The next morning her phone woke her up, just as it had yesterday, but today she ignored it. She got up and climbed out of Dan's bed, wondering for a second where he was, and walked into Jenny's room, pulling down the garage door (garage door! Inside!) as is she had been doing so all her life.
She liked this loft, she decided, as she rummaged through the youngest Humphrey's drawers from her previous life, before she became queen, grabbing a bra and a white tank-top (she rather liked tank-tops, she decided), pleased that Jenny was as skinny as she was – that made everything so much more convenient. She passed over the track-pants with a scrunch of her nose – no thanks – until she found a pair of dark blue jeans, not unlike the ones she wore yesterday. With a glance out the large, black-rimmed window, she noted that it was a warmer-than-usual winter day, and grabbed a thinner red cardigan. Pulling on a pair of flat, black boots, still adjusting to walking without a heel, she walked back into Dan's room, grabbed her phone and made her way into the kitchen/living room, treading softly on the hard floor.

She smiled happily when she saw Dan sleeping on the couch, still a little shaken that she had basically told him more then she told her therapist over, and pleased with how her ramen noodles turned out, decided to make him breakfast. 15 minutes, and a two pieces of blackened-toast-in-the-bin later, Blair gave up and returned to her culinary roots – ramen noodles and tea.

Dan was woken by the slamming of the fridge, and bolted upright on the couch.


"Morning," she smiled at him awkwardly, "I made breakfast!"

He smiled back at her, amused at how bed-hair looked on her, and at the breakfast bar.

"Either I forgot to do the dishes yesterday, or I'm having ramen noodles for breakfast." he laughed

"Is that okay?" she said nervously, as if she'd never considered that maybe breakfast was a bit early for ramen noodles, and he bit his lip to stop himself laughing again.

"Yes, it's perfect. Thanks,"

She'd already finished her bowl, but sipped her tea delicately – she'd had had years of training at doing that – watching him eat. They both started when her phone vibrated again, reminding her that she had a message, and she groaned.

"Who is it?" he asked curiously

"Serena and Nate,"

"They have a joint number now?" he laughed, only slightly surprised

She laughed too, "Almost"

Hey B -
Where are you? We went past your place this morning but you weren't in?
Are you okay?
- S and N

Blair groaned again. Now she'd have to text them back, something she'd been avoiding. She was suddenly ten times more relieved that she had stayed the night at Dan's, glad that she'd escaped the 'Serena/Nate therapy session'.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing. Serena and Nate just went past my place this morning and now they want to know where I am."

He grabbed her phone, despite her protests and quickly typed a message, laughing at she tried to grab it from him ("Give it back Humphrey! Give it back!")

"What did you send!" she exclaimed

"That you were staying at a friends house for a while and didn't know when you'd be back," he smiled at her as she fell silent, realising that what he said was true. Dan Humphrey was her friend. Wow.

"Well, friend," she emphasised, "What have you got planned for us today?"

He blinked. "Huh?"

"Well, I've never been to Brooklyn. So it's all up to you."

He grinned and wiggled his eyebrows at her, and she suddenly felt very nervous.

"Well what about we begin your vacation in Brooklyn with a walking tour?"

Rugged up again in Dan's scarf and beanie – he didn't even complain when she put them on without asking – so that no one would recognise them, Blair walked bravely down a cobblestone, tree-lined street.

"So where are we going now?" They'd already visited the best coffee shop in Brooklyn (according to Dan), the best book shop in Brooklyn (according to the New York Times) and the best art museum (according to Vanessa, according to Dan).

"This one is a surprise," he winked at her over his shoulder, and if Blair didn't know better, she would have said her heart had skipped a beat. But she did know better, and it was just because she had tripped on an uneven cobblestone.

"No! Tell me! And walk slower!" she grabbed his hand and he looked down. "Oh, sorry," she quickly let go.

"No, it's okay. If it makes you walk any faster!" he grabbed her hand again and this time she couldn't deny the fact that her heard thumped a little faster when he did so.

"Okay, we're here!" his voice broke her out of her thoughts, and she looked up.

"Um. Dan."

"Yes Blair?" she could here the amusement in his voice

"You're surprise is a run-down cinema?"

"Don't sound so disgusted Blair," he laughed, "You haven't seen inside yet,"

"And I won't. Ever."

"Hey," he interrupted her pointing over her shoulder, "Isn't that Lauren Conrad?"

She turned around: "Where? Wow, Lauren Conrad in Brooklyn - Ahh!"

She screamed as Dan picked her up (he didn't want to think about how easy it had been to pick her up when he wasn't the most athletic guy in the world), threw her over his shoulder and walked them into the cinema.

"Don't you dare Dan Humphrey!" she screamed, laughing as she thumped his back with her fists. "Put me down!"

"Okay," he grinned as he carefully placed her back on the ground. "Look around."

She did, before she could help herself, and she sucked in her breathe. "Oh, wow."

It was a completely refurbished cinema, complete with mirrored ceilings, glass chandeliers, old movie posters and plush red carpet. There was old-fashioned popcorn, glass booths where the tickets were sold and -


"Yes Blair," he said, amused

"Why are there only Audrey Hepburn movie posters?"

"Well Blair, this is kind of a Audrey Hepburn cinema."

"Oh, wow." she breathed again, "Can we watch a movie? Please?"

He laughed again. "Well Blair, that's kind of the reason I brought you here."

Blair thought she felt herself fall a tiny bit out of love with Chuck, and a tiny bit in love with Dan.

They walked out of the cinema 7 hours later, Dan slumped exaggeratedly over Blair's shoulder.

"I can't make it home," he cried dramatically and she laughed. Dan was growing used to her laughing, and Blair was surprised at how easy it was.

"Oh shush, you're such a drama queen!"

"Me! A drama queen!" Dan clutched his hands to his chest and Blair laughed again

"We were only in there for," she grabbed his wrist and looked at his watch, ".. seven hours. Oh. Sorry!"

Dan chuckled, "It's okay, I really enjoyed myself. I didn't know she'd been in so many movies!"

"That place was amazing. You have to take me back there!"

"And who was the one who sounded so disgusted to go in there?"

Blair blushed. "Yeah, sorry. Guess you can't judge a book by its cover right?"

"Took the words right out my mouth Waldorf."

"So, where's the best place to get dinner? My treat?"

"Well there's this nice little ramen noodle place around the corner..." he suggested teasingly and she giggled.

"Oh give it a rest! Besides, you love my ramen noodles. How could you eat them out when I could just make them for you back home?" He kind of loved how she referred to the loft as 'home'.

"Hey?" she interrupted his thoughts by nudging him with her shoulder and he stumbled, before bending over, laughing at how horrified she looked that she had actually pushed him.

"Oh my God, Dan, I am so sorry!"

He looked up at her and she stopped apologising, somehow knowing what was about to happen. "Don't you dare, Dan Humphrey,"

He ignored her, launching forward and throwing her over his shoulder again. She screamed with laughed as he turned around in circles, spinning them.

His phone rang and he stopped spinning, leaving her over his shoulder as he picked it up.

"Hello?" he said smiling ignoring Blair's threats of what she was going to do to his Cabbage Patch doll if he didn't let her down soon.

"Hey Dan,"

"Oh, hey Vanessa. What's up?" He realised that he hadn't thought about Vanessa all day, and he suddenly felt immensely guilty.

"Not much. Can you come around now? Please?"

"Oh, I'm.." he paused, unsure how Vanessa would take it, " - I'm with Blair."

He heard her let out a breath. "That's okay. You can bring her with you."

"Um.. okay?"

"See you soon,"

He hung up. "How do you feel about visiting your dorm? You can pick up some of your cocktail dresses?"

"Well I'll go anywhere with you if you let me down," she said, almost spitting out the last three words. Dan had already learnt to ignore her anger, but he quickly put her down never-the-less.

"That's my girl," he laughed.

"We're catching a cab, right?"

"Yes Blair, we will catch a cab," he grinned, hailing one as she breathed 'thank god', under her breath.

"Hey Vanessa," he said, entering the room.

"Hey," she blinked as Blair Waldorf stepped from behind her boyfriend wearing jeans, flat shoes, a tank-top and a beanie. What on earth had happened to the world? Blair Waldorf looking innocent?

"I'll just be grabbing my stuff," the-girl-that-looked-like-Blair-but-wasn't offered, "Take your time,"

Dan smiled at her as she left the room, and left the door open (Vanessa was sure it was just in case something happened to Blair) as he walked towards the bed, "What's up?"

"Scott texted me,"

"Scott? Oh! Oh.. my brother Scott?"

She nodded.

"What did he say?"

She handed him her phone silently;

Vanessa -
I'm coming back to New York.
Not for Rufus or Lily. For you.
I can't stop thinking about you.
I thought I could forget you, but I can't.
Please give me another chance.
I love you,

"Oh wow," he breathed out. "What are you going to do?"

She didn't say anything, as he looked at her, his eyes searching hers as they filled with tears.

"Oh." he realised, "You love him too?" It wasn't accusatory, it was as though they were friends again.

"Dan, I'm so sorry," She offered.

"V, it's okay," he smiled at her. She could see that he was hurt, but.. he really was okay with it, she realised. "You and I both know we were more friends-with-benefits then an actual couple. No offence."

"None taken," she laughed, tears spilling down her cheeks. "So back to normal, then?"

"Yeah, it'll be good to have us back Abrams. It was getting awkward, wasn't it?"

She nodded in agreement, and they both fell back onto her bed staring back at the ceiling, laughing at how stupid they had been.

They stayed like that for awhile in a comfortable silence, until Dan remembered Blair. He swore and sat up. "V, I have to go,"


"Yeah. You know she's really nice when you get to know her."

"Maybe Scott and I can double date with you two?"

"Oh," he laughed, "It's nothing like that,"

She smiled at him knowingly as he throw a pillow at her, "Shut up Abrams,"

He hugged her goodbye, relieved that it wasn't awkward, and kissed her on the forehead like he used to when he was apologising for something. She closed her eyes, knowing that it was the last time he would do something as intimate as that to her, and smiled up at him.

"See ya," she offered.

"Yeah," he smiled back, "Brunch on Sunday?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world, Humphrey,"

"Ready to go?" he asked as he walked into the room.

She looked up at him and smiled, "Yeah, I was ready ages ago."

"I'm sorry," he apologised, "You could have come and got me, you know?"

"And interrupt you're sex-fest? I think not Humphrey, I prefer my eyes in my head and un-bleeding,"
Dan laughed, "All you would have interrupted was us calling it quits,"

She breathed out, "Oh, are you okay?"

"Yup," he said, popping the 'p'. "It was for the best. She's in love with Scott and I'm.. well I wasn't in love with her,"

"Scott, as in you're brother Scott?"

"Yeah," he laughed, "Got everything?"

"Yup," she said, holding up a small duffel bag.

"That's not much," he commented, confused.

"Well I had to whittle it down a bit, because I don't think my bigger bag will fit on the subway,"

He raised his eyebrows, "The subway, huh? Are you sure?"

"No!" she exclaimed, her voice pitching, "I mean, I want to, so that it's like.. leaving behind old-Blair, but I mean, I am old-Blair still, I just want to.. also be new-Blair. I wan't to be both Blair's, but -"

He interrupted her: "Don't worry virgin, I'll talk you through it."

She swore at him, and he burst out laughing. "Apparently new-Blair swears like a pirate,"

"Oh my God. This is disgusting." Blair stood on the platform, clutching her designer duffel bag to her chest as though it would protect her from the other passengers.

"Oh, it's not too bad," Dan laughed, "Here, let's go buy tickets." He pulled her towards the ticket machine, but she dug her heels into the ground.

"Dan, I will ride on the Subway with you. I will live in Brooklyn with you. But I am not touching that.. thing." Dan had to agree. The ticket machine was all kinds of dirty, but someone had to do it.
He sighed and walked off, leaving a very smug Blair waiting where she was.

"Okay, I've got us tickets. Ramen awaits us at home"

"Let's go then!" she laughed, grabbing his hand. He looked down at their hands, but she ignored him, suddenly unable to stop laughing at the entire situation. Neither of them saw the camera flash.

"Okay, I am so sick of ramen," she admitted as soon as the walked in the door. "Do you have anything else?"

"Um.." Dan rummaged through the pantry, "What's you're opinion on waffles?"

"That.. they are an important food group..?" she offered

"Perfect. I knew you'd fit in in Brooklyn," she grinned back at him, suddenly feeling as though that was actually a compliment, instead of an insult, and looked down to turn on her phone, not surprised when it buzzed automatically.

Which friend? I'm glad you're feeling better then.
- S

Call me when you feel up to it!
- S

B -
Friend being the one on Gossip Girl?!
I'm calling in 10!
- S

Blair started. "Hey Humphrey, can I borrow your laptop?" She had long ago unsubscribed to Gossip Girl updates being sent to her phone.

"Sure," he passed it to her and it wasn't long until she was watching her own face load on the screen.

It was a picture of her and Dan on the subway station, except if she didn't know, she wouldn't have been able to tell it was Dan. His face was ducked and his hair was hidden by the black hood of his jumper, but you could see that their hands were intertwined. But the most surprising thing about the picture was - Blair sucked in her breath - how happy she looked. She wasn't wearing any make up and her hair hadn't been done, but she looked prettier then she had for awhile. And it took a lot for Blair to admit that she looked pretty. She was in the middle of laughing, and her entire face was lit up, and she looked.. alive. More alive then she had in awhile.
She read the heading (Queen Bee – underground or on top of the world?) and grinned, knowing that it was the latter.

"What is it?" Dan asked, curiously, and she turned the screen around.

"Huh," he took it in and looked up at her, "You look really happy,"

She smiled at him, "I am."

"Well," he coughed, breaking their gaze, "You're about to get a whole lot happier, because your dinner awaits, my Queen,"

She giggled, began eating her waffles, surprised at how good the frozen kind tasted to her. "Hey, Humphrey, these are pretty good,"

Her phone rang, and she smiled softly when she saw Serena had kept her word.

"Hey," she said, grinning as she heard the blonde on the other end scream.

"Oh my God! Blair! How are you! You look fantastic on Gossip Girl.. I'm so glad you're well,"

"Who is it," Dan asked, curious at who on the other end could be making so much noise.

"Oh my God! Is that the guy in the picture!"

Blair laughed out loud, "Yeah," she answered, "It's Serena," she said to Dan.

"I can't wait to meet him!"

"And you will. Eventually. I'm just getting away for awhile. Can you understand that?" she asked pleadingly.

"Of course I can, B. Can I still call you?"

"You better. Ever night!"

After she hung up, she let out a breath of air she hadn't known she'd been holding, and Dan turned to smile at her, checking that she was okay.

"I'm fine!" she laughed

"Oh, okay. Good then!" He grinned back, before flicking a handful of soap suds at her, laughing as she screamed.

A water fight soon followed

It wasn't long until they'd fallen into a routine. During the week he'd make them waffles for breakfast, they'd walk to collage together (or catch the subway depending on how late they were running), eat ramen noodles for lunch in Blair's dorm room (they both hated crowds) and then they would eat some form of take-away for dinner. They talked about everything under the sun, from cabbage patch dolls, to their respective families divorce, to Chuck. On the weekends they would explore Brooklyn, and Dan was constantly surprised how much he hadn't discovered yet. Blair amazed him daily, he found. He often found himself staring at her – usually when she was laughing – and just had his breath taken away. She was so different to how she had been all those weeks ago when he had first walked into her room. She still cried, of course, but much less frequently. She hadn't made herself throw up since she'd first moved in with him.

They often referred to themselves as 'best-friends', and Blair sometimes wondered how it had all happened so fast. Certain memories stood out – when she had first gone out in Brooklyn on her own, and Dan had been so worried – when Serena had called and Blair had defended her relationship with 'the-boy-from-gossip-girl' by calling him her best-friend, and Dan had stood thunderstruck until he admitted that he often referred to her as the same thing in his head. When she had worn her first pair of track pants and refused to take them off because they were so comfortable (Dan had to threatened to pull them off her) – when they had visited the Upper East Side to see if they were missing anything and returned after an hour (they realised they weren't missing anything at all) – when Blair had first stepped on the scale to find she had gained 10 pounds and Dan had told her that she had never looked more beautiful (they threw out the scales together the next day).
Serena called every night, like she promised, and had quickly learnt not to ask too much about 'the-boy-from-gossip-girl'.

"Hey Blair?"

"Yes Serena," Blair answered teasingly

"You want to come out tonight? Please? Please? I haven't seen you in so long, and there's this thing on that the Archibald's have organised, and I really want to see you! Nate and I have missed you so much!"

Blair laughed. "Um.. I don't know Serena,"

"Please say yes. You can bring your friend! We're dying to meet you!"

"It's okay, I'll come. Can you come around to mine at about.. seven, and help me decide what to wear?"

Serena screamed again, "Yes! Oh my God, B, I am so excited to see you! "

"Will you bring him?"

Blair paused. Would Dan want to come? She didn't really want Serena to think that she had been seeing her ex-boyfriend behind her back. Honestly, she didn't want to share Dan with the rest of the world, just yet. She looked guiltily at his back.

"Not tonight"

"Aw, well I'll see you soon! Love you B!" Serena smiled into the phone.

"Love you too," she replied, still staring at Dan's back.


Blair grinned, as Serena bounded into her bedroom and hugged her tightly. "I've missed you, so much!"

"Missed you too, S. Now, which one should I wear?" Her mind heavy with thoughts of what Dan would be doing back home (why did she refer to it as home?) without her, she mustered up enough enthusiasm to keep Serena happy.

"So, tell me about the friend on Gossip Girl!" Serena winked at her as she examined the two dresses on the bed and Blair smiled despite herself, unsure how to approach the topic.

"Well.. I did it again.. you know," she looked at Serena pointedly, and Serena stopped what she was doing to stare at her friend with sad eyes, "And I didn't want to call you and interrupt you and Nate -"
Serena broke her off: "Don't be stupid, Blair! You can always call, we're you're best friends!"

"Mm, I know. But I couldn't call you, so I called.. well I called the only other person who knew."

"Chuck?" Serena gasped

"No," Blair laughed incredulously. "Been there, done that."

"Well who else knows then? I mean, I remembered I had to tell Dan once that thanksgiving.." she broke off as Blair looked down at her lap. "Oh my God!"

"Serena please listen to me!" Blair said urgently, desperate for Serena to know everything before she leapt to conclusions, "I was so out of it, I was about to call Chuck when I accidentally stopped on Dan's name, and I was so pathetic and lonely that I called him, and he came pretty much straight away even though he was with Vanessa -" she broke off, realising that he must have run most of the way, " - and he made me have a shower and combed my hair and made me wear jeans and a tank top – a tank top! - and then he gave me his scarf and beanie and we caught a cab to Brooklyn, and I learnt how to cook ramen noodles.. I really talked to him Serena, like deeper then I talked to my therapist, and I'm sorry I couldn't talk to you about it, but it was just so easy to talk to him. And then I made him ramen noodles for breakfast and he took me to an Audrey Hepburn cinema and.. " She paused, " - I'm rambling. I'm sorry Serena, all you need to know is that.. Dan really helped me."

She broke off again when she saw Serena's shoulders shaking. "Oh S, I'm so sorry. I really am. I -"

"Blair, stop!" Serena said laughing, "I'm just trying to take it all in. Isn't it ironic though? I fall in love with your ex-boyfriend and you fall in love with mine?"

Blair started. "Oh S, you got it all wrong! I'm not in love.. with.. Dan.." she trailed off and Serena nodded knowledgeably.

"This one."

"Huh?" Blair was shaken out of her thoughts yet again

"I think you should wear this dress."

"Oh, okay. Are you sure? I think that dress would look better on you."

"Blair, I saw you looking at it. You love it. I know you've tried it on, so I know that you know it loves you too. That dress was made for you," Serena said, looking at her in the mirror. It only happened sometimes, but occasionally she was the wise one in her and Blair's friendship. This was one of those moments.

"S, what are you talking about?" Blair laughed as Serena shrugged innocently.

They walked into the party together, and Nate immediately was drawn to them (like a magnetic, Blair thought), kissing Serena softly.

"Hey stranger," he grinned at Blair, pulling her into a tight embrace.

"Hey Nate," she laughed and he shot a startled look at Serena.

"I know, she laughs now. It's amazing," Serena chuckled as Blair slapped her arm playfully.

"Well you both look amazing. Blair, do you mind..?"

"Oh! No, go ahead. You two have fun! I'll go get a drink."

Serena grabbed her arm carefully. "Hey Blair?"


"I forgot to mention that Chuck will be here. I'm sorry."

Blair froze instinctively before realising that it was just her body that had frozen. Her heart beat remained steady. Her breathing wasn't irregular.

"I'm fine," she smiled at her best-friend until Serena allowed herself to be dragged away by Nate.

"You heard her right?" she asked him

"Yeah. She'll be fine."

"I know. I'm just amazed that it happened so fast."


"She fell in love, again,"

Blair knew he was there before he said anything.

"Hello Blair,"

"Chuck," she nodded

"You look good,"

"Thanks," she turned to look at him, still amazed that she wasn't shaking.

"Have you thought about what I said?"

She raised an eyebrow at him. "That we were magnetic. That you can't avoid me." he pressed.

"Oh. I have."

He took it as an invitation and moved closer to her, only hesitating when she stopped him with one hand. "Chuck, listen to me. I'm only going to say this once. Look at Serena and Nate. They are unavoidable. They are magnetic. Not us. We never were, never will be."

"What?" he snarled, as she walked away.

He grabbed her arm and turned her to face him. "Don't you feel this thing between you and me? It's called love, Blair."

"No," she answered simply, "I've felt love. It's nothing like this, Chuck."

"What?" he asked in disbelief.

She just shook off his arm and walked away, down the elevator, our the front door, walking faster and faster until she was running down the steps to the subway, ignoring the startled looks from other passengers.

"Come on," she tapped her fingers against her knee, willing the train to go faster. She must have seen it coming, she reasoned, as she run up the subway steps and along the cobblestone street expertly. She should have seen it coming. That she was falling in love with Dan Humphrey. That he was her magnet. She had answered Chuck so honestly, without thinking. Surely she wasn't so oblivious to her own feelings.

Apparently she was, she laughed inwardly as she pounded on his (their) loft door.

"Hey Blair," he said sleepily as he opened the door, "You're home early – whoa," he exclaimed as she launched herself into his arms.

"Are you okay?"

She looked up at him happily: "I saw Chuck," she said simply.

"Okay, you're going to have to explain that to me.."

"I saw Chuck and he told me that we were magnetic and that I was in love with him."

"And?" he pressed

"I told him the truth. That love doesn't feel anything like what I had with him."

Dan started down at her confused. It was as if she had just told him something extremely important, but it just didn't register.


"I met someone who taught me what love was,"

"Oh." his heart sank and he mustered a smile. "That's fantastic Blair, I'm glad you're over Chuck"

"Do you want to know about them?"

"I'd love to hear all about them. What about I get us some ice-cream?"

He turned and walked into the kitchen, bending down to open the freezer. Blair watching him in amusement.

"He's the nicest, kindest person I've ever met," she grinned as he paused, knowing that he was listening to her intently. She sat on the kitchen bench, swinging her legs gleefully. "He's a bit weird though, not the normal type of guy I'd date. He likes Audrey Hepburn, which is convenient..and he listens to me - let's me cry on his shoulder - he has quite broad shoulder's, even though he's probably weaker then I am.."

Dan stood up, looking at he quizzically and Blair bent over to grab two spoons, avoiding his eyes. As she rummaged through the drawer, she continued. "He's not from my normal crowd either. He lives a bit out of town " she stroked her chin teasingly, " - he cares more about some stupid doll than sports. He's about 5"11, brown hair. Oh, He's a writer.. hmm, what else – mph!" she broke off as Dan crashed his lips to hers.

"Yes, what else?" he broke off panting, pressing his forehead to hers.

"Did I forget to mention I'm hopelessly in love with him?"

He kissed her hard again, "Yes, you might have forgotten to mention that."

She placed her arms on his shoulders and pulled him closer to the bench. "Well, then, Dan Humphrey, I am hopelessly in love with you,"

He leaned forward and kissed her softly, much more softly then she had ever been kissed before. "And for the record, Blair Waldorf," he paused to kissed her again " - I am hopelessly in love with you too."

They grinned at each other goofily until Dan broke the silence; "Cedric is not some stupid doll,"

"Oh shut up," Blair laughed, leaning forward and kissing him roughly.
