What is in a Good Morning?


To be submerged in black water and have the echoing sound of rain serve as white noise is what it has been like for the last few days since Ichigo has been awake. The sound of rain is usually connected with the feeling of calm, or relaxing to most. Here it has been no different apart form the heaviness of the sound. Its bass like and it cocoons Ichigo like a soft while he floated in this state of transition. Trickling and trickling, it came and went as it inflated and deflated.

He has been mostly unaware of the fluttering of people about him all this time. Outside of the membrane casting over his mind, a vague feeling of being fed and washed or softly prodded once in a while is just fog.

All caught in peripheral vision.

It in the quite of the night when the membrane which kept Ichigos mind from reality comes rushing down. The trickling of calm rain raged into a storm. Falling into an avalanche of waterfalls, the echoing erupts and slowly passes away in long drags. Cascades along his thin shoulders and leaves him. His eyes focus for the first time since the Dividir entered his body days ago.

The room is quite and dark, he is luckily alone to digest his surroundings at his own pace. A single small candle glows very gently over his bedside, casting soft orange threads that shatter to the ends of the room. His body feels warm and healthy, there is this faint memory of everything feeling abundantly tight. He gets out from the bed and the sensation is like being released from a barbed caged.

Ichigo has been changed from his previous night clothes. This time the fabric is a heavy cream color which is buttery smooth in texture and very baggy on his person. Sleeves end just below the elbow and the neck hem is oversized - hanging almost off the shoulder. He looks down to the floor and can see the bottoms of his knees to his feet, his skin feels different but with the darkness of the room, can't tell if his color has changed. Silk falls overs his face as he leans down, his hair has grown long. Sweeping forefingers over his fringe the hair is tucked neatly behind an ear, and runs through it's full length ending to the tops of his chest.

He doesn't stop there, Ichigo glides his fingers to his neck climbing up to his face. It is soft but the newness of its texture and subtle hierro overlapping feels strange. His two hand merge at the apex of his nose and rub towards his forehead. Abruptly the hands stop as they collide with a hard objects crowing right above his brows.

Its unmovable; Ichigo pulls at the thing, rubbing it at the sides. Realization hits him and he knows what it is. Bone, the remnants of a bone mask.

How fortunate he is to be alone so no can witness the anger done to the wall as Ichigo punches with his fists and crashes his head on the stone frame.



Its morning and Szayel makes his way to Ichigo's room as per his routine this passed week. With the new Luna still in a transitive "coma" like state, he's made it his responsibility to monitor Ichigo's well being until he roused from the fog which engulfs the mind.

He is not prepared for the rude awakening that greets him. Szayel is in shock at the state of the room, its destroyed. The bed is upturned and nearly broken into the glass of the bay window, all the shelving has been put to shreds. Little splatters of blood decorate the wall.

Ichigo is sitting neatly on the grown legs tucked to one side and a white cloth at one hand soaked in red. Noticing he isn't alone anymore Ichigo abruptly stands, shame washes over his face as he takes in the scene which is has constructed during the night.

Szayel walks up to Ichigo and cups the other luna's cheek.

"Ichigo, are you ok? You're - you're awake?" Taking the blood soaked cloth from Ichigo's hands Szayel stares straight into his eyes. "Where is this blood coming from?"

"I ... I healed. Last night I didn't ... Szayel I'm sorry." He says hesitantly, embarrassment riddles in his voice. "I'm so sorry, when I woke up it was all just - to much. I didn't mean to do all this."

"No Ichigo, I'm sorry you shouldn't have been left alone, someone should have been with you when you woke"

"Maybe, it was better that I was alone. At least to gather my thoughts. And I didn't hurt anyone else."

Szayel shushed him and guided them both back to the floor to sit amongst all the chaos that filled the room.

" You can leave that behind, that was not you a week ago."

"A week?" Ichigo is surprised by the length in time it has been since his change. A deep breath drags into his lungs and is released.

Both his hands are taken into Szayel's palms, thumbs pressing soothing circles into the skin. " So happy you are awake, we have been waiting for days for the time when you would open your eyes with clarity. I understand how overwhelming this can all be so if having a small fit in the room is the worst of it I will count it as a blessing. But truly how are you feeling?"

Ichigo let the question sit for a moment before answering, there is much to digest and much more unknown variables to fear.

"I feel whole again. Like I have been let out of a small cage and freed. I feel angry - because I don't know who I am anymore. Everything from before are just like dreams. No, more like shadows of another life. I'm not Ichigo Kurosaki, that isn't even my real name isn't it?"

That statement leave Szayel quite. What is there to say to comfort someone who has essentially been reborn. So he takes a breath and closes his eyes for a moment in thought be fore replaying.

"Dia a Dia, no?"

"I ... I feel as though I know what you want to say but I don't understand Szayel."

"Day by day, I think would be an appropriate translation. You will take this day by day, this your home now and there is no need to rush for answers." A small smile spread though his lips and in replay Ichigo smiled back nodding his head. " How about you and I go to the bath house and start your first day off with a relaxing wash?"

"Thank you, that sounds amazing right now."

"Of course it does, now if you didn't destroy the clean laundry. Lets get you dressed and on our way!"

Szayel's optimism is very reassuring to Ichigo, to have gone through the amount of pain he has been in and to be reborn all in this short amount of time has gave weight in his mind. To be brought into such open arms as Szayel throws the very recent pass out the window and just starts anew gives Ichigo some confidence and comfort. He dresses quickly feeling a small sense of happiness for once.

The both of them walk side by side down the more colorful halls within Las Noches. There is furniture and decorations, tell tale signs of people living within these walls. A home populated by many who consider it as such, no empty cold concrete walls. Small distant sounds of steps and conversations vibrated around every corner and it sets Ichigo a bit on edge. It may have been to sudden to go out and be amongst life when he is so ill prepared.

"Don't look so nervous dear, everything is fine"

"Maybe its too soon for me to be out. I mean ..."

"Nonsense! Its fine I - oh"

They both stop in their tracks, Ichigo feels his stomach drop.

A large rounded lobby interrupts the hall way, and it is filled with other Arrancar lounging casually.

Amongst them is Starrk draped over a large chaise lounge nearly half asleep and uninterested in the conversation at hand between Nnoitra, Tesla and Lilenette. Grimmjow is slouched quietly with a look or boredom almost as strong has Starrk's.

All goes quiet once Szayel and Ichigo are noticed, Tesla is the first to stand. A wide and bright smile adorns his face has his hobbles out of his seat and quickly scurries to the two other Luna. The remaining hollows stand and step lightly behind Tesla save for Starrk he doesn't both the leave his seat.

At that moment Ichigo can see the pregnant belly from Tesla, he is a bit more plumb then before and the memory of what he did to him flashes violently behind his eyes. A wave of dread claws in his middle and suddenly shame brings his head down and sad apologies spill from his mouth.

"No no, esta bien! Aww Ichigo its alright" Tesla meets him with open arms and takes both his palms to Ichigo's face forcing them to meet eyes "I accept your apology even though it is no longer necessary."

"But I, what I did."

Tesla shakes his head defiantly "No Luna, you did nothing. That wasn't you before, my King and I don't care for that shinigami from before. That shinigami is dead."

Ichigo is stunned with the logic presented by Tesla, his eyes go wide and gloss over. "You would forgive me so easily, how could you ... after what I did?"

"Like I said you did nothing, you were born just a few days ago from a long sleep. What better way to start anew then this? Then now?" An even bigger smile erupts from Tesla as well as a light laugh "Now let me look at you. Aye Madre, you're beautiful!"

"What?" Ichigo stutters.

"Just look at you, You're hair has grown - but the color! Its a paler orange yet so bright, Your skin is so is much better too. And our bones look we match!" The excitement from Tesla makes Szayel laugh a bit but confuses Ichigo making him nervous to even move as hands run through his hair. " Mi Rey, ven y mira la. Isn't he beautiful?"

At that moment Nnoitra steps right up to Ichigo, a menacing figure towering over the new Luna. The King's face is indifferent but generally unsettling to look at, Ichigo hesitates to address him. He realizes that this man was originally supposed to be in Grimmjow's place during his punishment and the thought flutters into his mind. Would he had kept him awake throughout the whole procedure. Would he have granted him the small mercy that the Sexta espada gave him, would Nnoitra have fed him his own blood just to comfort him as his body was being torn from the inside.

No he thinks, this Rey looks fierce and garishly passionate for violence.

" Don't look so fuck'n scared Luna" Nnoitra says and extents his hand expecting Ichigo's.

Szayel knows Ichigo has no idea what Nnoitra's intention is so without thought he pushes him a bit further in. Tesla plays along and take one of Ichigo's hands into his Rey's spider like hand and fingers.

Slightly off put at the way all three of these Luna's are acting Nnoitra scowls but politely continues to place a kiss on the back of Ichigo's hand.

" Yeah, yur very pretty, and like my Tesla said before. Yur not that shit shinigami anymore so nothi'n to forgive." he says releasing the smaller hand.

"Tha - thank you um .."

" Where are you both off to? Nnoitra and the other Reyes along with myself were just relaxing before they go off for a hunt." Tesla says happily.

Szayel chimes in - " We are headed to the bath house, I thought it would be a good place to help our new Luna relax and acclimate. Would you like to join Tesla?"

"Oh, that sounds wonderful actually" He says giving his belly a soft stroke and tucks on hand in the lower crest where the curve ends. " Mi Rey, would you mind if I joined them?"

Nnoitra just shrugged " Lo que sea ..." comes out dull like although he accepts the gracious kiss good-bye buy his Luna.

"Alright then lets get going, we can do more proper introductions afterwards." Tesla and Szayel guide Ichigo through the rest of the lobby.

This time they are stopped again but its by Ichigo, he takes notice of Grimmjow's unrelenting stare and another flash of memory plays in his mind. None of the painful memories from the times they fought or when he was attacked - no this memory is almost calming.

Tranquilo ... he remembers.

The other Lunas notice the stare and speak up.

"Grimmjow, its bad manners to look at a Luna with such an ugly face ya know" Szayel sasses out.

"Shut yur mouth. " Grimmjow snarls out but its his words lack any bite and steps right up to Ichigo addressing him. "So, this is the real you."

" Yeah I guess so ... ?"

Nothing could prepare him for just how close Grimmjow gets, his eyes engulfing his vision and the blue colors trigger some sensation which is indescribable. Only the words tranquilo dance in his head - and something else. Another male voice but its not quite Grimmjows, but its likewise as deep and soothing; Look at the sky mija, look at the sky and everything will be fine.

The voice sounds so far way.

The kiss on his cheek ruptures him from his thoughts and once again Ichigo is stunned by these Kings or rather these Reyes act. Grimmjow just looks smug as he pulls away from Ichigo's personal space. Soft giggling erupts from behind him and a deep blush settles over the tops off his cheeks.

"Tesla's right yur very beautiful, Luna"

The slightest boost in confidence bounces within Ichigo " I don't know if I should thank you or punch you" although he says this so softly he only thinks Grimmjow may be the only one able to hear it.

Grimmjow's shit eating grin would scare most of his pray, but Ichigo settles to only be unsettled by it. Watching the Sexta walk away without another word he rejoins Tesla and Szayel who once again lead him away to the bath house.

Before rejoining Nnoitra' side he gives a good kick to Starrk and wakes him out of his nap. The planned hunt is still in the works and the subtle surprise from the arival of a new Luna won't throw him off his barracks.

Nnoitra punches Grimmjow in the shoulder hard as soon as the other Lunas are out of sight and sound. He is laughing maniacally loud and unashamed.

"Cabron! Yur gonna be swapping cunt juice and cum with that one." He is obscene and makes a vulgar gesture with his two front fingers spread wide between his grin and split by his tongue. In response Grimmjow punches him back in the gut.

" Don't fuck'n do that huey, and ya can save that shit for Tesla."

" Hahaha I do."

Starrk then stands along side the other men and looks at them dissatisfied.

" Immature the both of you, los dos son chamacos." Starrk says with a yawn " Be mindful in the way you act in front of him, remember he was born originally during the War. Possibly taken when he was barely old enough to talk. Who knows what could be floating in his new mind - if there is even old memories from that generation."

They both consider Starrks words seriously, Grimmjow more so the Nnoitra. A comparison of before and after Ichigo's change tilt in Grimmjows head and change is uncanny. Relief was overflowing as he set eyes for the first time on the real Luna. Not the disgusting flesh of Shinigami parading with Luna scent. The sad image of the poor thing sucking blood from his cut hand can now be replaced by this beautiful being.

All three Reyes come together, well four since Lilinette is also a King by extension. They lead themselves out of Las Noches and toward the black lands. Grimmjow keeps these thoughts quiet and to himself, satisfied that at the moment most important he spared and granted mercy to his kind. Ichigo won't be poisoned with anymore pain or disgusting shinigami blood. Grimmjow has been blessed by the sight of Ichigo the Luna, not only himself but all of Hueco Mundo.




Huey - Pronounced like Wei or Way. Slang For dude amongst Chicanos and/or another hispanic peoples. Considered to be a vulgar and rude term but like many things amongst friends its more then ok