Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars.

'' Well this looks like a good place to land'' Anakin said while trying to land his ship in the wooded area .

'' A good place to land! Were in the middle of nowhere!'' Obi Wan said looking doubtfully down at all the woods. Truthfully Obi Wan didn't even want to come in the first place camping but, some how Anakin and Ahsoka got him to come along and he was regretting he'd ever let them talk him into it.

'' Ah, cheer up master Konobi it might be fun. We can fish, hike, swim, toast marshmallows.''

'' Ok I get the idea Ahsoka. '' Obi Wan grumbled cutting off Ahsoka before she had the chance to finish what she was saying. The ship landed roughly with a grunt.

''Were here at last '' Anakin announced happily hopping out of the ship with Ahsoka and Obi wan following.

'' What should we do first ?'' Anakin asked rubbing his hands together

'' Go hiking.''

'' How about get back in the ship and go back to courscant.'' Obi Wan grumbled.

'' Obi Wan! shame on you, Where's your sense of adventure?!'' Anakin asked shaking his finger at his former master.

'' I must of left it back on courscant.'' Obi wan sighed clearly wishing he was left back on courscant too.

'' We'll have none of that . Were going to have fun even if it kills us'' Anakin said.

'' Since Obi Wan's idea is out of the question we'll take Ahsoka's idea and go hiking'' Anakin said as he began to walk up the trail.

'' Yay! My idea won. This is going to be so much fun!'' Ahsoka said grabbing her back pack and following her master up the wooded trail.'' We'll see'' Obi Wan said silently, grabbing his back pack and following the two enthusiastic jedi

( Authers note: How did you like it so far , good,bad, ugly? Also sorry it was so short. I'll make sure to write more next time. Thanks and God bless.)