Author's Notes: Assuming you read the title and the summary, you will know that this is basically a series of Terra x Starfire. As in, Yuri, as in, lesbian, as in, girl and girl. Just a series of the twosome, though some chapters might string together into a wee story-arc, some in alternate times and places. You get the idea.
Now, to those BB x Terra fans, Rob x Star fans, all that lot, don't be offended or all logical about the canon with this story. I am well aware that the girls like their respective guys, are mere friends and all that. But I like the pairing. If you have a problem with it, or with Yuri, just don't read this. Simples :P
There may be Mature Chapters, as in, nudge nudge wink wink, but that depends on your reviews. :D
In short, your reviews should really be about improvements, what you like, maybe request for a chapter. I love reviews, they fill me with joy! :D
I don't own Teen Titans. The guys who do own them do. Who owns them again? Hell if I know. :P
Anyway, the first chapter: Takes place in alternate story, where Terra didn't turn to stone, and discusses things with Starfire on the roof, where the love blossoms :3 Awww......
Here we go!
The sun was setting.
That was easy to tell.
The great star was slowly sinking over the horizon, casting red light across the orange sky, an occasional flash of white from the few clouds floating through the air. It was a magnificent sight to behold, this fantastic display of a constant natural occurrence. The closest to it's spectacle was a small island. Upon this island was a massive tower, shaped like a capital T. The structure's many windows shone brightly with the sun's fading light, as the ocean surrounding it glowed in an almost ethereal blue light, light dancing upon it's waves.
Atop this T-Tower, on the edge of the roof, observing the sunset, was a girl.
She was quite young, around fourteen to fifteen. She had a slim, but attractive figure, with long , pale legs that showed off strong, subtle muscles. Her arms were the same way as her legs, thin, but firm. Her attire consisted of a black t-shirt that exposed her naval. A yellow circle, with a yellow T, was the symbol on the shirt, and the girl wore tan shorts and gloves, that indicated a tom-boyish nature. She had a kind face, though it was currently in thought, with bright blue eyes that shone with contemplation, and golden hair that danced and shined in the wind and sun, respectively.
Her name was Terra.
To say that she was worried was like saying the sun was hot. It was obvious that her thoughts were distorted by worry, and for good reason.
She had, barely a month ago, joined a young team of superheroes, aptly named the Teen Titans. Terra had a supernatural power herself: To control the earth itself.
Rocks, sand, mud. Every earthen substance bended to her will.
But, before she had joined the Teen Titans, she was inexperienced, unable to fully control her power. She travelled from place to place, trying to be good and helpful, but her power ended up ruining it, be it an unintended earthquake or mudslide. Thus, she could never stay in one place for long.
She had eventually encountered the Titans, whom had allowed her to join. But fear of discovery of her inability to control her power, as well as the manipulations of a cruel criminal and the supposed betrayal of a close-friend had driven her away, right into the criminals grasp.
He had taken advantage of her doubts, to turn her against the Titans that were once friends. He had trained her to control her powers, in exchange for loyalty, a trade she had accepted. Eventually, when she was finished with her training, she rejoined the Titans, but as a spy.
However, her emotions soon trapped her between a rock and a hard place, torn between loyalty to her master and her friends. Eventually, she had chosen her master, and had attempted to kill her friends. Naturally, they survived, fought back, while her master displayed he was nothing more then a pathetic criminal. Never had she been so alone. But she understood then. Her master was nothing but the enemy.
She had killed him. As lava from an ancient volcano flooded the cavern where they fought, she had tossed him into the burning lava, before unleashing all her might into hardening the lava into harmless rock.
Despite all she had done, the Titans took her back in, helped her recover. She had redeemed herself in their eyes (Well, all but two, at least) and was given yet another chance.
How many chances had they given her? The first chance, meeting them in the first place. Second, rejoining them (Though as a spy). Third, when the brave leader of the Titans had attempted to grant her mercy. Fourth, when they allowed her to fight the criminal herself. And here she was, at chance number five.
Mistake after mistake, yet they still trusted. She had been a gullible, stupid fool in the past. Now, she did not want to ruin anything else for her friends. They were the true kind, the kind that never gave up hope on you. They were more then she deserved. So, she stayed out of their way, speaking only when spoken to, unsure of herself to make proper comradeship with those she betrayed........
"I believed you may have been up here."
The geomancer turned to look at the speaker of the soft voice.
The speaker was Starfire, a core member of the Titans. Starfire was a head taller then Terra, with a well-developed body, handsome tanned skin, almost orange in it's colour, with vibrant red hair, as fluid and bright as fire and eyes of green. Even the "whites" of her eyes were green, a good shade lighter then her iris. Rather then long eyebrows, Starfire's were like two small ovals, the shame shade of red as her hair. The reason for these differences was that Starfire was not of Earth.
She was an alien, a Tamaranean, from the planet called Tamaran, a species of humanoids that had emotional based powers. Starfire was a prime example. Her alien abilities included actual flight, as well as shooting projectiles of green energy, called star-bolts, from her hands and her eyes. She also had strength beyond human measure. Terra was sure that Starfire could outwrestle at least ten Tyrannosaurus' and win without a scratch. Starfire's more exotic powers, flight and the star-bolts, were controlled by her emotions.
"Please, friend Terra, what brings you here?" Starfire asked.
Being an alien, Starfire was not used to all the cultural stuff of Earth, and spoke formally and often mixed up common earth slang, leading the others to correct her. Despite this, Starfire was naive, kind, innocent and friendly, not to mention beautiful. A truly pure being, something that Terra envied and respected and loved about the alien.
"I was just...... thinking, Starfire." Terra murmured softly, as the alien gently sat down next to her.
They sat in silence for a moment, before Starfire spoke again.
"The sunset is most beautiful, isn't it?"
Terra sighed softly. "Really beautiful."
"What is upon your mind, friend Terra?" Starfire asked softly, turning her shining green eyes to gaze at Terra. "You have been....... shouldering the cold."
"I'm just worried, Star." Terra muttered, smiling ever so slightly at Starfire's mispronunciation of the common phrase, before setting the smile back into her worry. "I mean, I've done so many horrible, stupid things. I can't really forgive myself for what I did."
"You defeated Slade." Starfire said kindly. "You made up for the mistakes."
"But every time I see Raven, she look's at me. She tells me with her eyes that I don't belong here, that I'm a traitor. And she's right."
"Raven does care for you." Starfire whispered. "She does care, though she does not put it on the outside. She is...... worried for you."
"I wish." Terra muttered. "But I still hurt her, Star. I turned her onto herself, told her that no-one liked her, tried to drown her in mud. I hurt all of you......... I can see it, in all of your eyes....."
"You did hurt us." Starfire murmured. "But you saved us. And the save is more then the hurt."
"...... But what if something else happens? What if I fail again? And again?" Terra ground out, tears slowly pricking at her eyes. "I've taken too much trust, too much faith, too much from you guys........."
"Terra, everyone makes the mistakes...." Starfire said softly. "Robin once joined with Slade. He....... betrayed us. Fought us, deceived us. But we trust him. He has earned our trust back, our respect. He is our leader, and only did it to protect us....... Though I fear it was also out of his obsession with catching the bad guy......"
Terra slowly processed the alien's words, trying to get the support within them to affect her. But she still felt the pain of her failure, the pain of betraying the only ones whom had really cared for her......
"But, friend Beast Boy still trusts you." Starfire pointed out. "He always trusted you and liked you. Maybe more then the normal liked you."
"I can't be with him, Star." Terra moaned, the tears trailing down her cheeks. "He's the best friend I could ask for, but I don't think he's ready for anything other...... Plus, every time I look at him, I see him....... hanging onto the chasm, his eyes...... full with.... fear.. betrayal. He doesn't need someone as pathetic as me........."
Terra was truly sobbing now, her emotions tearing at her, her failures tearing at her. Of all that she had failed, Beast Boy was the worst failure. He had even loved her.
And she tossed him down a chasm along with his best friend. Taunted him about his love, even.......
Terra barely noticed strong, thin arms wrap around her.
"Friend Terra, we will always care for you." Starfire whispered, slightly tearful herself at Terra's pain of the heart. "No matter what, we shall be together. We are a team. We care for you. I care for you........."
Terra buried herself into Starfire's chest, sobbing quietly as her arms wrapped around the alien, pouring her heart out through her tears. The red sun shone brightly once, before disappearing behind the white clouds, the blackness of night slowly creeping through the sky.
"It is alright, friend Terra." Starfire whispered, wiping away at her own tears, stroking Terra's golden hair. "I am here."
"thank you.........."
Slowly, Terra recovered herself, and gently pulled away from Starfire, ignoring the tears still gently streaming down her face. The Tamaranean was right...... as long as at least one person cared, forgave her, she should not mope, should not hide like this.... She should face it proudly, as she had faced villains in the past, as she faced Slade.........
Terra looked at Starfire, to thank her. And when sapphire met with emerald, both shining in the sun's final blaze-
Terra did not know why she did it, think of the logic behind it, the consequences of it. She just did. She leaned forward and softly touched her lips to Starfire's.
She felt the alien's surprise, recoil, shock. The geomancer's mind started screaming at her for this idiocy, this indecency. Had she ruined whatever new friendship with Starfire with this kiss? Would it mean something to the alien that Terra did not know? Would-
The blonde was therefore surprised when Starfire's lips suddenly deepened their kiss, her strong arms tightening around her, to bring her closer.
She was not rejecting her. She was accepting her.
And Terra realised, as her arms gently coiled around the Tamaranean, the sun and the night as their witness, that acceptance was what she had been looking for, all this time. And she had found it.
They stayed there for quite some time.......
Author's Notes: Hmm....... I think I did alright there. I hope so, anyway. A guy can only do his best. Well, kindly review and tell me what you think.
Thank you very much if you read and/ or reviewed this story.
Chapter 1, Shining Tower, of The Earth and the Sun, by Soundwave 0107.