked, "I suppose I never really believed…Ryu?" he looked back at his friend again, "how do I proceed?"

Looking quietly at the many stores to his right, Ryu didn´t seem to share his friends concern in the slightest.

"Meet him again", he said finally, "and then let things continue from there".

Hayate fixed his friend with his gaze expecting there to be more to come but after having done so for more than 30 seconds he realized there wasn´t. So apparently his friend decided he´d done his share now?

"Hayate?" Ryu´s voice turned thoughtful all of a sudden, "as you know I can´t stay here forever. Assuming that the streets are going to stay clean for a while I still have my curio-shop at home witch I can´t allow your sister Ayane to keep watch over for more than at least, say a few more months. I´m pretty sure you can relate seeing as the responsibility that rests on your shoulders is heavy in a different way so I thought I may actually be the one asking you for advice for a change".

A frown on his face, his eyes wide opened as Hayate looked back into Ryu´s now highly serious green eyes. Was this actually happening?

"You know me well", the jade eyed ninja continued, "and you know why I broke with Irene, do you think I could possibly..?"

"Have a relationship of course", Hayate answered, still confused as to what this was about, "you´re involved in one with Bayman at the moment, aren´t you? Or have you two..?" the frown on Hayate face grew even wider.

"No", Ryu said softly as he shook his head, "nothing of the kind. I still very much love and need Sergei as he says he loves and needs me and that´s why I need to bring this up with you", he placed a hand on his best friends shoulder as he looked him deep into the eyes, "I know I only divorced Irene a little more than two years ago and for me to… perhaps it would be rash but I feel really certain right now, more certain than I have in a long time".

Hayate stood quiet nodding before the realization actually struck him. The most thoughtful and wise person he knew, the only one off his friends that he hardly ever saw making a rash or impulsive decision was seriously thinking of following through with something like this?

"No!" Hayate shook his head, a disbelieving smile on his face, "just no! I am your friend and after everything you´ve done for me the last thing I want to do is sounding negative towards in a matter that is so close to your heart. But this is madness, I´m sorry to say and there´s no way you could make such a decision after having known someone for how long? 3 months is it?"

To Hayate´s surprise or was it annoyance, Ryu remained completely calm, untouched despite off his friends recent outburst.

"If you think about it it´s two years or so", the super ninja said softly.

"Yes", Hayate sighed, "but you know what I mean… it´s not as if you two actually taken the time to get to know one another until we travel… or correction, got abducted by Tina! You get what I´m saying?" he sent the other ninja an almost desperate glance.

Ryu closed his eyes, seemingly calmer than ever, an expression that had Hayate remember every detail off what had caused him to isolate himself from his best friend for so long.

"Yes", the green eyed ninja nodded, "I get what you´re saying. So..? I heard Ayane needed a new sketchbook, how about we give her one right now?"

Hayate starred at his friend in disbelief. Ryu had just asked him about a matter that could change his life in all ways crucial and now waved it off as if this decision had concerned something in the level off witch costume he was to wear for Halloween. His friend was truly incredible in every way possible. Hayate was about to call him out, ask him what on earth was wrong with him, if he was going through some serious manic-depressive phase or if he was so tired off his life as a ninja that he came up with all sorts off mad ideas to change it but instead he just gave a slight smile as he answered his friend.

"Yes off course", Hayate said, "she asked me for such a thing yesterday. Do you know off any store nearby?"

"Sure", Ryu nodded.

And just like that it was as if Ryu´d never popped the question in the first place.


"So really I did", Brad moved his hands quickly as he spoke, "I don´t know if anything good came off it but I did anyway. I actually although I can´t tell why… I feel… freer? Perhaps."

Eliot nodded as he thoughtful stirred his tea but wasn´t really sure he had caught up exactly what Brad was feeling "freer" about.

Brad had apparently done something he found highly difficult last night, speaking off an extremely difficult matter to an extremely difficult person and although the person had said nothing as a response… Eliot wasn´t really sure about the details.

Hayate, the mere thought off the name made the color rise to the boy´s cheeks, he kissed me back and he even blew me a kiss before he left. He must like me back since there´s no way he could… He isn´t a tease I know that for a fact! But what should I do? Shall I wait for him to call or shall I make the move yet another time! I must see him either today or tonight, it can´t be any other way because…

"So what do you think?" Brads concerned gaze met Eliot´s all of a sudden, "shall I just wait or shall I make a move?"

"What?" Eliot starred at his friend with a frown on his face.

As Brad received the question his own frown grew twice as big as Eliot´s, his grey eyes widening.

"Oh! Sorry!" Eliot gave an embarrassed smile as reality struck him, "I was pretty much drifting off so… would you mind repeating the question?"

Brad gave a sigh, the annoyed face Eliot generally gave him now directed towards the boy instead. The former drunk looked at him with a reproaching glance for a long time before finally speaking.

"I don´t know what you did last night", he said as he raised an eyebrow, "and nor will I ask unless you desperately want to speak off it but I´m having an issue right now that I´m not quite sure where to go with and I need… if not advice at least someone who will listen to me while I´m trying to grasp the situation myself".

Eliot looked at his friend in silence before letting the knowledge sink in.

"I´m sorry", he said finally, "you did a brave thing there and you deserve credit for it and I suppose I should have given it to you sooner but… like I said I´ve been drifting off somewhat since I´ve got some unexpected matters to think over myself".

"Sorry", Brad said to Eliot´s surprise, "I didn´t mean to sound so cranky! You had a date last night and as a good friend that´s the first thing I should be asking about but what happened last night well…"

"Tell me!" Eliot nodded seriously, "what is the issue here"?

"No, no!" Brad shook his head, "you first! What are you pondering about?"

"No, no!" Eliot as well shook his head, "you are the one who spoke first, you continue?"

"No, no, no!"

The two sat quietly as they looked outside the window off the small restaurant Eliot stirring his tea, Brad looking down at his half-finished pancakes. After a moment Eliot couldn´t help laughing.

"Well, I had a great night", he said finally, "the dinner tasted well… better than I imagined and well… it was a generally nice evening".

Brad looked at his friend for a while before raising an eyebrow.

"You had a generally nice evening", muttered the former drunk, "and you sit quiet for hours just pondering about that. That´s just some problem you have I must say".

"Oh, yeah!" Eliot raised an eyebrow as well, "there was just the tiny little detail that I kissed him as well".

"Oh", Brad´s eyes widened, the expression in them almost expressing the same concern they´d expressed for half a minute ago, "and he didn´t found it well..?"

"Well…", Eliot shrugged his shoulders, "he kissed back so I suppose he didn´t mind it that much. It could have been an act of politeness or compassion of course but I highly doubt it".

Brad sat quiet again, now even longer before letting out a snort.

"Oh!" he muttered, "I suppose that was an even bigger problem. You shared an intense kiss with your honey bunny! Wow, my compassion for you is endless", the white haired man rolled his eyes as he threw his left arm out in a theatrical gesture, "I´m sorry, but when people speak off an issue I actually expect it to be an issue".

"I never said it was", Eliot shrugged his shoulders again, "just that I couldn´t keep my mind off it".

"Oh yeah!" Brad muttered again, "and now that we´ve got that sorted out I actually have an issue".

"Sorry!" Eliot said as he reminded himself off his and his friend´s far too different circumstances. Unless Brad himself was happy, he wasn´t very likely to get involved in the entire Hayate-matter any time soon, "now where were we?"

"Well", Brad sighed again, "we were at the -Shall Brad humiliate himself further to his current love-interest by knocking on his door after telling him the oh so, delicate story of his life or shall he just wait for said love-interest to possibly make a move himself-part".

"Hm…", Eliot truly thought off this as well as he could, "tough question! I would say, wait at least a few days for his reaction but you know how much waiting has given me so…"

"True", Brad nodded, then raised a meaningful eyebrow, "no offence by the way but yeah… Until we figure that out though, would you like some more pancakes?".

"Sure!" Eliot nodded again. The boy had the feeling this was going to be a long morning as well as the feeling that he could use all the pancakes he got.


Jann Lee closed his eyes as he felt the sand underneath his feet. For some reason, despite off the long night spent at the bar getting out of bed had felt easier this morning and he´d even felt motivated having breakfast this morning. Not a lot as it was, but he´d at least not felt the urge to throw it up afterwards.

The kung fu fighter gave a sigh of contentment as he sat down, dipping his feet at the edge of the ocean. How odd he hadn´t noticed this particular spot before and especially considering the fact it really hadn´t been located that far from his hotel in the first place. Jann Lee had to think about it. He was over Brad for sure, so how come he all of a sudden felt more at peace after hearing the long monolog the drunk had spoken last night? Or drunk? Was Brad truly still a drunk? Jann Lee had only seen him drinking sodas last night. Why on earth should it matter though? It´s not like I´m compatible with someone who prefers sleeping to sparring anyway! Jann Lee snorted as he drew in the clean air. He was just about to close his eyes and think the matter over again when a familiar voice interrupted the silence.

"So, apparently I´d miscalculated", the deep voice said calmly, "I had very much looked forward to a nice, sunny day at the beach free off people that I absolutely feel little to no desire being around and wouldn´t spend any time with were we to be the last two people on earth. But since that wish couldn´t be granted today I suppose I simply have to ignore your presence".

The shock of Bayman actually being here in the first place made Jann Lee incapable off coming up with a good come-back and for a moment he could but glare furiously at the muscular, black haired man sitting down next to him, casually dipping his feet in the water.

"And just so you know", the Russian stated coldly, "I forgive you".

Despite off the shock off Bayman being here in the first place as well as his level of rudeness witch frankly seemed to rise with every second Jann Lee wasn´t shocked enough to contain his anger.

"So I am the one who needs to be forgiven now?" the kung fu fighter snorted out the words, "for what? Stealing your water?"

"No", to Jann Lee´s annoyance Bayman´s voice was even calmer now, "that´s just a bonus. I meant your childish outburst, what was it? A month ago? I should have known that the combination off a senseless drunk and an insecure brat who thinks that everything and everyone are out to steal his boyfriend would prove to be fatal", there didn´t appear to be any anger in the former assassins voice, just possibly a slight amount of despise.

If Jann Lee hadn´t been well aware of the fact that this was a paradise island and not the next DOA-tournament and that the thought he had in mind most likely would send him to prison or at least have him pay a good amount off indemnity he would have used all those skills he´d spent these last week´s perfecting to shut his former opponent up.

"Who do you call insecure?" Jann Lee managed a tone more cold and controlled than he actually felt, "I´m not the one who needs to drink out of other peoples glasses or have other people put my sunscreen on in order to feel like I am someone".

If Jann Lee hadn´t been furious already Bayman´s next reaction was sure to bring him over the edge.

"Perhaps not", the Russian said matter of factly as he shrugged his shoulders, "but if you indeed are as confident as you´re trying so desperately to make everyone else believe someone doing just that wouldn´t be such a big issue in the first place. Thing is Lee", as Bayman turned his head his blue eyes looked straight into Jann´s, "I don´t need people to like me. Most off the time, just like you they don´t and I´m fine with that. However, I´m not sure the same thing goes for you".

His fists shaking Jann Lee was once again muted by his own fury. This man had openly flirted with his boyfriend yet he had the nerve to say that Jann Lee was the one who was being childish, unstable and insecure. Jann Lee being insecure how could someone even..?

"Well", Jann Lee snorted again, "apparently I don´t need you to like me".

"Nope", Bayman shrugged again, "but apparently you need me to believe you´re actually confident and you´re spending a huge amount of time trying to convince me and everybody else off that".

"I don´t…", Jann Lee´s voice started out resolute but then died as he couldn´t think up anything more appropriate to say. Bayman was just too much! Did he actually believe..?

"Since the water´s most likely already contaminated by wishful thinking and the wounded ego off a fourteen year old boy wishing his inside matched his 23 year old outside", Bayman said calmly as he rose to his feet, "I´m going to look for a cleaner beach to spend my time at. However I will leave you with this question. Was it me, your drunk ass boyfriend or in fact yourself you didn´t have confidence in?"

"Don´t you…" as Jann Lee practically bit his lips Bayman turned his back on him, slowly walking away from the area.

This is absurd! He is the one in the wrong, he is the one who made himself guilty off what no honorable human being should ever make themselves guilty off! He is the one who should apologize, he is the one who should… As Jann Lee finally thought out his answer he raised his voice, loud enough for the other man to stop in his paces.

"Bayman!" he yelled.

"Yes?" the tall man didn´t even seem to be surprised as he turned his head towards the younger man.

"If it is as you say, that you don´t really care about what other people think off you", Jann Lee´s voice was for the first time calm without being forced to be, "how does it come you needed an apology from me in the first place for causing what you referred to as a childish outburst?"

For the first time in their conversation Bayman´s quiet seemed to be caused by something than pure nonchalance. Although there seemed to be nothing nervous, nothing confused about his facial expression or stance he seemed to actively be thinking this matter through as if he truly wanted the answer to be the right one once it left his mouth.

"Because I suppose I lied to you just a little", although his tone was equally calm the expression on his face was thoughtful, almost soft, "there is one person who´s opinion matters to me and I didn´t want him to break up with me over a 14 year olds desperate cries for attention", the last words were uttered with a smirk, the Bayman Jann Lee detested more than anything in the world returning in seconds, "so now that that´s cleared out, take some time to think over my question".

And once again leaving Jann Lee dumbfounded the tall, muscular man passed out of sight.

"Smart Alec!" the kung fu fighter muttered as he looked out at the sea.

He had won at least, Jann Lee tried to convince himself as Bayman had been the one leaving the beach and not himself so he supposed that was at least one thing to be proud out. "Take some time to think over my question"! Like I could forget it in the first place! Jann Lee snorted out loud. No matter what he did, it seemed Bayman was suffering from the incurable disease of having to annoy everyone around him. Perhaps he was just a genuinely bitter and angry person who wanted everyone to suffer from his mishaps in life or perhaps he was just a genuinely mean person who liked making people feel uncomfortable just because he could. No matter what though, Jann Lee had nothing else to do at the moment so he decided to give the man´s question some serious thought.


Ryu gave the question a serious thought as he was on his way back to the hotel. With or without Hayate´s opinion, was there any difference as to what his final decision would be? Hayate was right in that it was a little rash and considering the fact the thought hadn´t started growing inside the ninja´s head since just days back it was even rasher. But when would he ever feel this certain again? When would he ever get the opportunity to do this if he didn´t do it here on the island, where you didn´t constantly have to fight a war against time? But perhaps that fact in itself was reason enough to agree with Hayate? Perhaps such a decision would be..?

"I may have to ask someone else", the ninja said in a low voice, "someone with longer life experience".

But the only two people he could think off that had longer life experience than himself was the one this whole issue concerned and a senseless drunk who seemed to count life-experience in how many new alcoholic beverages he consumed. So in a matter of seconds the super ninja found himself once again at square one.


"So how was your ride?" Tina grinned as she helped her father removing his bags from the large boat.

"Well…", the big man muttered, "I hate boats so I guess that´s the answer to that and flights aren´t really my thing either so I suppose I answered your second question before you asked it".

"No comments", the blond woman chuckled as she embraced her father, "how about the food? No allergies?"

"Not this time", Bass shook his head, "but there was this woman who wouldn´t stop yelling at the stewardess for not including juice in the menu"

"Oh that!" Tina laughed as she let go off her father, "you and your normal luck!"

"No, no!" Bass grinned, "on the contrary it was quite entertaining. The audio on the DVD stopped working half way through the ride so it was a welcome change".

Tina shook her head as she crooked her arm around the giant´s.

"Anyway, it´s nice to have you here", she said, "how about I show you your room so you can get yourself some rest?"

"Sure", Bass agreed, "not a bad idea".

And just like that he´d accepted his fate.


I am doing this, Jann Lee thought as he paced back and forth inside the corridor, not because Bayman said something that had me thinking or because he by any means has anything important to say. Because he hasn´t, never had and never will and even if he had he´s such an obnoxious human-being I wouldn´t bother listening to him anyway. I am doing this because I as a mature adult (because there is no way in hell I´d let Bayman´s "Bla, blah! You´re really a 14 year old boy" get to me) felt the time was right and have now given this matter a lot off thinking, that Bayman by the way had absolutely nothing to do with. It has nothing to do with Bayman calling me insecure or childish or accusing me off trying too hard to make people think off me as tough because I couldn´t care less about someone as pathetic as him calling me any off these things in the first place. Point given, Bayman has NOTHING to do with this and I´m doing this simply because I´m a mature person who would have come up with this entirely by myself. It´s all my decision. But as he stopped outside the door he hadn´t seen for what seemed like centuries, he caught his breath, or is it? Since I´m such a mature and independent person I most certainly have the power to change my mind at the last second, don´t I? Because it´s my right as a human being isn´t it, to just be a bloody coward and run off whenever I want to? No, I´m mature, the kung fu fighter thought as he drew another breath, and that dumbass Bayman will be so wrong in thinking that I´m insecure. That dumbass who has so little to do with me being here in the first place! And just like that he had ringed the doorbell, waiting anxiously for the person he´d come to see to let him in, or perhaps I can simply prove him wrong another time! Jann Lee thought again, because it was my decision to do this in the first place and it´s my decision to decide when the hell I should do it! Suck on that, Bayman I´ll do whatever I…

And just like that the door had opened in front of him, the man with whom he´d been so angry and disappointed with the last month standing in front of him. The white haired man´s eyes were a slight bit red from what Jann Lee assumed to be lack of sleep and his long hair was uncombed but other than that he looked exactly like he´d looked last night when he´d told Jann Lee what appeared to be the story off his life. The two starred at each other for a while before the kung fu fighter finally got the words out of his lips.

"You told me a story last night", Jann Lee´s voice was grave, "and I think I owe you one back".

Brad starred at him for another half minute, his blue eyes widening as he seemed to realize what his ex-boyfriend was saying.

"Oh, Jann Lee sure I…", the white haired man looked more confused than he´d ever looked before one off the battles he´d fought in the DOA-tournament, "but what do you want to..?"

"You´ll see", Jann Lee wasn´t nervous anymore, strangely just a slight bit saddened as he knew what reliving the story he had to tell would do to him, "will you go for a walk with me?"

Brad starred at him again, perhaps to insure himself that this indeed wasn´t another one off his hangover-dreams.

"Sure", he gave a short nod, "where to?"

"Wherever you feel like", Jann Lee nodded back.


And as Brad left his room, locking the door behind him, Jann Lee locked open a door that he´d kept shut for a long time.

AN: If I didn´t say it before I´m really thankful for the reviews I received last chapter.

Guest, I can see what you mean when you say that the story is centered mostly around Bayman and Ryu. As hard as I´m trying to be fair to all characters I can´t help but having personal favorites and granted I´m initially a RyuxBayman-writer breaking the patterns can be quite troublesome :P but criticism is for authors to improve so I´m thankful for you making me aware off things like these.

PaleAngel, SO GLAD to see another BaymanxRyu-fan! I thought those were pretty much nonexistant :D. Glad to hear we´re growing in numbers haha.

Add-steph, you read all these pages in two weeks? Wow, I´m flattered :D. An honest thank you for your kind words.

Le Papillion, hope the continuation satisfies you :).